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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4801/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"To ensure the future of life, it's the duty of the ones that grow to maturity to find a mate and reproduce." Cai says, oddly stoically as she gives a dictive response to his first question. "We're alive because our parents did exactly that. I guess I'm just upset that I'm an intelligent equivalent to a mule. Given the task to serve the world without the satisfaction of having an imprint beyond 'she existed' until I'm forgotten."
Hearing him say her happiness is more important than his own, she balks, "I don't want that. I shouldn't more important to you than yourself. If anything, I would expect equal consideration to the happiness of us both." A grave ex Upon his reaction to her withdrawal, she says, "I'm just conflicted right now. I know what you're saying and what you mean, but things just don't feel like they should right now. I think it's time we got dressed and met up with the others." Getting off the bed on the far end from Bel, she flicks her wrist to command the room to begin refreshing itself. She then makes her way to the dressing partition and makes herself presentable. There is another flash of light before shuffling of clothing can be heard. Moments later, she emerges in her signature black tights and a purple poncho-like shirt. she wears sleek-looking leather shoes and has her hair tied up in a neat ponytail, wrapped in her favorite green ribbon. Her dragon features returned as well. She waits a moment for Bel to do the same before leaving the room. Stepping back into the pavilion area, Cai notices mild commotion coming from the tavern section of the heavenly outpost. Heading over, she notices Zarik sitting at the bar; drink in hand, and humming melancholically to himself. Aren sitting beside him to keep him company. "Zarik? Are you okay? Isn't it a bit early in the day for drinking yourself under the table?" She asks with concern. "Early?" Zarik blurts out, "I haven't been to sleep yet today, Miss Been-asleep-for-two-days. I think... Time flow feels janky as hell here." "Has it really been that long?" Cai asks incredulously. "More or less." Aren says, with a matter-of-fact terse, not wanting to risk crossing her. "I had enough time to go back home, do a day of work and sleep it off, then come back to find Zarik in this desperate heap." "What do you mean?" she asks. "It's me and Neris." Zarik blurts out, fully coherent, but noticeably snoggered. "Well... More Neris showing she still has some unresolved intimacy issues that freak me out." "How so?" Cai probes. "I just wanna preface this with saying that I can see the hypocrisy of going into detail when I flip out at the thought of you going at it." Zarik grunts, "But at least what you've got going on seems healthy." "Get on with it!" Aren practically shouts. "Long story short: Since I finally allowed 'pants off' alone time with her, I've more or less just let her hump out her frustration of finally being able to feel what's going on in lap land, letting her use me instead of a toy to put her on a timer she has no choice but to obey. To try to wean her." Zarik begins, "Well, she decided to tell me to take initiative and take her to town, so to speak. I figure 'what the hell' and prop her up and start hitting it from behind. We're getting into it, and she's screaming for more. I oblige, because she's got a good little thing on her. All of sudden..." He stops abruptly. Aren is snickering to himself, "'Wean her.' Haha... Wiener." to a swift cuff upside the head from Cai, whom had walked over when he started giggling. "Ow! But point taken." "What?" Cai asks impatiently. "Thank you." Zarik grumbles, "But anyway, she starts moaning, not unusual, but then she goes into this fucking trance-like thing where she's begging Zerilisk and his fuckheads - by name - to do to her what and how they like. So I stop immediately, pull out, and actually pick her tiny ass up and toss her to get her to stop. She takes it as 'position change' and tries to dice mouth first onto my junk. I'm totally psyched out of it by that point, and she just keeps ravenously trying to get at me, practically crying that it's what's expected of her." He puts his glass down and cradles his face in his hands, heaving a sigh, he continues, "not having enough of trying to gently deter her, I had to slap her. And since I was basically in 'anti-rape' mode, I hauled off and clocked her a good one. I immediately regretted it. She reflexively recoiled and started crying like crazy. Sputtering about being afraid of being punished and begging that I don't do vividly detailed fucked up things to her for 'misbehavior'. And every time I tried apologizing and telling her that I was the one in the wrong, she would only cry louder and insist I was lying about retribution." "Where is she now?" Cai asks. "Cried herself to sleep in our joint room." Zarik answers solemnly, "Been that way since I came out here and started drinking out of guilt. Probably a few hours at this point. Dunno though. I just went in and covered her with a blanket before hitting the sauce hard." "I can confirm." Aren says, having crossed to Zarik's opposite side, "Though, how he hasn't collapsed and passed out is beyond me." "Because I have the bar set as self-serve, but to monitor drunkenness." Cai responds, "It stopped giving him alcohol before he went incoherent, then started serving again as he started sobering up. If your stories of him drinking are to be believed, he hold his liquor like a steel tankard." Seemingly ignoring how her explanation contradicts what she said on approach, he says, "I don't know what to do. She asked for it, she got caught up in the moment, I started feeling wrong about it - for a number of reasons, - then had to get physical with her to end it. I feel awful." A familiar, but feeble and trembling, voice is heard from the stairwell behind the group, "D-does that m-mean you're not angry at me? I d-disobeyed your c-command as my m-master... A-and I feared the worst." Zarik, Aren, and Cai turn to see Neris standing near the doorway, wrapped awkwardly in a blanket, around her large wings. A large mark from where Zarik's hand met her face still visible on her distraught and fear-stricken face. Her cheeks still tear-moistened. Zarik can't bring himself to look at her, let alone make eye contact, and says, "I was never angry to begin with. I was just uncomfortable and self-defense took over and I got unnecessarily rough. I understand if this is too little, too late, but I'm sorry, Neris." Neris clearly doesn't understand what he means, but she wordlessly approaches him and throws the blanket open to attempt to wrap him in a hug. In the moment the cover was open, it became apparent that she was completely nude underneath, revealing her petite frame and very attractive body. Continuing to avoid her, Zarik pushes her gently away. Pulling her swaddling closed, he says, "While I appreciate your willingness to forgive me, I can't allow you to be out here like this. Go get dressed and put the blanket away." Blushing bright enough to make the mark on her cheek look faded, she stammers with an uneasy emotional choking, "O-oh... S-sorry M-master... I'll f-fix that r-right away." and she turns and rushes back toward the accommodation threshold. "Stop calling me that!" Zarik yells after her, to a reflexively fearful squawk from her as she disappears. "See what I mean?" Zarik exclaims, "There's a lot to unpack there, to figure out, and sort through. I honestly don't know if I can keep this up without it eating away at me." There is a look of distraught uncertainty on his face. Aren sits quietly, eyes wide at the show he just got, "I can totally get why you're conflicted. She's--" Cai cuts him off while pointing an accusatory finger at him, "I swear, if you crack a pun or say anything inappropriate, I will kick you so hard back to Ada, your father will feel it!" Taking a deep breath, Aren tersely finishes his statement, "-- Gorgeous." clearing his throat, he gets up to leave, "That's all I was going to say." Heading to the entry section, he finishes with, "Sure, she's broken. But I think Zar can help her pick up the pieces. He's not gonna let a body with the right curves distract him from the bigger picture. Anyway, I have work to do. Good luck, pal." And disappears through a portal to the foundry. Putting a hand out to stem Cai's fury, Zarik says, "He's right, though. I'll admit, she's nice to look at and she feels great... But I need to be thinking with my brain with her, should have never let her make me think with my dick before I knew what was going on in her head on the topic..." heaving a sigh, "Am I just making things worse?" He merely sloshes his glass, making the ice jingle against the glass quietly. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7306/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4802/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"It might not be hypnosis..." Zarik muses, "It could just be outright conditioning. You could be right about the trigger for it, something in her head switches at the sensation to be a brainless submissive. And the calling of their names could be that she had done it so long that she just blanks that anyone else would be there. A weird black-out, or something. Either way, I'm not happy about any of it. The names she screamed, the reaction to me wanting out of the situation, needing to get rough with her to stop, the force I used. I feel awful." He scratches his head and rests his temple in his free hand.
"While we're freely airing our issues..." Cai announces as she turns to Bel, "If you want to do right by me, continue to treat me how you did before we became a couple. I don't want special treatment because you think it's what you need to do. I'm happy you're considering my happiness, but don't neglect your own for my sake. As far as safety is concerned... Don't take risks on my behalf if you think it will protect me. I can take care of myself. Trust me." Not giving him a chance to respond, she turns to follow Neris, "I'll see what I can do to help figure this out. Some girl talk, if you will." She then runs off. Tension sits over the room like a bad smell for a few moments, which Zarik breaks it by saying, "Don't let her bother you. She's got a lot of pride, and she's just now showing it. She has an inflated ego from this whole shebang, and she's painfully independent." With a shake of his head, he continues, "You're probably thinking 'what's he on about', just call it a brotherly hunch. That, and you're showing her affection. She's never felt genuine affection from anyone like what she's getting from you now. She's probably afraid to be vulnerable, and you're stepping on her pride. If she has shown vulnerability, she might be putting up defenses to save face. Just... keep being patient with her. She needs it." Zissou closes his book with a loud clap to reveal himself from a dark corner of the room. "Bravo, Zarik." The old man says, "You appear to be showing far more depth to yourself than 'snarky tough guy'. Between remorse for Neristhana and an understanding of your sister, it is a wonder how a charmer like you has been alone for this long." The sudden noise startles Zarik. Regaining composure and listening to the old man speak, he replies, "It's a long story. All I'm gonna say is that the women in my life have been less than wholesome and wanting me for me. Many saw me as a wallet because of my wealth. Others couldn't accept that I'm an adventurer and wouldn't settle down. Truth be told, I don't even know if what this weird thing I have with Neris is, or even if it's right." Sighing, he continues, "As for Cai... I can kinda relate to what she's going through. But I can tell Bel's intentions are good, and he'll take care of her... But he just has to weather her storm." Zarik taps his glass against the counter and it refills with a softer drink with the magic of the bar. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7307/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4806/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"I don't like it either." Zarik replies, "But it's not unfitting. How many normal mortals are you aware of the have the power to create worlds?"
"Agreed." Zissou murmurs, "While she is likely on nothing more than an egotistical high at the moment, I do not feel as if she is going to lord such a title over anyone. It is not in her character." A mysterious male voice emanates in the room suddenly, "If I may interject, gentlemen." the voice says cordially, "I am Ezolm, a god of a few pantheons over, just wanting to shed some light for you. Your friend is a goddess, as are the three of you, the bird, and the big guy she just chased off. She became a goddess when she created this realm, and the five of you were chosen to fill out her pantheon as you are the ones closest to her. "None of you have followers yet, so you're basically nothing more than fancy mortals. Nothing wrong with that, everyone needs to start somewhere. But keep in mind that the only followers you will gain are those on the world forming below. In other worlds, you're all nothing more than who you are. Don't let the idea inflate your self-worth." Turning his attention to Bel, Ezolm continues, "Like the dog man said, your girl is riding high. She'll go back to normal once things settle down. As for what she said in private, she merely conflated the act of men treating their mates better out of necessity, colloquially known as 'treating her like a goddess or queen' in some circles with actual worship. I assure you: she'll get over herself once her superpowering from her crystals expires. She'll likely realize and feel foolish. so take in in stride like the muscle man said. Forgive me for not knowing your names, I was just eavesdropping." Zarik shouts, "Then what about the guy she felt threatened by?" "I don't have much time before one of the big guys finds out I'm even talking to you." Ezolm says, hurriedly, "One of the other guys in my group popped over like I did. Just a voice, and made some out-of-line remarks. Nothing credible, because we're only voices here. She got super defensive and psyched out hard. Hopefully that helps, and she'll chill now now that you're here with her. Convenient plot device, out!" then the presence can no longer be felt. "Thanks weird expository man!" Zarik says with a sarcastic tinge. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7308/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4807/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"Well, Neris was with us, not Cai." Zarik replies. "How would this guy know anything about her? Listening to him talk, he just sounded like a regular schmuck like us. Probably not the kind of guy endowed with the ludicrous superpower of omniscience."
"Right-ho!" Zissou says, raising his glass. "Theological discussion aside, it seems curious that he would even divulge such information to us. Perhaps we should not concern ourselves with anything but what he said of Caionna, and worry more about Neristhana's well being." "Not a bad idea." Zarik says as he braces himself to stand. "I should probably go and check on things. Set into motion what needs done to set things right." As he staggers slightly out of the room, he gives a slight hand wave with a , "Be back sometime... If I don't pass out, that is." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7313/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4808/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"All things considered," Zissou begins, "We have no reason to doubt his word. Whether it is a lie or not matters little in the case of 'no power until followers exist' point."
The old man shrugs, then changes topic as Bel did, "As for Zarik. I would imagine that he would do so in a literal sense, and not figuratively. He is mildly drunk, and Neristhana seems forgiving to a fault when it comes to him. As you may recall, she was able to discern the difference between aggression during combat training from active hostility. Perhaps she will accept his word that he was merely acting in self-defense due to revoking his consent of the act. We shall find out in time." Several minutes pass quietly, and Caionna reemerges from the chambers. She says nothing right away, but sits at Bel's table and lays her head down. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7314/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4813/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"Long story short: They reconciled." Cai says with a defeated sigh, "Short story long: Zarik told her that he's reinstating his abstinence stipulation until she sorts out her issues a bit more. She agreed to the rearrangement, but in the same breath wanted to make up and tried to mount him. Evidently, she though he meant 'after today', and it took a combined effort of Zarik and myself to subdue her gently. If only she focused with that level of determination on other things than carnal desire..."
"Given her past, that may be a difficult task to surmount." Zissou muses, "If not overcome, at least to curb it, and keep it in check." "Zarik said he'll give her a task when he finally gets some rest." Cai says, "I wonder what he has in mind." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7315/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4814/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"I have an inkling of what he may have in mind. Something to get her away for a short while, a place where he knows she'll be safe." Cai replies, "As for me... I'm mildly frustrated already, and don't know what to do to occupy myself. Meditating over the forming world won't do because it's to the point of needing to do its own thing. If only there was something to do around here." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7317/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4816/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Cai picks up her head and rests her face in her hands, and says during his pause, "I'm sorry I just dropped that concern on you so suddenly to begin with. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was scared that you were a man from a society that valued women as mates based on their capacity to be mothers. I know so little about your past, and I've read enough history to be aware of those societies... I guess I just thought it best to make that known."
Listening to his second point, she responds, "I wonder if I would share that sentiment if I was a full-blood. you know: 'able to, but not ready for it' as opposed to 'it's not an option, so I feel empty'" Her face flushes in embarrassment at his third point, "When you put it like that, I can understand what you mean... I'm sorry for as selfish as I've been being. I've never been in situation like this before in earnest, so the concept is foreign to me. I'll do my best to do what needs done for not only my happiness, but yours as well." Zissou merely sits quietly in the corner, unsure if he should make his presence known to Caionna. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7318/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4817/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"I can't say I disagree..." Cai says at length, "But part of me doesn't want to agree either. I want to be open with you, but I have reservations. Fear isn't it, exactly.I only hope I can be as supportive of you as you want to be with me..."
Zissou breaks his silence and says, "I have been curious of your past, as well. Not much is known about the Copley elves. Perhaps you can indulge me when you divulge that information." Caionna looks to the corner where her mentor is with a look of surprise. "How long have you been there, Zissou?" She asks. "Long enough to have witnessed your arrival after your extended nap." the old man responds simple, "Worry not about me. I am merely sitting here." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7319/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4821/4986 EXP: 24486713 Next: 562941 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Cai merely nods in silence at his words of reassurance, then listens intently at his tale.
She sits quietly for a moment after he finishes to process what she had heard. "So different, yet so similar. I suppose when you discovered who was holding me and Neris, something probably snapped and it was personal." With a small giggle, she says, "You saved your home from a dragon, then fell in love with one. Isn't it funny?" Zissou merely nods as he listens to Bel. Saying nothing. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7322/7703 EXP: 47014033 Next: 403187 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
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