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Posted on 10-27-17 12:57 PM, in . Link | ID: 104077
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Is it also because a light green name gives a vibe of... uniqueness?
I can't argue with that.

Posted on 10-28-17 07:55 AM, in . Link | ID: 104272
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Do you realize that some of us are only pink for the Halloween season?
I hadn't thought of that, however, there has been a noticeable trend lately.

How soon is Kafuka gonna switch to Christmas, if it does this year?
I'm not the person to ask about that.

Aren’t trends, uniqueness and users like me what make this place more attractive?

Am I still banned from this thread from years ago?
That depends, are you going to be an idiot again?

Posted on 10-28-17 08:38 PM, in Super Mario Odyssey Link | ID: 104349
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I watched Simpleflips play it for two hours last night until his Joycons died.

I thought it looked pretty good, but not "gonna buy a Switch" good.

Posted on 10-30-17 03:13 AM, in . Link | ID: 104421
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What's in the booooooox?

Did you ever own a cassette Walkman or a turntable?
I owned a walkman when I was a kid.

Posted on 10-31-17 10:35 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? (rev. 2 of 10-31-17 10:36 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 104472
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Got Astrologian to 66, Warrior 64, and White Mage to 45 from my last update in this thread.

Also crunched what I need for the relics and animas... 100k tomestone fo poetics, assuming I buy everything with them (I won't. There are daily/weekly quests that provide the biggest offenders of my need list). Still, it'll take a few months to even be close on most of these mats.

Posted on 11-01-17 01:06 AM, in . Link | ID: 104530
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Now that the dust has settled...have you ever had the McDonalds Szechuan sauce?
Nope. And I wasn't even all that excited to begin with.

Would you rather write two papers or one in one night?
I never crunched like that, so I doubt I would rather do either.

How many pink names will you see tonight?
Assuming this is a play on "pink name equals female" none. I'm not going anywhere tonight. I don't even plan on seeing my roommate (a blue name) tonight.

How much HELP do you need on a scale from 1 to 12?

Posted on 11-01-17 11:28 AM, in . Link | ID: 104539
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How do you manage to eat broccoli?
By not being twelve years old anymore. Also cheese.

Favorite Halloween Candy?
Fuckin' Reese's pumpkins. Fite me.

Posted on 11-01-17 11:34 AM, in Trick, or Treat? Link | ID: 104540
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My horror came in the form of doing Palace of the Dead floors 11 to 40 as a Rogue with tanks that did dick all to actually let me maximize my DPS.

I happened to be running, by complete coincidence, a Lancer from my server. (s)he and I were both getting kinda angry at this idjit Paladin on the 31-40 set. Dick muncher did positively fuck-all to actually be a tank. Aetherpool at 99/99. Retard didn't even put up Shield Oath for the boss.

tl;dr. tanking as a class that isn't a tank is scary shit.

Posted on 11-01-17 11:58 AM, in . Link | ID: 104543
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Favorite Thanksgiving...thing?
Stuffing. I know it's just flavored bread mush, but I fucking love it.

Posted on 11-02-17 11:03 AM, in . Link | ID: 104593
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What about cranberry sauce?
Not really. I'll eat a small portion, but I'm not crazy about it.

Isn’t it refreshing?

How good are you at making paper airplanes?
Spontaneous combustion.

Yes please. I like 'em in a middling range. Not so small she looks like a guy, but not so big she could kill a kitten with them. I'd say in the C cup range.

Posted on 11-03-17 05:10 AM, in . (rev. 2 of 11-03-17 05:14 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 104661
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Can you describe your "boop"?
It's a jovial poke.

What is its nature?

What about the D-Cup range?
That's getting a bit on the big side.

What’s cool about those?

Black, Asian or Hispanic ladies?
I have a bit of a thing for Asian girls.

Posted on 11-09-17 11:39 AM, in . Link | ID: 104938
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Asuka or Kairi?

Posted on 11-09-17 11:44 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 104940
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AST 70
WAR 66
WHM 54
RDM 53
BRD 35
ROG 22

Relic/Anima Progress:
Finished Aettir/Priwen Lux
Got Tyrant ready for aether condensation (DRK)
Got to Sharpened Last Heir (AST)
Thyrus to Zentih (WHM)
Nine of the twelve Zodiac Atma gathered to the quota of seven remaining relics to be done (so I can skip the grind later)
My will to live diminishing as the hours drag on with the previous point

I am a goddamn masochist.

Posted on 11-13-17 04:20 AM, in . Link | ID: 105264
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Best all time anime?
Not much of an anime guy. I don't hate it, but I don't go crazy over it. Gonna give a canned answer of Dragon Ball Z, because it's the only anime I followed closely from start to finish, in all of its filler-y goodness.

What's the funniest commercial on TV or online you've ever watched?
Not much of a TV guy, in general. Not really even a fan of the Super Bowl "comedy" ads because it's all lowest-common-denominator, low brow stupidity. I like my stupidity to be at least somewhat clever.

Watch Tomorrow’s Joe or City Hunter?

Do bad games make you wanna throw your TV outta the window?
No, because my anger is more through my vocal outbursts than anything, also TVs are expensive and I'm poor.

Did you see the reference with 2?
Aside from a tangent joke of seeing time fly by throwing a clock out the window, no.

Does country music make you want to throw out the radio?
Considering how I don't go out of the way to listen to Country music, and the only time I'm forced to listen to it is when I'm at work when a certain two managers are working, I'd say that's a fairly small opportunity to be able to throw the radio. Also, see the I'm poor comment above.

Does contemporary pop music make you want to throw out the radio?
[See previous answer]

How many more times do you think Dani will ask this question to people?
Enough to potentially consider not letting her use my thread for even more shameless postcount++ing (let's be honest, these threads are postcount++ by nature, but moderation is key)

What was your last girlfriend like?
Considering how it was a long-distance relationship (seventy miles between us, neither of us drove) where she would go days without responding to my text messages, and the fact that the one "date" weekend we had was her idea, and she ended up hating it.

The story behind that was we had been planning to go to a convention for months (Tekkoshocon IX in Pittsburgh, back in April 2011), but I lost my job at Christmastime and hadn't found a job to replace it. She insisted that I go anyway and she'd pay my way in. I spent most of my time hanging out with her cousin (a really good friend of mine anyway, to the point I consider him my cousin [also ties between our families]), and he and I played tabletop games in the RPG room, while she and her friend did nothing but sit in the manga room reading.

Then I decided to participate in a Pokemon tournament (Gen IV, Smogon OU) that ran long because the morons running the thing said "Gotta play every match on the projector on Battle Revolution" (terrible idea, should have been saved for the finals to condense the time block) she got pissed because I didn't get knocked out early like she thought I would (came in third, due to a single misplay in the finals), and they had to wait for me to get lunch that day.

After that, [cousin] and I spent the rest of the day in the vidya hall where we played some vanilla SMW and I drew a crowd at the PC by playing Perfect Cherry Blossom on Lunatic as Reimu, getting to Alice before dying once and going completely to shit. I think we even puckerfucked around with the Melee setup. All the while [girlfriend] and [her friend] were getting mad at us for having fun without them.

At the end of the weekend, we got back to [cousin]'s house, and I spent a few days there while I waited for my dad to pick me up to go home. She broke up with me not long after we got back from Pittsburgh. I shruged it off, said "Eh, fuck it, you weren't much oif a girlfriend anyway." and went back to being bros with [cousin].

[Cousin] convinced me that I didn't have to pay her back on the grounds that she owed him about as much as I owed her, so he waived her debt to him to assuage my debt to her. She hasn't spoken to me since. Good fucking riddance.

Been single since, I have a love/hate relationship with my relationship status.

Why do I fucking remember that with such detail?

Posted on 11-13-17 08:16 AM, in Hottest Mario Woman Character Link | ID: 105268
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I found Daisy's voice to be grating after a while in Double Dash.

"HURR! HI! I'M DAISY!" every time she switched to the driver's seat was beyond obnoxious. Every time the random driver select would pick her in the pair, I'd reshuffle. She's pleasing to the eye, but I'd rather take a cheese grater to my scrotum than listen to her voice.

Of the choices provided, I'd have to go with Rosalina since she's notatbly quieter than Daisy, and for all we know, Peach could be voiced by the really effeminate fat dude that gives everyone the heebie jeebies.

As for Pauline, I've only seen her as the damsel from Donkey Kong and the cameos from the puzzle games.

Posted on 11-13-17 08:18 AM, in NeedleTV back at it again. Link | ID: 105269
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Posted by Robbie Rage
Does anyone really want to see the RRN (Robbie Rage Network) become a thing.

Give me a reason. I dare you.

I host Trelior's Insane Asylum on Twitch. Been looking for the time, energy, and appropriate game to get back into it.

Posted on 11-19-17 01:31 AM, in . (rev. 2 of 11-19-17 03:03 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 105902
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You seem like a technical person. On a scale of 1 to 100 how so are you?
This is nonsense.

What computer processor does your mind work like?
A human brain.

What computer program engine is your personality like?
"Not a machine" personality.

Pat's or Geno's?

Favorite breed of cat?
I know more dog breeds than I do cats.

How good or bad does the new "Rampage" trailer look to you?
I don't watch trailers. Not just out of knowing about the inevitable lying from anything in the gaming industry, but because I don't really care.

EDIT: I just saw a video that I didn't click on Facebook, apparently this is a movie. I care even less now.

Posted on 11-20-17 04:28 AM, in . Link | ID: 106003
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Favorite thing about where you live?
Nothing. I kinda hate it.

Your opinion on Christmas songs?
Fuck it. Most of it is so repetitive that it's all irritating.

Favorite Disney movie (animated)?
Toss up of Lion King, Toy Story, and Aladdin.

Ever tasted a Tofurkey?
No, and I have no intent to change that.

Posted on 11-28-17 10:27 PM, in . Link | ID: 106921
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Think we're in just one of many timelines or universes, like on Back to the Future or Futurama?
It's possible? I dunno.

Are we in the middle of a Hypercrisis?

How was your Thanksgiving?

Are you actually having turkey TONIGHT instead of today?
I'm turkeyed out something fierce.

Posted on 11-29-17 06:00 AM, in . Link | ID: 106973
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Are you generally slow?
Physically, yes. On account of being basically crippled. Mentally, no. I'm rather sharp.

Is that how everything is going with you?
Not sure what you're getting at.

Did you get anything good for Cyber Monday?
Not particularly, because what little money I have gets spent immediately on bills.

I did buy Pokemon Ultra Sun, but I highly doubt I'll get to it any time soon, but the reason is equal parts pragmatic and ulterior. (I'd rather not discuss my financial standing publicly)

Ever get one of those ice creams in a baseball helmet?
I am familiar with the concept, but no I have not gotten one of those before.
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