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Posted on 07-13-12 12:56 AM Link | ID: 20398
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Nicole and her trains. Nicole I think you should become an engineer and drive that stuff, no?

Also Trapster, Agreed. However you should check out a Zonda.

Posted on 07-13-12 01:33 AM Link | ID: 20399
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Speaking of trains; there was a derailment on the tracks that run though the campus I work at. A train ran into the back of a stopped one. Luckly all the cars were empty, it was 1:30am, and it was only text to a parking lot and not near any roads.


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
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'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 07-13-12 09:58 AM Link | ID: 20406
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I just had another funny customer moment a few minutes ago. A lady came in to prepay some gas, and my phone was playing Boten Anna (the Swedish Eurodance song, although, I can't think of any other songs with that title). The volume wasn't particularly high, but she started dancing to the beat.

It had to be my music, because the store's loudspeaker wasn't playing a particularly dance-worthy song. Maybe it's because I'm so bored mindless, but I found it hilarious.

Posted on 07-15-12 05:14 PM Link | ID: 20585
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Customers sure are some funny subjects. Y'never know what they'll do next.

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Posted on 07-16-12 07:38 PM Link | ID: 20719
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Being in tech support you end up seeing a lot of oddball questions. "What is a windows key" is one of the more famous of the lines. (at least it's better than "hit the any key?" classic)

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
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'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 07-16-12 07:40 PM Link | ID: 20720
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I'm a math tutor, and I sometimes get just as bad questions regarding math. Stuff like people not knowing how to multiply by 0.

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 07-16-12 09:49 PM Link | ID: 20747
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Posted by TKB
I'm a math tutor, and I sometimes get just as bad questions regarding math. Stuff like people not knowing how to multiply by 0.

Really? My dad is too. That's funny. Heh...He's 53 though. fyou guys were to face off I'd bet anything on my father. ;P

Posted on 07-16-12 10:11 PM Link | ID: 20751
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I'm kinda worried about the level of mathematical skill people have these days.. I know a lot of people where I work cannot even do things I'd call trivial.

Some can't even divide eight by two. :S

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Posted on 07-17-12 01:16 AM Link | ID: 20813
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I've had students who don't know that subtraction is the opposite of addition, or that division is the opposite of multiplication.

The most common errors I see include:
- People trying to distribute a power over addition or subtraction. Something like (a + b)² is not equal to a² + b².
- Rearranging the order of the numbers in subtraction or division.
- Confusing powers with multiplication (I see this way more than I should).
- Anything involving negative numbers.
- Handwriting errors, like confusing a 5 with an S.

And, above all...
- Copying the problem wrong from the book in the first place!

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 07-17-12 01:45 AM Link | ID: 20814
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So you are saying you can't dived by -0? Hmm.. How about by triangle?

It seems the math is getting the biggest shaft in the public school systems. They try to break it down into word problems and a lot of things are not word problems. (like formulas that are used in engineering for example.)

Since is another thing I think we need more of in school. Basic chemistry seems to be more more of a complex subject to high schoolers anymore. I am wondering how many real experiments are done in public schools. I only got a handful though my time, and I was in one of the best public schools in the city.

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 07-17-12 01:48 AM Link | ID: 20815
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Emuz: Math's reputation isn't helping matters. People think "math is hard" so they don't try as hard in it. Me, I always thought math was the easiest subject. Stuff like literature and essay writing were harder for me.

Another one is people confusing squaring with square roots. Sometimes they just call it the wrong thing, but some students seem to think that "square root" is just a fancy name for x².

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 07-17-12 05:15 AM Link | ID: 20827
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I have no problem with Math, It's just that I don't want to do it. Like honestly, I know the different between algebraic and exponential figures and a square root.

Mind you that's simple math though.

Lili~ ♥
Posted on 07-17-12 12:02 PM Link | ID: 20833
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I always had bad luck with math teachers in school, which is what made me despise the subject.

Posted on 07-17-12 12:55 PM Link | ID: 20836
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Posted by Liliana
I always had bad luck with math teachers in school, which is what made me despise the subject.
I had quite a bit of luck.. The ones I had were known for being somewhat crazy.. I mean, who makes a "math monster" mascot?

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Posted on 07-17-12 11:30 PM Link | ID: 20892
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Math is boring.

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Posted on 07-18-12 03:47 AM (rev. 2 of 07-18-12 03:48 AM by Scrydan) Link | ID: 20919
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It is funny about how I used to hate math like 8 or more years ago and now to think I'm constantly working with it and numbers. And dare I say, enjoy it? Well, at least the typical stuff I mess with. None of that super high college level related material I would need if I were to go into a different profession.

Although the professors of my college are pretty awesome. I only meet 1 who was not par with my expectations. Then again, that same class was C++ and I did have the experience so I pretty much didn't really need to show but I still did (isn't required). I just can't get rid of the feeling I might miss something and I like developing good relations with the professor so it is easier to deal with much harder projects and the like. Even then, I easily get good grades without trying...although my weakness is procrastination.

Edit: And lack of a good schedule. Which I suppose would solve that last problem. Eh?

Posted on 07-18-12 10:12 PM Link | ID: 20987
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Posted by Trapster
Math is boring.
I disagree. I find it can be quite fun when you're using it for the right reasons. >_>

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Posted on 07-18-12 10:45 PM Link | ID: 20996
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For that reason, RPGs always have interested me because of all the balancing and formulas involved to make the game perfect. Which is why I'm working on one myself, hehe.

It is amazing to think how many ideas crashed or didn't happen because it might upset some balance. Numbers can be fun to think about and if you do your calculation right, you can make certain moments of a game feel epic.

Posted on 07-19-12 01:11 AM Link | ID: 21003
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I like math, but I admit that anything more complicated than Trigonometry I forgot about. Wonder if there is a good online course to sign up for more advanced stuff.

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Lili~ ♥
Posted on 07-19-12 04:30 AM Link | ID: 21012
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Posted by Ailure
I like math, but I admit that anything more complicated than Trigonometry I forgot about. Wonder if there is a good online course to sign up for more advanced stuff.

Heh, I forgot about everything I learned in 11th and 12th. Curves, integrals and stuff.

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Main - General Forum - Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." (15)

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