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Main - The Officer's Club - Saying goodbye... (RIP Taryn 7/19/1987 - 11/15/2014) (5)
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Posted on 11-23-14 04:30 PM Link | ID: 78890
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We first met each other on Jul, she liked my cartoons and found 'em cute. We spoke a few times and she was real cool, down to earth.

It's always terrible when someone young dies. She was family here, I'm gonna miss her posting, the world needs more sincere people like her...

Rest In Peace, Taryn. Your suffering ends and we'll miss you. I'm gonna draw a cartoon version of you. :)


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Posted on 11-23-14 04:38 PM Link | ID: 78891
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I rarely pop in here but I have to say that I'm upset finding out about the news just a few moments past.
I have known her a few years on and off and we were good friends for some time. She was generally a really funny individual who will be missed. RIP Taryn.

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Posted on 11-23-14 04:45 PM Link | ID: 78892
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How did this happen? ;_;

I haven't been part of this community for very long but I really feel like I got to know a lot of great people. She will be missed.


Can you burn a Luigi board?

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Posted on 11-23-14 04:49 PM Link | ID: 78893
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She gave me three books (part of a series) in 2012. Taryn told me they were her favorite when she was younger and she wanted me to read them.


Posted on 11-23-14 05:50 PM (rev. 2 of 11-23-14 05:51 PM by thereturnofdoritosxD) Link | ID: 78894
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It's the first time that I ever see a board dedicating so much stuff of it to a well-known person that has passed away.

Like, Tierage, StapleButter and MrRean, I don't know a lot about Taryn and I also, haven't been much active in here, but I feel like she was a good person. Rest in Peace. :(

Posted on 11-23-14 07:16 PM Link | ID: 78897
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Posted by Emuz

This is Taryn's theme for her old forum. It's in remembrance. It will remain as it was. You can adjust your font size setting in your profile if you need to.

Oh, that makes it a bit different. I thought it was some sort of bug that made everything bigger.

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Posted on 11-23-14 08:54 PM Link | ID: 78899
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I didn't really even know Taryn that well, but I just showed up here recently and have 0 attention span as a general rule. Still, quite sad. Hopefully she's in a better place, she seemed like quite a nice person.

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Posted on 11-24-14 10:11 PM Link | ID: 78945
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From what I know right now...

There is no plans for a funeral at this time.

If you wish to send money, you can donate it to the Humane Society in Taryn's name.

Her parents will be driving from Detroit to Seattle, which will take around four days.


Posted on 11-24-14 11:02 PM Link | ID: 78960
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On behalf of the Kafuka community, it be great to know where she will be buried, once that has been arranged, so that any of us can visit her grave and leave some flowers whenever we have the chance.

*Cries while making this post ;_;*

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Posted on 11-25-14 11:48 AM Link | ID: 78979
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Posted on 11-25-14 03:23 PM Link | ID: 78982
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From her mother:

I am told that sadly, she had been deceased for some days before she was found on the 21st after a wellness check and the apartment management has to dispose of many items due to this.

I had sent her a care package that arrived there on the 13th. The manager says that she never picked it up. My last email from her was on the 13th.


Posted on 11-25-14 03:52 PM Link | ID: 78983
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2

Layout by Maple.
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Posted on 11-25-14 06:18 PM Link | ID: 78997
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It's actually pure luck that we managed to find her address for the wellness check (one of the guys over at the IRC channel sent a postcard to Taryn last summer and still had it), because if not, we'd still be sitting here worrying about her.

She did call sick at work on Monday via email from what we know, so it's likely she was already bedridden on the 13th and simply couldn't pick up the package because she was too weak to leave her bed. That's actually quite depressing. :<

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Posted on 11-25-14 06:33 PM Link | ID: 78998
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You could have asked me. I have Taryn's cell number and her address.


Posted on 11-25-14 07:06 PM Link | ID: 78999
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I had first met Taryn way back on the second Acmlm's board, in July 2005... I was running away from the Sonic community, and when she IMed me out of the blue I wondered who it was :-/ (thinking it was someone from Sonic 2 Beta or similar)

We then started talking a bit (I was a sophomore in high school at the time, and desperate for friends), although we were quite distant (I was mainly into the Sonics and she was mainly into King's Quest and Mario games)... she actually dated me for several months in 2007 and I was uncomfortable :-( (you need to remember that I am a transwoman as well and was not out of the closet yet; I waited until I moved to New Jersey to start my transition)... we didn't speak for a while, but we did talk on occasion during the last 3 years before she died ;-(

—xoxo, Katelyn

Posted on 11-26-14 12:09 PM Link | ID: 79046
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I was just informed of this...

I can't say we were ever close friends, but I did consider us to be friends on some levels a few years back. We kinda drifted apart at some point though...

I just don't know what to say about all of this...

Broken layout got nuked. :v

Posted on 11-27-14 02:06 AM Link | ID: 79092
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I was quite speachless when I seen this site for the first time in a few months. I just so happened to want to check in on everyone. She was a very good friend to me, probably one of the best I've had. She had a certain way of making me smile.

Upon seeing this and finishing, before I could even attempt to write anything I truly broke down crying hard for hours, and it took someone special to me to calm me down. I wanted to visit sooner and perhaps even talk to her. Alas it isn't possible and I so very much want this to be some horrible rotten prank. I haven't felt this sad since my mom died, and to similar condition too which struck home hard.

But after 12 hours of calming myself down and sleeping a bit, I must (as we all) remember the good moments and hold them close to us all. It is important to remember the positive and be happy. She would want us to be happy and not sad.

I know its been mentioned before, but I do want to honor her with a character in my RPG. She lives on in our hearts and so shall she through a honorable creation to her character and memory (I actually planned to do so anyways and wanted to talk to her about some things). She made this dragon happy and she will be remembered as a good friend and one of the best moments I've had here at Kafuka. May she be happy wherever she goes and know she is loved by many.

Posted on 11-27-14 02:17 AM Link | ID: 79093
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I managed to get myself to stop crying and stop being despondent last night by knowing that Taryn wants us to not worry about her because she is fine and that instead, we should cry for ourselves, for those who are currently living and suffering in terrible conditions like extreme poverty in third world nations, oppression done by the tyrannical governments, etc. Yeah, I know I'm getting a bit too religious here :P but either way we should all know that Taryn is doing fine and we shouldn't worry about her and we should always remember her positively. ;) Rather, there's a lot of bad things going in this world that we need to worry.

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Posted on 11-28-14 12:01 AM Link | ID: 79147
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Post #4109
I haven't been here in a while, so when I went here I did not expect at all to read about this. It's quite a shocking thing to me, even though I'm relatively new to the community.

I honestly can't express with words (and with my level of English writing) what I think of this...

I'm just speechless.


Posted on 12-03-14 12:27 AM Link | ID: 79563
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Do we have any new information?

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Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain
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Main - The Officer's Club - Saying goodbye... (RIP Taryn 7/19/1987 - 11/15/2014) (5)

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