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Posted on 01-26-20 06:19 AM Link | ID: 154087
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
From: Sweden

Last post: 1398 days
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Bel: Whoever's in control doesn't really matter as long as both of us gets something out of it. I appreciate the thought, though. Bel says as Caionna lowers herself onto him. Her grinding motion restores his previously flaccid penis, due to the short break, to its fully erect state. He moans a bit from the pleasure as he listens to her explanation.

Bel: Yeah, I understand you still have to work on that. I would never use telepathic probes to dig for information unless it's absolutely necessary, though. Truth to be told, I can't even remember the last time I did that.

He pauses for a second until he realized that he's wrong.

Bel: Actually, I can. It was just before you woke up from your coma. But that was an exception as I didn't have any other choice. And I did notice something was different about your body when I...we found you. Wasn't really high priority at that time.

He occasionally grunts and moans between words as a result from Caionna's movements. Hearing about the violations makes his facial expression change, for a second, to something that resembles empathy and sadness. He quickly snaps out of it not wanting to talk about it since it's a sensitive subject for both her and him. He catches the initial discomfort on her as she gradually goes deeper.

Bel: Don't worry, you're doing just fine. Bel says to boost Caionna's confidence in herself. More grunts and moans from Bel can be heard as she pushes herself deeper onto his penis, this time more prominent due to the tightness of her insides. A less than subtle grunt is heard as she slips the rest of the way down.

Bel: I'll be fine. Bel says, notably uncomfortable from Caionna's rough landing. Most of the pain was drowned out by the elation he's feeling from being inside her, however. He grabs hold of her breasts to fondle and hold on to them for the time being as she begins moving back and forth.

Bel: way beyond what you did with your mouth before. Feel free to up the tempo when you want to. Althought, we should try to make this last.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-26-20 08:38 AM (rev. 2 of 01-26-20 09:05 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 154088
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'To be fair," She says, finding it oddly exhilarating to be talking about her prior misgivings while indulging in the cause of them, "After a blast or... Ngh... two, and me telling you to knock it... Ah!.. off, you got the picture to stop." The combination of feeling his girth press against erogenous areas and the psyching up bringing her to a quick orgasm, the contractions of her muscles tightening her around him in spasms, she begins to moan when she pauses in her speech. "Extenuating circumstances, like that... Ooh... Are acceptable."

Noticing the expression changes, she furrows her brow and squints, giving an I don't want pity expression that fades as quickly as his expression returns to contextual normal.

As he reaches for her breasts and grabs them, she grabs his hands and coaches his grasp as he kneads at them. She moans at the increased stimulation, and continues to coax his hands in ways that clues him in on how rough he can be before causing her discomfort.

Taking heed of his instruction, she slows herself slightly due to the fatigue setting in from using her leg muscles this way and not being accustomed to it. To compensate, she leans further in to pull double duty of grinding her clitoris against his public bone, and push him deeper inside with each thrust.

Beginning to breathe heavily, she pants and moans, "We both want it to last, but I also want to be pushed over the edge! As for the depth, my pussy doesn't have a gag reflex to worry about."

After a few moments of keeping steady rhythm, she begins moaning with increasing volume and intensity. Her body begins to convulse violently in orgasm. Her breathing becoming erratic, she practically screams, "FUCK ME BELGARION! AND DON'T STOP!" then collapses on top of him, barely having enough presence of mind to turn her head to avoid injuring him with the points of her horns.

She attempts to keep her motion going, but between her orgasmic fits and exhaustion setting in, she just can't keep it up. In her worn out state, she struggles to say between gasps, "I'm serious. Don't stop until you can't anymore. After I leave to do what I need to do tomorrow, I don't know when we'll--.." She falls asleep on top of him, mid-sentence.
Neris and Zarik stare at each other, having heard everything after Cai begins to get loud. Zarik's look is of conflict between revile of imagining his sister naked and awe that she finally got laid. Neris' expression is that of confusion that at Zarik's face and whether or not she can show excitement.

"There is no way we are the only ones that could hear that..." Zarik says after things go quiet.

"Is that a problem?" Neris asks, still awestruck, "I don't see how that's a problem. She's getting what I want!"

"Hey! No!" Zarik says, sternly pointing a finger at her, "And it's a problem if people make comments. She's probably gonna be super embarrassed."

"Oh..." Neris responds, then says, "I know, I know. I'm just saying, though... Or is that against your stipulation, too?"

Zarik turns to look out the window to notice the sun going down, and shrugs, "I guess I can't penalize honesty. But you're not just gonna waltz out of that skirt easily."

Stifling a giggle because of her childish mentality, she chirps, "Yes sir."

Posted on 01-26-20 09:13 PM Link | ID: 154109
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel adjusts the roughness at which his hands grabs and kneads Caionna's breasts to match her instructions. The accumulating pleasure from her going deeper makes Bel grunt and moan aswell, at increasing intensity. As Caionna shouts at him to fuck her, he raises an eybrow, not at what she wants him to do, but at the volume of her voice.

(Well, there goes subtlety. Might aswell have announced it to the entire town. I'll never hear the end of this.)

Following her request immediately after she said not to to stop until he can't anymore, he proceeds to thrust his hips upwards repatedly.

Bel: As you wish. Bel says, happy to oblige. But no sooner can he start thrusting before Caionna suddenly collapses on top of him.

His mind just draws a blank as he hears her soft breathing and he opens his mouth, being completely baffled at what just happened. He rests his head against his right fist as he tries to think of what to do about the situation.

(What...the hell just happened? I can't...she falls asleep just seconds after telling me to fuck her like no tomorrow. I can't do it when she's sleeping. It wouldn't be right. Nope. This won't do at all.)

He starts repeatedly snapping his fingers next to her in an attempt to wake her up.

Bel: Hey. Cai. Wake up. Don't you dare quit on me now. Not after you just told me to fuck you.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-27-20 02:29 AM Link | ID: 154115
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Cai stirs at Bel's snapping, "Huh? Why'd you stop? I thought I told you to finish. It's not fair I get a big finish while you don't."

She tries to sit herself up into position, but she starts falling forward again, her muscles having gone to jelly from exertion and climax. "That won't do..." she says with a feeble laugh. She laboriously dismounts him and slides off him to the side.

"Don't let a little exhaustion deter you." She says as she playfully tugs the pillow from under his head and props her hindquarters up by lifting herself up onto her knees, but leaves her front end down on the bed, supported by the pillow she just stole. "Just sling my tail over your shoulder, grab my hips, and go to town on me. Just don't try anything funny."

She giggles and nudges him over to signal that she'll scoot over when he takes position. "I won't take 'no' for an answer. We've come this far, and you've got to be getting close again. So finish up in me so you don't have to tug the rest of it out." She tries to wiggle her ass for him, but it looks more like an awkward wobble. "I want you to be satisfied from this, so don't hold back! When you're done, I want to cuddle, but if you'd rather trance, I'll understand."

Posted on 01-27-20 03:38 AM Link | ID: 154117
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: You fell asleep mid-sentence for who knows what reason. I can only assume it's because of exhaustion. I will finish but I'd prefer to have you conscious for that. This will be the big one so try not to fall asleep, would you?

Bel gets up on his knees, his penis still at attention.

Bel: As for cuddling, I had actually planned for us to do that. Though meditation is my general method of resting it doesn't mean I can't sleep like normal.

When Caionna has positioned herself in front of him, Bel prepares to insert his penis again. He positions her tail the way she instructed him to and thrusts his penis into her pussy, slowly at first and then pushes it in all the way at the start. Then he grabs her left buttcheek with his left hand using a repeated motion as he starts moving back and fort.

Bel: Get...hnf....ready. I'm gonna start going faster and harder now. No holding back.

He increases the pace a tiny bit with each thrust, the moans and grunts from him get more promiment with each passing moment. After a number of thrusts he starts going as hard as he can, holding one hand on Caionna's cheek and the other around her hip. Beginning to feel he's getting close to cumming aswell as fatigue, he still keps going and going until, at last, he unleashes everything he has into Caionna with several large loads. Still having energy for a few more thrusts, he gives it his all until he nearly drops on top of her, having to clench his teeth for the last few ones due to both fatigue and the ejaculations, moaning and grunting rather loudly but still trying to keep a lid on it due to not wanting it to leak into the other rooms. Shooting the very last cumload, he begins to gasp for air to recover. He remains inside her for the time being.

Bel: Hnnngh...hhaaah...ggghkg...haahh...haaah. Hooly crap. I hope....huff....this was good enough for you too. Bel says, mildly dizzy from going all out.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-27-20 04:25 AM Link | ID: 154118
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Cai's eyes roll back as she moans and grunts in a mixture of pleasure and impact from him railing her from behind. She shouts between moans, "Is.. Ngh... That.. Ah...! All... Urf... You've... AAAAAAH! ♥" She intended it to be a taunt to make him make her shut up, and it worked. Her pussy clenches itself around him as he begins his climax, the roughness of the sex having caused her to reach yet another orgasm.

She straightens her legs to allow her to drop to the bed below. Her body continuing to twitch as she lets out an elated moan as the semen begins dripping from her, unfazed by the pain from having her absolute depth to her cervix pounded. Catching her breath, as well, she says, "I wanted to try it rough, and I think I like it like that. Looks like you have some bad boy in you after all."

Giggling as she attempts to flip onto her back, she pulls him down to lay on top of her, she continues, "Even though we're done, I'm still having some great sensations. Feeling your juices, mixed with mine, escaping me feels indescribable." Kissing him on the lips, she concludes, "Was it good for you?"

Posted on 01-27-20 10:42 PM Link | ID: 154135
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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As Caionna drops to the bed, Bel's penis continues to occasionally release small drops of cum. He uses his right hand to support himself for the moment while she mentions how she wanted to try it rough and him having something of a bad boy in him.

Bel: Yeah. Seems like it. He says, now sounding a bit less fatigued. As Caionna pulls him down on top of her, he positions his left hand on her side, just below her breast.

Bel: Yeah, it was...amazing. I'm glad I could give you some that too. He says, rubbing his cheek against hers. Then he looks passionately at her while running his fingers through her hair and kisses her.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-27-20 11:16 PM Link | ID: 154142
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Cai merely lays still underneath Bel. Unable to move from the combination of being worn out, her body still twitching in elation, and general exhaustion. Returning the impassioned gaze and leans her head into his hand. 'That feels good."

Giving him a quick smooch, she feebly coaches him to lay on his side as she tries to situate herself into a little spoon position. Giving up after a few minutes due to being unable to get comfortable due to her new appendages getting in the way. She flips over and tries to bury her face in his chest, but her horns get in the way and just jab him. Placing a hand on his hip and the other on his chest, she mutters, "Why does my body have to make this hard?" with a look of disappointment on her face. "Is it unfair that I'm jealous of Neris and Zarik on this?"

Posted on 01-28-20 12:18 AM (rev. 2 of 01-28-20 12:22 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 154143
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel does his best to accommodate her spoon position aswell but stops when she does. He'd have kept trying, though. After she's tried to bury her face in his chest, he can sense her disappointment aswell as see and hear it. He puts his right hand on her cheek.

Bel: It's not unfair at all. But keep in mind that Zarik has bigger wings and talons to deal with. And they won't be doing what we did just yet. Why don't you try and rest your head on my chest, but on the side instead? I won't mind of the horns come in contact.

Motioning Caionna to lie down again, he wraps his arm around her as she positions herself properly.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-28-20 12:28 AM Link | ID: 154144
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"I guess you're right..." Cai says, "But I can at least still be jealous that Zarik can still completely hide his dragon side." A cute poutiness to the tone in her voice as she rests her face against his chest.

Before much time passes, she falls asleep in his arms. Nuzzling softly, she mutters, "I love you, Bel."

Posted on 01-28-20 04:00 AM Link | ID: 154157
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I love you too. Bel says softly as to not wake her. Even if she didn't hear him she'd most likely have gathered that much a good while ago. He lies still, his arm around Caionna and looks up at the ceiling.

(What I said about being able to sleep normally was true but I'd have done this for her even if I couldn't. And if there is a way for her to hide her dragon side, I'll help her find it. Not that that side of her is anything negative to me but she should be able to hide it if she wants to.)

After a few minutes soft snoring can be heard from Bel. The nightly activities coupled with the physical exhaustion made him fall asleep rather quickly.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-28-20 06:15 AM (rev. 3 of 01-28-20 09:01 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 154158
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By the time Caionna stirs the following day, it is well into the afternoon. As unusual as it is for her, the activity the night before took a lot out of her, so her natural tendency to wake with the dawn took a proverbial backseat.

She finds herself wrapped in Bel's embrace. She can feel the stickiness from their dried fluids in her delicate areas, as well a tender soreness from her abdomen to her knees and everything in between. The realization hits her with a wave of awe, she whispers to herself, "So it wasn't a dream!"

She wriggles her way free of Bel's grasp as subtly as she can manage as to not awaken him. Looking over him, she takes note to herself just how good he looks and smiles warmly knowing that she is his. Then her gaze falls to his scepter and her eyes bulge ever so slightly, she whispers to herself again, "It's enormous! And it was inside me?" Placing a hand on her now-calmed groin and presses slightly, it responds with a dull pain. Guttural urge would have her pounce on his morning wood for a second session, but her rationality, and aching body, prevent her from doing so.

Instead, she assesses the state of the room, seeing their clothes tossed around in disarray. Scratching her head, she wonders how it all happened. "I was sober yesterday, right? I had to be. I know I went into it wanting it, and Bel's far too polite to take advantage of me... I hope..."

She takes some time to straighten up a little bit, putting his clothes into a disorderly pile and putting hers into her bag. Taking time to clean herself off and deodorize, she gets dressed gingerly due to her aching core making bending a chore. Putting on her cloth panties and binding her chest like it had been the day before, she dresses her outer layer in what amounts to comfort clothes: a baggy purple shirt and loose-fitting blue pants. She knows she looks absolutely ridiculous with the wings and tail jutting from such a lazy outfit, but she doesn't care. Putting on socks and fastening her shoes onto her feet, she grabs her belongings and quietly makes an exit.

Making her way down the stairs as gracefully as she can fake a normal gait, she sees that the main hall is empty aside from Neris and the guys sitting at their usual table, playing cards and having a few drinks.

The silence in the room is palpable as Zarik suddenly shouts, "Read 'em and weep, bitches! Four aces!" to a groan from Zissou, Aren, and Roff as he scoops in the pile of coins from the center of the table. Neris has a look of gleeful obliviousness plastered on her face.

Zissou passes the button to Zarik, whom starts to shuffle the deck for the next hand. Spotting Cai, he shouts, "Hey! Look who finally decided to join us!" Looking her up and down he asks, "Lazy day? Want in?"

"You could say th--" Cai begins to answer, but is cut off.

"After last night, could you blame her?" Aren blurts out, then is immediately slapped upside the head by Zissou. "Ow! Hey!"

"You were told to not mention it, you idiot!" Zissou snarls at his son.

"What!? It's not like I told her we could hear them!" Aren reflexively shouts, then immediately realizes his mistake and tries to save face by saying, "Or anything like that..."

Cai's face turns a bright red as she drops the facade and hobbles her way to the table to sit between her brother and Roff. Resting her face in her hands, she mumbles, "Deal around me. I don't want to have to throw cards when Aren refuses to shut up."

"Judging from how she's walking," Aren snarks, "I'm guessing it must've been pretty good!"

"Someone shut him up before I do." Cai growls, her good mood nullified by embarrassment, "This 'in for a copper, in for a gold' attitude is not doing him any favors."

"Haw ba thes, lassie," Roff replies, "A' leas' she dinnae hev tae pay fer hers, ya dolt!" He then gives her an apologetic look.

Aren's expression turns from sardonic amusement to stoicism as he flatly says, "Just deal it already, Z."

"As you wish!" Zarik grumbles, dealing a new hand face down to everyone but Aren, whom he deftly flicks the top card of the deck to plink him between the eyes with startling precision. Slapping the deck down, he says, "Ante up, boys." Putting a hand on his sister's shoulder, he says, "For what it's worth: congrats, I guess."

As Aren sheepishly picks his hand up from the floor, Cai half heartedly responds, "Yeah, thanks."

Aren looks at his hand. Tossing it into the middle of the table he says, "May as well just fold. You guys could see karma dealt me shit."

The others shrug, then attempt to carry on with the hand quietly.

Neris tunes halfway through, but waits until the end to tactlessly put in her two cents, "From what Zarik and I could hear from below you, it sounded like you were having a blast!"

Zarik just tosses his cards to the center of the table and puts his head down, Cai's face turns an even brighter shade of red, and Zissou gets up from the table.

"What?" Neris exclaims, "Aren already spilled the beans!"

"That doesn't mean stomp in the mess!" Zarik groans.

"Oops..." Neris says, staring at the table, "Sorry."

"Well, tha was fun while et lastid." Roff says, getting up, "Aye'm sure Bel'll be close behind ye, so lemme go'n get ye somthen t'eat. Since ye were like tae win anywae, Zarik, add me pot tae yers."

Zarik shakes his head and scoots the money to Cai.

Cai merely stares at the pile of cards and copper coins shoved in front of her, too mortified to reply.

Posted on 01-28-20 10:56 PM Link | ID: 154179
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Up in his room Bel starts stirring. He halfly opens his eyes, not yet noticing Caionna's already awake and absent from the room. He yawns, temporarily closing his eyes as a result and stretching his arms which results in some mild muscle pain due to the nightly activities.

Bel: Good morning, Cai...onna? He looks around, not seeing Caionna anywhere aswell as still being a bit groggy. (Didn't expect her to be up before me.) He thinks to himself as he sits up in the bed, composing himself. As he swings the legs over the edge, he notices the state of the sheets.

(Heh. Looks like Roff has some washing to do.)

He stands up, noticing more stiff muscles and some pain to go along with it. He stretches and cleans himself off with a cantrips spell and rummages around in his robe for some deodorant. Finding what he's looking for, he splashes a few drops on his neck, armpits and whatnot and proceeds to get dressed. Making sure he has everything, he exits the room.

(Huh? Didn't I lock the door? Oh, well.) He thinks to himself as he stops for a moment and then makes for downstairs. Walking down the stairs, he looks around and sees the others at the table playing cards aswell as Caionna sitting on a chair looking quite abased.

Bel: Wow, Aren. Already? Tell me something. Are you unaware what common sense is or were you just born without it? And if you're going to answer, think very carefully of what to say because it will either result in a painful outcome for you, or not.

Not waiting for an answer he walks over to the others and Caionna.

Bel: Morning, by the way. He addresses everyone in the room.

Bel: How're you feeling, Cai? He says as he puts his hand on her shoulder.

Bel: Just try to ignore the comments. Do you want to go sit somewhere else?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-29-20 04:13 AM Link | ID: 154183
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"Huh?" Cai says, zoning back in when Bel puts a hand on her shoulder, "No, it's fine... I'll stay here."

Neris frowns as she looks over to Bel and Cai, "I'm sorry..."

"Me too..." Aren says, avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay, Neris." Cai says softly, trying to come back out of her shell, then getting angry as she looks at Aren, "Considering how you've been just about the whole time I've been around you since this whole mess happened, that comes off as disingenuous. You haven't changed a bit from when we were kids at the guild. I didn't care much for you then, and I certainly can hardly stomach you now. Do yourself a favor and vacate for a bit, because you won't like me if you don't get out of my face quietly, five minutes ago!"

"Duly noted." Aren says, taken aback at Cai's sudden outburst. Looking to Zarik, he adds, "If you need me, I'll keep my pearl on this time." Then scurries off to his room to get his things.

"Keep an ear out. You're gonna have a laundry list of shit jobs to do." Zarik shouts up after him. Turning his attention to Cai, he asks, "Why the lenience for Neris but not Aren?"

"Because Neris is a child that doesn't know any better." Cai responds, "Aren has always been an inappropriate asshat. I put up with him as much as I was willing to, but the final straw was him announcing to the world, against obvious instructions from you guys, and the proverbial camel is now derelict."

Neris puts on a chagrined scowl and says, "Child?"

"Yes. By age comparison, and by your maturity." Cai retorts.

Neris crosses her arms and pouts, but neither sibling pays her the attention she's panning for.

Roff pops out from the back with two large plates. Placing one down in front of Cai and the other where he believes Bel will be sitting, the serving is a generous cut of steak cooked to a delicate rare, the juices having been allowed to soak back into the meat to make it moist. "Ye must be famish'd." He says with a laugh, "Eat yer fill, plenty 'o more where tha' came from!"

Cai thanks Roff as he walks off, and she prepares to eat.

"So, what's the plan?" Zarik asks.

"I plan to fulfill the Reach's promise to me of making my own world." Cai says as she cuts the meat into manageable pieces, "I'm going to put the aether Aesalth stole from me to do it."

"Makes sense." Zarik replies. Realizing that Cai probably wants left alone, he knocks lightly on the table and says as he stands, "I'm sure you've already had enough excitement from us. I'll leave you two alone now." Tapping Neris on the shoulder, he motions her to the door.

Neris begrudgingly nods and follows Zarik to the door.

Posted on 01-29-20 05:33 AM Link | ID: 154184
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel sits down next to Caionna and watches the events unfold. He snickers a bit when she gives Aren a piece of her mind. He doesn't pay Neris much mind at the moment since she doesn't know any better and because he's hungry more than anything else right now. He takes a deep whiff of the juicly-looking steak on his plate.

Bel: Tell me about it. Haven't been this hungry in a while. Thanks, by the way. Bel says to Roff as he disappears into the kitchen. He begins doing what Cai does and cuts the meat into smaller pieces. He waits until everyone has left the table before saying anything.

Bel: No surprise Aren couldn't keep his mouth shut. But enough about that, I guess. How are you feeling, anyway? I assume this is something you have to do alone, right?

He takes a bite-sized piece of the steak and chews it down, then swallows it.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-29-20 06:34 PM Link | ID: 154210
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Cai begins to eat as Bel sits next to her and talks to her.

"I don't understand why Zarik picked him as a business partner." She fumes, "Maybe because he's less belligerent when a woman isn't around, or maybe I'm just too sensitive to it." Stabbing her fork into the plate in frustration as she speaks.

Taking a deep breath, she calms a bit to answer his questions, "Physically, I'm sore all over, but it's not an unpleasant soreness, if that makes sense. Mentally, I'm all kinds of anxious about my upcoming duty. I feel like I need to do it alone for the safety of it. I don't want someone getting hurt because they want to be around me while I meditate... If that's even what I have to do."

She then falls silent to continue eating.

Posted on 01-30-20 05:10 AM Link | ID: 154225
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Roy Koopa
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Bel continues eating aswell while listening to Caionna. He tries to think about any way he could help her with her task but draws a complete blank.

Bel: Of course it makes sense. I should know. As for you being anxious, that's also understandable. I believe you'll do fine, though. Just try not to stress it.

Taking a few more bites of the steak and gulping them down with some coffee, he continues.

Bel: I've been trying to think of a way I could help but I can't come up with anything. Creating worlds are kind of above my capabilities. I wish it wasn't but that's the case. You don't know how long you'll be gone then?

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Posted on 01-30-20 05:20 AM Link | ID: 154226
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"Up until now, I wasn't even aware it was a thing mortals could do." Cai says, putting her fork down. "But if Aesalth could make the pocket she tossed me into, then foolishly invited everyone into, who's to say what I can accomplish with the power I stole back from her?"

Picking up the cup of coffee she hadn't even noticed Roff left for her, she takes a sip. "Best case scenario: I'm gone for a few months. Worst case: I'm diving headfirst into my doom." Her statement starts calmly, then ends with a sardonic tone with wild motions of her free hand.

"But it just feels like something I have to do. If only just to spite them." she says with determination, as she reclaims her utensils to finish eating.

Posted on 01-30-20 05:38 AM Link | ID: 154227
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I understand if you need to do it only to stick it to them. And I wouldn't stop you either but please don't speak as if there's a possibility that you won't come back. I don't want to lose you. Not when we've finally become so close. I love you, Cai. More than I thought it was possible.

Bel picks up eating again, getting close to finishing aswell. Ha takes a few sips from the coffee while thinking of what Caionna just said.

(Great. Now I got worried about something that shouldn't be a danger to you. Doesn't make sense that it would be. Unless subconciously affecting it can create dangerous situations.)

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-30-20 06:54 AM Link | ID: 154228
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Cai finishes her meal and senses Bel's misgivings, "Come on, Bel. I was being hyperbolic with that worst case scenario. Worst to the worst, I'll bail out and accept that I shouldn't be playing goddess. I know it's reckless, but it's a risk I need to take."

Dabbing her mouth clean with her napkin, she adds, "Maybe it's my competitive nature, but if I want to prove I'm the best wizard this world has seen, I need to strike out and make my own!" She giggles a bit to herself then adds, "That sounded conceited. I'm sorry. I love you too.Had I not come to realize that, last night wouldn't have unfolded like it did... For all the more I can remember of it." She blushes as she finishes her thought.

Getting up from the table, she waves to Roff and says, "Thank you for the steak, Roff. It was fantastic! Actually, scratch that. Everything was gracious. Thank you for your hospitality!" Walking to the bar, she continues, "How much do I owe for my share of the fare?"

"Dinnae worry 'bout a thing, lass." Roff replies, "I'll set'l affairs wit' yer brother la'er. Jus' go 'n do wha' ye need tae. Take it up wit' 'im la'er if ye really wan' tae." With a joking tone, he adds, "If'n ye abs'lutely feel obligated tae payin' me, jus' put me in th' footnotes of yer scriptures. Haw haw!"

Cai shrugs and turns to Bel, waiting for him to finish before heading outside.
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