General information |
Group |
Normal User
Total posts |
112 (112 found, 0.03 per day)
Total threads |
5 (5 found, 0.00 per day)
EXP status |
Level: 24 EXP: 72110 (for next level: 6015) Gain: 965 EXP per post, 8869.272 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
Registered on |
02-11-15 04:58 PM (3701 days ago)
Last post |
05-06-15 10:35 AM (3617 days ago)
in Showing off some editing stuff
(Creativity and Artwork Showcase!)
Last view |
06-17-15 04:39 PM (3575 days ago)
at /forum.php?id=1
Contact information |
Email address |
Homepage |
Database Elite Force - |
User settings |
Theme |
Mario (Acmlm, KP9000)
Time offset |
-4:00 from you
(current time: 03-31-25 05:46 PM)
Items per page |
20 posts, 20 threads
Personal information |
Real name |
Trent Whitehead
Location |
Bowling Green, KY
Birthday |
Tuesday, November 24, 1992 (32 years old)
Bio |
I am a young adult from Kentucky, a place that isn't quite as stupid as you think. I mean, well, not all of us anyway.
I aspire to edit and direct, although to very little exposure at the moment. We're definitely on the move though... through YouTube! Yes, YouTube. I will be releasing gaming videos all the time in July onward. Hopefully this is a blast for all of us.
And thank you for reading a little about myself! I'm very friendly, send me a message!
RPG status |