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Posted on 12-16-19 04:00 PM Link | ID: 153186
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"Uh..." Aren says, "That's kinda hard to figure out. I would assume we would be able to extrapolate from he aether crystals we use for catalysts. The cylindrical ones are about fifteen centimeters in length and weigh around two kilograms each. These crystals are significantly taller and wider."

"Takin' that inte consideration." Roff interjects, "The small ones are four meters tall, meybe about that fifteen centimeters in diameter. They ain't genne be light."

Zissou takes a closer look, he notes, "They appear to be floating somewhat, but that does not change that they will be daunting to move without mishap."

Aren nods and says, "Yeah. It'll take some power to move them, and inertia is gonna make them dangerous. What's your plan, then, Bel?"

Inside, Zarik looks around the room, then down at the harpy clutching him for what feels like dear life.

"We need to do something besides just sit around." He says after a moment of awkward silence and leering glances from the other patrons.

Neris pulls back from Zarik asking, "Like what?" her eyes light up and she chirps, trying to seem happy, "We can go to my room!"

"No!" Zarik vetoes instantly. "I'm not letting you get any ideas!"

"What ideas?" Neris plays innocent, "It would get us out of this uncomfortable situation."

"And into a different one." Zarik replies sternly, "You may think you have innocent intentions in your head, but I know what I just saved you from. I'm going to reiterate that I don't even want to entertain being alone in private with you." Deliberately being loud enough to be heard by the weary listeners.

"Then what do you want to do?" Neris asks.

"Think you can take a walk outside?" Zarik asks.

"Uh..." Neris hesitates, "I don't know. If not, you can just carry me again!" She then beams happily.

"Yeah, I guess." Zarik shrugs, "Let's go." Standing, he takes her hand gently and coaxes her onto her feet. They walk slowly together toward the door.

Posted on 12-17-19 10:46 PM Link | ID: 153206
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: I was gonna use magic to decrease their weight for easier transportaion. Would that work? Less weight would mean they're less likely to damage other things they might bump into.

Unless someone else has a better idea.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-18-19 04:13 AM Link | ID: 153211
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"That might work." Aren says hesitantly, "Making them lighter would help make them easier to get moving..."

"But..." Zissou interjects, "They could also be sent out of control more quickly."

Roff shrugs, and says, "Well, we ain't gettin' nowhere by summin' and hawin'. I seggest we try movin' 'em slowly with Bel's linghtenin'."

"I'm with Roff." Aren says, "We won't get anywhere if we're afraid of collateral damage. It's not something Zarik would be happy to have to pay for, but if something gets wrecked, we can take it out of the Foundary's coffers." Looking at Bel, he says, "Ready when you are!"
Having gotten Neris out of the inn and out into the sunlight, he says, "I told the guys I'd keep you out of the way. If you wanted to visit Cai, I'm gonna have to deny you on that."

Dropping her head, she says, "That is where I wanted to go, but if they need us out of the way, I guess we have to listen."

"Trust me, kid." Zarik says, running his fingers through her hair again, "I want to be there with her, too." He begins leading her out of town.

She recoils from his hand this time for some reason. She shudders reflexively, saying nothing.

Zarik takes notice and narrows his eyes. Going back to his stern tone of voice, he says, "I gotta know. How much do you trust me?"

Taken aback from the sudden disappearance of the gentle tone, she says, "The voice told me to trust you, I do."

"That isn't what I asked." He replies, realizing he's likely scaring her, he reigns himself in a bit, "I want to know how much you trust me. I know you do, but how would you react to me doing something that could hurt you?"

Not understanding, she says, "I trust you enough to give you my soul stone..."

"About that." He says, "When you did that, I noticed a small change in you when your pure essence was removed. I want know if your trust extends to me potentially hurting you. Badly."

What little color that had returned to her face in the previous days drains in an instant, and she stammers frightenedly, "W-when you s-say it like that, I can't help but feel scared. But there has to be a r-reason. I-I d-don't know!"

Cracking his knuckles, he says, "I understand your fear.This idea scares me, too. But if I'm right, and it's Cai telling you to trust me, she knows I have an ability that can potentially fix this problem."

Neris' eyes widen as her dread deepens, "O-oh yeah? Why are you afraid?"

Zarik closes his eyes as they reach the edge of the forest they came to town from, and says, "Because what I need to do can potentially kill you."

Snapping her eyes shut, Neris scrambles to mentally reach out to the voice inside herself to speak to her again. With a sharp intake of breath, she says out loud. A distinct, familiar, difference in her voice "Do what you must! Whether you attack me or not! She is as good as dead when I finish taking over her body!"

"Just as I thought!" Dropping to one knee to be at eye level with Neris; he claps his hands in front of his chest, rotates his palms against one another, draws his hands apart as a white spark snaps between the tips of his fingers as he draws them away from each other, curling his hands into fists, he punches them together and igniting them with a similar white blaze. He then draws an arm back and shouts, "LET GO OF HER AESALTH!" Unleashing a veritable flurry of blows, he shouts "ORAORAORAORA!"

The first few punches make sickening contact with Neris, sending her reeling. Subsequent blows, instead, begin attacking the manifested soul of Aesalth where Neris' - now lifeless - body had since crumples out of the way. With each punch, Zarik strategically began spinning to the soul's flank, behind where he had began. With a shout, he lets out a final blow, knocking the dragon's soul into the daylight of the clearing.

Chuckling menacingly, Aesalth calls out, "Just what did you hope to accomplish there, you idiot?!"

"Exactly what just happened!" Zarik calls out, "Did you think I wouldn't notice a pure red soul coming from the girl who gave me a rainbow soul stone?"

"What?" Aesalth cries incredulously, "How did she manage that?"

"How should I know!?" Zarik bellows, "All I know is that it's weird that a harpy had such a peculiar soul! And what do you want with her? She's thoroughly broken by your mistreatment!"

"Are you really so naive, boy?" Aesalth shrieks, "She isn't merely a harpy! She holds power far beyond your comprehension! I knew what was coming to me on that mountain, I embraced it. I knew that with my daughter's fury coming, it would enable me to transfer my being into a more fitting vessel!"

"What are you blathering about!?" Zarik yells, still clenched for another volley of blows.

"The girl is - was - a phoenix!" Aesalth bellows, "You idiot! Why won't you just let me have this!?"

"And let you wreak havoc?" Zarik rushes forward, "You're evil! I can't just standby and let someone like you erase the life of an innocent girl so you can reap the benefits of her body!" He unleashes more punches at the ethereal essence of the dragon, continuing to shout, "You disgust me! The fact that I'm a product of you is enough to make my skin crawl! I'm going to make you cease to exist!"

With each strike, the soul of Aesalth lets out a cry of pain, "HOW DID YOU DO THIS?" is the last thing heard before the flames of her soul and the flames on his hands dissipate.

Spitting on the ground in front of himself, he says coldly, "Soul Punch. Bitch."

Calming down, he remembers Neris. Running as quickly as he can, he checks her over. She isn't breathing and lacks a pulse. She is notably still warm to the touch, as would be expected given the revelation of her true identity.

Retrieving her soul stone from his bag, he holds it to her chest, muttering to himself as it merges with her body again, "Please come back... Please come back!"

Posted on 12-18-19 06:22 AM (rev. 2 of 12-18-19 06:23 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 153212
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I should say I was gonna move them with telekinesis. Well, not all of them. I doubt I could keep focuss on that many at once. We'll decide how to move them once I've made them lighter. Seeing as they're not in the same spot I'm gonna have to do this a few at a time.

Bel begins to focus on each of the crystals in the immediate area and mutters an incantation and they begin to glow with a soft blue light for about a second before returning to the purple glow.

Bel: There. I've now made them 1000 times lighter than they were before. Be careful not to bump into them or they might get an express flight to another town. Ok, the last may not be true but you get the idea. Let's get going.

Bel takes point starting to move the closest two crystal carefully using telekinesis and places them near the other one, careful not to block any pathways or the entrance to the lean-to.

Bel: Ok, you guys can move the rest of the ones in this area. I'm gonna go make the rest of them lighter and help move th-uh-oh.

The mage turns his head in the direction of the forest and stares intensively.

Bel: Hmm.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-18-19 07:47 AM Link | ID: 153213
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"Okay." Aren says, "Bel and I can move the bigger ones while Roff moves the smaller. Dad can keep an eye on whether or not we get a reaction from the crystals."

"Ah guess that' makes sense." Roff says and gets to work.

Zissou shrugs and says, "I suppose even the most mundane of jobs must be done by someone. May as well be me."

Aren calls out from the crystal he's manhandling, "Out of us all, next to Bel and Zarik, having you nearest by is probably best case. Best to have the one she's most likely to react positively to close by in case that has an effect."

"I fear I fail to follow your logic, Arendal." Zissou responds.

"I don't know! Can't say 'magical coma' is on my Curriculum Vitae. Just run with it!" Aren shouts back.

Zissou shakes his head and grumbles, awaiting his turn to do something.
Meanwhile, a carriage ambles up to Zarik and from inside, a man in traditional medical attire jumps from the coach and yells, "Zarik! What in the hells are you doing!"

"Panicking! What's it look like?!" Zarik shouts back at the medic.

"Well, stop!" the medic shouts back, "Your ordered medics are here!"

"Be careful!" Zarik says as the medic goes to pick Neris up off the ground, "When I punched to knock Aesalth out of her, I think I may have broke a few of her ribs. I felt them when I was trying to give her back her soul stone."

The medic picks her up gently, as demanded, but gives a slight thousand yard stare as he says, "Wait, what?"

"Long story, let's just meet up with the others where we have Cai shacked up." Zarik exclaims.

"Aye-aye, sir!" The medic affirms with a sarcastic tone and follows through.

By this point, Neris begins showing signs of life again with shallow, labored breathing and mild color flushing to her face once more. She slowly forces out the words, "What... Happened...?"

"The test of your trust." Zarik says to her quietly, "Now stop trying to talk and don't exert, you're hurt pretty bad, and I don't want to risk you hurting yourself further."

"Oh... Kay..." She rasps.

Moments later, they roll up on the lean-to. The medic hastily, but carefully attempts to get Neris set where she can receive attention.

Posted on 12-18-19 07:36 PM Link | ID: 153214
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Seems to be trouble over at the edge of the forest. And I heard a voice of someone I thought had been sent to kingdom come. I'd like to head over there but it seems it's being dealt with. I'm needed here, anyway. I'll head and make the other crystals lighter then.

While looking for the rest of the crystals, Bel sends a telepathic message to Zarik: "What's going on over there? And how the hell did I just hear Aesalth? I know you guys don't like telepathy much but I had to check what happened."

Awaiting an answer, he finds the other crystals and repeats the procedure from earlier on each one. Then he proceeds to move two of them back towards the lean-to and the others. Coming back, he places the crystals in empty spots around the lean-to, avoiding the carriage that just arrived.

Bel: Ok. I'm done with the other crystals. They can be moved now.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-19-19 03:35 AM Link | ID: 153225
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Having gotten Neris settled in a way that she would be comfortable, the medic says, "This will have to do until we can get her inside and into a bed." As he begins focusing on using his healing magic, his hands on her chest.

"Not a good idea." Zarik says, "Don't think Roff would appreciate it if something goes wrong."

"What do you mean?" The medic asks.

"She's a phoenix on the brink of death." Zarik says, "And if you know your phoenix lore, inside a wooden building isn't a great idea if she kicks the bucket and goes into reboot mode."

Despite having heard Zarik say it twice, he says, "She's a what? All legends of phoenixes are that they're all male! Is there something I'm missing?"

"No. She's a partially equipped female, if you catch my drift. Got an undeniable look when we rescued her the other day." Zarik says, then turns to Bel, "Did you try to mindjack me a few minutes ago asking what was up? You know I can't respond to that, and I was too preoccupied even if I could."

"Oh?" the medic asks, then it sets in, "Oh! I guess that explains why you said 'harpy with four fixes' since I can see her hands, feet, and wings."

"Yeah." Zarik says,"In the three or four days I've known her, the more I learn, the more disgusted I become."

Neris begins coughing, and groans in agony. She would cry if she had the strength.

Sighing, he says to her while diverting his gaze, "I mean the things they did to you, not anything about you directly." Looking t the medic, he says, "That stated, it's my intention to right those wrongs and let her have a fulfilling life."

Hearing those words, Neris coughs again and tries to smile.

"What of her obvious attraction to you, Zarik?" Zissou jests.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Zarik jeers, "but first, her recovery is more important."

Aren and Roff finally come over to the shelter, crystals in tow.

"Uh, Zar?" Aren asks, "What's going on?"

"I'd'n'y it obvious?" Roff says, "Somethin' 'appened and th' girl got hurt. Yer boys showed up right'n t'nick o'time too!"

Zarik points to Roff silently and shrugs, then says, "He got it."

Posted on 12-19-19 01:56 PM Link | ID: 153227
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Oof. She looks like she's been hit by a whole convoy of trucks. And yes, a phoenix in a wooden building is asking for trouble. Unless, of course, it was gonna be torn down anyway.

Bel watches as Roff and Aren comes back with the crystals.

Bel: Is that all of them? Or do I need to go and get the last ones? And something happened, alright. I could hear the ruckus all the way from the Inn.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-20-19 01:52 AM Link | ID: 153255
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"Nay" Roff says, "Since we're manhandlin' 'em, we cannae move 'em as fast as ye. We could curtenly use th' 'elp."

"Yeah. They may be lighter than they ought to be,"Aren agrees, "But they're still awfully awkward to move around. And as much as I know you guys need help with Cai, I need to help the medical team from here to assess the girls directly."

"As fer yer suggestion fer a buildin' we could spare fer that... There is an old 'ouse we could shack the wee one in. But I dinnae if it's sound for shackin' up yer gear with 'er." Roff explains.

Zissou is hard at work setting the gathered crystals into a perimeter. He is totally zoned out from the group.

"Well," The first medic says, "We can magically reinforce it to keep it upright. I just hope it's not run-down and dreary, because it certainly wouldn't bode well for a recovering patient to be in a depressing surroundings."

"Eh. It might be." Roff says hesitantly, "It's been abandoned a tick or two, and no one's been maintainin' it. Go 'ave a look see an' see what ye think." Pointing to a small cottage in less-than-stellar shape in the middle distance, conveniently away from other houses and buildings.

Zarik nods and rushes over, he begins to inspect it thoroughly.

Neris groans again. Despite having been healed of her injury, she still looks worse for the wear.

"I'll do what we can for you, little one." The medic says.

"My name..." Neris says, indignantly despite her agony, "Is Neristhana. Zarik named me!"

"Duly noted." He says, "May I call you Nerry?"

She shakes her head and groans unhappily, "Neris!"

"At any rate." Aren says with a bluntness similar to Zarik, "You need to be quiet and rest!"

Zarik rushes back and says, "It actually looks pretty decent. The roof's caving a bit, but the walls are steady. As long as nothing explodes or anything, it should be suitable. There's even a bed... If a bit musty..."

"Good." The medic says, "We'll start heading over." Going to pick Neris up, she squirms and makes it difficult to get a hold on her. "On second though, you take her, Chief."

"Alright, fine!" Zarik mutters and gently picks Neris up, much to her glee. Looking at her he says, "You're a brat. You know that?"

She beams at him.

Posted on 12-20-19 08:58 PM Link | ID: 153257
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel sighs.

Bel: It was a joke, Roff. I didn't suggest anything. Everyone knows fire and wood don't go well together unless you're using it for a campfire or something. But if it SHOULD burn down, no one would miss it anyway.

In any case, we better return to moving crystals. Or, you should, maybe. I've made them much lighter. I earned myself a rest. But...nah, I'm just kidding.

Bel returns to the crystals and proceeds to help Zissou moving them. Two by two, be brings them back and positions them around the lean-to, careful not to block the entrance or paths to other buildings.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-21-19 02:21 AM Link | ID: 153262
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Zarik and the first medic take Neris and get her situated in the run-down cottage, while a second and third medics finally come out of the carriage and assist with getting Caionna's amenities set up.

Zarik lays Neris down on the bed and helps her get comfortable by chattering back and forth quietly as the doctor begins pulling various bits and bobs for monitoring Neris' condition and sets them up surrounding the bed.

"You probably should have gotten her changed into more examination-friendly clothes." the hitherto unnamed man says, "Especially since I'm likely going to need to give her a full examination."

Neris' eyes dart from Zarik, to the chirugeon, and back. She blushes.

Zarik takes notice and says, "Oh. NOW you're embarrassed about being seen!"

Neris averts her gaze, and says, "Well, you and Cai have been going on and on about humility and modesty!"

"Extenuating circumstance." Zarik says, shaking his head, "Assessing what needs done to help you is different than you trying to hump anything with a shapely protrusion."

Neris turns a bright shade of red, shyly saying, "Was I really that bad? I wasn't completely myself, and the past few days has started teaching me more than you probably realized."

The healer turns a brighter shade of red than she does, but adds, "If what Zarik told me is true, then being around Caionna's crystals may have also been continuing to impart how you should be behaving." Handing Zarik a patient gown that is considerably larger than it needs to be for Neris, he continues, "Get her up and changed into that. I will step outside to grant privacy."

"Why me?!" Zarik exclaims.

"For starters," the man says, "She clearly wants as little to do with me as possible, if her refusal to have me bring her over here is any indication. Secondly, she clearly trusts you and, just guessing, she'll cooperate with you."

Neris avoids eye contact and says, "He's not wrong..." puffing her cheeks out indignantly.

"Okay, fine... Again!" Zarik concedes as the doctor steps outside. "Up! At 'em! And outta 'em!" he says as he reluctantly undresses the tiny phoenix, then situates her in the gown, struggling somewhat to thread her tattered wings through the back of the singlet. He closes his eyes for discretion, much to her chagrin. When changed, he lays her down again and runs the gamut of getting her comfortable again.

The doc comes back in and quietly gets to work with setting the equipment and performing his exam.
Back at the lean-to, Aren and Roff had helped Bel finish bringing the crystals over, then helping Zissou with the arrangement. The doctors having also set Cai up on their equipment to the best of their ability, having never had such a large patient before.

Zissou questions, "Is what he endeavored to get set up here sufficient? Or was our hypothesis off base?"

The second medic nods and says after conferring with his partner silently, "While we don't know what her condition was when she fell into this coma, we can see some minor improvement. There isn't a whole lot we can do for her aside from await a response from her."

"Makes sense." Aren says, "I was able to notice as much just from what she had between last night and this morning."

"Ye." Roff remarks, "She ain't doin' fantastic, but she ain't fadin' either." Turning to Bel, he quips, "An' wot's this abaut earnin' a break!? Ain't she s'posed tae be yer woman? Ye shaulda been chompin' at tha bit tae get her back in fightin' shape! Wot ye got tae say ta tha'?"

Posted on 12-21-19 04:29 AM (rev. 2 of 12-21-19 03:59 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 153266
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel shrugs at Roff's remark.

Bel: I would say that someone needs their ears examined. I'm quite sure I said I was joking. But I know what you mean. Is there anything else we can do then? We're done moving crystals and the medics are here. As for the coma, someone has safety precautions in place so I can't really do a mind trip to check.

He sits down near a wall just outside the lean-to and rests his back against it.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 12-21-19 08:36 AM Link | ID: 153267
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Zarik and the doctor give Neris a top-to-bottom looking over, and mumble back and forth to each other.

Neris grows agitated by their murmurs and complains, "Hey! Since you're talking about me, don't you think I deserve to hear it too?"

The medic says,"ell, she isn't wrong."

Zarik nods and says, "Yeah, I guess. So let's start from the top, then."

"For starters," The medic begins, "The Miracle requests can be done as requested, except for one, however... I can only do it once per day, and it will likely be excruciatingly painful. And let's not forget that she is hesitated considerably when I went to bring her over here."

"What isn't possible to fix?" Neris asks quizzically.

"Well," He responds, "your wings, hands, feet, and unmentionables can be reconstructed. Your height, however."

"I'm fine with the height if she is," Zarik says, "She's kinda cute as a midget."

She turns bright red at being called a midget, but the embarrassment subsides to being flattered by being called cute, she pipes up at the doctor, "i'll tough through the pain for Zarik, but I don't want you touching me there."

"Which is understandable." He responds, "And it can be arranged in one way or another to be delegated to Zarik." this statement elicits a coy grin from her.

"What makes you think I'm comfortable doing that?" Zarik exclaims.

"Given the context; You want her fully restored, she is vetoing that kind of contact from me, even given the intent of it not being sexual, and you are the only one she trusts that is able to be the intermediary." The doctor says, "You either get over your vow to be hands-off, or she doesn't get that part of her restored."

"She just wants to give me an ultimatum to be inappropriate with her!" Zarik protests. Neris growing disappointed with his protests. He points at her and says, "If that doesn't scream that I'm right, what does?"

"At any rate, we should let her decide what she wants fixed first. Of her hands, feet, or wings. Obviously." The medic says.

"Uh..." Neris contemplates aloud, "I guess having use of my hands would be best. You probably want me to try to feed myself."

"Wouldn't hurt." Zarik says, "Then I would vote your feet to get you used to walking normally."

"And your wings should be third since you're in no shape to attempt to fly, even if your wing structure wasn't in ruins." the medic contributes.

Neris hesitates and presents her twisted hands and says, "As much as I would rather it be Zarik doing this, get to work, sir."

The medic clasps her hands within his and begins to focus. His hands begin to glow white and engulf hers. Within seconds, the joints in her hands begin to pop and crack in a disgusting manner, with each grotesque sound emitted, Neris cries out in abject anguish. Zarik places a hand on her shoulder to try to instill a calmness in her by proxy of contact with her. It helps, but not much, she begins shrieking in pain. Several agonizing minutes later, the sounds abate and the glowing subsides.

With tears streaking her face, and continuing to weep, she holds her arms at length and examines her now normal hands. Pensively flexing her new-functional fingers, she winces in residual pain, then begins to weep tears of joy. Holding her hands up for Zarik, she says, "I can't believe it! I have normal hands! Finally!"

Folding her hands into his, Zarik says, "It's good to see that. But now we need to let him rest to keep going in the morning."

"Yes." The medic says, "And I know you're probably excited to show everyone. I need you to stay here to rest, yourself."

Neris' head drops and she says, "Yes sir..."
Back at the lean-to.

Zissou mentions, "If you recall, Belgarion, the telepathic shielding Caionna had was a rune. All of her runes were dispelled at the same time. Perhaps you can get a reading on her mental state in her unconscious condition. a suggestion."

Suddenly, Neris' cries are heard from the great distance, and Roff exclaims, "Wot in th' 'ells is goin' on yonder?"

"If I had to guess," Aren interjects, "The first phase of forcing Neris' body back to normal is going on. Given the state of her limbs, there's no doubt it would cause he intense pain like she hadn't experienced before."

"I have reason to believe you are correct, Arendal." Zissou confirms.

Posted on 12-21-19 08:50 PM Link | ID: 153269
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Oh, right. Been so much going on lately that I forgot about that. And...

Bel turn his head in the other direction as he hears the shrieking from Neris.

Bel: Things seem to go well in the torture chamber. I suppose I should try and poke around in Caionna's mind to see what I can find then. I suspect, however, that she might have some natural resistance in that form.

Bel rises from his seated position at the wall and turns around to face Caionna, then directs a psionic probe towards her. Gently at first, in case there might be some feedback.

"Cai? It's Bel. Can you hear me? I know you don't much like other people in your head and I'm sorry but I had to try and find out why you won't wake up."

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Posted on 12-22-19 04:12 AM Link | ID: 153276
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'Huh? Bel?' Cai's thoughts respond, 'Normally, I'd be angry about this intrusion, but it gives me hope that I can get back to myself soon. When I burst against Mother, it more or less sent me astrally projecting. I don't know where I am, I just know that I can communicate to Neris somehow. I don't understand it, I don't even really know where I am. I can sense the concentration of my energy. Maybe I can make my way back toward it.

'The only positive thing is I seem to have met with my father's spirit in here, wherever I am. If you see Zarik; tell him that dad is proud of us, and that he may have a new ability now that papa is free.'

The connection is suddenly cut off.

Noticing Bel snapping out of his telepathic trance, Zissou pipes up, "Well, did you hear anything, Belgarion?"
Back in the cottage.

The doctor examines Neris and is quietly helping her suss out how to use her hands for the first time with small objects. She is focused on the instruction, but seems unhappy about it.

"Aside from having her rest," Zarik starts, "What else do you have in mind, doc?"

"I plan to spend some time doing a magical examination of her to see if she has contracted anything foul from her time in captivity." He responds, "I know she is very unhappy that it isn't you doing these exams."

"Yeah, I am!" Neris says with palpable indignation, "Why do I have to put up with you?"

"Because." Zarik says, rather snippily, "He has the abilities to do what needs done, and you need to stop being bitchy at him and let him help you."

Neris is visibly taken aback by Zarik's comment, questioning, "How am I being bitchy?"

"You're being uncooperative, except for right now, oddly enough. You need to let him make contact with you without you reviling at it." He replies, "For some reason, you seem to have taken my 'I'll get you back to normal' sentiment as 'I will do it myself'. No. That's not how this works, birdbrain!"

Neris goes quiet and frowns.

"Pout all you want!" Zarik exclaims, "It's not my fault you think I'm some omnipotent miracle worker! I'm just a guy who happens to tick your personal preferences, which I'm really uncomfortable about how forward you are about it! That's something we're going to have to work out. But right now, you have to let the person who can actually help you do what he needs to!"

She goes back to manipulate the instruments with the doctor, putting a paper thin facade of enjoyment. After a pause, she meekly says, "Sorry. Both of you. I'll be more cooperative."

"Good!" Zarik says, "I need some air. I'll be back in a bit. I had better not hear anything about you being uncooperative!" pointing at her.

She averts his gaze as he leaves, and mutters, "Why is he being like this all of a sudden?"

"It isn't sudden." The medic says, "I've worked for his company for years, and he is a very serious man when he needs to be. He's being blunt with you to hammer home that he will not just give you want you want."

"What do you mean?" She inquires.

"To be polite: he knows you desire intimacy from him." He responds, "In your current condition, he doesn't feel he can reciprocate your feelings. Even when you become healthy, it seems unlikely he will just give in to you, as your desire to be charming toward him seem to let on."

"I don't get it." She says.

"You will, in one way or another." the man replies.

Zarik walks over to the group with Cai and says, "Neris' first step to recovery is done. I'm sure you could hear it, she shrieked loud enough to wake the dead." Looking things over, he remarks, "Looks like things are shaping up here, too. Any idea on how she's doing?"

The two chirugeons look at each other, mutter back and forth, and the one who had been speaking up til now says, "Everything seems normal, except she's out cold. Not a whole lot we can do, boss."

Posted on 12-22-19 10:59 PM Link | ID: 153291
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: I'll try to make this short. Basically, Caionna was hurled onto the astral plane when she exploded on Aeshalt and she's currently trying to find her way back. She seems to have encountered the spirit of Derigan while wandering around too. I actally have a message for...

At this point, Zarik walks around the corner of the lean-to and approaches the group.

Bel: Well. Isn't that good timing. Bel says and looks at Zarik.

Bel: I have an update about Caionna. I'll make it very short as to not repeat myself to the others. It goes like this: Astral Plane. Lost. Trying to find her way back. What I was about to say when you got out here again was that she seems to have encounter Derigan on the astral plane. His spirit, at least. She asked me to say that he's proud of you and that you might have a new ability now that he's free. That is all.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-23-19 03:34 AM (rev. 2 of 12-24-19 01:57 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 153292
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"Hang on, what?" Zarik says, blindsided by Bel's statement. "How did she meet dad? He's been dead for ages, how could he have ended up there?"

"I would not put it past the evil of the dragons to have sent him there to be rid of him." Zissou states.

"I mean, I'm no spellcaster," Zarik says in a hitherto matter-of-fact manner, "But that shouldn't have stopped him if he was so powerful and threatening. I think he woul--" he stops himself short with a revelation, "Did you say new ability? I guess that explains why I'm suddenly able to actually see auras and shit."

"I dunno," Aren begins, "If I had to guess, I think there was more to your long-standing hypothesis about your dragon heritage being a barrier to you using magic."

"What?" Zarik says, dumbfoundedly.

"I believe what Arendal is trying to say," Zaissou interjects, "Is that you inherited your father's sorcery, but your mother cursed you to suppress it and tied it to her life force to force you into the typical male archetype of the males of the Reach, being fully incapable of magic. It seems to have began manifesting itself already, but oddly with psionic magic of a moderate potency. Perhaps it is merely a fluke."

"Slow down, old man." Zarik says, shaking his head, "I understood up until you started talking magical fuckery. Are you trying to say I'm a magic user now?"

"Precisely." Zissou nods, "What you choose to do with that knowledge is your discretion."

Zarik looks skyward and shouts, "Thanks, but no thanks, you spectral old fart! I already have too much shit on my plate to try to hone magic! Shoulda left that to Cai!"

"You seem to be missing something, Zarik." Zissou says, "Much like how you cannot control your defacto infertility due to your racial blend, your father could not control which of his traits you inherited from him. Whether you take this as boon or bane is, as I just stated, your discretion."

"I'd say it was a boon." Aren jokes, "Weren't you just complaining you didn't have any more weapons to learn for a hobby?"

"Shit up, Aren!" Zarik exclaims, "Besides, I'm not smart enough to be a wizard."

"Ah!" Zissou begins anew, "That is where you are mistaken. Wizardry must be learned and is trained from your smarts. You are a sorcerer, which is innate and dictated by your charisma. If your ability to woo women is any indication, you are debonair enough to pull your magic off with staggering aplomb!"

"Chill out, old man." Zarik audibly rolls his eyes, "You're practically pitching a tent in your robe at the thought of mentoring another new mage."

"Your brashness aside," Zissou remarks, "I would be remiss if I declined the opportunity!"

The ensemble laugh while Zarik shakes his head in disbelief. "This is unbelievable." he says with obvious frustration. Turning to Bel, he adds, "Do you know of any ways that can help Cai come back? Or are we kinda stuck waiting for her to amble back?"

Posted on 12-25-19 09:36 PM Link | ID: 153318
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Hmm. I don't know if we can do more at the moment. She did say she could feel a large concentration of power from her body, though, so I assume she's trying to home in on that.

Bel sits down outside the lean-to again.

Bel: If anyone has any other ideas, I'm all ears.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-26-19 05:37 AM (rev. 2 of 12-26-19 06:59 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 153322
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"Can't think of anything." Zarik says, "Then again, I know nothing about what you actually can do."

Aren shrugs and says, "Maybe amplify the aether, but that would require tech we don't have."

Zissou shrugs, and says, "I am torn between Zarik and Arendal on this, between lack of technological knowledge and what everyone is capable of doing. However, it may actually be that we must allow time to take its course."

"Aye." Roff adds, "Ye may jest need tae wait 'n' be patient. Nae sense in tryin' 'n' forcin' thengs. Yer welcome tae stay as long as ye need tae. Tha oldies in town'll likely love 'avin' ye aroond."

The next few days pass quietly, aside from the few moments of Neris discomforted screams from her body restructuring. The hut she is being held in being packed with an assortment of foodstuff due to a hypothesis of what will occur come the off chance Neris takes a sudden turn south and rebirths.

On the fourth day; Zarik and the medic are discussing what they need to do for the final go at restoring Neris' body.

"Alright Neris," The medic says, "It's time to fix the final part of you."

"You're still not touching me!" Neris says feistily, the retraction of disease, her feet, and wings having lifted her spirits and empowering her, "You may have been doing good for me, but it hurt, so I don't know if I trust you!"

"It's not gonna not hurt just because it's me." Zarik says in a tone matching her indignation of the previous days, "But I guess it's what you've been not-so-subtly demanding since we saved you last week."

Neris cocks her head sideways and giggles with a catty smile, overtly confirming his statement.

Zarik steels himself, clearly uncomfortable at the thought of doing anything sexual with Neris, despite her age technically meaning she's an adult. With his eyes closed, he asks, "Okay, how are we going to do this?"

"Frankly," the doctor begins, "I don't exactly know. Miracle isn't a spell that typically gets channeled through another subject. I guess you're going to have to make the contact like I had done for the rest of her, while I send the spell through your hand as an intermediary."

"Well, let's just get this over with." Zarik says as he hesitantly places his hand on Neris' groin. She giggles with anticipation, more exited by the idea of being fondled by her man-crush than the impending pain.

The doctor places both of his hands on Zarik's wrist and begins his chant for the spell. His hands begin to glow and the glow passes through Zarik and into Neris' pelvis as expected. Much like the previous days, nothing happens at first, but her body begins to twitch. Moments pass and the twitching becomes more erratic as she begins to feel the effects begin. She begins to scream in pain as the previous days, as Zarik can feel the scar tissue cede and her organ rebuilding itself. He squirms uncomfortably, but the other man's grip and proximity doesn't allow him to actually break any contact. A short time later, then screams of agony give way to moans of passion as the nervous tissue of her body begins to integrate back into her restored bits.

After what feels like an eternity to Zarik, Neris throws her head back in ecstasy and she breathes heavily. He is finally able to pull his positively drenched hand away, drying his hand with her blanket he says, "I'm glad that's over! Not gonna lie, I kinda feel a little violated."

"What was THAT?" Neris exclaims, "I've never felt anything like that before! I mean, I did, but never that strong!"

"Should you tell her, or should I?" Zarik asks, to emphatic motioning toward him from the other man, "Okay then..." he hesitates, "That was an orgasm. Something you should have felt from when those disgusting motherfuckers were running their back-to-back fuckings, but they cut that off of you to make it so you couldn't feel what they were feeling."

"So when we're getting it on, it'll feel good like that?" She chirps.

"Who said we would be doing anything beyond that?" Zarik says flatly, "I only acted as intermediary because you wouldn't let him do his job!"

"I thought that my body being the way it was was the only thing standing between me and you." Neris says, crestfallen.

"That was one thing." Zarik retorts, "There's the fact that when I thought you were just a harpy, rather than an avatar of fire in the flesh of one, I thought it was weird that you were into someone who was technically old enough to be an ancestor of yours by a factor of at least fifteen generations!"

"If I may interrupt, Zarik." The doctor says, "I had been using the downtime of this whole several-day operation to do some research on our now completed puzzle of a girl."

"Uh, sure..." Zarik says, "What did you find?"

"I pieced together the information you gave me based on what you suspected her age to be." The man states, "I went through records of happenings from the estimated time frame from the databases in Ada and the surrounding cities. If you recall, there was a nesting ground for a sizable cacophony of harpies that disappeared roughly five years ago. That coincides rather nicely with your estimate. If I were to make a guess, I would assume they disappeared due to the Reach taking interest in the rumors of a large, red egg being in the brood nest. They must have found it, eradicated the settlement, then made off with the egg. It hatched into our Neris, then they did as they pleased with her."

Neris eyes the doctor skeptically during his explanation while Zarik nods and gives the occasional affirmation of following along.

"So, what does it actually mean?" Zarik asks.

"You are correct in the assumption that she is of racial maturity." The doctor replies, "So that ought to eschew some of your concern about having done anything inappropriate in terms of that." he motions generally in her direction, "Furthermore, if you are wanting a surname for her, since you only gave her a forename, the cacophony was known as the Twem."

"Neristhana Twem..." Zarik says aloud, then mulls it over, "I kinda like the ring of it. Let's go for it!"

Neris, having been ignoring the exchange, nudges toward Zarik and nuzzles his arm, saying, "What about Neristhana, uh, whatever your name is..."

Wrestling his way out of her grip he says, "Not gonna happen, unless you want to fulfill a few requirements first!"

"Like?" She asks, staring intently, her eyes gleaming their natural blue through her mildly still-faded state.

Zarik thinks quickly on his feet to give her his ultimatum, "First, you have to learn how to use your natural abilities. Both your phoenix skills and harpy ones. Secondly, I want you to learn to act like a mature adult, none of this overt nymphomania anymore in public! Thirdly, I want you to pick up a profession and hobbies that will keep you occupied when I'm not around!"

"I, uh..." Neris stammers, "That sounds hard!"

"Life's hard, kid." He retorts harshly, "If you don't think you an do it, I won't kick you to the kerb, but you won't be directly involved with me."

"But--" she protests.

"'But' nothing!" Zarik says dourly, "I want to teach you that if you want something, you need to earn it! Besides; I want a partner, not a sex dispensary. You are more than life support for what we just repaired on you! I don't care what Zerilisk's tools told you!"

"I'll try.." She says, "But I don't think I can do it alone."

"You don't have to." Zarik says, much more softly. "I'll be there to help you, along with everyone else in our family." referring to Cai and the others, "I want you to know your value. Now hush and rest now. I need to do a few things now." He then gently pushes her into position in the bed, being mindful of the potential of re-injuring her still-tattered wings.

Neris cooperates and begins mulling over what she was paying attention to in the past moments.

The chirugeon stays by her side and says, "I will be here to monitor you and attend, just like I have been. Get your rest as Zarik insisted."

As Zarik leaves to rendezvous at Cai's lean-to, Neris quietly agrees.

Posted on 12-28-19 03:06 AM Link | ID: 153339
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: So we play the waiting game then. I could probably share some of my magic power with Caionna but it'd be pointless if it has no effect on her waking up faster.

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