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Posted on 12-06-19 10:19 PM Link | ID: 153056
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel does not rise from the tree stump nor does he say anything during the exchange of words. He just sits there, watching both of the blue dragons. He has an indifferent expression on his face but it isn't threatening.

(Leave it to royalty to say things with as many words as possible. I hate that way of speech.)

This is pretty much the only thought that crosses his mind whlle he listens in. Getting ready to leave, he takes his designated position in the formation, flying with his arms crossed once they've taken to the sky. Now he finally replies to one of the subjects being discussed.

Bel: I highly doubt there ever was a time where Aesalth could've been "saved". She seemed hell-bent on doing what she did. That was her downfall.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-07-19 03:30 AM (rev. 2 of 12-07-19 03:56 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 153061
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"I'm pretty sure my friend has the right of it. Eighty years is too short a time to drive a dragon to try to ascend to godhood. Cai and I being brought into the fold just because we're silver wouldn't have changed that after the fact of us being outcast soon after birth? Hatching? Fuck, I don't remember!" Zarik says, "The thought was already in her head."

"Godhood?" Ruki questions, "What do you mean?"

"Why else would she have been siphoning power from her own daughter if she wasn't intent on ascending to being a Primal?" Zarik roars.

"Frankly, we were not informed of her activity with those crystals, and frankly found it strange that they were amassing so quickly." Ruki replies, "Were those amethystine crystals sourced from your sister? I know the prismatic ones were sourced from your avian passenger. She harbors a secret, and I wish I could divulge what it is. All I can say is that it may reveal itself in time."

"You're posing more questions than I have patience to ask right now!" Zarik continues to roar, his anger continuing to rise.

"The answers I am sure you seek will be given when you choose to convene with the council. I lack the time to divulge as we are reaching our destination." The Blue speaks, "I will respect your wishes to be taken to safety and leave, per your request. I will not overstay my welcome."

The stable from earlier in their quest comes into view, and begins to slow for descent.

Ruki places Caionna gently on the ground, then hovers slightly away from her to allow Aren to dismount. The envoy follows suit to let Zissou off.

The Great Blue makes eye contact with Zarik and says, "As agreed. You are to safety insofar as within agreement with the village. I implore you to call a conference when your sister recovers." Taking off, she calls, "Come, Raz, our duty is fulfilled."

The envoy bows to the party and follows suit with her mistress.

Zarik taps lightly on Neris' wrist to signal her to let go as he keeps an eye to the sky. He catches her from sliding uncontrollably by raising his tail. Once she gains her footing, he shifts back to his human form.

The young stable hand rushes out of the barn and calls out, "What was that all about! You nearly scared the horses half to death! Godsdamned dragons anyway!" Spotting the party and recognizing them, he immediately calms down and exclaims, "Mister Hoir! Please explain what's going on!"

"Simple." Zarik says, "We went up to the Reach as we planned, rescued the one we intended to," pointing at Cai, then to Neris behind him, "And her plus one. Surely you saw last night's light show all the way here. That was why we had personal escort by the Great Blue, herself. No time to talk more. If there are any damages, send them to the Ironworks Foundry and I'll see you're compensated. We don't have time to dawdle. We would like. No, scratch that, we REQUIRE a carriage and cargo wagon to Bruon. Posthaste!"

The stable hand keeps trying to get a word in as Zarik speaks, but is refused at every turn. When he can finally speak, he says, "I'll see what I can do, but we usually don't take demands like that."

"Surely you can make the arrangements happen." Zarik states, "Don't take this as a whinge from a customer with entitlement issues, but as an emergency case. I need to get my sister to Bruon. Yesterday!"

The hand looks at Caionna incredulously and says, "That dragon is your sister?" In awe of never having seen a silver dragon before.

"Yes, we're half dragons, children of the victim of last night's light show." His words dripping with disdain as he refers to himself as her child. "Official Hoir Ironworks business that is of no concern of yours. We can negotiate additional compensation for you shutting up and complying. NOW!"

The owner of the stable steps out of the office and calls out, "Faelin! Stop messing around and listen to the man! Roff sent word to be expecting him. Get enough horses to carry the girl on the wagon he requested, and ready the carriage for Zarik and his friends!"

The boy sighs and rushes off.

The owner walks up to Zarik and says, "Sorry about the kid."

"Don't be, and don't reprimand him either. I was the rude one." Zarik replies.

The man shakes his head, "Rude? No. Urgent? Yes. We'll get you set up soon. As for what we'll charge you for the trip. It's on us. I think we're behind on payments for horseshoes and tools anyway." The man lies, feigning a straight face.

"Consider your next shipment free, then. I'll be in contact with my guys. In fact, I'll get on the horn on our way to Bruon and set things straight." Zarik says, extending a hand.

The owner grasps hands and gives a businessman's handshake. "Pleasure doing business with you, sir. If you'll excuse me, I have a carriage to prepare." He then turns and hurris away.

Neris cocks her head at Zarik, the exchange he just had being totally alien to her.

"Never you mind, kiddo." Zarik says, "Head over to Zissou for a bit." Stepping out of earshot of the party, he puts a hand up to his ear and begins talking.

Neris complies with his request and stands by.

Posted on 12-07-19 08:45 PM Link | ID: 153065
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I didn't get any hostile vibes from those two. Bel says as soon as he's landed and Ruki and the envoy are out of sight.

Bel: Maybe there's truth to what they said about Aesalth acting on her own. They could provide us with valuable information then. Given how Ruki and the envoy acted I'd say they wouldn't dare turn down any request we may possibly have.

The wizard walks over to a wall and leans against it, waiting for the preparations to get finished.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-08-19 03:08 AM Link | ID: 153069
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"Well, I have a number of theories" Zissou begins, "They may have felt threatened by Aesalth's destruction, as they stated. Their statement of being ignorant of Aesalth's activities may be also true, even evil has standards, you know."

"What I want to know," Aren butts in, "Is how did a chromatic dragon give birth to not one, but two metallic dragons. Is there something we don't actually know about their dad?"

"Hmm..." Zissou ponders, "Mayhap the pairing with a human of Derigan's power had an effect on their coloration. There could also be a legend on the Reach where a chromatic bringing forth metallic bears an omen. Bear in mind the allignment difference between the two hierarchies. Perhaps the birth of Good children is a harbinger of reckoning."

Neris' eyes dart back and forth between Zissou and Aren as they make their exchange, not grasping anything beyond the topic being about Zarik.

Zissou notes the confusion on the girl's face, and says with a smile, "Fret not, little one. We are merely making conjecture on whatever it could mean with the Reach by discussing the origin of our near and dear siblings." Narrowing his eyes, after a moment, he scratches his snout, and adds, "Then again, the Blue said there was more to you than meets the eye, child... Whatever could she have meant?"

"I don't know!" Neris squawks, "There's so much happening around me all at once, I can't understand any of it! What makes you think I know anything!"

Aren shakes his head and says, "He wasn't asking you for any answers, he was just thinking out loud. He does that."

"Oh..." Neris says quietly.

From around the corner of the barn comes a horse-drawn carryall with a team of four horses and the owner of the stable at the yoke. Not far behind is a reinforced open wagon large enough to fit Caionna inside, in the charge of the young man.

As if by coincidence, Zarik also comes back to the group and says, "I just got in contact with the guys in Ada. I confirmed the business side of this whole affair, and told them to send a few medics out, and specified for them to send at least one who can take care of Neris' physical condition. They'll be a day or two behind us for obvious reasons, but the insist that we take it easy until they arrive."

Aren nods and says, "Good. I'm gonna need some backup. Neris is a bit above my pay grade as a healer."

Neris gasps, as if offended by Zarik's comment about her.

He shakes his head and says, "Do you think it's normal that you can't walk worth a damn, have clubs instead of hands, and your wings don't work? Among numerous other deficiencies that are best unmentioned?"

"What?" She chirps.

"You are subjectively oblivious, aren't you?" He says with mild incredulity, and is met with a shrug.

The carriage and wagon roll up beside the party and stops. The man gets down and says, "Alright, lads, let's get the lady dragon loaded up and then get up into your seats. We leave as soon as everyone is settled."

Zarik and Aren gently picks Cai up to the best of their ability and drags her to the wagon and get her clumsily inside as Zissou takes Neris to the carryall and settled into their seats. Aren gets into the back with the other two while Zarik climbs up into shotgun. Once everyone is in place, the stablemen give the order to hit the road.

Posted on 12-08-19 03:32 AM Link | ID: 153075
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel climbs into the wagon with the others and gets into his seat.

Bel: I'm so glad we don't have to walk. We've probably done a few weeks worth of that in a couple of days. Taking it easy shouldn't be hard either given how we didn't get enough rest because of an untimely visit. Here's hoping nothing happens along the way.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-08-19 03:45 AM Link | ID: 153076
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"Eh," Zarik says, "Given the typical Act structure, we're pretty much in the twilight of a fourth act. 'The aftermath' so to speak. I'd say we deserve a rest, even if it won't be much of one for some of us involved."

"Aye." Zissou agrees, "It will be a respite, but it will not be without activity."

"It's likely that we'll be overseeing the recovery of the girls until Cai wakes up and Neris is... Uh... Normal?" Aren says, with a poor choice of words.

Neris kicks him in the shin and squawks, "What's that supposed to mean!? I AM normal!"

"Ow! Hey!" Aren protests, "Not my best choice for words, but you definitely need some demanding healing!"

"I dunno," Zarik laughs, "I think you were on to something, Aren. She's far from normal, even by our standards."

"HEY!" Neris shrieks.

Zissou places a paw over her mouth and says, "Hush, you'll spook the animals in the dark."

It was at that point that it had become noticeable that the party had been under the canopy for a length of time already.

"About how long can we expect it to take to get where we're going, sir?" Aren speaks up.

"Oh, a little over an hour to allow the boy's cart to keep up under the weight of the dragon." The man replies.

Posted on 12-08-19 04:07 AM Link | ID: 153077
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel covers his ears as Neris shrieks and lets out a laugh at the same time.

Bel: Hah. You have a way with words, Aren. There is one thing, though. You don't happen to have a volume knob, Neris? He asks as he looks out the side of the carriage.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-08-19 04:39 AM (rev. 2 of 12-08-19 04:51 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 153078
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"What's that supposed to mean, Bel?" Neris yells from behind Zissou's paw.

"Consider for a moment." Zarik says, "She's an adult harpy that is tiny due to stunted growth. Her voice box isn't much affected, though, so she's basically a loudspeaker in the body of an eight year old human."

Neris glares unhappily in Zarik's direction.

Aren chuckles and says, "Keep that up, and your face will stick like that!"

Neris then aims her glare at Aren, then relaxes her face, just in case he's right.

The rest of the time in the forest is spent making banter and small talk amongst the group. Upon reaching the other side, they make a direct route to Roff's inn and pile out of the carryall.

"Where should I take the dragon, Mister Hoir?" The boy asks.

"Her name is Caionna." Zarik says with a tinge of anger in his voice, "I would appreciate if you gave her at least that much respect."

"Oh." The boy replies quietly, "Forgive me."

"To answer you question, though," Zarik says more candidly, "Pull the cart over toward the crystals. I'm not an expert, but I would say that being able the eke her power from those crystals will hasten her recovery."

"As you wish." the boy says with a nod as Zarik hops up into the cart. Aren follows close behind to assist with getting Caionna down.

Roff comes out of the building and hails the party, "Ho ther lads! glad tae see ye safe frae th' craziness! ance ye gie yoorselves figured it, come in an' gie comfy!"

Zissou helps Neris over to the inn's porch and instructs her, "Stay here with Roff. He is a friend of Zarik and can be trusted."

Upon seeing Neris up close, Roff lets out a hearty guffaw and says, "Och lassie! Sae yoo're th' wee a body Ah heard abit settin' aff th' alarm th' other nicht?"

Neris eyes Roff suspiciously, unable to parse his thick accent.

Noticing the confusion on her face, Roff clears his throat and makes a concerted effort to enunciate, "You must be the girl the lads said make a ruckus the other night. Come, I'll get you something to drink while you wait for the boys to finish up."

"Okay!" Neris chirps, cheerfully, then adds tactlessly, "You talk funny, mister!"

"Aye, lass." Roff laughs it off, "Ah dae!" then continues with her inside.

Zissou catches up with the other men and watches as the wrangle her out of the wagon and under a makeshift lean-to Roff had built near the largest of the crystals. It immediately tethers to her and a visible stream of aether flows from the crystal into the dragon. There is no immediate change to her status, however.

"Well, it's a start. We'll have to figure out how to rearrange the crystals to get a better flow into her, but let's figure that out later." Zarik says, "Let's try to make her comfortable before we even think about fucking off to do that for ourselves!"

Zarik and Aren start carrying out and busting hay bales placed inside the structure to make the ground softer.

The stable master comes around and asks, "Is there anything else we can help you gentlemen with?"

Zarik stops momentarily and says, "Nope. You're good to go! My guys will be in touch shortly. Thank you for everything."

"It's always a pleasure working with the Foundry!" the man laughs, "May you and yours make a swift recovery." as he motions to the boy to take their leave.

Posted on 12-09-19 07:02 PM Link | ID: 153096
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I'd have done that either way, Zarik. Bel responds as he notices Zarik and Aren start working with the hay bales.

Bel: Hold on, guys. I have a better idea.

Bel walks into the lean-to, has a quick look around and then opens a portal in the ground and another outside, about 6 feet up, in an area where no one is standing but close enough to not be carried far. He uses telekinesis to carry the first hay bale above the portal and holds it there before issuing a quick warning.

Bel: Ok, stay clear of that portal other than when you move the hay bales away from it.

Then he proceeds dropping hay bales through, quick enough to speed up the procedure but slow enough to not hit anyone when they move them away from the portal outside.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-09-19 07:30 PM (rev. 3 of 12-10-19 06:59 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 153097
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"Alright, showoff!" Aren snarks, "I didn't specialize in that magic, and Zarik is kinda a dud in the magic department."

Zarik gives Aren a perturbed look, then adds, "Manual labor is the only way we could do it."

Once Bel cleared the small structure of its contents, Zarik waits for the portal to close before taking the bales one at a time in to break them into makeshift bedding for Cai to be laid on.

The better part of an hour passes before the hay is broken up sufficiently to be suitable bedding in a side enough area to lay the dragon girl out on. Taking the combined effort of all three men, Caionna is placed gently down on the hay with her tail wrapped back in on her body to keep it under the awning.

"Alright. Now that Cai is taken care of, let's go inside and see what can be done to relax a bit." Zarik says.

"Sounds good." Aren agrees, "We've earned a rest. A little overdue, I'd say."

Upon reaching the door, the bards' performance can be heard. The song seems jaunty, but it doesn't seem to be invoking much reaction from the crowd. The trio make their way in and advance to the bar.

"Och! There's my boys." Roff says, "What can I do ya for?"

Zarik doesn't seem to be paying attention, and just asks, "Where's Zissou and Neris?"

"It started gettin' late, he took 'er to retire for the night." Roff replies, "What can I get ya, lads?"

"Warm cider sounds good right now." Aren speaks up.

"Make that two." Zarik says with a nod.

"Comin' right up." Roff says cheerfully. Handing over the tumblers, he asks, "So, how is she doin'?"

Taking a drink, Zarik replies, "We got her as comfortable as we could. We could probably do to get her crystals rearranged to let them to tether to give her power. That can wait though. Will she be safe out there as she is in the lean-to?"

"Och aye, the night guard usually makes sure nothin' happens out of the ordinary. she'll be fine." Roff replies. "We can look into moving the crystals some in the morning."

"Good." Zarik nods.

Posted on 12-10-19 11:31 PM Link | ID: 153105
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Make that three. Bel says as he walks over to the others and sits down on an empty chair.

Bel: And if she's not entirely safe out there, something might happen to that guard in the morning. I could've checked the crystals before we went indoors too. Oh, well. He says as he gulps some cider down.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-11-19 02:10 AM Link | ID: 153110
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"Can confirm!" Zarik snarks, "Crystals are there!"

Aren shrugs and says, "There's what? A dozen? Dozen and a half?"

Roff shakes his head, "Lads, try closer to 40. And they're under close inspection. Nothin'll even get near 'em."

Zarik finishes his drink, and says, "Do we have the same rooms as the other night, or have new travelers forced you to bop us?"

"Nah." Roff replies, "Same rooms. I knew you'd be back, so I made certain to keep 'em reserved for ye."

"Cool. I'm gonna hit the sack. Been a day, and we didn't do much of anything." Zarik stands and heads to his room on the second floor.

"I think I ought to, too." Aren says, gathering his cup with Zarik's to hand back to Roff, then heads up as well.

Roff turns to Bel, and says, "I s'pose ye'll be leavin me to this dreck, too?"

Posted on 12-11-19 06:29 PM Link | ID: 153112
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: Sorry. Haven't gotten a full night's rest in several days. And I was planning to help moving crystals after breakfast tomorrow.

Bel finishes up the cider glass, prcoeeds to clean himself off a bit and walks to his room.

Bel: Night. He says on the way up the stairs.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-11-19 10:56 PM Link | ID: 153114
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In the morning, Neris is the first to have come out of her room.

She is sitting at one of the tables away from the bar bobbing her head happily as she hums incoherently to herself. A plate of food she hasn't touched is sitting in front of her.

Zarik is the next to come out. Heading down to the bar, he sits and waits for Roff to come out.

Aren follows shortly after and takes a seat next to Zarik. Perking a brow at Neris, he asks, "Why is she over there by herself?"

"Not sure. Probably has something to do with the fact she looks like a little kid, and he didn't want a child sitting at the bar." Zarik replies with a yawn.

Neris continues to sit in her own little world, oblivious to the men talking nearby.

Zissou finally emerges from his room and goes to sit at the table with Neris. Clearing his throat to get her attention, he says, "How long have you been up?"

"Not very long." Neris sings cheerfully.

"Obviously long enough for this plate to have been brought to you and for it to have gone cold." Zissou mutters.

Neris looks at the the plate in confusion, "When did that get there? And how was I expected to eat it anyway?"

Roff comes out from the kitchen by this point and hears the open ended question, to which he responds, confused, "With the fork and knife, lass. Ye even looked at me and thanked me when I set it down!"

Zarik gives his friend a blank stare and says, "First off, she was ore or less raised by wolves. She doesn't know what a fork is used for. Secondly, her hands were bound and are fugly little nubs at the end of her arms. She can't use any utensils, even if she knew what they were!"

Roff gives a thousand yard stare and the proverbial crickets could be heard coming from his head space. After a moment, he says, "Och! How could I have been so foolish. She could've said something to me about it!"

"I doubt that." Aren says, "She's a harpy, so she's a literal birdbrain, and she likely doesn't even register that she's supposed to even have hands. Kinda depends on how young she was when it happened to her."

Neris recognizes that the topic has turned to a serious tone about her, and her mood slowly sours into sadness. She stops singing and looks forlornly at the table.

Taking note, Zissou remarks, "Gentlemen, can we please refrain from such morose conversation with the poor girl in listening range?"

Zarik shakes his head, and says, "Why? It's the reality of the situation! I'm not gonna sugar coat the conversation because it offends her to know her life dealt her a shitty hand."

Aren laughs at the likely accidental pun and remarks, "She doesn't know it's a shitty hand because she can't pick the cards up to see them!"

The collective of the three other men and the random morning patrons kinda wince at the harshness of Aren's words.

"What?" Aren exclaims incredulously.

Posted on 12-11-19 11:27 PM Link | ID: 153115
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel comes down roughly at the same time Zissou does. He walks over to a stool and sits down, waiting for eventual food to get ready and listens in on the conversation.

Bel: Enough with the shitty puns already. We do have to do something about it later, though. But for now, let's just concentrate on the work that needs to be done today? And the breakfast. Oh, Garçon?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-12-19 12:28 AM Link | ID: 153116
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"It's finishin' up." Roff says mildly dismissively. "From how ye were whinging about being so tired last night, I figured ye'd been asleep for another hour or so!" then heads back into the kitchen.

Neris looks at Aren with confusion, then looks at her arms. She can see on her hands where she is supposed to have digits, then looks at Zarik's hands as he gestures innocuously. She thinks to herself, 'Is that what my hands are supposed to look like? I guess that would make sense.'

Zarik notices Neris' gaze out of the corner of his eye, and says in a less abrasive tone, "What?"

Neris is surprised by the response and chirps, "Nothing!" then avoids eye contact.

Roff comes back out with three plates of typical breakfast fare of eggs sausage and bacon while being followed by another man with two more plates headed toward the table. Roff places the dishes in front of Aren, Bel, and Zarik while the other man places a plate in front of Zissou and trades the old plate in front of Neris with a new one. He then disappears back into the back once again.

"So, what's the plan." Roff asks, "I know you said something about having your medics on the way."

Zarik speaks between bites, "I figured that Zissou, Aren, and Bel would work with you to figure out how to get the crystals rearranged."

"Why not you too?" Aren asks, grumpily,

"Simple. You guys have magic to move those massive towers of magic-made-solid!" Zarik exclaims, "What do you want me to do? Be in the way?"

"We will need someone to watch Neristhana as we work." Zissou butts in, "Considering that Zarik is nigh bereft of magical skill, he shall be tasked with keeping her out of trouble."

Neris timidly says, "I promise to behave."

Zarik shrugs and says, "I guess that's how it'll have to go." Before he can make a quip about it, Zarik notes what she had just said, and adds, "I certainly hope so."

Posted on 12-12-19 10:55 PM Link | ID: 153144
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I could use my magic to decrease the weight of those crystal obelisks for easier transportation. But there's no way we're gonna fit all of them around that lean-to. Bel says in between bites of his larger than average breakfast portion.

Bel: How many would be optimal? He continues to ask.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-12-19 11:26 PM (rev. 2 of 12-13-19 11:22 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 153147
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"If I had to guess," Zarik starts, "I would say that the energy transfer would be linear, but I don't think we exactly have the freedom to determine how far the crystals can be from her before they lose tether."

"I dunno, she's a decent distance from that big one she's nested under right now." Aren says, "Who knows if the energy can transfer through other crystals, or if there has to be a clear shot to her."

"The lean-to technically sits between her and the crystal and her body," Zarik states, "Then again, the lean-to is made of wood, and not a magical material."

"You do realize you are speaking of your sister," Zissou interjects, as he is switching between taking bites of his breakfast and feeding Neris hers, "She is not one of your machines to be spoken of in some sort of mechanical sense."

"And how do you suggest we talk about the logistics, then?" Zarik snips back, "I'm aware of this, and we're not speaking using any terminology that a doctor would avoid."

Zissou is taken slightly aback, then thinks for a moment. "I suppose you are right." He concedes.

Neris watches the exchange, not understanding a word of it, but captivated by the professional-sounding exchange. Zissou inadvertently pokes her in the cheek with a piece of sausage on the fork, but she pays no mind to it.

Zissou shrugs and assumes she's finished eating, so he begins to focus on finishing his meal.

When the men have finished, Aren gets up and says, "Well, let's get to work Bel, Dad, Roff." Nodding to each as he addresses them. "Stay out of trouble in here, Zarik." He says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah." Zarik dismissively waves, "If we're lucky, the guys will show up today, too.

"Hopefully." Aren agrees, then walks out the door.

Heading back to Cai's lean-to, Aren looks at the crystals scattered throughout the town square. With a shake of his head, he says, "I bet the people in town wouldn't mind the place being cleaned up a bit."

"One one hand, ye." Roff says with a chuckle, "On the other, though, some of the folk have mentioned that the presence of her energy is calmin'."

Zissou nods and says, "Ah, I can see why they would say that. There is a serenity to the power Caionna exudes."

"How are we gonna do this, guys?" Aren asks, "Got any ideas, Roff? I don't wanna do anything that'll hurt the town."

"Och, lemme just get me atlamillia and pick 'em up and scoot 'em around!" Roff says sarcastically. "I dinnae! pick 'em up and put 'em down? Yer the magic ones! Zarik lumped me in with ye because ye all think I run the town!"

Posted on 12-14-19 01:49 AM Link | ID: 153162
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As the others went outside, Zarik stayed in to keep an eye on Neris.

Neris gets up from the table and clumsily walks over to Zarik at the bar. Since the stools sit higher than she can climb, she holds her arms up in expectation to be lifted, letting out cute little grunts.

Zarik bops her on the nose with a finger and says, "What did Roff tell you about sitting at the bar? Just because he's not in here, doesn't mean I'm gonna let you disobey his rules."

"I want to sit with you since you told them you'd make sure I stayed out of the way!" She protests, "If I can't sit with you, then you should come sit with me!"

"Okay, fine." Zarik says, heaving a sigh, then standing to go sit at the table where Zissou was sat. "I can't think of anything to do besides talk, but I guess if we're gonna do that, we may as well be sitting near each other."

She smiles and follows him, plopping happily back into her chair, she puts her arms behind her, and says shyly, "I have something important I want you to hold onto..."

Zarik narrows his eyes and finally takes notice of how she seems to switch between knowing how to walk like on the mountain the previous days, and not like now. Slightly suspicious, he says, "Whaddaya got, kid?"

From behind her back, Neris produces a small orb. This orb is roughly the size of a baseball and has an oddly familiar aetheric signature to it. It is dark, but has a prismatic aura and faint multi-color swirl within. The orb floats above her right hand, and she says, "I don't know why, but something within me is telling me to entrust this to you. It's a weirdly familiar voice that sounds like it's trying to tell me that if I don't do this, something bad will happen..."

Zarik recognizes what the orb is immediately, wide eyed, he says, "That's a soul orb! I can't take that! Who knows what would happen if I lost it!" deciding to err cautiously, he says, "Something's up... You're weirdly inconsistent in how you behave. How do I know this isn't some sort of trap?"

"I know..." Neris says pensively, "I notice it too, When I start acting weird, I feel like something evil is taking over me. This presence telling me to share my soul sounds like a good, and caring voice... Familiar in a way I can't describe... I feel like I can trust her, and she tells me to trust you. She's helping me tell you this."

Thinking back to the previous days, Zarik remembers Cai sharing her energy with Neris. After a moment, he says, "I think I know what's going on. Cai is sensing something lurking within you and is using her link from the other day to plead with you to confide in me, she may be out cold, but she has enough consciousness to warn you." Reluctantly taking the orb, he continues, "Something must be up, because if Cai is somehow warning you, Ruki said you harbor secrets, and there definitely does seem to be something strange about you. I don't like this."

Neris averts her gaze and says in a quivering voice, "I'm scared. There's so much happening I don't understand, and the things I do understand are only because of what I was taught when she shared her power with me. That frightens me too."

Zarik shakes his head and puts a hand on her head. Gently ruffling her faded red locks, he says, "I don't know what's going on either, but if your instincts - or otherwise - are telling you I'm trustworthy, I'd better not betray that potentially misguided trust."

Neris gets up and walks uneasily to Zarik, wraps her arms around him, then begins softly crying into his chest. Between sobs, she hiccups, "Thank you."

Closing his eyes, Zarik mutters to himself again, "What am I getting myself into?"

Posted on 12-15-19 08:53 PM Link | ID: 153184
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Aye-aye, Cap'n. Bel says, hoping to get a reaction from Aren. He finished his breakfast and follows the others outside.

Bel: Speaking of that, who does run the town? As for moving the crystals, I already have a plan for that. The problem is doing it without knocking anything else over. How much do the weigh, anyway?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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