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Posted on 09-07-12 04:49 PM Link | ID: 25713
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Posted by Trelior
I hope if I ever Street Pass for Miis that they're immune to that shit.

They're not immune, but they will NOT turn back on their own.

Posted on 09-07-12 05:49 PM (rev. 2 of 10-04-12 03:18 PM by BlindJumps) Link | ID: 25723
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Last few days I am trying ''F.E.A.R.1'' and Ridge ''Racer 7''.
I was kinda wondering about these two series a week ago..
Ridge Racer seems to be a hard game. When racing against seven A.I. , I often got in 8th place at the end of a race. The last three races went better, with higher finishing positions..
Ridge Racer is a kinda rough racinggame. Drifting and .. something whats called '' drafting'' in another game, seem important. It seems you can partly change the exterior of your machines. Some vinyls can be replaced/removed, others can not.. -And yes, the cars are called ''machines'' in this game. Furthermore the game appears to be like other racinggames..

F.E.A.R. is interresting from time to time. I think this game is best played in some darker envireoment. Things become creepy some times, hence the game's name..
I don't get a sense of fear all of the time while playing. Often there are just handgun battles againts enemy police or something.. The levels aren't bad. At this point it has been all factory and industrial stuff.

In August I bought ''Battle vs Chess''. Since I played chess in the past for a period, I figured I could play this game as well. Well: not..
Altough I have some experience with chess and know the rules, I barely get a thing done. Maybe its just me making too less effort or taking too little time.. The A.I. can be smart as well.
Altough I barely maded progress I have seen interresting things. The game has two storylines where ''white'' ''living'' chesspieces fight ''black'' pieces. When you play the story abnormal circumstances occur. The first storylevel from the black site begins with
the black King and all eight grunts. There aren't any other of the black pieces at this stage. From the enemy position you'l find the white King with two.. ''diagonal'' moving pieces.. The white side also lacks a lot of peaces. -And from here on there will be other stages with other circumstances, I guess. I haven't even finished the first stage..

Furthermore, there are minigames and puzzles, using either chesspieces or other things. The living pieces are quite interresting. Some white and black pieces are partly the same, some are completely different. For example: The white horse wields two normal light axes. The black horse wields two different weapons I don't know the name about..

Some time ago I forgot to mention one quite important game I bought as well.
I also bought ''Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe''.
From time to time I wondered how it would be to play a game using superheroes. At about the same level of interrest, or a little lower, I wondered about Mortal Kombat characters. When it came to interrest for Mortal Kombat, it was a mather of biographics rather than gameplay.
When around in a gamestore, I sometimes stumbled upon Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. Some time ago I reminded this game excisted as well. -Not just superheroesgame or Mortal Kombat games.. I bought the game, because it combined two things I wanted to know about more.
I ve seen quite alot from both Mortal Kombat characters and DC Universe characters. There where also biographics to read.. I ve played and finished the DC Universe-story the game contains. There are much more attacks to learn, if I would want so..

Edited by BlindJumps -made some spellcorrections

Posted on 09-07-12 10:22 PM Link | ID: 25746
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The Sims 3. With the world population controls from the 1.38 Patch.. The game is finally tolerable in terms of lag being generated by various pieces of crap. Most notably horses.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-09-12 06:20 AM Link | ID: 25856
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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

I'm at the Shadow Temple. Almost done.

Posted on 09-10-12 06:01 PM (rev. 2 of 09-10-12 06:27 PM by Marzen64) Link | ID: 25976
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I attempted to emulate Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition for the PS2 right now.

That ended well. 20 FPS. I had to overclock the fucker to make it run at 60, and it just sounded wrong.

Also right as I was uploading this picture, it crashed. YAY!




Posted on 09-10-12 06:28 PM Link | ID: 25977
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I still have a little grinding left to do for Bowser in Bowser's Inside Story. Looking for Royal rank to get the "best" ending.

Then I get to play through on a minimum level run! :D

Posted on 09-10-12 11:32 PM Link | ID: 25998
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I tried playing Wonderful Life for dolphin, as I remembered owning the game in past and always choosing the farm girl to marry me. fun game.

Now that I beat OoT I am now moved on to the sequel (yes I actually got somewhere with it, pretty challenging) Majora's Mask.

Posted on 09-10-12 11:48 PM Link | ID: 25999
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I played Secret of Mana for quite a while today.

I started today at the Fire Palace and ended after I met Luna. My levels, starting out, were 23 on exp and 2 for my spirits... Now I'm level 38 and working Undine/Salamander/Jinn/Gnome from 5 to 7, and Shade/Wisp/Luna all the way from 0 to 7. Guh. So fucking annoying

Posted on 09-12-12 02:38 PM (rev. 3 of 09-12-12 02:42 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 26120
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I finished Secret of Mana last night, including having pulled off the sword glitch. I was a whopping level 62. I gotta say, using the glitch made fighting the Mana Beast a lot easier since you don't need to use the Dryad spell.

I also knocked out Goof Troop that I installed to my Wii from a wad file. It felt good to play it on a console again after so many years.

Then, I booted into Pokemon Battle Revolution again and went up against the Master's Round sets seven and eight. I was able to make it all the way up to the final of set eight, I was going really well up to that point... I was nervous from the get go because the motherfucker has a team ENTIRELY made up of Uber-tier legends (Palkia, Kyogre, Manaphy, Latios, Mewtwo, and Lugia*).

I picked Zapdos, Gyarados, Togekiss, and Honchkrow. He picked Kyogre, Latios, Manaphy, and Didn't-fucking-see-it-because-Kyogre-is-a-cheating-whore.

He swept me with two Water Spouts... I got through Latios only because of a Sucker Punch 1HKO.

* This is his team for if you synced to Diamond, which is applied for Soul Silver

His Pearl/Heart Gold team uses Dialga, Groudon, Cherrim, and Ho-oh instead... Which is BOUNDS easier to deal with in my eyes.

Posted on 09-12-12 04:47 PM (rev. 2 of 09-12-12 04:47 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 26136
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Trelior

* This is his team for if you synced to Diamond, which is applied for Soul Silver

Lucky me. I think it's synced with my Diamond game.

Posted by Trelior

His Pearl/Heart Gold team uses Dialga, Groudon, Cherrim, and Ho-oh instead... Which is BOUNDS easier to deal with in my eyes.

Luckily I also have HeartGold. What happens with the pokémon I transfered to the game if I re-sync with HeartGold? I have, "trained" Metagross and Blissey in PBR.

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Posted on 09-12-12 04:51 PM Link | ID: 26138
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Posted by Trapster
Luckily I also have HeartGold. What happens with the pokémon I transfered to the game if I re-sync with HeartGold?
You would have to start over from the beginning... You can only sync one DS game to each of the four files for PBR.

The Colosseum Master in the Master Battle is determined by the game you synced your storage to, not the Pokemon you have.

Posted on 09-12-12 07:28 PM Link | ID: 26190
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I should really play Heart Gold and Soul Silver sometime. I got some money so it probably wouldn't hurt to get a {whatever is latest} and get some fun cartridges, some of which being the old games I used to have including the Pokemon ones.

Playing some more Minecraft in a certain survival world I have been having fun with. Looking forward/hoping they release their snapshot soon tomorrow. I am hoping for more Adventure related goodies than anything.

Posted on 09-13-12 04:16 AM Link | ID: 26292
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FF7 for the first time.

Yes, I was an Acmlmer oldbie and I never played FF7 until today. Shock and horror.

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 09-13-12 10:32 PM Link | ID: 26478
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Conker's Bad Fur Day (emulated), im at the last part. "It's War" was kind of chaotic. I wasn't sure how to do things properly but i made it through somehow.

Also, im playing the Blitzball minigame in Final Fantasy X-2, but nothing else in the game.
But im at the last chapter with 84% completion.. seems i won't get 100% on this playthrough.

Posted on 09-17-12 10:08 PM Link | ID: 26759
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For me, it's emulated but I'm playin' Streets Of Rage for the Sega Genesis, just made it to level 3. ^_^


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Posted on 09-18-12 01:20 AM Link | ID: 26793
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I started out with Secret of Evermore today... I must say, for everything Square improved on with the engine from Secret of Mana, they fucked something else up in the gameplay. It's bad enough that I don't want to sit through it!

Moved onto Shining Force and played it for an hour or so. I made it through the first two or three battles, and did really well. I'm noticing that Hans (the default archer) is actually performing well for me, in stark comparison to how he totally sucks for Doc Sigma in his let's play.

Then I finished out with Pokemon Colosseum, played it for about four hours. Made it from where I stopped the night I bought the game (just got to Phenac City, yeah, didn't play much), now I'm chasing after Miror B in the Pyrite City mine.

I've caught everything so far with relative ease, and I'm exploiting the infinite Pokeball glitch (issue the capture command with the first Pokemon's turn, go into the bag with the second Pokemon, switch the ball you chose with any other in the pocket, and it won't deduct from either stack. Hugely useful when you find the Master Ball) to keep from needing to buy so many.

I already have nine Pokemon ready to purify, but I can't get to Agate Town until I beat the piss out of Faggy McDancer (Miror B). My team right now, despite my preference, is Furret, Yanma, Remoraid, Mantine, Espeon (level 28), and Umbreon (Level 30). Let me say this... Once a Shadow Pokemon decides it wants to go into Hyper Mode, it will do it every MOTHERFUCKING TIME you order it to do Shadow Rush if you call to it immediately. Granted, it helps purify it quickly, but if the Pokemon has a nature that dampens the effectiveness of snapping it from Hyper Mode, you'll have nothing but a total lock-down. I almost lost the battle right before I quit, because Yanma got the great idea to say, "Fuck you, I'm going into Hyper Mode until something kills me!" which only wound up killing everyone else on the team. Yanma and Umbreon were the only survivors; Yanma with 7 HP left, and Umbreon with 10. That doesn't bode well at all.

Posted on 09-18-12 04:04 AM Link | ID: 26800
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Aw Goddess damn it. Turns out I'm going to need to beat the main world series with Luigi and the special world series with Mario in order to access the final challenge of Super Mario 3D Land.

...I hate this.

Posted on 09-18-12 12:49 PM Link | ID: 26816
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Posted by GreyMaria
Aw Goddess damn it. Turns out I'm going to need to beat the main world series with Luigi and the special world series with Mario in order to access the final challenge of Super Mario 3D Land.

...I hate this.

Well if that's the case I don't know if it's worth it >_>

The point of a game is to bring you fun. If you're HATING it, there's really no reason to play.

I made a new Dorf Fort: DaggerDaggers the Dagger-Daggers of Daggers. Also known as UristUrist UristUrist Urist. I am very proud of it, but I've played so much fucking Dwarf Fort what I've run out of idea on how to build it.

Posted on 09-18-12 02:26 PM Link | ID: 26824
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Posted by Marzen64
The point of a game is to bring you fun. If you're HATING it, there's really no reason to play.

Some people do play games that will generally annoy them or ones they hate for some reason. The reasons vary but they might get some enjoyment out of either poking fun or entertaining others with their frustration. :P

Playing some more Minecraft. I haven't in awhile so it is good to be playing it some more once again. Enjoying this one ravine near my mineshaft. The best part is it is underground so it is a bit deeper than usual so I was able to access some nice diamonds and other ores.

Posted on 09-18-12 06:08 PM Link | ID: 26843
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Roy Koopa
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Treasure of the Rudras for the most part. Some bosses in this game are strong.

I'm at day 9 with Surlent and almost the same with Riza.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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