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Posted on 01-29-14 05:34 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 42636
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Post #1
Eating a load of corn flakes right now... maybe I should stop. :P


Posted on 01-29-14 05:44 PM, in New member introduction thread! Link | ID: 42637
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Post #2
Oh, hello everybody. This is a generic introduction thread.

Actually, I don't need to say anything to introduce myself (for not quite good reasons).
I'll just say I'm also known as Kak64. Let the history say everything else. :/

So yeah, I found this place near the end of 2012 after a Google search for Kafuka lead me here. It only took me two months to decide making an account here :D.


Posted on 01-29-14 05:47 PM, in What are you wearing at the moment? Link | ID: 42638
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Post #3
I'm wearing a bright blue shirt and awesomely normal blue trousers.

They feel heavy, but that's a good thing since I don't currently feel that great.


Posted on 01-29-14 05:56 PM, in New member introduction thread! Link | ID: 42641
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Post #4
Posted by Nicole
Posted by KuSki
Oh, hello everybody. This is a generic introduction thread.

Actually, I don't need to say anything to introduce myself (for not quite good reasons).
I'll just say I'm also known as Kak64. Let the history say everything else. :/

So yeah, I found this place near the end of 2012 after a Google search for Kafuka lead me here. It only took me two months to decide making an account here :D.

It's actually been over a year since the end of 2012. :P

In any case, welcome to this place! Hope you'll enjoy it.
Argh, I meant December 2013. >_<

It's my second post and I've already made a mistake. This is going to end well.

Oh, also thanks, Nicole. :)

(and also testing layout almost shamefully copied over from Jul)


Posted on 01-29-14 06:02 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 42642
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Post #5
Posted by HolyRomanEmperorTatan
Have any of you heard the rumors of New Super Mario Bros. 3? Oh crap. It will probably just a rehash that will come out on the alleged new handheld and/or home console in a few years.
I'm mostly on classic games (corruption) so I don't usually care about them that much. Some Wii U games are an exception, but still...

Also, I agree rumors are pretty much not good*.

*See what happened in the past at Sonic Retro for example.


Posted on 01-29-14 06:04 PM, in What'd you eat? Link | ID: 42643
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Post #6
After eating unnecessary amounts of junk food, in theory, it may be a good idea to eat fresh vegetables.

In practice, I'll be eating a roasted chicken. >_<


Posted on 01-29-14 06:06 PM, in it's the aspartame virus now?! Link | ID: 42644
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Post #7
Can you see the limits of the universe?


Posted on 01-29-14 06:09 PM, in Roller Coaster 1 has crashed! Link | ID: 42645
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Post #8
What do you think it's the secret of life? :V


Posted on 01-29-14 06:14 PM, in Follow the commandments, or be damned! Link | ID: 42646
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Post #9
Is jumping on munchers good for your health?


Posted on 01-29-14 06:23 PM, in Oh, I say.. It's time for a party? Link | ID: 42647
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Post #10
Am I late to the party again?

No, I'm not accepting this. :P *KuSki Drinks booze


Posted on 01-29-14 06:27 PM, in Stay warm this winter with an Intel gaming PC. Stay cool in summer with AMD. Link | ID: 42648
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Post #11
Would you prefer living as an evil and rich mastermind constantly in fear of being backstabbed or as a poor farmer living a "good" and safe life?


Posted on 01-29-14 06:32 PM, in My computer feels pretty (The Desktop Thread) Link | ID: 42649
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Posted on 01-29-14 06:44 PM, in Your computer specs Link | ID: 42650
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Post #13
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64

CPU: Intel Core i5 480M 2.67GHz
RAM: 4GB DDR3 (and it's insanely slow for some reason)
Motherboard: Intel Havendale/Clarkdale Host Bridge rev. 02
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Rev 2 (unspecified)
HD: 287GB

My computer is bad. :D


Posted on 01-29-14 06:51 PM, in Winamp closing its doors after 16 years Link | ID: 42651
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Post #14
Sort of updating this thread.

Winamp has been bought by Radionomy, and they're planning to "update" it by making it look more modern (which I hope is not by making it look like a Win8 App).
Let's hope it goes well enough.

This also means their "not quite" hidden plugin folder is still up and going, although the root directory isn't browsable anymore.


Posted on 01-29-14 06:55 PM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 42652
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Post #15
These days, when not toying around with boom-plus.lua, I'm currently trying to play the second world of Plants vs. Zombies 2... if it wasn't for the download failing every time...

Fake Edit: Now it worked. It only took five or so retries.


Posted on 01-29-14 07:04 PM, in Corrupt-a-wish! Link | ID: 42653
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Post #16
Posted by Nicole
Granted, but you fuck it up and destroy everything within like, five minutes.

I wish that the shattered fragments of reality could be reconstructed.
Granted, but the reality gets rearranged horribly wrong and everything becomes as solid as dry sand.
I wish I can build 30-yard tall sand castles where I can live as a king.


Posted on 01-29-14 07:09 PM, in Layout thread! Link | ID: 42654
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Post #17
Layout shamefully copied from Jul (Which itself has parts "based" on HH's Incarnation 3 layout), except for some fixes made to adjust to my Kafuka userid. Also, a new "Profile" hover text.

It's nothing really special. It's just a table with links and CSS hell.


Posted on 01-29-14 07:17 PM, in How's the weather today? (rev. 2 of 01-29-14 07:17 PM by Kak) Link | ID: 42655
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Post #18
Cold Cold Cold. I can't say that enough. It's 1°C outside, and also the weather forecast said it was going to snow.

HAHAHA not gonna happen anytime soon.

What's worse? They "say" it will snow this weekend. Yeah, I'm believing that <_< >_>.


Posted on 01-29-14 07:34 PM, in your dreams Link | ID: 42656
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Post #19
Some days ago I had one of the most wierd dreams out there (with the exception of the "Sonic Spinball" thing which I'm not going to tell).

I was on the second floor of a big department store, where there were many people walking on their own.
Suddenly, I'm interrupted by two guys (probably a pair of thieves) and start chasing me.

I run, run as fast as I can without looking back, and I see a pillar. I somehow manage to use this pillar to knock out both thieves (by hiding behind it), and I run away.

Then, there's this big space where you can also see the first floor of the big department store. I go there, finding someone with an iPad, inviting me to watch a YouTube video.

This video was titled "Programmi Moderni" (Modern TV Programs), and when I clicked play, something happened.

There's an horribly drawn penguin which looks right out of a game jumping around on some ice platforms, then he sees a glowing orb (that looked like a sun from PvZ). He touches it, the screen fades... and...

*Cue dramatic music similar to the Titanic theme

There are clips of penguing dying (I don't remember much of that, but what it's certain is that there was a platform with penguins falling down like in YetiSports, but instead of a Yeti hitting the penguin with a club, there's another penguin shooting him with a shotgun).

Then, the music stops, the screen returns to the first penguin, which died.

Then, I wake up anxious for the fate of that penguin. I almost thought it was real and that I depended on the Penguin's fate. Wierd.


Posted on 01-29-14 08:10 PM, in January KCS Rankings (01/31 - Wait, That's a month already?) Link | ID: 42661
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Post #20

Well, time to buy a microwave just for this. :D

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