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02-18-25 03:12 PM
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Main - Profile for Moline

General information
Group Normal User
Total posts 68 (68 found, 0.03 per day)
Total threads 14 (14 found, 0.01 per day)
EXP status Level: 18
EXP: 28691 (for next level: 1206)
Gain: 632 EXP per post, 15767.510 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
Registered on 12-19-17 03:48 PM (2617 days ago)
Last post 06-27-23 02:37 PM (602 days ago)
in June KCS Rankings (6/30 - Sega Dreamcat) (Display Case)
Last view 06-04-24 07:33 PM (258 days ago)
at /profile.php?id=394

Contact information
Email address
Homepage Windows Enthusiasts -

User settings
Theme Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain (Acmlm, KP9000)
Time offset -6:00 from you
(current time: 02-18-25 09:12 AM)
Items per page 20 posts, 20 threads

Personal information
Real name
Location 3 hours northwest of Hiryuu (Farmington, Arkansas)
Birthday Monday, January 25, 1999 (26 years old)
Bio Welcome to this bio! So good of you to join me! If you're reading this, it means you are here for the latest tobacco product, quite possibly the best tobacco product since tomacco was invented in 1999! This product is Hariboro! That's right, a tobacco gummy! You get the best of both worlds with this! Unfortunately, you also get diabetes in addition to lung cancer, so please use Hariboro in moderation!

(Please read the following in the style of Abraham (Grandpa) Simpson)

How did this come about? Well, it was 19 dickity two, and me, Randy53215, Acmlm, and Davideo7 were screwing around, smoking Marlboro cigarettes and eating Haribro gummies when some tobacco fell onto the Haribro gummies. Intrigued by their great taste, we decided to combine them! We were originally gonna call them Lung Diabetes, but that was too morbid they said, so we then decided on Marlbro, but then they thought some people might not notice anything different under the assumption the cigarette brand is called Marlbro instead of Marlboro, so we settled on Hariboro, and that's how tobacco gummies took the world by light drizzle! Acmlm had been smoking these things for ions before succumbing to Type 2 Diabetes and lung cancer while he was secretly working on Acmlm Board 3! I'm heading to the outhouse!
RPG status

Equipped Items
Weapons Nothing
Armor Nothing
Shields Nothing
Helms Nothing
Boots Nothing
Accessories Nothing

Sample post
Posted on 02-18-25 03:12 PM
Normal User


Level: 18

Posts: 68
EXP: 28691
Next: 1206

Since: 12-19-17
From: 3 hours northwest of Hiryuu (Farmington, Arkansas)

Last post: 602 days
Last view: 258 days
Posted by Emuz
The sample link.
Posted by Acmlm
Posted by "Shroomy"
Sample nested quote.
Sample spoiler, but I guess I ruined that for you hehe
^Sample sarcasm

How about some code:
<?php if ($whateverthislongstupidvariable == $anotherstupidlylongnamedvariable) //Epele: simple test.... { print "Sample code."; #It may print something.. or confuse you. } ?>

Sample message.

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