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Posted on 01-16-12 09:03 PM, in Obligatory pony thread Link | ID: 3087
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If this isn't fake, it's awesome:

Posted on 01-17-12 06:03 PM, in The drama is over :D Link | ID: 3202
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Oh dear lord! :3

Posted on 01-17-12 06:04 PM, in TO DO: Tonight... Link | ID: 3204
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1) Code
2) Find some missing documents
3) 420

Posted on 01-17-12 07:38 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3235
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Posted by Kiyoshi
External links should open a new tab/window, while internal links should not.
I asked for this some 7 years ago, to which Jesper replied "Isn't it better to allow the user to choose whether he wants to open it in a new tab/window instead of forcing it?" (the only wise thing he has ever said ;)). He said that when tabbed browsing was getting popular, and I couldn't agree more. Let the users choose where to open their links, it takes literally one click to open in the same window/tab and also one click for a new window/tab.

Posted on 01-17-12 07:44 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3238
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Posted by Kiyoshi
It was only one of the first things I learned at school about web design...

It is mainly the courtesy, in not pretending the linked content is part of your site.

Also, I find it highly annoying when testing an external link in newreply's preview.
What I find annoying is, most web browsers will open links in new tabs/windows on the foreground, and I believe that is a complete lack of Netiquette. :S

Posted on 01-17-12 07:55 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3245
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Yes, some browsers have it as a setting. I have middle click set to open new tab in background. The thing is it's usually a setting, not a default.

Posted on 01-17-12 09:27 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3262
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Posted by Emuz
I personally use the HTML tag myself. I think a lot of us from the old board do it that way. I suppose this could be part o the code for the UBB style tag. However if the majority of us do use the HTML one it won't have much of an effect. :(
Ideally, every html tag should be disallowed and replaced by equivalent bb-codes. Not only is that more user-friendly but it's also safer.

I only use HTML tags because I'm too lazy to find out how the url tag works, and I can't find an img tag on the toolbar.

Posted on 01-17-12 09:29 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3264
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Posted by Liliana
But HTML can do stuff BBcode doesn't. That would really be not a good idea in practice.
Such as...?

I dunno, it works in every forum software that isn't AcmlmBoard.

Posted on 01-17-12 09:33 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3267
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Posted by Nicole
Allowing (most) arbitrary HTML is I think one of the "selling points" of this board software, even if it can be a security risk...
I don't think this board software has had any "selling points" since 2007 or so.

Posted by Nicole
The obvious example of what can't be done with BBcode is the entire post layout thing- I mean, you could reimplement everything in some sort of code that gets preprocessed as HTML/CSS, but why bother?

As I said in another thread, post layouts should be done with a WYSIWYG editor of sorts, using bb tags, that way a random user can't simple go and make scrolling bugs (like I did with my layout), or break tables, etc. It's also more professional, though that might be irrelevant.

Posted on 01-17-12 09:40 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3269
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Posted by Ailure
Honestly that's the first time I heard about that, and to be honest I get a little annoyed if every other link opened a new tab when I don't mean to. I do middle-mouseclick a lot (which open links in new tabs) but I still want it to be up to me what the behavior is.
Same. Also it makes me think before clicking a link, when I suspect it might open in a new tab, I just middle-click it to open on the foreground.

To smartasses: Don't care if there's any config or extension that will change this behavior. Muscle memory for the win.

Posted on 01-17-12 09:50 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) (rev. 3 of 01-17-12 09:51 PM by knuck) Link | ID: 3278
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Posted by Mega-Mario
Let your mouse over me

This is one potential advantage of HTML, among others. Also what is so bad about "a href" and security? wait what are you saying? ABXD never filtered "a href"...
That could be replaced by title sub-attributes in the [ url ] tag.
End-users shouldn't be dealing directly with HTML tags. What if it was a link to this?

EDIT: Point is, with a bb tag it's easier to parse the link and disallow malicious actions.
EDIT2: What if it was an img tag? :P

Posted on 01-17-12 09:55 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3280
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Posted by Gywall

the BB tags are mostly there for those who don't know about html.. or don't realise the board supports it.

Or that's just how I see it.
I always saw Acmlmboard as potential real-world software, so for me allowing HTML as a security risk, among other things. Of course, Acmlmboard was coded by Acmlm just "for fun", with no intentions of ever having it as "real-world" software I believe.

Posted on 01-17-12 10:01 PM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3283
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Posted by Mega-Mario
Okay, let's just go and nuke one of the great features unique to Acmlmboard for added security. Oh wait, users would find ways to hax the bbcodes.
You clearly know nothing about compilers and parsing. You should really refrain from talking about technical stuff you know nothing about.

Posted by Mega-Mario
Let's just not allow anything other than plaintext so that we're not running any risk.

Posted by Mega-Mario
Seriously speaking, I'm all for keeping HTML as much open as we can. An Acmlmboard without HTML isn't an Acmlmboard. It's just yet another boring board software.
What if we have bb codes for all the needed HTML? Woul you still want "FULL HTML SUPPORT"? It sounds like someone is looking for exploits... ;)

Posted on 01-18-12 09:08 AM, in Netiquette (link behaviour) Link | ID: 3318
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Posted by Liliana
Seriously, why can't you just leave everything as it is? After all, it's long been any sysadmin's mantra to never change a running system, and that for a good reason. It works, and that's the most important thing.
To be honest, that's an horrible example in this situation. But whatever either way, it's important to be able to use > and < I guess.

Posted on 01-19-12 05:16 PM, in Famicompo Mini Vol 8 - any cover requests? Link | ID: 3431
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How about you make the first great My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Opening Theme nsf?

Posted on 01-19-12 05:20 PM, in Famicompo Mini Vol 8 - any cover requests? Link | ID: 3434
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Posted by Kiyoshi
Posted by knuck
How about you make the first great My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Opening Theme nsf?
Like this?

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
No. Also, that's not a nsf ;o.

Posted on 01-19-12 09:55 PM, in ABII: Suggested Features (rev. 2 of 01-19-12 09:55 PM by knuck) Link | ID: 3464
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Hmm, looking at Gywall's post, I think we should make the [code] tag automatically insert line breaks? :P
EDIT: I mean, some way to do wordwrap.

Posted on 01-23-12 09:36 PM, in The Answers~ Link | ID: 3784
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1. What's your favorite season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) and why?
Winter, because I hate heat and love rain.
Here it's just wet/dry, though.

2. What's your favorite genre of video games?
2D Platform

3. Retro or modern games?

4. Are you on a laptop or desktop?

5. What OS do you run?
Windows 7

6. What's your favorite movie genre?

7. What brought you to Kafuka?
Not really sure. It gives me some great nostalgia feelings though.

8. Do you have any siblings? If so, how do you like them?
Yeah. Family is family~

9. Are you right handed or left handed?

10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
I don't fancy ice cream~

11. What was your first Acmlmboard experience?
Acmlm's Board

12. What was the last book your read?
It's been too long, I have no idea.

13. What's your favorite webcomic? (links please)

14. What's your favorite midnight snack?

15. Do you sleep on your front, side or back?

16. How do you deal with headaches?
Pills when available. When not, I just endure through a world of pain. :(

17. What's your favorite food?
Quattro Formaggi Pizza.

18. Are you a day person, or night person?
Night person.

19. Do prefer hot drinks or cold drinks?
How about room temperature drinks?

20. What is your occupation?

21. Do you travel? If so, what other countries/states have you been to?

Posted on 01-25-12 05:08 AM, in Obligatory pony thread Link | ID: 3882
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Just watched the ep. where Derpy talks.
I used to not care about Derpy, but now I like her. :3

Posted on 01-25-12 08:36 AM, in NEW! marker for announcements Link | ID: 3886
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Indeed. I believe something like that was planned and someone just forgot to implement it. I'll do it asap. :)
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Main - Posts by knuck

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