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Main - The Kitchen Table (Role Play Forum) - The Field of Dreams (Pushing up Daisies)
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Posted on 08-21-13 07:24 AM, in Link | ID: 35490
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Upon making it back inside, Caionna begins to prepare a place on the sofas for Leo to rest. She busies herself with rearranging pillows and spreading out a few blankets.

Zissou files in at a leisurely pace behind her, but returns to his book, though a tad disinterested in it at the moment.

Zarik, on the other hand, allows Bel to assist Leo on his own and pissedly makes a beeline for his workshop shed for something.

Posted on 09-09-13 04:33 AM, in (rev. 3 of 09-13-13 10:43 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 35698
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel walks Leo inside and directs him to the most comfortable chair/sofa/armchair that happens to be in close proximity to the door of the cabin.

Bel: If you need anything else, it's just to ask any of us. But I suspect you'd like to rest a bit before sharing any details of your skirmish with that necromancer. If you feel like talking about it, that is.

Bel walks over to the chair he used before, sits down, and takes another sip of his drink while awaiting eventual answers from the newly arrived guest.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-11-13 05:52 AM, in Link | ID: 35727
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Leo sat down on the sofa that was prepared and got comfortable. He let out a relaxed sigh "My my... It sure has been awhile since I sat on something like this." Once again Leo looked carefully around at the inhabitants of this of this building as he sheathed his sword and removed it from his side. Placing the sword on his lap he looked over at Bel "If you wanna know more about that necromancer I'll tell you. Just what is it you wanna know?" Leo went back to using magic on his arm any bleeding that could come from it.

The words that the necromancer said stuck with Leo and while he didn't express it on the outside he was doing his best to scramble for the meaning on the inside. "Oh well... Can't be helped." Leo said under his breath as he fell to his side on the couch to lay down.

Posted on 09-11-13 07:07 AM, in (rev. 3 of 09-11-13 07:08 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 35728
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel: What is the story between you and him, if I may ask without sounding too...intrusive? From the way you looked out there it's evident that you two have known eachother for some time. He seems like a real charmer.

The last words Bel uttered had quite a sarcastic undertone.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-12-13 01:58 AM, in Link | ID: 35738
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Walking over to the counter, Caionna begins to gather a few things to tend to Leo's wound.

Suddenly, Zarik bursts through the door with an armful of devices and contraptions and sets them on a table near the door, muttering to himself all the while.

Zissou perks a brow curiously at the pile of junk that Zarik tossed down. "What have we here, Master Zarik? You seem to have piqued my interests with this sudden burst of creativity."

Almost as if snapping from a trance, the young man stammers, "Huh? Oh. This?" he examines his mess and replies, "I'm gonna try to reconstruct Rune's machine with some of my spare parts."

While this is happening, Caionna finishes up her preparations and returns to Leo's sofa. She rolls her eyes and says, "You probably don't even have the right bits of machinery."

"Maybe so," Zarik retorts, "but I can at least give it a shot."

She laughs and says, "Let's hope this shot isn't going directly into your own foot."

Turning her attention to Leo, she begins tending to his arm by carefully tearing the blood soaked shirt away from the wound. As she works, she can't help but notice a slightly offsetting vibe coming from the wounded man, but tries to ignore it. Grabbing a clean cloth and soaking it in the basin of warm water to clean the wound out, she can't help but make direct eye contact with him and narrow her gaze suspiciously.

Posted on 09-13-13 10:46 AM, in Link | ID: 35758
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel casts a glance towards the table Zarik threw down his stuff on. (Sudden burst of creativity, eh? More like a burst of frustration. And why bother? There's very little chance of any of the parts matching the ones in the original device considering he's from a different reality and dimension than either of us. Let's just hope that this one won't blow up in our faces.)

Bel takes another sip from his drink while he notices a somewhat uneasy feeling coming from Caionna, casting a quick glance towards Leo in the process.

(Hm? What did she notice that I didn't? Guess I shouldn't be surprised now that her power is greater than my own. Better keep my senses sharp and eyes open.)

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-13-13 07:05 PM, in Link | ID: 35766
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Since: 02-17-12
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Leo flinched while Cai worked on his arm. Though when she looked him in the eye he quickly shot his sight away from her. It was as if he was hiding or was ashamed of something. "Uh... So how does it look now that you can see it up close?" As Leo said this the voice boomed and wailed. It was demanding that a destructive lust be met. A lust that equated to Leo giving up himself to allow the voice to consume everyone in the room. But he did his best to press the voice into the back of his mind as he always does.

Though the voice was a bit louder then usual. Leo didn't know why, nor did he really care. He just sat patiently waiting for Cai to be done with his arm before he told Bel what he wanted to know. Though the voice allowed Cai to hear it. Barely did it allow a very faint demonic chant escape Leo's thoughts. It lowered it's defense it had over Leo's mind to send the chant as if trying to speak directly to Cai and only Cai.

The chant that it was allowing her to hear was to low and to unstable for someone to understand. Not even Leo knew what it was chanting and he deals with this thing everyday. Though he had no idea the voice was allowing Cai to hear it. "Also what's up with that look?" Leo laughed halfheartedly while saying this.

Posted on 09-14-13 05:07 AM, in (rev. 2 of 09-15-13 03:05 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 35771
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Trying her hardest to ignore the bad vibe coming from Leo, Caionna responds, "It's bad. I've only seen wounds like this a few times in the past. Usually from a poison or some fell magic." She feigns a smile and adds, "Nothing I can't handle though.

"As for the l--"

She stops suddenly as previously hidden runes on her forehead began to show and shine with a bright light in reaction to the voice's attempts to speak to her. Making a dismissive gesture, the runes' light dies down again. Narrowing her gaze again, she quips back to the voice telepathically, 'I would appreciate if you would leave me alone. I know you're there and I don't care for your presence. I have no issues with your host, but if you persist in being a pest I will not hesitate to eradicate you. You will get no more warnings.'

Continuing her statement cut short, she says, "As for the look... I had a suspicion that you are not alone. It appears that I'm right." her eyes flash as she adds, "While I have no issue in helping you or allowing you to stay while you recover, I do not pass the welcoming sentiment to your leech. I have no love for blatantly evil beings of any sort."

Posted on 09-14-13 07:37 PM, in Link | ID: 35780
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel senses the spell aswell and everything is over in a couple of moments. He runs over to Caionna and Leo, flipping his glass over in the process as he turns around from facing the bar counter.

Bel: Terrific. I knew I sensed something strange in here. Just couldn't determine the nature of it or where exactly it was coming from. Though, it wasn't exacly hard to deduce who was the cause of it. Looks like our guest has a mental hitch-hiker. The question is, can we get whatever's inside out?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-18-13 06:22 PM, in Link | ID: 35817
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Leo sighs "There is no use in trying to talk to it. It wont listen to anyone." The voice's chanting leaked out into the room allowing everyone to hear. Through the short chanting most words could not be understood but a few stuck out like Rune, battle, and demon. The chanting stopped and again the voice stayed in the confines of Leo's head. As he himself could hear it's evil and sinister laugh. It's parting word to Leo being "Betrayed!" As it died down and left Leo alone to his own mind for the time being.

"Well that was NOT how that was supposed to play out..." Leo tried to laugh to lighten the mood but knew it was a hopeless endeavor. Not sure what his new acquaintances would do or say to these events Leo prepared for the worst.

Posted on 09-18-13 11:26 PM, in Link | ID: 35822
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel shrugs.

Bel: Cute. Again, I don't really want to pry but when did you pick it up? I suspect it's got something to do with the Necromancer. And how, pray tell, was it supposed to play out?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-19-13 01:28 AM, in Link | ID: 35823
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Leo looks over at Bel. He shakes his head "I'm afraid what that was is something far greater then any necroman... Any man is capable of making. But I don't exactly know what it is. As for how that was supposed to play out. The voice wasn't supposed to come out like that. It's rare that it does. The last time it happened..." Again Leo shakes his head and sighs.

Posted on 09-20-13 02:08 PM, in Link | ID: 35831
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel shrugs.

How can anything play out like it's "supposed" to with something that has its own consciousness and free will? As for what it is, I'm quite sure I heard the word demon among the ones that were distinguishable.

Besides, maybe it was attempting to scare us or something. Won't work, though.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-24-13 11:07 AM, in Link | ID: 35880
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"I say that because I've been stuck with it for awhile and that was out of character for it. It tends to only speak to me. There has only been one other time that it spoke out like that. As far as it being a demon... I wish that's what it was. But..." Leo paused and looked over at his arm where Cai was healing it. He was waiting for Cai to finish her work.

Posted on 09-27-13 04:22 AM, in Link | ID: 35906
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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BeL. Wait, you say you don't know what it is, yet you claim it isn't a demon? How can you be certain? Although, you do have a point. A demon usually takes over your being completely as opposed to occasional talking from whatever you're stuck with. At least up to this point.

OoC: Trel, where are you?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

(post deleted) ID: 36346
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