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Main - msg db 'Computer Address',0xa - Which Programming Languages Do you know? (1)
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Which Programming Languages do you know (at least well enough to write at least a function)?
C++ (OOP)
Actionscript (Flash)
ASM (any CPU, spec in reply)
Other (please spec)
Multiple voting is allowed. Changing your vote is allowed. 15 users have voted so far.

Posted on 05-22-12 01:25 PM Link | ID: 15808
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I don't know if this has ever been asked, but it could be interesting.

I've presented a few common ones off of the top of my head. Please reply to the poll with your selections, how experienced you are with the language, any additional variations of it (like x86 ASM, or C++0x11) and if you selected other, what is the language.

I've selected:
C++ (rusty)
C (more so rusty, only used it as glue with C++ for some lower level stuff 10 years ago)
PHP (fair) I've been getting better with it since working on ABII. I started looking at PHP when the first AB started. This skill has served me well as it seems everyone uses PHP now a days.
Other - Bash/Shell (Good) - I use a lot of scripts and such on the shell. Most I will admit are still simple batch commands, but I've done a few complex ones.

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'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
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'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 05-22-12 03:13 PM Link | ID: 15809
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I can do Plain C well enough to write Pokémon clones, and C# like a boss. Procedural PHP is okay, and I've been trying to use OOP-style PHP.

Posted on 05-22-12 05:04 PM Link | ID: 15815
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I haven't dabbled with code in a while... An amazing amount of good going to school for it has done me, eh?

Although, I can crash my way through some VB.NET, PHP, and Java (if I must)... Beyond that, SQL and databases are what I can do relatively well.

Posted on 05-22-12 05:16 PM Link | ID: 15817
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I first got to know C and C++. Then, after getting sick of the Win32 API, I moved to C++/CLI, which is no more than .NET hacked onto C++. But I did enjoy the ability to quickly design and program GUIs. With the Win32 API, you keep writing dialog procedures, filling silly structures, and writing several lines for stuff that could fit in one line if the API was designed better.

Eventually, I discovered C#. Much better than C++/CLI. No more of those ugly hacks to distinguish managed code from native code. I can definitely say that the second thing SM64DSe benefitted the most from is the rewrite to C# (the first one being the addition of the 3D renderer).

Of course since I've been into SM64DS hacking, I also know ARM assembly. A bit of x86 too, but not enough to write a function, I think...

And last but not least I think, PHP. I have been contributing to ABXD's development since Nikoboard was opened. I also wrote my blog, several dynamic post layouts (ohai NeonLayout), and other uninteresting crap.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

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Posted on 05-22-12 06:01 PM Link | ID: 15819
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I can half-ass my way through VB.NET and am getting better at C#... I've used Eurphoria, PHP, classic VB, and a whole bunch of other languages in the past, but so long ago that I probably don't remember enough to be worthwhile.

Also I've taken actual classes in MatLab and Verilog HDL, but I don't have much opportunity to use those languages so I'm pretty rusty in them now.

Posted on 05-22-12 07:07 PM Link | ID: 15822
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PHP comes to mind first. Used a few in various other script things though.

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Posted on 05-22-12 08:15 PM Link | ID: 15824
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I know none. I wish I knew any. ...well, maybe a teensy tiny bit of C, but that's really not much.

Posted on 05-23-12 01:32 AM Link | ID: 15838
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"Well enough to write a function" basically comes out to "I can JSR" when applied to ASM, sooooo... yeah.

Posted on 05-24-12 07:33 AM Link | ID: 15870
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I've been messing with PHP for quite a while and I'm fairly decent at it, I've also more recently looked into JavaScript and written an IRC bot in Node.js along with some other random crap.

I'm also highly considering learning Java.

Posted on 06-13-12 01:53 PM (rev. 4 of 06-13-12 02:00 PM by Ailure) Link | ID: 16954
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I tried all of the mentioned choices in the poll in some form. So voting would probably a bit silly for me.

This is my language of choice and is the one I tend to use as it's the one I'm the most familiar with. Fairly straightforward to use and amongst the faster programming languages (You have to go with C, C++ or Assembly if you want to go faster, no joke). The con is that the Java VM sometimes overestimates the memory needed (this is solvable) and can take a bit to start (but they improved within this area in the last few years).

Been awhile since I used it (I last used it in a microcontroller) but it's fairly easy to learn syntax wise. C and C++ is the only languages I know who have header files though, slightly tricky if you aren't used thinking about them.

C++ (OOP):
Some of the syntax is a bit confusing, but I'm usually able to make simple edits and understand someone's source code in it as long they aren't naming things in cryptic ways.

Actionscript (Flash):
Should really switch this to ECMAscript to cover the whole family (which do include Javascript). I hadn't dabbled much in them, but Javascript looks easy.

Easy to pick up, but it learns people bad habits. And it doesn’t scale well, and it's really SLOW.

ASM (any CPU, spec in reply):
6502 assembly is fun. I also programmed for the 68HC11 microcontroller, which is related to the 68000 processor family.

If you know Java, you can code C#. I only coded a bit for a few projects in School, as my preference for Java (and the fact I can make sure things are multiplatform) have made me stay with Java.

Other (please spec):
LUA, only messed with it.
Squirrel, which is probably my personal favourite out of the scripting languages i tried. If you used C/C++/Java/C# then the syntax should be familiar enough.
Delphi: My first programming language. I don't remember anything, and that's probably for the best as it's pretty much a dead language (sans legacy usage).
Pawn/Sourcepawn: Used by Sourcemod. I made a few simple plugins for the TF2 servers I run, such as a plugin that changes to alltalk during the end of round mode (humilation). Sourcepawn itself is pretty dumb though, and the creator of Sourcemod have admitted it was a bad choice due to it's odd quirks.
Posted by Nina
I'm also highly considering learning Java.

That's a good idea, even if you don't stick with Java it would make it easier to learn the other C-family languages (C/C++/C#)

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Posted on 06-16-12 04:20 PM (rev. 2 of 06-16-12 04:21 PM by Sanqui) Link | ID: 17096
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My language of choice is Python.
Despite (or maybe due to) having written a lot of code in PHP, I'm not a fan of it in the least. It's horribly designed and mangles a whole lot of programming principles.
I know C enough to write simple command-line stuff, having renewed it a little recently.
I can do C# because that's what we're doing in school at the moment. I actually quite like it, but it's a shame how it's locked down by Microsoft, thus getting it to run on my OS being a pain.
Lastly, I'm pretty good with Z80 assembly. I've dabbed at ARM too, but I can't write it.

Oh, and I think I can do some Javascript too.

(I'm guessing I can't vote due to how recently I've registered.)

Posted on 06-17-12 11:21 AM (rev. 2 of 06-17-12 11:43 AM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 17114
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Posted by Sanky
(I'm guessing I can't vote due to how recently I've registered.)

Nah, there has never been code for that. I think it's because you're posting while logged out.

There's also a bug in the poll code. Guests get the vote links as if they were logged in (however their votes are ignored). Edit- it's actually worse. register_globals all over again. Most of the issues should be fixed in the next board update.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

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Posted on 06-17-12 12:10 PM Link | ID: 17116
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Posted by Mega-Mario
I think it's because you're posting while logged out.
Posted by Mega-Mario
Nah, there has never been code for that.

It's amazing how ironically accurate this switcheroo is. <_<

Posted on 06-17-12 06:39 PM Link | ID: 17125
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Posted by Sanky
... Despite (or maybe due to) having written a lot of code in PHP, I'm not a fan of it in the least. It's horribly designed and mangles a whole lot of programming principles. ...
PHP: A fractal of bad design

Posted on 06-17-12 06:42 PM Link | ID: 17126
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Since: 01-05-12
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I have to agree when I see hacks like register_globals or magic_quotes...

Though, you can get shit done with PHP. And most decent webhosts (free or not) provide it, which is not the case of every other language.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 06-17-12 06:57 PM (rev. 2 of 06-17-12 06:57 PM by Sanqui) Link | ID: 17127
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Posted by Nina
Posted by Sanky
... Despite (or maybe due to) having written a lot of code in PHP, I'm not a fan of it in the least. It's horribly designed and mangles a whole lot of programming principles. ...
PHP: A fractal of bad design
You don't need to show me, I was among the first people who've read that page :P
But yeah, that is an excellent post.

Posted on 06-17-12 06:58 PM Link | ID: 17128
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That page is making me consider ASP.Net.

And that's kind of a terrible idea to me.

Posted on 06-18-12 07:38 PM Link | ID: 17159
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Posted by Kawa
That page is making me consider ASP.Net.

And that's kind of a terrible idea to me.
Well, there are other choices too, like Python or Perl...

Posted on 06-18-12 07:39 PM Link | ID: 17160
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(why (not write (all your webpages))) (in 'lisp)

Posted on 06-19-12 01:40 PM Link | ID: 17227
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Posted by Nina
Posted by Kawa
That page is making me consider ASP.Net.

And that's kind of a terrible idea to me.
Well, there are other choices too, like Python or Perl...
Been thinking of looking into java server pages (jsp) since I'm at least familiar with Java and I heard good things about it.

It's a bit easy to stick with PHP though as nearly every webserver have it installed.

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Main - msg db 'Computer Address',0xa - Which Programming Languages Do you know? (1)

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