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Posted on 04-01-12 04:02 PM Link | ID: 11271
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Somewhere in the folds between dimensions, there is a small building in the middle of a tranquil field. There isn't much to this place, yet there's an air of mystery surrounding it. Inside, everything seems tossed about and is in total disarray.

Behind the bar, from beneath a pile of jars, bottles, cans, dust, and many other things one might find in their kitchen, Caionna lays on the floor in somewhat of a daze. Getting up, she dusts herself off and wonders aloud to herself, "What in the multiverse just happened?" Looking around, she adds, "This place is a mess... Better get things cleaned up before someone shows up for a visit."

Wasting no time, she magics up a few brooms and such to expedite the cleanup process. Within minutes, the quaint little shack is made presentable once again. As a finishing touch, the woman walks over to a small sign that reads Si tu id aeficas, ei venient. Ager somnia. With a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, she says quietly, "If you build it, they will come." and walks over to the window and turns the sign, once again, to open.

Posted on 04-01-12 04:43 PM Link | ID: 11276
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And come they did.

Natalie--showing off in her dragonform as usual--is the first to arrive, gliding down from the sky and landing out front with a soft thump. She eagerly enters, excited to meet up with her friends... but stops just inside the door as she realizes she's having a severe case of déjà vu.

"Huh? Didn't I just... didn't I just do this yesterday?" she asks herself as she nervously fingers her recently acquired black studded-leather collar. She tugs briefly on the large heart-shaped diamond hanging from the front for a moment before giving up on trying to figure out what happened.

"...Huh. Guess I'm the first one here, then," she muses, realizing the place seems rather empty. Except for Caionna, of course.

Posted on 04-01-12 04:47 PM Link | ID: 11277
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Cynthia suddenly appears behind Caionna, and gives her and Natalie a friendly nod as she walks over to the bar, leaving the distinct smell of ozone where she appeared.

Posted on 04-02-12 11:34 AM Link | ID: 11359
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Leo walks up to the tavern and tilts his head "Why is this place.... Eh whatevers."

Leo walks into the tavern and gives a good look mapping out the building, or what he could see of it in this one room, in his mind.

"So umm who works here?" Leo said as he looked back and forth at the others who were around with a smile on his face. After saying this he places one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other up to his mouth, covering it so he could yawn.

Posted on 04-02-12 02:51 PM Link | ID: 11370
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Noticing her friends appearing, she makes a blanket welcome to them, "Hi, girls, welcome back...?" There's a perplexed intonation to the end of her greeting, as if she's unsure if she should have said it like that.

Responding to Natalie, she says, "Yep. Looks like it."

The entry scent for Cynthia then hits her nose, and she flinches as if she was going to sneeze, but doesn't. Regaining her composure, she greets the robotic girl, "Hey, Cynth, where's Kawa? Aren't you two usually attached at the... Erm..." After hesitating a bit, she adds awkwardly, "Hip?"

Turning to Leo, she responds, "Oh... This place? The full story would take far too long to explain." Realizing she forgot to introduce herself, she blushes, then bows and says, "My name is Caionna Hoir, the proprietress."

Posted on 04-02-12 03:12 PM Link | ID: 11371
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"Danna has things to do", Cynthia explains. "I don't really understand about half of what he said, but it was something about cosmic retcons and headaches. When the scanners indicated the new tavern location, I thought I'd 'port down for the usual tasks. I'm sure danna'll be around eventually."

Posted on 04-02-12 04:00 PM Link | ID: 11373
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Natalie stretches her wings for a moment. "Cosmic retcons is right... I really feel like I just came here yesterday," she says offhandedly. "In fact, I think... yeah, there is something different about you, Caionna. Can't put my finger on quite what, though... it's been what, two years? Hard to remember."

Posted on 04-02-12 04:23 PM Link | ID: 11380
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"Umm I don't mean to interrupt but...." Leo's stomach growls very loudly and he proceeds to blush while rubbing the back of his head. It has been a couple days since Leo has had any food. He was following a lead he had picked up about a group of demons he was following but the trail had gone cold.

"I don't know what form of currency you use, but I have a little bit of currency left from the last world I was in." Leo bows towards Caionna "If it wouldn't be to much trouble I'd like some food."

Posted on 04-02-12 05:36 PM Link | ID: 11396
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Hearing that Kawa was busy disheartened Caionna somewhat, but she understood and nodded to Cynthia.

Trying to think about what Natalie said, she dons a thoughtful expression, then says, "I'm not sure how long it's been... It's been quite some time, though. Temporal shifts between planes will do that do you, I guess."

Turning her attention to Leo, she says, "Interrupting? What are you interrupting?" Smiling, she notices how hungry the boy is and waves her hand.

Suddenly, a bread roll flies through the air from the kitchen vicinity that collides with Leo's head with a small paff sound, and lands softly on his shoulder as if by magic. A muffled cackling sound can be heard from where the bread flew from.

Stifling laughter, Caionna says, "You'll have to excuse the help... They're a tad on the crazy side." A sardonic smile crosses her lips as she says in a, nigh undetectably joking, dark voice, "As for money..." Her expression wavers, unable to hold it together, she starts laughing, and says between fits of giggles, "Don't worry about it. Just make yourself at home, and take as much as you like. Just keep it reasonable."

Posted on 04-02-12 07:31 PM Link | ID: 11412
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Natalie sighs, wings drooping a bit. "All I know is I spent about a year and a half dealing with a succubus who wanted to eliminate the need to feed on souls..."

She glances around for a moment, taking in the new presences. Then she turns her attention back to Caionna... and a look of amused understanding crosses her face. "Aha! That's what it is, you've got more potential! The power's practically radiating off of you. And--are those... wings?" she adds, finally noticing that not-so-minor detail.

Posted on 04-03-12 01:23 AM Link | ID: 11452
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When the succubus was introduced into the conversation Leo's attention was grabbed. He decided to just relax while he ate the food that was given to him and listen as the others talked, waiting to see if anything else about demons were brought up.

Though with the mention of wings Leo looks up at Caionna and raises an eye brow. He wasn't paying enough attention earlier due to be hungry and studying the inside of tavern. He quickly goes back to eating the food given to him though now he was curious about the other three that were in the room

Posted on 04-03-12 04:19 AM Link | ID: 11460
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Roy Koopa
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Bel caught Natalie's reply to Caionna as he enter the tavern.

Bel: I thought dragons were supposed to be adepts with magic. I felt that power before I walked in here. What's up? The wizard says with a cocky, yet friendly tone. He pulls down the hood of his robe as he walks in, casting a few glances along the way to see who's arrived.

Bel: Hey, Caionna. Nice to see you again. By the way, am I the only one who feels like as if I was doing something else the moment before I got here?

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Posted on 04-03-12 04:32 AM Link | ID: 11473
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"Do I look like a natural-born dragon to you, Bel?" Natalie snorts. "This is just a combat-oriented alternate form I developed. I tend to subconsciously block out power auras anyway."

Posted on 04-03-12 07:18 PM Link | ID: 11581
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A crash came from outside the tavern, followed by a loud, joyous yell. A scraping sound was heard as outside, dirt was displaced from its current state, and a sled traveled down the hillside. The door flung open as a Cycloptic man wearing a hawaiian shirt interjected, " I need a bit of help out here. There's some baddies after my product. I'll buy everyone rounds if you can help me out." He left the door open, running after a sled covered in barrels, and a wave of creatures pouring after it in the distance. He jumped up, aiming toward the wave, and crashed down close to it. A few were knocked down in the ensuing shockwave.

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Posted on 04-03-12 07:24 PM Link | ID: 11584
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In seconds, Cynthia pulls a rifle out from the front of her shirt that shouldn't realistically fit there, jumps over the counter and bounds out the door.

She nods at the cyclops in greeting, slides back a dial on the side of her weapon, and mows down the baddies with what seems to be a low-power energy beam.

"Stun setting", Cynthia clarifies.

Posted on 04-04-12 03:46 AM (rev. 2 of 04-04-12 03:48 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 11618
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I wouldn't know about that, Nat. There are dragons who can take the shapes of other species or even humanoids. Don't know if that applies to all of them. Probably have to do with how powerful they are.

At that point, the crash interrupts them.

Bel: And now...I think we're getting more guests.

The door swings open and the Cyclop enters.

The mage just sighs when he sees the army of creatures in the distance, putting his left hand on his hip and scratching his head with the other. (Would make more sense if it was gold in the barrels.)

Bel summons a shield around him as he walks out towards the sled.

Bel: Why would they be after your stuff? Unless they haven't had anything to drink for a couple of days.

And if they're gonna be all over those barrels, it'll be a bit tricky to destroy them without damaging your goods, considering how many they are.

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Posted on 04-04-12 05:13 AM (rev. 2 of 04-04-12 05:20 AM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 11624
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"Oh damn it to hell. Isn't he the old bartender that wasn't Kawa?" Natalie mutters. "Why the hell would a bunch of creeps be after his booze? Hell, for that matter, why are they even here?"

Wasting no further time on the frivolities, Natalie simply watches the show for a moment. Surely her help wouldn't be needed for such cut-rate lackeys...

That attitude only held for about three seconds. Didn't he just offer drinks? A nice quality mild inebriation would help her stop worrying about the cosmic implications of the shared déjà vu.

Two seconds later, Natalie was already in flight. She quickly lands directly on one of the creeps and zaps a few others with a low-power chain lightning, ruining their motor ability.

"I've been wanting to zap the shit out of something for years now!" she chirps happily.

Posted on 04-04-12 05:58 PM Link | ID: 11679
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It started with a small disturbance. Anyone not paying attention to something else would have felt the hairs on the back of their neck standing up as the particles in existence tried to realign nearby them. This is what happens when someone goes from the negative first dimension to the third. They have to move through many others, and this causes a huge disturbance on most of them. Luckily, for the third dimension, only the unfocused even really feel bothered.

Gray moved through the nothing of the Zeroth dimension, and into the third. He stepped down outside of a tavern, and realigned his goggles, trying to see where in the hell he was. That was the biggest problem with transporting between planes, you really didn't know where you were going to be. He walked into the tavern and, still rather confused by the sights around him, walked up to the counter,
"Looks like a tavern... Excuse me, miss," he said to Caionna, "I have absolutely no idea where I am right now. Could you get me a... water, I suppose, and tell me where I am?" He looked around, examining the other few people in the room at that moment.

Posted on 04-05-12 07:10 AM (rev. 2 of 04-05-12 07:33 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 11770
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I don't even know where to start with responding to everyone, so fuck it. I'm ignoring shit that didn't directly address me.
Seeing Bel enter, she waves cheerfully, saying, "Hi, Bel, how've you been?" she stops to contemplate his question, then answers, "I'm not sure... All I remember is waking up from a total blackout a few moments before you all started showing up... Everything's a bit blurry."

Pausing a moment to think about what Natalie was talking about, then she realizes what it is. Flapping her wings slightly, she says, "Yeah, they're wings... Apparently there's dragon in my lineage, and when I disappeared those years ago, I was actually called back to the village I was born in by my dragon ancestors and they triggered something inside me that awakened my suppressed ancestral form. Along with it came a large boost to my magical prowess and the ability to transform freely between human and dragon, and anything in between." Sighing, she continues, "From there, everything went to hell in a hand basket, which is why I told our young friend here," she motions to Leo, "that where we are, and how it came to be is a very long story."

A thoughtful expression then crosses her visage as she says inquisitively, "You said it's only been two years since we last saw one another?" Setting her jaw, and musing to herself for a moment, she says, "Apparently, time flows differently from one plane to the next, since I recall several decades having passed..." She seems to zone out as she contemplates the implications of the independent time streams.

When Gray appeared, it takes her a few moments to realize that the man had just materialized from seemingly nowhere. The phenomenon wouldn't have surprised her, but she was concentrating so hard, it caught her slightly off guard.

Gathering her wits, she replies to the mysterious newcomer, "You would be correct, this is a tavern." Walking to the bar, she pulls a tall glass off of the shelf and fills it with clean tap water. Handing it to Gray, she continues, "As for where you are... The best way to describe this world is... Sort of like being at every single point of existence, while simultaneously being nowhere at all." Unsure of how confusing that description was, she hastily adds, "You see, that's because we're in a fold between the planes of the multiverse. We're more or less connected to everywhere and nothing in a pocket of sorts. I created this, shall I say, void to act as a haven."

EDIT: Sorry, I'm half asleep right now because people don't know how to shut the fuck up while someone's asleep in the same room.

* Trelior glares angrily at his WoW group's Hunter

I adjusted the post accordingly.

Posted on 04-05-12 07:13 AM (rev. 2 of 04-05-12 07:44 AM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 11771
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((Chopped liver, apply directly to the demigoddess-wannabe's forehead.

Looks like Natalie's stuck until CyC remembers that he's most of the reason things got held up the last board incarnation and actually remembers to keep shit going this time.

And Billy sure isn't going to find this place on his own...

Sigh. I shouldn't have had her go off on that tangent.))

((E: Oh, here we go. This might work.))

Natalie quickly reappears in the tavern entrance, earfrills drooping slightly from her previous rude exit. What use was full potential on those useless goons? A decoy dragoness could fight them off no problem. In fact, that's exactly what she had done. She'd left a low-potential clone of herself in charge of securing the drink.

"Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget I can just sit back and not sandblast the soup cracker," Natalie says. "Anyway, I... hmm. I don't know," she responds to Caionna's timeline contemplation. "I'm not good with weird time shit... Kawa would know exactly what went on... but... preliminary examinations suggest... yeah, no, I've got nothing." She sighs, her frills drooping a little more. She thought she'd had an idea, but it wouldn't have made sense...
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