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Posted on 07-15-13 07:37 AM Link | ID: 34700
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In the fold between dimensions, there sits a lush plain that is dotted with trees, bushes, and other flora. There are rabbits, deer, and other fauna populating the serene valley, they all seem at peace. The weather is sunny with a few fluffy clouds casting light shadows onto the ground. All is well.

In the middle of this field sits a modest cabin-like building. It is a very unassuming domicile, with naught much to it at face value. There is a small footpath that leads from the porch into a forest quite a distance away.

Inside of the cabin, there is a rather spacious tavern and lounge with anything one could imagine for amenities. Upon the wall, there is a sigh that reads in a simplistic font, 'Si tu id aeficas, ei venient. Ager somnia.

There are three people inside the tavern: Caionna, the proprietress and goddess of the realm; Zissou, Caionna's long-time friend and mentor; and Zarik, Caionna's brother.

Caionna stands behind the bar counter, polishing a glass and humming to herself gleefully.

Zarik is busying himself with sweeping and other cleaning.

Zissou sits at one of the tables, reading a book.

Zarik walks up to the bar and sits on one of the stools. Grabbing a glass and a bottle of whiskey, he pours himself a drink and says, "Y'know, Cai, I gotta hand it to you, this place is pretty nice. Let's hope that we start getting travelers."

Caionna stops what she's doing, nods and replies, "Well, just like our sign says, 'If you build it, they will come.'"

Zissou pulls his snout out of his book, marks his page, and chimes in, "Anything is possible in the Field of Dreams." He smirks as he finishes the quote of the sign.

Posted on 07-23-13 11:48 AM (rev. 3 of 07-24-13 06:47 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 34807
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel just got to the interdimensional travel service after some time traveling on the road. He walks up to the counter and orders the cheapest variation. It is very cheap and comes with an emergency button due to high failure rate. The button warps you back to the travel service if you don't get to the correct destination. You can get a refund but it's no good to you if you're dead].

Bel: I'd like to travel to these coordinates.

Said and done, the interdimensional travel agent warps him. Of course, the warp fails and warps his straight next to a supernova, seconds before it goes off.

Bel: Let's hope this one-oh SHI-!

Bel presses the button several times in panic and manage to get out of there milliseconds before the shockwave would disintegrate him.

Bel gets back to the interdimensional travel service looking like he'd run several marathons and on top of that, the warper was giggling quietly, which, of course, Bel's ears picked up with ease. This time he chose the more expensive option, but not before giving the warper a painful memory because of the monumental failure of the last teleportation and forcing said person to give him a premium warp for free. He also suggest that they get rid of the cheapest version.

This teleportaion went better, however, as Bel ends up on the ground 30 feet from the tavern, startling most animals there in the process.

(Well, that's better. Now to see who's arrived, other than me.)

Bel walks over to the door, still pissed because of the mishap with the first warp, opens it, scans the area and shrugs.

Then a somewhat angry mage walks in towards the bar counter while muttering something about "last time taking the cheapest interdimensional teleport option" and sits down on a chair.

Bel: It figures I'd be the first one to arrive other than you guys who'd already be here due to obvous reasons. It's nice to see you again, btw. What's happened since last time?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-23-13 07:46 PM Link | ID: 34820
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Noticing Bel's sudden appearance, Zarik cocks his head back and watches him as the wizard walks over. In a voice very close to that of a documentary narrator, he says wryly, "We appear to have discovered a new life form to our humble abode. The mysterious wizard approaches, looking pensive, as he greets his friends."

Caionna can't help but stifle laughter as she approaches Bel to greet him, "How have you been, Bel? It feels like forever since we've seen each other." Not giving any time for him to respond to her question, she responds to his, "Oh, you know, we've been around."

Zissou simply nods in acknowledgement of Bel's presence, not wishing to cease reading at that moment.

Posted on 07-30-13 03:46 AM Link | ID: 34990
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: I'm just fine, thanks. But it was close that I didn't get here due to a near-freak-accident at the interdimensional warp service I used to get here. I didn't think choosing the cheapest option could end up in such a monumental failure. The guy warped me straight into space, near a supernova that'd go off in a matter of seconds. Yeah, there was a fail-safe button that warped you back but I got back with only milliseconds to spare. Suffice to say, I had my heart up my throat when I got back. And I gave the warper a nice little memory before I got here.

Bel takes a break for a couple of seconds and starts talking again.

Bel: Speaking of time, it must have flown differently for us because it didn't feel that long for me. On another note, I can feel a significant increase in your magical power. Impressive, to say the least.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 07-31-13 04:45 AM Link | ID: 35010
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Zarik shakes his head and says, "You're a powerful wizard, Bel. Why in the fuck did you use a rinky dink travel service when you can rip the multiverse a new ass and walk through to another plane with something as basic as a fifth level spell?"

Caionna giggles and responds, "You answered your own question, Zarik. He's lazy. It comes with the territory of being a high-level spellcaster." A wry smile scrawls across her lips.

Zarik jestingly retorts, "Oh yeah? I guess that makes you the laziest of us all doesn't it, little-miss-goddess?" Turning to the door, he adds, "I'm going outside. This whole 'lazy wizard' shit is making my brain hurt." With that, he saunters out the door.

Caionna winces slightly at Zarik's comeback, but she says nothing. Her miscolored eye glints slightly.

Zissou shakes his head and mutters to himself, "Crudely blunt, as always, Zarik."

From outside, Zarik yells, "I heard that!" Cue a chuckle from both wizards.

With a sigh, Zarik looks out over the banister and watches the tall grass wave in the breeze as the animals frolic happily.

Posted on 07-31-13 05:44 AM (rev. 3 of 07-31-13 05:53 AM by Aesur) Link | ID: 35012
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Since: 02-17-12
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Leo was locked into a fierce battle with a hooded assailant. The two had been fighting for several minutes and both were showing how drained they were. During the clash Leo's teleportation device was misfired sending the two falling through the sky and landing in the field in front of the cabin. It took no time at all for the two warriors to quickly jump to their feet. Leo sent off a blast of holy energy at the man but he simply held up his hand blocking the attack. He then responded with his own attack, this one looking as if it was solidified blood. Leo was not quick enough to doge and took the hit. Jumping back in pain Leo readied his sword.

"What's the matter Leo? Why don't you show me what you can really do?" The hooded man crackled as he finished his sentence and brushed himself off. "Are you still worried because of what happened to that filthy little village!" Leo froze and his face twisted with a pain only few know.

"I... I..." Leo couldn't even utter a word, he was to ashamed. Slaughter... Leo's eye dilated and he stood motionless

((This colored text is the voice that only Leo can hear that I mentioned. As I also said if it speaks so others can hear it I will say so in the post or down here.))

Posted on 07-31-13 05:59 AM Link | ID: 35013
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Picking up on the newcomers' exchange, Zarik watches attentively to see what happens next.

"I don't like the feeling of this," he lows to himself, "Better keep an eye on things."

He unfocuses his eyes slightly to give himself a wider viewpoint in order to watch both men.

Posted on 07-31-13 06:11 AM Link | ID: 35014
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A thread of black energy came from Leo's back and was slowly extending to his face. "No matter.... No matter what happens... I can't allow you to continue your experiments on innocent lives!" The black thread of energy reaches Leo's face. He holds his mouth open and audibly sighs.

The hooded man acts on this and lunges at Leo plunging his sword into Leo's shoulder. "You really shouldn't be so righteous. You speak of saving innocents but more have died by your hand then mine." The man growled in a low tone as he twisted the blade. Leo moaned in pain and griped the hooded figures sword with his hand.

Leo fell onto his knee and looked at the man in pain. "You know... For someone who is supposed to have absorbed him.... You are pathetic.." The man dug his sword deeper into Leo. You... Will... Die "Damn it!" Leo screamed in pain.

Posted on 07-31-13 06:23 AM Link | ID: 35015
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"What in the fuck was that?!" Zarik exclaimed as he watched the tendrils emerge from the mysterious young man.

Realizing that he not only gave away his presence, but also feeling the need to intervene, he draws his bow and fires a warning shot into the air then leaps over the banister and makes a beeline to where the men are fighting.

Stopping a few strides away, he puts his hand on the hilt of his sword. Cautiously, yet sternly, he questions, "What is going on here?"

Posted on 07-31-13 06:31 AM Link | ID: 35016
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The hooded figure shot his gaze quickly at the man approaching. He processed what could happen and removed his sword from Leo's shoulder, smashing Leo's device during the act. Leo quickly rose and did his best to lung at the man but it ended in failure. The man used his own means of transport and quickly left the scene back to Leo's home universe. With the parting message of "You should think before you act Rune, just because something seems righteous..." His message was cut off.

Leo fell to both knees and bent over panting heavily. Raising his good hand towards his shoulder he began to heal it with a holy light. He glanced over at the new man and uttered "I mean.." He coughed from how tired he was and the pain he was in "I mean you no harm." He will kill you Leo shook his head and continued to watch this stranger

Posted on 07-31-13 01:48 PM Link | ID: 35022
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel didn't bother to answer Zarik's outburst while he was inside but mutters quitely as soon as he'd closed the door.

Bel: The reason to that is that I didn't study interdimensional travel, just regular teleportation.

The wizard prepares a drink for himself while changing the subject with a question while casting a glance towards the door.

Bel: What just crawled up his arse? The mage took a sip from his drink, awaiting possible answers to the question though he didn't expect any.

At this point the newcomer fired a holy blast, which Bel easily picked up on, both through the use of magic and the sound of it. He puts his glass down a bit harder than he usually does, turning his head towards where the sound came from.

Bel: That can't have been Zarik throwing a tantrum. Bel gets up and walks towards the door with a slight haste. He opens the door, and at this point, he sees an unfamiliar, hooded person vanishing from the nexus dimension while another one is on his knees, bending over.

Bel: What the hell is happening out here?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-01-13 05:40 AM Link | ID: 35041
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Caionna shrugs and replies, "I dunno, he's been in a bit of a funk lately. Probably something about leaving his underlings to run his shop and him being concerned about how everything they build is accident prone." She chuckles uneasily after a short pause.

Noticing the burst of energy from outside, both Caionna and Zissou jump to attention and head to investigate.


Outside, Zarik moves in to aid the injured man. Reaching out to help him up, he says, "Are you alright? He really did a number on you."

Posted on 08-01-13 10:12 PM Link | ID: 35070
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Leo noticed the man coming out of the cabin but kept his attention on the one who was closer. "More like his golems..." Leo stood up while still using magic to heal his shoulder "Coward uses necromancy to create flesh golems to do his bidding."

Leo began to look around the area trying to figure out where he was. Though he had no clue at all where this location is. "This may seem odd but... Where am I exactly? And who are...." Leo stopped himself "Well I should introduce myself first, the names Rune Betrayer! thanks for running him off." Sparks spewed out of the device on Leo's shoulder and he sighed.

Leo's gaze began shifting between the man standing next to him and the cabin. As it did he heard the sounds of screaming and the voice laughing. He began to look nauseous.

Posted on 08-02-13 03:03 PM Link | ID: 35097
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Everything they build is prone to accident? I wonder where they picked that up. Bel says and chuckles a bit.

He then reverts his attention back to the injured man and Zarik. His pace towards them has decreased somewhat now that he sees that he man is health enough to stand up on his own.

Bel: Flesh golems, huh? How quaint. And I'd assume he's the type who don't like to get up close either, seeing as it only took one of us to chase him off.

I'm Belgarion, btw. The mage raises his hand to greet Rune.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-04-13 05:23 AM Link | ID: 35137
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The wizards don't even get halfway out before the mysterious assailant disappears, but arrive in time to give their introductions.

Caionna bows courteously and says, "My name is Caionna, I'm the one to go to if you need anything."

Zissou nods and states, "My name is Zissou Angara. I am an adviser for Lady Caionna. Feel free to inquire any needs to me in her stead."

Zarik taps his forehead with two fingers and makes a slight flicking motion. Lightly grabbing the device on Leo's shoulder, he begins examining it while muttering, "I'm Zarik, Cai's brother. I'm also the master artificer and mechanic around here. I'll be the one that can repair this thing if we ever find the parts we need."

Taking a scanning node out of his bag, he sets it out to assess the machine's damages. After some time of beeps and blips, the node feeds a partial schematic.

Looking the data over, Zarik sighs heavily and says, "This isn't gonna be easy, nor will it be quick. Looks like you're stuck here for the time being."

Posted on 08-06-13 11:36 PM Link | ID: 35184
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Leo gently took the device back from Zarik "No need, I can repair it when I find what I need. Needed to work on it anyway." Leo looks every one over with a hesitant gaze wondering if they can be trusted. "I have no idea where I am... I hate to intrude but may I ask to stay here for the time being." Leo scratched the back of his head and smiled as if embarrassed. "Of course while if I may stay I will pull my own weight so to not inconvenience anyone more then needed."

Posted on 08-07-13 04:18 PM Link | ID: 35198
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Roy Koopa
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Bel shrugs.

Bel: Just our luck. The first guest we get and he wants to keep to himself. Of course, I don't mean to be rude, but don't need to worry about anything here.

As for you staying here, let me put it this way: You don't really have any choice since your teleportation device is broken.

The final word is up to Caionna here, though. Bel says, raising his open palm twards Caionna.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-08-13 05:59 AM Link | ID: 35213
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Caionna sighs, and says, "Bel, please calm down." Turning to Leo, she says, "You're welcomed to join us for as long as you need. Also, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

Motioning to the cabin, she states, "We should head inside and relax for a while." Looking at Leo's shoulder, she frowns, "Your shoulder looks like it needs more than a magical remedy..." furrowing her brow, she trails off and begins walking back inside.

Zarik shrugs in response to Leo's protest, "You're going to need tools, no?" He points to a small shed in the distance, behind the building, "That's my makeshift workshop. We'll be spending plenty of time in there once we start collecting the components we're missing."

Zissou stares at Leo intently, almost as if he's unsure of what to think. He mumbles something under his breath, but it is difficult to understand.

Posted on 08-14-13 05:43 AM Link | ID: 35327
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Leo looks at his shoulder and shakes his head while laughing. "Yeah guy did a number on me at the end there didn't he?" Leo stumbles while trying to stand up. Exhausted from the fighting that had taken place before coming to the field. "Uhh." Leo said while trying to maintain his balance. "Could I get a little help to the cabin?" Leo had started using his sword as a makeshift cane just to try and stay up. "Kinda don't feel so good..."

Posted on 08-14-13 10:07 PM Link | ID: 35346
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Hm. I kinda want to hear more about that necromancer but we should get you to a comfy chair inside first.

Bel walks up to Leo and lets him use him as support to walk, by putting Leo's right arm around his shoulder.

Bel: Alright, let's go inside. And if you're going to throw up, turn your head the other way.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood
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