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Posted on 03-08-15 12:16 AM Link | ID: 82834
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I just played some Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge, the game is cool but people say it's a bit difficult. I call that a challenge... ;)


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Posted on 03-08-15 04:45 PM Link | ID: 82843
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I bought Super Smash Bros. for 3DS because I bought the game for Mary (as part of a package with the New 3DS as a late Valentine's present) and now I want to play against her- but I need to get decent at the game before I dare do so :P

Posted on 03-08-15 07:20 PM Link | ID: 82845
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Does that mean I can play against you and kick your butt? I kinda would prefer to play the Wii U version against people. I kinda wore my circle-pad down a teensy bit.

I've bene playing The Sims 3 a bit more myself. I'm gonna see how many generations I can pass a.. ahem.. unique genetic pairing down before it decides to dilute out too much.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-08-15 10:59 PM Link | ID: 82855
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I've kinda been sucked into the vacuum of mobile gaming with a little gem called Survive! Mola Mola!

It's a free game for Android and iOS where you care for a sunfish that is so inept at life that it's prone to dying to just about anything that happens in the game. That includes going on "adventures" using points you get for every passing hour (caps at 3), making him eat anything bigger than plankton, and just generally being a fucking sadist toward the poor sod.

Each unique death grants you a bonus to weight gain from food, which allows him to grow faster. For each form he grows into before he dies, you get more points to spend on unlockables (also known as new death traps). Luckily, a resistance is built up to every cause of death by falling victim to it.

Each adventure starts as a 50/50 chance to eat shit, then drops to 75/25, 95/5, then finally to 99/1 (live/die). Each new food has an 8% chance for him to panic, claiming something to be wrong, with (what I'm assuming to be) a one in ten chance that he'll choke and die from it. Afterward, he goes up to 99.9% chance of being totally fine with eating that type of prey. There's also player-input kills, like: shaking your device until he gets foam in his eyes, touching the screen too much, taking too many screenshots of him, turning down your screen brightness, and even killing him as an egg. Luckily, once he dies from each, he becomes totally immune to it. The final (also widely agreed upon as being the designated good end) is having him die of natural causes by hitting 10000kg as a Living Legend (Blessings chosen on the divergent form at 5000), which cannot be resisted. Of course, choosing Freedom instead allows him to grow indefinitely... Or at least until the poor fucker falls into one of the other death traps he isn't resistant to.

My record sized fish is about 12000kg. I only have three more adventure deaths before I can move on to Hard Mode and do it all over again (luckily without the need to unlock everything again).

I've been playing since Thursday, and I can't count the number of hours I've lost to it.

Posted on 03-09-15 03:32 PM Link | ID: 82865
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Posted by CherryBunny
Does that mean I can play against you and kick your butt? I kinda would prefer to play the Wii U version against people. I kinda wore my circle-pad down a teensy bit.

Mary has already kicked my butt in this game >_> curses (also I was going to get the Wu version but that has no cross-platform online)

Posted on 03-11-15 04:37 AM Link | ID: 82894
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I played some Call of Duty: Advance Warfare, Mortal Kombat, and Dead or Alive: Last Round. ^_^


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Posted on 03-16-15 08:33 PM Link | ID: 82995
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I've been playing Ocarina of Time for the first time in a few years and trying to 100% it for the first time.

Fuck killing these ghosts on horseback.

Posted on 03-17-15 04:46 PM (rev. 2 of 03-17-15 04:46 PM by KP) Link | ID: 83012
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I've been playing a bit of Elite Dangerous lately. Just got it, and I think I really enjoy it so far. Really immersive game. (This post was originally much larger, but since I lost it in a browser glitch before I could hit submit, well, fuck it.)

Here's a picture though.

Click for larger size.

Eventually I'll put forth the effort into explaining it a bit when I have a few more fucks to give. I think I'll end up streaming it soon, just gotta make sure I have internet that's decent enough...

Posted on 03-19-15 04:34 PM Link | ID: 83058
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100%ed OoT last night -- I streamed my sucking at the Gerudo archery challenge.

Then I started streaming Metroid Prime. I got up to the very beginning of Magmoor Caverns. I'll be streaming again tonight (early tonight, though -- 6PM local time, which is GMT-0600, same as Trel). You can watch that at this place.

Posted on 03-19-15 04:43 PM Link | ID: 83059
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Been playing The Sims 3 some more. Running a "legacy challenge" of sorts. Trying to pass down unique genetics down generations of a family. There's a couple, but one seems to have vanished (since the game likes to mutate that genetic). Oh well, onward with the blue-haired Sapphire family.

Here's the latest addition to that family.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-20-15 01:27 AM Link | ID: 83070
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I've been playing X Blades, & Resident Evil Revelations 2. RER2 is a great game, X Blades is an average game but you can get hooked just for the story imo. ^_^


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Posted on 03-23-15 12:54 AM Link | ID: 83249
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I've been playing so much Xenoverse! It's so fun... even though the combo system is really easy to master. Still, it's a solid RPG. Anyone else pick it up?

Posted on 03-23-15 01:39 AM Link | ID: 83392
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Minecraft. A friend of mine is setting up a server so I've been helping him out with it.

Posted on 03-24-15 12:18 AM Link | ID: 83683
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I've been playing some Resident Evil 6, I dunno why the game got so much hate it's decent, it's WAY better than Beowulf, trust me on this... ^_^


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Posted on 03-24-15 12:43 AM Link | ID: 83700
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Posted by Googie
I've been playing X Blades, & Resident Evil Revelations 2. RER2 is a great game, X Blades is an average game but you can get hooked just for the story imo. ^_^
X Blades? You mean that title that I got my first perfect 1000 gamerscore on the x360 with?

Hard mode is a joke with the armoured outfit. >_>

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-24-15 11:28 AM Link | ID: 83723
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I finally beat the Suicide King challenge in Binding of Isaac. The best part? I picked it as a bit of a masochistic joke during a sound test for my stream channel. I was testing how Voicemeeter works with @Phyresis.

I have the footage downloaded and I just need to cut off some extra shit from the beginning and end of the run, then I'll add it to the queue for my Youtube channel.

Posted on 03-24-15 04:20 PM Link | ID: 83731
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I've been playing the PS2 Armored Core games. All of 'em. Off and on.

Except Nexus, which I have, but one of the discs is in shit condition, and Nine Breaker, which I don't have.

Posted on 03-24-15 09:25 PM (rev. 2 of 03-24-15 09:25 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 83756
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Posted by Phyresis
I've been playing the PS2 Armored Core games. All of 'em. Off and on.

Except Nexus, which I have, but one of the discs is in shit condition, and Nine Breaker, which I don't have.
If your computer can handle it, there's a PS2 emulator called PCXS2.

You may want to give that a peek.

EDIT: I love seeing typos after I submit.

Posted on 03-24-15 09:27 PM Link | ID: 83758
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Been playing some The Sims 3.. until it crashed that is. If someone invented a 32-to-64bit exe converter to allow access to higher amounts of memory, the game would probably run beautifully. >_>

Oh well, I did play for quite an extended session though.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 03-25-15 08:03 PM Link | ID: 83782
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Posted by Trelior
Posted by Phyresis
I've been playing the PS2 Armored Core games. All of 'em. Off and on.

Except Nexus, which I have, but one of the discs is in shit condition, and Nine Breaker, which I don't have.
If your computer can handle it, there's a PS2 emulator called PCXS2.

You may want to give that a peek.

EDIT: I love seeing typos after I submit.
I have that and I'm gonna give it a try for NX and 9B (and possibly Last Raven, which, like Nine Breaker, is an "expansion pack" for NX and you can import data from NX (and possibly 9B?) to tart your file off, giving you access to better stuff earlier on -- very important since LR is balls-to-the-wall hard.)
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