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Posted on 03-13-13 01:38 PM, in Link | ID: 31853
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I have 50 posts per page. I used on Board2 and got used to it, so it stuck.

Posted on 03-13-13 04:10 PM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 31859
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When I booted up my PS3 today, I found a message from Sony in my inbox. They gave me $10 for reasons I don't quite understand.

They said, "We hope you're enjoying the Playstation experience, here's ten bucks!"

I hopped on the Store and hit up the Playstation Plus area to see if there were any more awesome discounts, to find that Ubisoft finally pulled their heads out of their ass and released the Scott Pilgrim DLC they've been announcing for the past fucking YEAR! It was also a dollar off because of my Plus status.

I nabbed that and Mega Man 4, which I think may have been a mistake. Been playing it for the past hour and a half, just now beat Dive Man (Seventh in my order). I don't remember this game being so fucking hard. Bright, Ring, and Dive gave me such a hard time... Is the Japanese version of the game harder than the international release? I know MM2 was, and they gave us a difficulty toggle for it, but I didn't think the rest of the series was nerfed too.

Posted on 03-13-13 08:05 PM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 31870
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I can't tell what those attribute bonuses are, and I can't see what the benefits are.

As you can see, the UI is maximized.

Posted on 03-13-13 09:45 PM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 31873
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PS3, using my Dazzle since my TV is a piece of shit. Pretty sure I made that obvious.

Posted on 03-14-13 12:35 AM, in March KCS Rankings (3/31 - Even Lazier Easter Edition) Link | ID: 31877
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How about that, still 35 points behind.

If we used the warp pipe, I guess that means no World 9 through D for us...

Posted on 03-14-13 01:01 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 31881
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Eight of my past ten posts in this thread have been about my PS3 (two of which talked about Dungeon Defenders), I've been playing it nigh exclusively for about four days now.

Posted on 03-14-13 02:41 AM, in March KCS Rankings (3/31 - Even Lazier Easter Edition) Link | ID: 31883
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Then that means April's gonna have to be SMB3, then. Doesn't it?

Posted on 03-15-13 10:27 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 31907
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Just played through Gunstar Heroes with Aesur for shits and giggles.

I've apparently gotten a bit shit at the game over the past couple months.

Posted on 03-15-13 07:45 PM, in you fools! this is neither released by nor under license from sega enterprises! (rev. 2 of 03-15-13 07:46 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 31917
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Space helmet, radio waves?
You do know that sound can't travel without an atmosphere, right?

EDIT: Markup flub.

Posted on 03-16-13 03:32 AM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 31943
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My PVR arrived this evening and I decided to get it set up.

After the required reboot, I figured I would see how it handles things. The first thing I noticed was it will NOT interface with Virtualdub at all! I have to use the software provided on the driver disc. The software doesn't seem all that bad, but I've grown accustomed to VDub.

As for the hardware, the composite ports on the front are absolute shit. The picture is really blurry, and I can't tweak it enough to clear it up. The component side, however, looks simply amazing.

My major gripe, however, is what's actually on topic here... Since it does encoding on the device's board before sending it to the computer, whether you're recording or not, causes an input delay of about two seconds, which is enough to make most action-based games impossible to play. Unfortunately, the majority of the games I can't play in SD are action-based.

Looks like I need an HDTV after all... I can't afford one right now is the problem.


Posted on 03-16-13 06:11 AM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 31945
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Posted by Xeruss
Trel, you should consider picking up some cheap RCA splitters from Walmart (probably run you less than ten) and split the signal, running part of it to a TV.

The PVR has native splitting on it. It will allow a pass-through via a set of outbound component plugs, so that's not the issue. The issue is, however, that I lack an HDTV to output to.

Good news on that front, though, my brother has an old 27" TV that he's been looking to get rid of. I hit him on on Facebook tonight to get the specifics on it, and he said he'll sell it to me for fifty bucks. All I need to do is save up money. Luckily I landed that job at the gas station.

How have you all been?

I've been struggling to get motivation to do things lately. Mostly from the mild depression of being out of work and being broke because of it.

My buddies have been trying to motivate me by doing the race videos with me, so that's a plus. We're currently looking for people for a few other co-op projects.

Speaking of, those are on my mind.

Anyone with a PS3 copy of Scott Pilgrim and the Wallace DLC -OR- a Steam copy of Castle Crashers that aren't shy and willing to scream at/be screamed at by a couple other crazy people want to join me in an LP of either game?

Anywho, welcome back, Xe.

Posted on 03-16-13 11:01 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 31946
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Just knocked out the Wallace Pack trophies for Scott Pilgrim. It was kinda funny hearing one of the guys I teamed up with exclaim at how much money my Nega Scott was carrying ($9999.95, which is the game's max).

I wound up helping everyone I teamed up with by giving them about $1000 to power up at the video store in stage 1.

If you're curious how I have capped money, it's pretty simple. Head into a shop as any character and have player 2 (and 3 and 4 if you have the spare controllers) signed in as guests. Have the guests all lend their money to player 1, then return to the map to save and exit the game. Reload and do it again until either you max out your money or get what you want.

You can easily make the process even faster by using the code that allows more than one instance of a character and make multiple copies of your richest character to fork over all their money to one guy as much as three times faster.

Interesting tidbit, the game will actually store your money as $9999.99, but only show $9999.95 because pennies aren't in the game code, but if you spend any money then go into your status screen, it'll show $X.XX9.

Posted on 03-17-13 03:30 AM, in What'd you eat? Link | ID: 31972
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Posted by GreyMaria
Posted by Nicole
Posted by GreyMaria
Chili and pickles!

I'm now being accused of being pregnant.

Are you? ... Does it work?

It actually works surprisingly well as a taste combination. I mean, it's not for everyone, but it's not blatantly wrong like, say, chocolate sauce would have been.
I know people that use pickle relish as an ingredient in their chili. It's not that absurd of a combination.

Posted on 03-17-13 06:31 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 31974
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Finally started Spec Ops: The Line. I gotta say, I enjoy the banter between the guys between chapters. The story is pretty solid, just as raved by everyone and their grandma.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it's a shooter, because I'm bad at them and I really dislike the genre as a whole.

I'll finish the story, but I doubt I'll go through and collect the trophies.

Posted on 03-18-13 10:39 AM, in What's on your mind? (rev. 2 of 03-18-13 10:40 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 32002
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For the last couple weeks, I've been hearing a scratching and gnawing noise coming from the far side of the room where my mom has a load of her shit cluttering up the corner.

At first, it didn't bother me. Now, it's getting to the point that it's waking me up. In fact, it's the reason why I'm up right now.

I know what it is, too, seeing as I now have confirmation. It's a fucking mouse, and it sounds like it's gnawing on something plastic to make a nest. I found out what it is because I left a pack of graham crackers on my table, and when I turned on my lamp to see what I was doing, I found one of them pulled out of the packet and partially eaten.

I'm gonna need to get something to take care of the little fucker because I don't want a cat in here to catch it, given that I have fragile electronics that I don't want knocked off of where they are.

I was hoping for another hour or so of sleep before getting up for my first day of work, but Mousey McFucker keeps making noise.

Side note: Emuz, you chopped a quote close out of your last post in this thread and it makes your post look strange.

Posted on 03-18-13 06:41 PM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 32004
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Posted by GreyMaria
<GreyMaria> hahahahyeehahahaha

I've been playing Binding of Isaac. And I just kicked Isaac's ass on my first encounter with him.

I killed him by eating him with the Gamekid.

Sadly, this means I now have to start playing as someone other than Cain.

Don't forget, you have The Chest to do, too.
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