General information |
Group |
Normal User
Total posts |
2020 (2020 found, 0.44 per day)
Total threads |
98 (98 found, 0.02 per day)
EXP status |
Level: 87 EXP: 6184078 (for next level: 208696) Gain: 4592 EXP per post, 129.648 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
Registered on |
07-18-12 03:19 AM (4639 days ago)
Last post |
03-15-22 02:31 AM (1112 days ago)
in March KCS Rankings (3/31 - Selena 1971–1995)
(Display Case)
Last view |
04-01-22 06:00 PM (1095 days ago)
at /profile.php?id=44
User settings |
Theme |
Acmlm's Board Daily Cycle (Acmlm,, Mega-Mario, Emuz)
Time offset |
-5:00 from you
(current time: 03-31-25 04:39 PM)
Items per page |
20 posts, 50 threads
Personal information |
Real name |
Location |
Birthday |
Tuesday, November 13, 1990 (34 years old)
Bio |
3/08/2022 edit: Or am I?
Last post: 07/31/2015 06:02:32 AM (2,412 days ago)
1/10/2022 edit: Not really back. Just logging in...
Last post: 2,355 days
Last view: 2,337 days
Old title: Wanna test the RPG? Let me know in a PM.
====Old Layout====
Words here!
Back to my favorite layout!
===Old Bio below===
Rest in peace Taryn Burke (1987-2014). You were a great friend to know and I am happy to have talked to you.
Welcome to my profile! Obviously this message is new new so that's nice. (Old gfx:
You can see my first post for a full introduction but I'll mention some current stuff here too.
I need to work on this layout more.
Oh this layout does work...except for fitting the whole post at times.
This is the improved version, and with my new DAT FACE BG. Wee~
Oh hey, look! A distraction!
to come later~
A day to be remembered! My first Syndrome.
RPG status |