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Posted on 11-11-19 06:12 AM Link | ID: 152469
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"Mornin' lads," Roff says with a serious tone, "Today be the day o' reckonin' for ye. Gey something on yer bellies to give ye strength ta do what needs be done." Then he motions to a fresh serving of biscuits and gravy, sausage, and eggs.

Zarik appears to have already started scarfing his food down eagerly. Cocking his head back to look at Bel, he says, "You, uh, mind elaborating there? Needed time to what, exactly? Given last night's departure, my brain is not giving that a good context."

"I don't think I have much of an appetite." Aren says, can't shake a bad feeling in the pit of my gut since last night. I tried divining the stars and arcana, but nothing in the readings made sense."

Zissou begins eating his food and says, "Regardless, you need to eat. We cannot abide you fainting from lack of sustenance. Try to explain what you saw."

"I can't explain it." Aren begins, trying to bring himself to eat, "I kept seeing catastrophe upon the expanded Royal Road of the future timeline. It just doesn't make any sense. It didn't make sense in general contexts, and how it came up numerous times. Small details in the readings would happen, but the general overview always ended with the a reading that wanted to scream 'widespread destruction' I can't help but be concerned that this could be a bad thing for us."

"I Can't even pretend ta understand yer jibberings, mate." Roff says with a scratch of his beard.

"Fortune telling." Aren clarifies, "No matter who I tried to do a reading for, the outcome never changed. Does that mean bad things, or what? I don't get it."

"Are you certain you were actually performing readings for different people?" Zissou questions, "Surely something was pulling your heartstrings and distracting you from what what really going through your mind."

"Like?" Aren says, confused.

"You seemed torn up over the sudden realization about Cai." Zarik chimes in over an empty plate, "I don't claim to understand that shit, but maybe your deck was divining Cai over and over because of subconscious fear for her. Fucked if I know, though."

Posted on 11-11-19 04:43 PM Link | ID: 152480
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Roy Koopa
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Bel starts making a larger-than-average portion of the food that's being offered while explaining what he meant.

Bel: I meant I needed some time to process what I heard last evening. Most of all, I'd like to forget it. But instead I'm gonna use it as fuel for my power.

He begins eating as he listens in on Aren's troublesome explanation of his divination.

Bel: Speaking of fortune-telling, widespread destruction is going to happen either way. What do you think will happen once we pull out the big guns? Also, this destruction doesn't mean we'll be on the receiving end. I plan to level the place where Cai is being held once we've gotten her out of there.

And I've learned fortune-telling readings aren't always what they seem.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 11-11-19 10:24 PM Link | ID: 152490
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"Bel has a point." Zarik says, "Either we win and give Roff a light show of a lifetime, or we lose and he gets caught up in the light show to end all light shows on this plane. The big hoorah that will cease its existence as we know it."

"What da ye mean, lad?" Roff questions.

"Either we light up the sky by turning our targets into a grease stain on the rocks, or Aesalth is gonna go full dark god and nuke this entire plane of existence into the antithesis thereof." Zarik says with a mouthful.

"Och... Gruesome." Roff replies solemnly. "Ye best rough 'em up good, then!"

"Between the four of us, there's enough latent rage to turn the entire dragon roost into a pile of rubble." Zarik says, helping himself to more food. "And I couldn't bring myself to feel a shred of remorse if it comes to that."

Aren and Zissou sit in silence and eat while listening to Zarik's boast. Neither has anything to add or argue against.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 11-12-19 12:42 AM Link | ID: 152494
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After sucking down his fifth egg of the morning, Bakk emerges from the shadows to cut the palpable silence.

"Finally, the talking's done. Thank you for the meal and the hospitality, Roff. Perhaps we can pay you back in kind down the road? Dragon meat is quite tasty with the right spices!"

Bakk awaits some sort of reply, but is only met with a seas of blank faces.

"...What? You've never had dragon jerky?"

Posted on 11-12-19 06:25 PM (rev. 2 of 11-13-19 01:16 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 152520
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Err...wouldn't that be nigh-cannibalism for these guys? I think I'm gonna have to get on the nope-train on that one.

Oh, yes. Bel says and takes out a few vials with a purple liquid in them to show the party.

These refills magical energy completely. I had them whipped up in my room last evening. Given how repeatedly using high-tier magic drains it quickly, we'll probably need them.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 11-13-19 01:12 AM (rev. 2 of 11-13-19 02:01 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 152546
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"It's definitely cannibalism to me and Cai." Zarik says, "Plus, we're primarily up against black dragons. Carrion scavengers. That meat and, by extension, the fluids, are likely unpalatable or outright toxic."

"Dude, really!?" Aren exclaims, "We're trying to eat here!"

"If talking about what we're gonna be up against in near the next hour is enough to turn your stomach, you've gone soft." Zarik belts back, "We've dealt with worse! Like, I dunno, a literal shit monster."

"Alright, fine." Aren relents, "But not everyone here has the balls of steel you have."

"Hush, the topic was not being discussed loudly until you raised a stink about it!" Zissou growls, "Now finish eating and prepared yourself."

"Anyway!" Zarik shouts and hits the counter, "Bel. Any secondary effects to those, like revitalizing the user from a drain-induced coma? I can't help but get the feeling we'll need something like that when we save Cai."

Posted on 11-13-19 03:29 AM Link | ID: 152549
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Hmm. Sorry, no. Wasn't thinking of that at the moment. I might have something that might work, though. It'd just need to be mixed with water.

Bel searches through his pouches that hangs around the belt, opening each one to get a sense of which sort of powder it is. On the 4th one, he finds what he's looking for.

Bel: Ah, there it is.. He picks a small, empty vial out from his robe and fills it with some water from the tap in the building. Then opens the pouch and slowly pours the powder in while midly shaking the vial in a circular motion. This goes on for about a minute. It then starts to glow faintly bright green. He then seals it with a cork and ties a thin bit of rope vertically around it for extra security.

Bel: There. That should wake Cai up and restore about half of her energy. This is just an estimation, though.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 11-13-19 04:18 AM (rev. 2 of 11-13-19 06:48 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 152550
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"If things go as anticipated, that should work out just fine." Zarik says. then directs his attention to Roff, "Sorry we can't stick around to help clean up, but it's high time we get our asses mov--" Suddenly the sky seems to light up with a fiery explosion.

"That looked it came from the Cavern!" Roff exclaims, "Something's going down lads, get your arses in gear!" Taking a moment to draw forth a scroll, he begins to read the incantation quietly to himself in a language unknown to the party.

After a moment, a blue and white spiral insignia appears on the floor in the center of the room, and Roff shouts over the noise of the concurrent wind, "Aye lads! There she be! That'll get ye where yer goin', but it ain't a way back! Yer on yer own on that front! Get goin'!"

Zarik, Zissou, and Aren gather their things in a hurry and rush to the portal, disappearing in a flash.
On the other side of the portal, the trio appear in a dark, musty cave covered in black moss. The whole place reeks of a smell not unlike fetid and rotting mushrooms, among other noxious odors. A distinct scent of burning also lingers on the air. Not unexpected, given the flash seen from the base of the mountain.

The area appears to be a cell block of a prison. There are four cell doors along the far wall, and four on the wall immediately to their backs. Dimly lit braziers give the room an eerie glow and illuminate the one of the cells on the far wall is open. The light also reveals the silhouette of a woman splayed out on the ground. She appears to be writhing in agony, so it's clear she's alive, at the very least.

Zissou stands still and looks around in awed horror, "Nald's teeth and Thal's balls! What in the world happened here?"

Wasting no time, Zarik rushes over to the woman. He gasps in surprise to discover that she is Caionna, but far worse for the wear than even he could have anticipated.

She lays on the sodden, mossy floor; stripped naked with her hair sloppily shorn off. Just as Zissou had described, her body appeared to be completely smooth, aside from fresh wounds, not even an outline of her genitals or nipples on her. She appeared to have been bleeding profusely at some point, the rune tattoos on her groin and between her breasts glow brightly compared to the others, the skin they occupy being clearly clawed at to vainly disable them, but they shown through, unaffected by the bloodstained patches they reside in. The rest of her body is covered in scratches and cuts from being manhandled by her aggressors. Anywhere not stained red from blood is stained white from the copious amounts of semen she was subjected to. Her mouth and hands appear to be bound with a tape.

"Alright, we need some medical attention immediately!" Zarik yells at Aren, "Get over here and do something about these wounds! For fuck's sake, they look infected!"

"Loud and clear, boss!" Aren rushes over and places his hands immediately onto the two largest wounds, "Forgive my hand placements, Cai. I can't help heal wounds this bad without making contact." Closing his eyes, he begins to focus. "Sands of time rewind the clock on the wounds at my fingertips! Benefic!" his hands glow and the healing process begins slowly.

"Zissou!" Zarik calls out, "You have her bag of holding, check if she has a blanket or something in there to cover her! I can't stand to see her like this, and she's going to need to be warmed, she's cold and clammy to the touch!"

The distress in Zarik's order snaps Zissou out of his stupor, "Allow me to look, I haven't the slightest clue what she keeps in this thing!"

Clearly wincing in pain from her wounds being undone, she points her tightly bound hand at the cell next to the open one and meekly mumbles unintelligibly into her mouth binding, then loses consciousness.

Posted on 11-13-19 06:57 PM Link | ID: 152560
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel puts his vials back and completely ignores the emptry pouch he just opened and rushes to through the portal with his staff already out. The smell that meets him on the other side is enough to make him recoil for a moment, something that rarely happens.

Bel: That is one unbelievably horrible smell. The worst I've ever felt. What in the he-!?" At this moment he disovers the woman on the floor and instinctively senses that it's Caionna. A chill runs down his spine.

Bel: No. NO! He rushes over to Caionna and sees whatever happened to her in all its degenerate darkness. All the scratches, wounds and other things that are almost too horrible to mention. He covers his mouth with his right hand for a moment and his eyes look bigger than they ever were before.

Bel: What have they DONE to you!? He exclaims as his clenched fists shakes profusely as he tries to keeps his boiling anger in check. He notices Zissou rummaging around in what looks like Caionna's bag and gets an idea of what he's looking for. He takes off the exterior part of the robe, cloak and all and wraps it around the wounded Caionna. Bel's feelings continually changes back and forth from despair to limitless hatred for the perpetrators.

Bel: it safe to move her? Bel asks hesitantly.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 11-13-19 11:31 PM Link | ID: 152573
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Aren interferes with Bel's swaddling Cai. "Not yet. Her wounds are still rewinding!" The smaller cuts on her body are slowly beginning to fade to normal, while the larger gashes don't seem to be changing much. The expression on the unconscious Caionna is a twisted amalgam of relief and anguish.

"Besides," Zarik adds, "We need to free her from her bindings. I can't work if I can't see what I'm doing!" Zarik reaches into a packet and brandishes a switchblade knife. He then says in a nearly uncharacteristically gentle voice, "Alright sis, gonna need you to keep still. I'm gonna cut the shit off your hands and this knife is extraordinarily sharp."

Oddly enough, as if she heard him, Cai seems to steady her twitch responses to her wounds being repaired.

Carefully placing her bound right hand against the ground, Zarik proceeds to slide the end of the binding beyond the length of her fingers, then slides the blade in an area he hopes is not occupied by her digits. Having narrowly succeeded in his attempt, he says, "With as tight as this tape is, they must've been desperate to cut off her ability to move her hands. For having no understanding of magic, these freaks know what a somatic spell component is..." Trying to pull at the tape, it slowly begins to give way to his strength. Returning to his gentle tone, he says, "Alright, kid. This is gonna hurt pretty bad. Bear with me, it needs to be done."

Cai seems to nod, tears beginning to fall and streak through the filth on her face.

As Zarik pulls the tape away, all of the joints in Caionna's hand audibly pop in a sickening chorus. Taking several moments to carefully free the appendage, he finally gets it free and stares in horror that its coloration from lack of proper blood flow. "Rhalgr's wrath!" he exclaims, "I hope this can be fixed. I need to hurry and get the other hand freed."

By this point, Cai appears to have come to slightly. She tries to speak, but nothing but incoherent mumbling can be heard through the mask that extends from beneath her nose to well around her chin. She forms a pointing gesture with her newly freed and points with as much insistence as she is capable.

Zarik ignores the pointing and says, "First thing's first. We need to tend to you." and repeats the process with her left hand, having crossed to Aren's opposite side. "Same as the other hand, be brave for me." He coos to her. As he works the bindings off with the same sickening noises as before, he says in his normal tone, "If her hands are like this, we're gonna need to be careful with her face. Who knows that else they did that the mask of tape is hiding."

By this time, Aren's spell ceases and he rocks backward, exhausted. "That's about as much as I can do. She's not out of the woods yet, but she's through the worst of it. Go ahead and wrap her up when Zarik's done." He says with an exasperated sigh, "Where n the hell did they get that shit from, anyway?

Posted on 11-14-19 01:09 AM Link | ID: 152579
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel looks on as they do their best to help Caionna with the bindings and various wounds. He almost can't bear to watch but forces himself to continue looking as he'll be able to use these gruesome images as motivation and this increase his power. He's already shaking with anger.

Bel: I'm going to kill every last one of them for this. And then...I'm going to finish off the black dragon who spawned these freaks of nature. They cannot be allowed to exist.

The wizard takes note of Aren's spell wearing off and walks over to the same side of Caionna he's currently standing on.

Bel: On it. But I can do some healing aswell. It'll help, but I'm not a 100% healer like you. Bel kneels next to Caionna, puts both of his hands on her and exclaims "Greater Restoration!"

(Hopefully this'll work. If not, I have other means.) Bel thinks to himself as he keeps focusing on the spell.

Bel: Is it possible that mask has been booby-trapped?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 11-14-19 02:03 AM Link | ID: 152580
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The restoration spell brings Caionna out of a complete stupor, but she is still visibly out of her element. Gesturing slightly more energetically toward the wall.

Zarik puts a finger up to her mouth, which causes her to react with a pained expression. He takes note, then says, "First thing's first. We need to get you unbound before we do anything else. That reaction tells me that I'm right to think something's up here." Looking at Bel, he says, "Sit her up and lean her forward, what I need to do next can't be easily done against the floor."

Helping Bel to sit her up, then brace her, he gets to work after covering her front with Bel's robe.

He runs his gingerly along her jawline and around along the exterior of her upper teeth on either side of where the opening of mouth would be. Noticing nothing wrong there, he begins to touch her lip region with more care than the side of her face and feels faint ridges underneath the mask. "I think you may have been onto something there, Bel... Looks like they attempted to sew her mouth shut at first, but it must've not stopped her from sparking shit up, so they slapped her with enough tape to nearly suffocate her."

He brings the knife back out then says, "Alright, Cai... Gonna need you to stay extra calm for me. Gonna be teaching you how to shave some hypothetical facial hair, and I'm working near some sensitive areas with a sharp blade. Any sudden movements could be pretty bad."

There's a clear glaze of fear over her eyes, as she nods nervously. Despite knowing her brother is trustworthy, she still can't shake the trauma.

Zarik quietly shushes her and says, "C'mon, Cai, you know you can trust me." As he begins to gently scrape the take away from her face at her left ear. After several moments of picking at it, the tape begins to come loose. The spot he had been scraping turning raw and beginning to bleed slightly. Noticing that, he says quietly, "I'm sorry that had to happen, but we can patch you up after you're free to start screaming at me about it. But not a moment before, you hear me?"

Cai's disposition changes and she lets out a half-hearted giggle, then turns her face to expose her right cheek.

"Thanks." Zarik says as he begins picking at Cai's other cheek. After an equally anguishing time on her right side, he puts the knife away and starts to gently tug the mask of tape off of her face from the edges, slowly to her lips. A considerable amount of time later, he finally gets the mask peeled away, except from where it is staunchly adhered to the sloppy sutures in her face. "Zis, stop rummaging and give me a hand. Use your lights to illuminate where I'm working!"

"Right, ho!" Zissou exclaims, hopping up from a small heap of assorted items he had extracted from the bag. He prepares to hold a dim light at Zarik finds and prepares his smallest pair of wire cutters.

Lifting the mask from the lower side, Zarik reassures, "This is gonna hurt a bit and make some snapping sounds as I work. Don't jump or I might hurt one of us on accident. Gonna wait for you to nod before snipping at your face."

Caionna rocks her head forward and back once to signal her affirmation, and lets him work.

About a dozen snips later, he says, "Alright. Now to do the finishing touches." Giving a dismissive hand wave, he says, "Thanks old man. Please resume digging through the things 'm sure Cai doesn't want any of us seeing."

Zissou nods and says with a chuckle, "Right away."

"HEY!" Caionna calls out as loudly as she can, ripping the severed ties out of the dried blood holding them into her lip, followed by a meek, "Ow..."

"Did I tell you it was safe to speak yet?" Zarik says, lowering the top of the mask to see the stitching.

"No..." Cai sheepishly replies.

"Exactly, now please shut up while I finish up. This might hurt." Zarik says as he plucks each suture out individually, then removes the mask from her face and pitches it blindly into the darkness. "Now you can proceed to chew us out."

Cai fishes her arm through the sleeve of the robe to punch Zarik meekly in the shoulder and says, "That wasn't funny!" continuing to punch him, she goes on, "How could you guys let this happen to me!? I'll make those monsters pay for what they did to me!" Each punch losing strength as she exerts.

"Before we get too excited," Zarik says, "What were you pointing at when we found you?"

Caionna gets deathly silent, then says, "There was a single other girl here with me, they kept her in the cell next to mine. She appeared to be a bird-like girl. I just hope it's not too late to save her..."

Posted on 11-14-19 03:41 AM Link | ID: 152581
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel gets an ashamed look on his face when he hears Caionna's question and statement, all in one. (Wow, Cai. That hurt more than any physical hits I've ever gotten in my entire life.)

Bel: I'm so sorry, Cai. I wish I could've prevented that low-life from snatching you. But putting the blame on us isn't fair. You know that. I was just about to tell you not to go anywhere on your own since you were their target. That's when you were going to gather your things. But before I could even open my mouth, Zerilisk jumped me. I'm gonna get him back for that, I assure you.

Did you overhear anything important as you were being held here? Anything that might help us?

Waiting for a response, Bel fishes out the vial with the green liquid he mixed together just before they left. He unties the thin rope and uncorks it, then holds it for Caionna to drink it.

Bel: Please, drink this. I whipped it up just before we left. It'll help you get your strength back.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 11-14-19 04:29 AM Link | ID: 152582
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Caionna snatches the vial from Bel's hand and greedily gulps it down, possibly thinking it was a dilute potion with a water content to quench her thirst. Instead, she is greeted by a strong concoction with very little in the way of anything to cut the strong flavor. She resists the urge to spit it out, and gags loudly when she finishes choking it down. Coughing loudly, she rasps, "Mistakes were made!" then she clutches her stomach. "Big mistake!"

"Wait..." Aren says, "That kind of reaction - on both sides of ingesting the potion - tell me that she has neither eaten or drank anything in nearly the entire time she's been here!"

Continuing to cough, but noticeably more vibrant, Caionna says, "You're right... Does anyone have water? I feel like I'm literally dying here..."

Zarik reaches into his pouch and gets his canteen out, sloshes it around to make sure it's not empty, then hands it to Cai. As she snatches it out of his hand and begins to drain the contents out without hesitation, he walks over to the cell in question to investigate.

Not hearing anything he calls out, "Are you sure someone is in here? I can't hear a peep." quietly remarking to himself, "That comment was inappropriate."

Pulling away from the canteen, which is still half full, Caionna catches her breath and says between gasps for air, "She was in there before I passed out before you guys got here. Then again, details are hazy because I was not myself during that time."

"Come again?" Zissou questions.

"Exactly!" Caionna says, after taking another drink, a smug grin scrawled across her face, "I fooled those idiots into thinking they finally got to me, but I played them with some reverse psychology!" Then she goes back to nursing the water from the canteen.

"Slow down and explain!" Zissou demands, "Whatever are you talking about."

When she lowers the canteen to speak, Aren walks over and confiscates it from her, making her angry. "HEY!"

"Slow down! You'll drown yourself at this rate!" Aren calmly states as he pulls out of her reach.

"Yeah, okay.." she pouts, then goes back to talking to her mentor, "I was pretty fed up with the cronies getting so feel-y, so I thought up a way to use my magic without needing words or finger motion. I remembered I could drawn and enchant runes with as little as some concentration."

"And?" Zarik says impatiently.

"I waited til they finally let us have some time without harassment, then I practiced on the wall an explosive rune. It worked, so when they started on us - oh, it must have been last night - I feigned suddenly being into it and let them all over me while I drew my runes all over them. As much as I hated it, I waited until I lured all of them in for a round, then set the light show off after they had all gotten a distance away!" An expression of sudden lucidity crosses her face like she had just been slapped again. "I hope the other girl wasn't caught in that..."

"First off," Zarik starts, "Ew, gross. Too much detail, because I can envision that. Stop."

In reaction to Zarik's gross-out, there's a giggle that echoes faintly out of the cell. Zarik hears it and attempts to pound the door down. "She's definitely still in there, she thinks something is funny. I heard a giggle! But the damn door is locked!

Posted on 11-14-19 05:17 AM Link | ID: 152583
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel leans his head on his left hand looking quite bewildered while Caionna explains what transpired. (Thanks, Cai. I needed that mental image.)

Bel: Should've expected you to be pretty much dried out and probably hungry aswell. The fault lies equally with me then. Sorry about that. I'd like you to get better quickly too but drinking that much at once and it's gonna come up again. Oh, and Zarik? She's probably giggling because you're unable to brute-force your way in. Here, let me help.

Looking over towards the locked door, Bel simply exclaims "Knock!" and the door unlocks. He then turns back to Caionna.

Bel: drew explosive runes all over them. No wonder it smells like it does in here.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 11-14-19 06:13 AM (rev. 7 of 11-15-19 01:57 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 152584
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"No! I started trying to brute force it when I heard the giggling!" Zarik protests, "Thanks though." And he rushes inside.

Inside the cell, it is absolutely pitch black. The only light filtering in is solely what can filter through the doorway. On the floor in the corner lay a silhouette of what Zarik can only assume is the girl Cai had mentioned, and he heard giggling at him. He rushes over to her and scoops her up off the floor then runs to the door.

The girl coos and tries to ruffle her dirty feathers, and says weakly, "So warm. But please don't try to leave the cell with me."

Zarik doesn't hear her and is suddenly stopped by a chain attached to the girl's collar, he hadn't noticed it when he picked her up, and it yanked her out of his arms and onto the floor with a thud, followed by silence. He hears the chain chain slump to the floor as her body lands on top of it. Panic immediately floods over him, "Oh shit! I think I killed her!" he mutters, scared of how he'll tell Cai.

Moments pass and he hears faint laughter again. Picking herself up, she says in as sultry voice as she is capable in her current state, "It's gonna take more than pulling roughly on my chain to take me out. The dragons basically called that foreplay" Pulling herself in close, she adds, "I'm surprised you didn't take your opportunity while I was out. You're... Different. Hehehe!"

He shakes himself free of the girl he discovered is significantly shorter than he is, and says clearly uncomfortable, "Listen. I don't know what you went through here, but I promise you, those days are over. I won't do that to you." He picks up and follows the chain to the wall. Grasping it where it anchors to the wall, he deftly rips it out.

Hearing the sound of the chain breaking, the girl swoons, and says, "Strong too!" and runs over to Zarik, jumps into him, then latches onto him. Trying to be sexy again, she says, "Take me now! The last guy never finished and left me feeling unfulfilled! I'll probably never forget the sensation of him dissolving away to nothing while inside me, though."

"Gross." He says, prying her off of him again, asserting, "Look! Given the circumstances, your well-being, and other factors, I'm not even interested. Don't know how to say this politely, but you smell of death and I'm afraid of catching whatever diseases the rape train carried." He assesses the length of the chain, finds it too long to consider dragging, then follows it to her choker.

She takes his hand off of her choker and tries to make him put it around her throat, making him recoil in mild disgust. "What's wrong? Afraid you'll hurt me?" She chirps.

"Not at all," he says, clearly irritated at this point, as he pulls his hand out of her grasp and grabs the chain in his hands and breaks it off, narrowly stopping himself from hitting her in the face because she's hovering so close, "You're just way too clingy, and don't seem to be listening to me!" He picks her up and walks back to the others.

Outside of the cell, when Bel gets back to her, Cai says, "The smell of burning? Yeah, all me!" She says with the biggest shit-eating grin.

Finally getting the diminutive girl out into the light, Zarik struggles to set her down to look her over. She is absolutely filthy as if she hadn't been able to bathe in a significant time. The sedimentary filth covering her is pocked with distinct claw marks and she is covered from head to toe in dried blood and semen in seemingly equal proportion. Bite mark scars on every major artery all over her body. Her hair and feathers are both distinctly colorless, she is stark naked with her lady bits distinctly clean enough for use by the dragons to have their fun with her. She is anemic, sickly, toothpick-scrawny, and frail. Her eyes have a very noticeable cataract-induced clouding over them, enough to make Zarik question how she was able to see anything at all. She also had noticeable mutilation-based deformities: clipped wings, clubbed hands and feet showing binding during development, as well as genital mutilation. Much like his comments in the cell, the state of her body, wounds, and regular jizm showers, she had a distinct odor of 'how is she not dead' to her.

"So..." Aren says, while trying to choke back a reaction to the stench, "What's your name?"

"I don't have one!" The girl tries to sound cheerful, but it sounds like discomforted squawking, "They just called me things like 'whore' or 'harpy slut'. So I just went with it, I guess." The tone of her voice distinctly cheerful, as is unaware of the meaning of the words she just said in relation to herself. "Call me whatever you like!"

Zissou had finally fished a blanket out of the bag and begins to wrap the harpy in it, saying, "You are cold as stone, you need some warmth and hospitality as a change from your bleak existence. You poor thing,"

Cocking her head to the side, she looks at Zissou with marked curiosity. She adjusts the blanket so that it opens in the front and is draped over her shoulders, leaving her front exposed. Zissou insists on closing the front, and she keeps opening it. After a few exchanges, she screams, "NO! Stop it!" To which, Zissou throws up his hands and steps back. She then looks confused yet again.

Zarik sighs and says, "We don't have time to play 'Name the Baby', we need to get moving!"

Posted on 11-14-19 06:53 PM Link | ID: 152594
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Roy Koopa
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Bel shakes his head when he hears the tone and sees the grin on Caionna's face as she confirms what he suspected.

Bel: don't have to pretened anymore. I'd like to say that we got you out of that predicament but it wouldn't be completely true. You did a whole lot of work yourself. That is very impressive, considering the situation. But you shouldn't have had to take that abuse. I'm sorry I...we couldn't get here sooner. When I saw you there on the ground I feared the worst. Can't remember the last time I felt horror like that. In any case, are you starting to feel better now?

At this point, Zarik comes out with what looks like a female harpy.

Bel: Oh, geez. Bel says as he covers his nose because of the increasingly awful smell.

Bel: Just when I thought the smell couldn't get any worse. The wizard says with a much more nasal voice because of his nostrils being squeezed shut at the moment.

Bel: And Zarik? I get your point but we have two girls here in pretty much critical condition. How do we know moving now won't put them in even more danger?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 11-15-19 12:38 AM (rev. 2 of 11-15-19 01:26 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 152603
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Zarik beckons to Aren, "Canteen. Now."

"Uh... Sure." Aren responds, finding it hard to pull his gaze off of the harpy. It's unclear if he's surprised to see a naked woman with everything on display, or if it's because of how natural she is about it, despite the unfortunate grotesqueness. "Here." and hands his friend his canteen back.

"Yeah," Caionna responds, the gravity of the situation starting to come back to her and she tries to hold herself together, "I... still don't exactly know what I've been doing, and I can't help but feel shame for it..."

Zarik taps the harpy on the shoulder and says, "Let me help you get some water." removing the cap and placing it to her lips, he gently tips the water into her mouth. She drinks deeply, it appears as if she hadn't had anything to drink in at least the time since Cai had.

"What do you mean?" The harpy excitedly shrieks, spewing water everywhere, "The way you danced all over those guys were freaking amazing!"

Zarik directs the girl's head back into a facing for accepting water and insists she keep drinking. "Enough, now isn't the time for this talk."

Cai turns a distinct shade of red in the places where her skin color is its usual pasty white, and buries her head in Bel's robe. She begins to cry softly, and sobs, "That's what I'm ashamed of..."

"Why?" The girl questions, confused again disregarding the water being poured onto her, "You're knockout gorgeous! Any man with brains, or a functioning dick, would kill to call a girl like you his!"

"But, I don't want my value to be assessed by my body!" Cai continues to cry.

"I don't get it..." she says flatly, the concept of being valued as more than an object clearly foreign to her. Turning back to Zarik to resume drinking as he impatiently taps on her forehead. "Okay, fine! Geez!" she protests and goes back to being nursed on the water.

"Let me just cut this exchange off." Zarik interrupts, "I don't think--" as he, himself is cut off.

"I don't think you have time to escape, cretins!" A booming voice picks up as Zarik was leaving off. "And just who in the hell do you maggots think you are? Taking my trophy and my toy?"

"Who said that?" Zissou questions.

"Zerilisk!" Zarik and the voice call out in unison, in anger and bravado, respectively.

Posted on 11-15-19 01:25 AM Link | ID: 152608
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Roy Koopa
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Bel shakes his head at the harpy's lack of modesty and inability to understand why others are different. (Great. She's completely broken.) Bel puts his hand on Cai's shoulder to comfort her.

Bel: Look, Cai. What you did, you did for your survival. I understand why you're ashamed about it. It's ok. I'm not gonna judge you because of that. You did what you had to. Besides...I like you because you're you. Not because of how you look. Even though that's a bonus.

At this point, Zerilisk announces his presence and Bel quickly turns his head in the direction of the voice. Rage starts boiling up within him.

Bel: Oh, look who's back. The coward. I don't think you're in a position to call anyone else a maggot. You're just a low-rank. Which means we're gonna feed you to the maggots. What's left of you, that is.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 11-15-19 03:20 AM Link | ID: 152614
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"What do you even mean by 'you like me for who I am'?" Caionna begins to ask, oblivious to the incipient brawl, "Who even am I? All I've ever done is compare myself to my peers and get used by people I should have never trusted to begin with. When I'm not doing that, I'm just reading and being boring. Do I even have a personality of my own?"

"Uh, Cai..." Zarik begins, "Now isn't exactly the time for an existential crisis!"

He is summarily ignored, she continues, "What have I done with my life that wasn't to the sole benefit of others or in pursuit of a meaningless, ever-moving goalpost to prove that I'm equal to my peers..." Her reflections beginning to drone out.

Zerilisk, in his human form, appears before Bel for a split second, then surrounds the elf with afterimages from all angles. All of the images call out in unison, "This is not your fight, elf! Know your place!" then he knees Bel in the diaphragm with extreme prejudice.

"BEL!" Zarik shouts as he rushes to engage, drawing his axe as he leaps forward.

Zerilisk does the evasive tactic on Zarik as he had done to Bel, while saying, "Ah, I finally have my chance to fight you as was prescribed in Aesalth's plans."

Zarik's eyes glow red with an ungodly delirium. He swings blindly, only to be effortlessly blocked.

"Aw, come on, dear cousin. Fight me on even ground." Zerilisk taunts, "We are dragons, we should fight as dragons. We both know this pitiful flailing will avail neither of us." Taking note of Cai, he quips, "How is she not writing and near unconsciousness as would be expected? I guess we need to crank things up a bit!" He pulls out what appears to be a remote of sorts with one hand and adjusts a dial while deftly and unflinchingly deflects Zarik's volley with his other hand, then puts the device away.

Within an instant of the foe making his adjustment, Cai falls to her knees and struggles to fight to stand as she continues to mutter about her personal failings.

Zissou immediately notices a faint purple aura appear around his mentee and being whisked off in the direction of the original unlocked cell.

Aren is quick to tend to Caionna as she falls, trying to stabilize her after her sudden dip in aether.

The harpy struggles with the lid of the canteen, wanting more water. She seems completely heedless of the unfolding tension.

Zerilisk disappears from Zarik's front and appears at his rear, delivering a swift, undetected, kick to his temple. The true form of his hat absorbs the majority of the blow with a distinct metallic thud, but the force that wasn't mitigated was enough to send him spiraling uncontrollably toward the wall. "I will say this again. We fight as dragons on equal ground. None of this farce of feigned humanity."

"What's this about feigned humanity?" Zarik snarls, staggering to his feet, "I'm more human than I am dragon! I have forsaken your lies as you and yours forsook my sister nd I for being 'impure' in your eyes!"

"Spare me the theatrics, newt!" Zerilisk bellows, "Embrace your heritage and see that it is what you are truly destined to be! You are immortal! You will see your foolish so-called friends grow old and die while you are subjected to live on without them while the boredom of ennui consumes you! Prove yourself my better and claim my place among the ranks as Zarikonis the Silver! Shed your frail, human husk and face me!"

"And he wants Zarik to tone down the melodrama with that monologue?" Aren deadpans, having turned Cai to sit on the ground and lean against him. She continuing to continue down the spiral into self-conscious lunacy.

Mention of Zarik's draconic color sparks the harpy's attention, and she begins watching intently, her excitement apparent to all. Her interest in the water seemingly forfeit.

"Alright, Mister Faggy Melodrama!" Zarik roars fiercely, "But on the conditions we fight on even ground!"

"Whatever do you mean, Mister Angrily Shouts Pejoratives?" Zerilisk asks, "We're perfectly fine where we are."

"No! We aren't! And you know that!" Zarik counters, "I rely on my wings and need space to fly, while you're a slimy shadow dweller in his home turf!"

"Fine! We will meet on the summit, and we will have your so-called fair fight." Zerilisk growls, unhappy about being called on his trickery. Pressing a button on a wall behind him, the floor turns into a portal that teleports all present elsewhere.
In an instant, the party is teleported into a large dome on a cliff overlooking what appears to be an arena. On one side, stands Zerilisk. Zarik on the other.

The arena is surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs, but there is more than enough room to allow flight and maneuvering. The sky is a strange twilit purple despite being no later than noon, though the culprit of the atmospheric light pollution is what appears to be several immensely tall crystals. Those attuned to aetheric signatures would immediately recognize the distinct, overbearing presence. The air is notably warm and pleasant smelling, a far cry better than in the cell block, but the smell is still lingering on everyone's fabrics or sedimented filth, in the case of the girls.

Zissou walks to the edge of the dome and presses against it. It merely reacts to the touch by pushing back with a whitish blue hexagonal pattern blocking the otherwise perfectly clear view, albeit masked in soft blue light. As if on cue, a large boulder barrels through the air and collides with the barrier. The boulder breaks into rubble and causes the same disruption effect as Zissou's touch. Not a single pebble permeated the barrier. They are perfectly safe to observe.

The harpy rushes over to Zissou's side and plops down onto her ass and stares intently at Zarik. She eagerly awaits the battle.

"Shame we don't have some sort of concession stand... This is prime seating for a death match!" Aren snarks, "Besides, we still haven't addressed that neither of these girls look like they've eaten in days..."

"Hush." Zissou says, "I understand your concern, but they will have to do with water for now as that will sustain them until we get to safety."

"I get the Cai will be fine, she's at a healthy weight." Aren protests, "We need to feed the feather head at least, because she's grossly underweight."

"What do you suggest we feed her, then?" Zissou shouts.

They continue to argue as the tension outside builds.

The small girl presses her face against the barrier excitedly, but is forced to back off due to the force field blocking her view.
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