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Posted on 04-05-12 04:48 PM Link | ID: 11819
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Gray kept an interested gaze at Caionna as she talked, leaning on the bar and sipping from his water every now and then. When she finished explaining, he sat down at the bar, "I see. That's rather interesting, I haven't been to a constructed plane before." He looked around and saw nothing but a generic bar. "You must be very powerful indeed, Miss....?" He looked at her inquisitively, reaching for a name.

Posted on 04-05-12 07:23 PM Link | ID: 11841
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Caionna shakes her head in disbelief at herself for failing to introduce herself, "I'm sorry, sir, my name is Caionna."

Having now properly introduced herself, she goes on to say, "I'm sure you've been to more constructed planes than you realize, since they had to come from somewhere. It all depends on how you want to look at things." Noticing Gray's inspection of the area, she adds, "For a plane this small, it does take quite some power, but it's nothing compared to any of the other realms. As for the building, I conjured it up with what little energy I had left after dotting the hillside with a few trees. It isn't much, but maybe if I get enough visitors, I can spruce things up a bit."

Posted on 04-05-12 07:39 PM Link | ID: 11847
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"Small plane? Huh. I thought planes were either infinite or zero," Natalie muses. Maybe I've still got a lot to learn.



"Dammit, Billy, no! You've already found six volcanoes, thirteen empty voids, and two oceans! Stop trying to map the multiverse, you're just going to get us killed!"

"Lucia, I've got to do it. We all got shunted out of that lounge ten months ago. When we were there, I had the best time of my life. And I don't care if she has forgotten we exist! I'll make her remember."

With that, Billy opens portal number fifty for the day... and slams it shut after seeing nothing but eldritch abominations on the other side.

Posted on 04-05-12 08:07 PM Link | ID: 11848
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"I meant that it's small in the sense that there's very little that is actually shaped right now." Caionna responds, "There's only so much designing you can do when you create a pocket realm to escape into and then have to create something to keep from floating around in nothingness. Right now, if you try to go beyond the reaches of the field in this valley, you'll find yourself deposited into either the nothingness of the void or shunted to another plane... If you're lucky."

Posted on 04-05-12 08:50 PM Link | ID: 11854
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Natalie nods. "That makes more sense. The void option seems most likely to me, but I never experimented."


Sixty portals. Eighty. A hundred. And that was only today's tally.

"Billy, stop. You're not going to find her. The multiverse is far too large."

"What else am I supposed to do? Sit around? Wait for her to come find me? Ooh, hey, this one has chocobos!" Billy takes another cryptic note of his discoveries and closes the portal. Then, for a while, Billy just stares off into space.

"Er... Billy?" Lucia asks, a bit concerned about her brother's vacant expression.

"...Small dimension... looks recently created. Not much in it... worth a shot. Takes a lot of power to force the creation of one of those things. She's got that kind of power."

Billy opens the portal...

...and closes it a few moments later. "Nope."

Posted on 04-07-12 02:55 AM Link | ID: 12057
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A short period of combat later, the goblins had been defeated. "Phew! Thank for the help, next round's on me. Let's get inside and I can explain things." Bob walked off, and dragged the sled around to the back of the tavern, and made a small amount of noise placing the barrels where they went, and emerged from the back a few minutes later.

havin' a ball

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Posted on 04-07-12 05:06 PM Link | ID: 12081
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Having finished her task, the clone Natalie enters the tavern and steps up to the real Natalie. "Job's done, just a bunch of stupid goblins," she says. "Not sure what they were up to. Still don't know how they got here."

"He probably led them here just to be silly," the real Natalie says with a shrug. "But hey, as long as they're just weak mooks, I personally don't care how many people bring in~" She stretches out a wing and hooks it around her cloneself, pulling her closer so she can wrap an arm around her clone. She was, of course, doing it purely in the interest of making a scene... or maybe an ass of herself. Hard to tell.

It's too bad there isn't anyone here I could really drive nuts by doing this.


Lena might cower in a corner if anything.


"Billy, please. You nearly got pulled into that last one. The severed tentacles are still trying to kill you! Stop trying to find her!"

"Ugh, fine." I'll just look when you're not around. "Just one more try, okay?"

Lucia sighs. "One more. Make it count."

Posted on 04-10-12 06:05 PM Link | ID: 12788
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((Three days? Perhaps this place really has died. :s))

Posted on 04-10-12 07:11 PM Link | ID: 12789
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Why am I not surprised?
While I admit some of this stagnation is my fault as the organizer, it's not all my fault. This is just as much you guys' responsibility as it is mine, since we're all in this writing together.

Posted on 04-10-12 07:15 PM Link | ID: 12790
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Suddenly, somebody taps Billy on the shoulder.

((gee I wonder who that could be))

Posted on 04-10-12 07:30 PM Link | ID: 12791
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Posted by GreyMaria
((Three days? Perhaps this place really has died. :s))

OoC: Hey. I was celebrating easter with my family the whole weekend. Weren't at home so I had no access to a computer.

Bel: I'm just fine, Cai. I did miss you, though. Thanks for asking. Bel says and smiles.

Bel: But has it really been decades? Hardly feels like that long for me. But then again, time does flow differently, like you said. As for that blur, I hate having blanks like that in my mind. Bugs the hell out of me.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 04-10-12 07:55 PM (rev. 2 of 04-10-12 08:27 PM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 12792
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Billy whirls around, startled by the tap. "Bwuh?"

"Oh, hello. Come to, say, laugh at me? Or just point me in the direction of my girl?"


Natalie's clone closes her eyes and leans her head on the real Natalie's shoulder.

"Hm," real Natalie says. "Wonder what kind of trouble she's in, anyway. Can't leave that succubus alone for more than an hour before she goes off trying to find something sexy to do."

Posted on 04-11-12 11:45 AM Link | ID: 12875
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"Yes", Kawa says with a big ol' smirk. "I was on my way there myself, actually, and saw you making a fool of yourself so I thought I'd give you a ride."

"Aren't transponders swell?" he asks as he opens a portal with all the ease of opening an unlocked door.

Something about him seems off. Some physical changes. Some of them rather obvious, such as a total lack of shirt.

Posted on 04-11-12 04:36 PM Link | ID: 12888
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((Now now, nobody said Billy had trouble -opening- portals. Just finding out what's on the other side without opening one.))

"Fine, whatever," Billy says. "Least now Lucia won't have any reason to bitch at me."

"Hey! I'm only trying to keep you from killing yourself!" Lucia snaps, pointing at multiple spots of cooled lava on the ground.

"I had it under control," Billy says. "And now Kawa has it under control, so problem solved."


Natalie dispels her clone self with a slight flourish and proceeds to a nearby empty patch of floor space, conjuring a fluffy armchair and seating herself in it.

"Gods, two years since I saw any of you guys. Or Billy... I wonder if he's been looking for me at all?" Natalie muses.

She leans back in her chair and hugs her tail to her chest, nestling it squarely in her bosom, leaving about a foot of its length free. If I'm going to bring in Lena, I may as well look as cute as I can to distract her from the others. Damned succubus.

Posted on 04-11-12 05:38 PM Link | ID: 12890
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"I missed you, too, Bel." Caionna responds, "I missed all of you, truth be told. It just didn't feel the same without my friends around."

Stopping to think, she says, "If it wasn't truly decades of time, then my home world experienced decades of decay within a very short amount of time. Perhaps in the battle, I lost track of time due to constant overexertion." With a sigh, she continues, "All I can clearly recall is joining the fray with my ancestors for what seemed like a very long time, and then suddenly being instructed to flee from the battle."

Posted on 04-11-12 06:14 PM Link | ID: 12891
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Roy Koopa
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Bel takes on an expression as if he's in thought of something, with his right hand supporting his chin.

Bel: Must've been something awfully powerful if you had to hightail it out of there, even with your heigthened abilities.

(I wonder if I should mention the lack of a certain two people. Probably has to do with said battle. And it must be tough on her considering that she hasn't mentioned it herself.)

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 04-12-12 12:13 PM Link | ID: 12940
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"Yes, the foe wea very powerful. What made things worse was that they almost seemed shapeless and nondescript. It was difficult to decipher if we were hitting our target or an unfortunately deformed creature." Caionna begins before falling silent. Hanging her head, she continues after a long pause, "There were so many of my people lost. Casualties and captures alike... I'm one of very few survivors that got away..." She tries to continue, but she can't find the words.

Posted on 04-12-12 12:21 PM Link | ID: 12941
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"That... that's terrible," Natalie says, her earfrills drooping rather severely. "A shapeless enemy... I can't imagine any worse way to go."

((Is it wrong that I'm imagining that dark matter stuff from Kirby's Dream Land 3?))

"I, er... scientific curiosity, how many... how many others as powerful as or more than you were there?"

Posted on 04-12-12 12:35 PM Link | ID: 12942
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Side note: Since I said that there were as many casualties as captives, don't write my other characters off yet, they've merely been put on a bus for the time being.

GM: No, that's actually a pretty fair assumption.

Caionna takes several minutes to gather herself before responding, "I... Can't particularly give an accurate number, but I would say that while I was grasping my new abilities, I was somewhere in the top ten or so percent in our hastily organized world defense militia..." Taking a deep breath, she continues, "I'm honestly surprised we were able to fight them off for as long as we did."

Posted on 04-12-12 12:46 PM (rev. 2 of 04-12-12 06:10 PM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 12943
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Natalie sighs. "Top ten percent... that's not bad, but it's not good either... and if you're to the point where you're creating worlds like this, it's going to take a lot more than a ragtag bunch of misfits to win that battle." For once, her cocky headstrong attitude had been squashed by the obvious futility of the thought that had briefly crossed her mind. She nibbles on the tip of her tail in thought despite this, though, trying to think of something...

((E: Hey guess what, Billy's waiting for something out of Kawa and isn't getting anything.))
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