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Posted on 06-26-15 10:29 PM Link | ID: 85880
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Been playing RO2. Being idle in it actually pays off! Attendance rewards and all!

Got to Master Level 20. Might grind out Mastery Points (which replace exp) to get skill points, maybe even stat points, before levelling up again.

Kinda odd having to buy levels with Mastery Points..

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-26-15 10:44 PM Link | ID: 85888
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Beat Pokémon Emerald, now in the postgame with the team of Gardevoir (Lv57), Blaziken (Lv55), Flygon (Lv56), Skarmory (Lv56), Ludicolo (Lv55), and Slaking (Lv56)... grinding up for Steven, going after legendaries, etc. :)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 07-01-15 02:55 PM Link | ID: 86030
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I blew through the rest of my levels for Trel in Fantasy Life. Glad I noticed the Fanciful Feet AT LEVEL 173!

I went ahead and rolled my new character since I want to see what the female armor looks like. I'm going to try to horribly break the difficulty by trading shit off of Trel and give them to Cai.

Items I want to transfer:
-Fanciful Feet
-Demonic Mirror
-20 Strength Candy
-20 Vitality Candy
-20 Intelligence Candy
-20 Focus Candy
-20 Dexterity Candy
-Possibly a few items to get a leg up on Dosh flow

If only I could find someone with the game and expansion I can trust with my items for the transfer.

Posted on 07-06-15 09:01 PM Link | ID: 86144
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Moving on to Fire Red, my team is Blastoise, Jolteon, Gengar, Alakazam, Clefable and Fearow :) (just beat Koga, now going for Sabrina :P also up to 56 Pokémon, getting close to the required 60 for the National Dex :D)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 07-14-15 09:14 PM Link | ID: 86425
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Playing some GTA: Online, trying to calm down I've been so busy with things these days.


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Posted on 07-16-15 01:02 AM Link | ID: 86541
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I've been playing some Borderlands, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and The Evil Within. I might have to start playing The Evil Within over because I don't have enough ammo to fight the Chainsaw Guy in chapter 3... >_<


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Posted on 07-17-15 06:21 PM Link | ID: 86558
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I played The Pres Sequel again and found myself losing interest again. It doesn't feel as good as the other three (yes I'm counting Tales) are. Although I'm weird because the original is my favorite.


Posted on 07-20-15 11:13 PM Link | ID: 86607
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I'm playing The Evil Within, I'm up to chapter 4, and in Murdered: Soul Suspect I'm up to the cemetery... ^_^


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Posted on 07-22-15 10:38 PM Link | ID: 86636
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Started a new Pokémon SoulSilver run, so far I've got a Totodile and a Slugma egg (trying to hatch it first before getting the other three eggs)... also playing Pokémon Trading Card Game for Game Boy on the side (pretty fun game, it's a shame that Pokémon TCG 2 never got an American release because it came out too late in the GBC's lifespan)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 07-23-15 03:26 AM Link | ID: 86642
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Been plugging away at Terraria 1.3 with Phyresis and Aesur lately.

I'm only missing five achievements:
-Kill the Groom
-200 Angler quests (and the three leading into it)

The Groom one sucks because Blood Moons never spawn, but I sure as fuck keep getting a lot of Solar Eclipses. The Solar Eclipse event is supposed to be rarer.

I also don't have the patience to fish in, like, any game. So I used an inventory editor to give myself the quest fish so the hardest part is sinking the 20 hours into wasting time for the little fish fucker to give me each quest. Eighty if you're doing all 200 in the same world.

Posted on 07-28-15 07:39 PM Link | ID: 86724
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I haven't played Terraria in a while. What's been added since Starbound came out?


Posted on 07-29-15 10:51 AM Link | ID: 86731
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I've recently been playing through the original Mother, otherwise known as EarthBound Beginnings. After playing the sequels multiple times over the years, I figured I should give it a fair shot.

It unfortunately doesn't live up to either of its sequels in terms of charm or game design, but it has enough of a surreal atmosphere and subtle humor to keep it interesting despite its flaws.

I'm coming up to Mt. Itoi now, so there's not all that much left to go.

Posted on 07-29-15 10:46 PM Link | ID: 86742
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Since: 07-16-12
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Gave up on Pokémon TCG unfortunately, tried like 7 times to beat Amy but the game was rigged against my favor :( Instead, I'm playing more Soul Silver, just waiting for nighttime to get a Gastly for my team :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 08-03-15 07:48 AM (rev. 4 of 08-03-15 07:49 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 86798
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I've been bored and not been wanting to edit lately, even though as of typing this I need to edit tonight's Earthbound video so it can be posted. >_><_<

I've been playing a rather derivative clicker game called Sakura Clicker that came out on Steam the other day.

It's kinda like Cookie Clicker, but apparently shittier in terms of what the game does. That could also be a lot of assholes shitting on it because "HURR ANIME TITS! IT'S SHIT! FUCK YOU WEEABOO! DURR!" bullshit. Not sure, never played Cookie Clicker.

It's been running since I installed it the other day since I'm running an auto-clicker program that clicks a specified spot every .001 second until I tell it to stop. That broke the game a bit, but I wanted to break it more, so I wrote a script with keyboard functions to remove delay from user interaction.

Link to my code is here

Posted on 08-04-15 09:18 PM Link | ID: 86812
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Beat the Elite Four on Pokémon Soul Silver with a team of Feraligatr, Gengar, Espeon, Crobat, Ampharos, and Togekiss... the only trouble I had was Will's Jynx (I sometimes forget how fast Jynx is :P), and Karen's Houndoom (her Umbron wasn't much trouble as I just spammed Aura Sphere on it repeatedly)... Feraligatr handily took out Lance's team (glad Thunder missed twice :P)... despite being a bit underleveled, I still managed to pull through ;)

Now, I'm probably going to replace some of my team members in the postgame (will probably keep 3 or 4, but I'll be using Tyranitar and Dragonite in the postgame ;))

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 08-04-15 11:09 PM Link | ID: 86815
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So I've been flip-flopping between games. Wish they'd stop releasing safari stages on Pokémon Shuffle. Those take up so many attempts!

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 08-05-15 12:50 AM Link | ID: 86817
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I've been playing Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, & Alien Isolation... ^_^


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Posted on 08-12-15 04:12 PM Link | ID: 86974
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Since: 07-16-12
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I beat all the Kanto gyms in Pokémon Soul Silver, caught Articuno, Zapdos and Ho-oh... now going through the world map to find all the Rock Climb spots and get items ;) Still a lot to do before beating Red ;)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 08-23-15 11:44 PM Link | ID: 87094
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Today was the day I finished Soul Silver... Blue gave me barely any trouble at all (I had a Focus Sash on it in case his Tyranitar was faster than mine and did Low Kick, but I went first with a Brick Break), Red was a bit of a stall (I had to waste Blastoise's Focus Blasts by using Hyper Potions though), but it was smooth sailing after that ;) See you in Sinnoh :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 08-24-15 11:14 PM Link | ID: 87109
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Started playing the PC-98 Touhous again, for some reason.

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