I'm glad there are people here who share my views on this kinda stuff *highfives Ryudo and Scrydan*
I am probably the most straightedge person you will EVER meet. I HATE drugs. With most things I hate or love, I have a logical reason. I can tell you exactly why and back up my feelings. With drugs? I can't. I feel kinda bad about that most of the time but it's just an innate feeling of dislike and hate towards drugs and those who abuse them.
Parents tried to shove the idea of "cigs are bad" into my head when I was young, maybe that's it. They did it cause both my Grandma and my Granddad smoked for a long time aaaaaaand that didn't go well for them. I grew up seeing exactly what happens when you smoke, so that helped.
I'm underaged for one thing (which doesn't seem to bother SOME people here

. That brings down my opinions I'm not gonna lie), so I'm not gonna drink alcohol anyway. Second thing, EVERYONE in my family gets drunk a lot and there's a history of alcoholism, so that's pushing me away. Third thing, it tastes like ass. Fourth thing I'd probably look like a dumbass drunk. Last night, there was a super drunk guy at the con stumbling around with his friend. He went up hugged me, rubbed my face, rubbed my friend's face, and made her take a picture of me with his face rubbed up against mine. Yeeeeeeep no.
I don't really take medicine, and I don't mind prescription drug use, of course. But I'm not really gonna use any. I COULD probably use anti-depressants, but the only drugs I take are Vitamin D pills cause I have a deficit
AND last but not least, marijuana. I kinda... have a very irrational hatred of weed and weed smokers. You might have noticed if you've ever seen me talk to them on IRC, cause some pop up occasionally and I act like an idiot calling THEM idiots. I just think it's really stupid to take it or any other pleasure drug, I don't know. Also I've had some baaaaad history with it and people who take it, but I'd really rather not talk about it here.