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Posted on 10-14-16 11:57 PM, in shan thread (rev. 2 of 12-16-17 03:43 PM by shan) Link | ID: 93549
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Since: 05-23-16

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Posted by Mari42
Where were you from? Im quite didn't know you that much.

I came here from Kuribo64 a while back. :P
Posted by Dani ★
Is that 6 Jupiterian years? :P

according to Nicole, kitten years :(
sure ;) we'll go with that

Posted on 10-14-16 11:59 PM, in New member introduction thread! Link | ID: 93550
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>gets welcomed

>complains about it

geez you don't let people be nice to you anyway

Posted on 10-15-16 12:01 AM, in you fools! this is neither released by nor under license from sega enterprises! Link | ID: 93551
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Posted by Dani ★
Sprechen sie Deutsch? :-3

ich spreche deutsch!!! aber sehr schlecht. >_>

What is your favorite number?

Posted on 10-15-16 01:17 AM, in Roller Coaster 1 has crashed! Link | ID: 93555
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Posted by Mari42
Are we petting or playing with kittens..?? >_>

Great time for "why not both" :-3

What's your favorite sport?

Posted on 10-15-16 01:21 AM, in Roller Coaster 1 has crashed! Link | ID: 93557
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dang, that sucks. the closest minigolf course for me is 25 minutes away and outside :P

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Posted on 10-15-16 05:31 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93569
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Posted by Kawa
He used to. Then he got all jaded from watching things go to shit. It'll happen to you, too.

(and yes, I'm projecting.)

This has already happened to a degree. >_>

Posted on 10-15-16 05:50 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93571
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in your mind, what qualifies as postcount++?

I mean, I know constant posting in threads like the clipboard one is mostly postcount, but where do you draw the line?

also, what counts as contributing? Interesting discussions? Legitimately good/interesting questions/answers in ask threads?

the funny thing is, I've never really seen anyone clarify what postcount++ is and isn't. either way, I'll stop posting in the clipboard thread so much.

Posted on 10-15-16 05:55 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 93573
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all the interesting game idea threads in the Craziness domain are ancient, damnit. Too bad activity is really only spurring up in ask threads and the mainstream General Chat threads (kcs, this one, citi hall, etc.)

Wonder why everyone just left. :/

Posted on 10-15-16 05:57 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93575
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imo, it's only cool if your posts are actually funny and people are able to respond to them and have a conversation.

Don't forget those threads on Board2 where people decided to have a back and forth of lyrics. >_> (and this was maybe 2010/12-ish, I forgot)

Posted on 10-15-16 06:01 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 93576
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yeah, I haven't really created any new interesting game ideas because I have 0 creativity.

wait let's create a "count to 19,312,4-"

/me is shot

I remember this pretty fun game from an old Minecraft server community's forum that was called "kill the picture above you", where a person posted a picture and then another person posted a picture that would kill that.

ex. a picture of a fire, person 2 posts a fire extinguisher, person 3 posts a hammer, and so on.

I doubt this meets post quality standards, but it was a fun game nevertheless.

Posted on 10-15-16 06:04 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93578
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oh, yeah, that's a good point.

Private messages would be useful, but I'd usually get returned with derp crap from Super-toad. I can't really get a real answer out of him unless it's out in public, where he can't act like too much of a douchebag

Posted on 10-15-16 06:08 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93581
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it was sorted out, though, I don't get your point

also, you did the same thing with an argument with Smith in the KCS thread (although I got involved at the end), so I don't really get what you're saying

Posted on 10-15-16 06:11 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 93584
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Super Forum Gameland pretty much died as a whole. Shame, I wonder why, maybe because it was so low in the forum indexing? Or, probably just not enough people to play them with considering the community has really only grown in the past few months (then again, it grew by like 3 or 4 people)

It's too bad, really. Great ideas nobody ever put to use.

Posted on 10-15-16 06:13 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93588
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Page 7 and page 8 for those with 20 posts per page.

Although, the whole smithjr drama was 3 or 4 to like 9 I think >_>

Posted on 10-15-16 06:15 PM, in what did you catch so far? Link | ID: 93590
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Typlosion (I think it's spelled) and Ripper II just now. :P

Posted on 10-15-16 06:24 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93597
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I heard a little about the IRC incident, but didn't know what it was about. What provoked the argument? :P

Posted on 10-15-16 06:27 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93599
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didn't some other lamers attack, too? i recall people claiming Skelux took down the SMWC staff server or the alike, along with origami64 members trolling you guys

Posted on 10-15-16 11:32 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 93606
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hey I came back to see General Chat with 10 new and ask-a-palooza with 5 new, so not really :P

Posted on 10-16-16 02:33 PM, in The Kafuka Photo Album (rev. 2 of 10-16-16 03:51 PM by shan) Link | ID: 93612
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Posted by Yushe
this is not me btw.

suuuuure we'll go with that ;)

also, nice job making his picture not make any sense. please stop blanking out your posts
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