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Moonlight Capital
Posted on 06-13-18 04:11 AM Link | ID: 133782
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Since: 04-26-16
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I hope you're not getting close to the ones I call "people". That would be a seemingly looking good life, but it will turn out the worst.

I liked you as you were before (although hated some of your wishes like wearing revealing clothes or whatever they're called). I'd rather drag you with me instead of leaving you to live a horrible life.

Posted on 06-13-18 07:08 PM Link | ID: 133793
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Posted by Moonlight Capital
I hope you're not getting close to the ones I call "people". That would be a seemingly looking good life, but it will turn out the worst.

I'd rather drag you with me instead of leaving you to live a horrible life.

hey. your notion of a "horrible life" doesn't apply to everybody. at some point you'll need to stop pushing your expectations onto people.

same goes for dragging them around with you all while lying to yourself about it being for thier own good. live and let live, yknow?

Posted by Moonlight Capital
I liked you as you were before (although hated some of your wishes like wearing revealing clothes or whatever they're called).

>I liked you as you were before
you have no idea how much of a typical line that is.

so, you liked how he was while in time of trouble?
what was it you liked then? perhaps how easily you could manipulate him?
do you look at yourself in the mirror sometimes? you're doing what you accuse others of doing. forcing your opinions onto somebody easily influenced counts as manipulating.

as for what he wishes to do (wearing revealing stuff), what's wrong with it? it's not like you have to do it. he won't just do it in public at random and having hidden tastes for those kind of clothes is not a sin. just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean you have to take it as a common notion everybody should abide by.

there's a link here.

Moonlight Capital
Posted on 06-14-18 04:24 AM Link | ID: 133803
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It's something I can't explain either...

Posted on 06-14-18 11:20 PM Link | ID: 133815
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maybe you're just too judgemental (tbh I mostly remember you for constantly calling others idiots)

let go.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Moonlight Capital
Posted on 06-15-18 06:06 AM Link | ID: 133817
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Since: 04-26-16
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Not having Jamie around makes me sad/bored/lazy.

I'm worried about their life more, though.

Decoy Blimp
Posted on 06-16-18 09:52 PM Link | ID: 133844
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Posted by Moonlight Capital
Not having Jamie around makes me sad/bored/lazy.

That doesn't sound manipulative at all <_<

Posted on 06-17-18 01:04 AM Link | ID: 133881
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Posted by Thieppy
we as in, people here never ever had a problem with Jamie. all that's ever happened was outsite Kafuka.

Wasn't he banned for spamming or something here tho

not that anyone would remember anyway that was early 2015 afaik

Posted on 06-17-18 11:26 AM Link | ID: 133900
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yes. That was squid's fault for framing me but i didnt help by making up that stupid dabby mago shit elsewhere after

also. no one liked the stuff i did. The place that was my discord was crap. The board saga was utter crap from the start. I caused certain people major discomfort with my bullshit that it makes me just as bad of a person as say aileen.

I know where im going wrong i just dont seem to feel like acting on it permanently

Good riddance!

Posted on 06-17-18 02:24 PM Link | ID: 133902
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Posted by Jamie
yes. That was squid's fault for framing me but i didnt help by making up that stupid dabby mago shit elsewhere after

also. no one liked the stuff i did. The place that was my discord was crap. The board saga was utter crap from the start. I caused certain people major discomfort with my bullshit that it makes me just as bad of a person as say aileen.

I know where im going wrong i just dont seem to feel like acting on it permanently

Mate, I did the whole forum thing like you but worse, Zetaboards incarnations, lots of shitty mybb forums with pirated themes, nulled vBulletin and being range banned by free webhosts for that.

Also, the shit I have seen people pull but then somehow manage to stay friends after all, you weren't there in the hayday of and all the drama and shit that ensued at the MKWii hacking chats.

I never had a problem w/you, so be cool.

Moonlight Capital
Posted on 06-17-18 03:58 PM Link | ID: 133903
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Since: 04-26-16
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You aren't THAT bad, stop making a fool of yourself.

It won't solve anything.

Decoy Blimp
Posted on 06-18-18 01:07 AM (rev. 3 of 06-18-18 01:09 AM by Decoy Blimp) Link | ID: 133920
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Since: 06-26-17
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Posted by Jamie
I know where im going wrong i just dont seem to feel like acting on it permanently

I don't mean to say the things that you're doing (making boards, previous online mistakes, etc) don't mean anything, but in the grand scheme of things the stupid things you've done on obscure corners of the internet aren't really going to mean all that much in the long run. Take it from me, SMWCentral still hates me to this day because I used to be way too serious about everything.

I know it's hard to do this (and I mean that sincerely), but try not to worry so much. You don't have to force yourself to not care (because that doesn't work), but when you find yourself in silly situations, just try to not be so hard on yourself. If you take babysteps you'll get better.

Posted on 06-18-18 01:20 AM Link | ID: 133921
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oh yeah, that. good point.
what Jamie did on public sites was ages ago. people forgive and forget. as for the other stuff and the endless boards.. it matters to you much more than anyone. your past is not traceable.

not many see you in a bad light right now, and you've been making effort to move on.
now the only catch is that forcing yourself to run away isn't gonna magically work (see how you come back later on) so there's no need to.

may want to simply keep in touch with people you like (and bonus if they can help out, be it for advice or other).

on that note I'd like to talk to you more often. forgive me for this, but to me your past isn't so much of a big deal. overstressing over it won't solve it either, soo..
I'd rather you hang out and we help you getting stuff sorted.

there's a link here.

Posted on 06-18-18 01:28 AM Link | ID: 133922
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Everyone has some mistakes and clashes in their history; I was (temporarily) banned from I1 and had a few failed message boards, all of which are now so obscure you can't even find them on As long as you don't do anything disastrous-- which you haven't-- people are generally willing to forget your mistakes. Especially around here.

Posted on 06-18-18 09:58 PM Link | ID: 133960
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Posted by Jamie
yes. That was squid's fault for framing me but i didnt help by making up that stupid dabby mago shit elsewhere after

also. no one liked the stuff i did. The place that was my discord was crap. The board saga was utter crap from the start. I caused certain people major discomfort with my bullshit that it makes me just as bad of a person as say aileen.

I know where im going wrong i just dont seem to feel like acting on it permanently

Jamie the reason people kinda get pissed at you is because you always diss yourself. Come on, you aren't that fucking terrible of a person.

also Aileen is a fucking creep you don't have to compare yourself to him. You haven't stalked anyone, afaik.

Decoy Blimp
Posted on 06-18-18 10:23 PM (rev. 2 of 06-18-18 10:24 PM by Decoy Blimp) Link | ID: 133967
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Since: 06-26-17
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Wait is this Aileen Lumina we're talking about? Or someone else? What even happened? I hate being out of the loop when it comes to events that have occurred here ;_;

In any case, yeah Jamie I think you're being way too hard on yourself. Once again, I've legit been in the same situation you are now so please PM me or something, I'd love to help you out.

Posted on 06-18-18 11:48 PM (rev. 3 of 06-18-18 11:49 PM by AileenLumina) Link | ID: 133970
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Since: 05-07-16
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Yup, fiver and Jamie shittalking me behind my back as always.

If you thought Jamie had improved by now, he just proved to the world that he apparently did not. How so? Because he still can't get over the fact I broke up with him years ago, after which he decided to try to unleash hell onto me, in an attempt to convince all or most of my friends in the communities we share(d) that I'm a manipulative asshole and a grooming pedophile. Which I am not, as he very well knows as he knows my real age, how I look like irl, etc. - we were in a relationship, after all. Now he still tries to twist facts and spread lies about me to ruin my reputation or w/e. He also tried to pull this off on earlier this year. I am honestly very tired of dealing with this and I would appreciate if the mods would at least not allow people to call other members of the board "creeps" or whatever, as I understand that this is a situation where you might not be able to clearly determine who says the truth and who doesn't.

Posted on 06-19-18 12:05 AM Link | ID: 133971
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Jamie, try to self-deprecate without insulting someone else, or even better, don't self-deprecate at all.

@"fiver", calling people a creep is mean if you're not doing it in an endearing way.

AileenLumina, in the future if you have a problem with someone's behavior in the Officer's Club forum take it up with a mod or admin in private, it fits better with the character of the forum.

@"Everyone", let's not have any more discussion of any situation between AileenLumina and Jamie, I don't see it going anywhere other than more personal attacks. Surely you can go off to discord or somewhere if you really want to fight it out.

Decoy Blimp
Posted on 06-19-18 12:42 AM Link | ID: 133973
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Since: 06-26-17
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I don't know any of the details about the whole Aileen/Jamie situation, nor will I claim to know any of the negative stuff revolving around Aileen (I've heard stuff but it's better to not form opinions based on one or two people's limited perspectives, especially on small internet boards like these where info doesn't get spread as efficiently), though I do just want to pop in and say that it's probably better if everyone just let bygones be bygones at tis point. In the grand scheme of things, none of you are gonna care about any of this in ten years so there's no sense getting too upset about this stuff now. Not saying this to de-legitimize anyone's feelings, however, this is an obscure corner of the internet, so I think everybody should take things a bit less seriously.

That said, I lack knowledge of this whole situation, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Sorry Nicolyn

Posted on 06-19-18 09:43 AM Link | ID: 133974
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sounds like Jamie's still salty about the whole deal.
I can't really shed light on that old stuff, all parties involved were biased.

what I remember is at the time you were 'tricking' Jamie into believeing your alt account was someone else (sister or something), and they agreed to 'date'. I never got the point of the half-assed lie, but Jamie was way eager to fall for it.

things got blown out of proportions by folks trying to convince Jamie. by then they had already found out. as things got out of hand, you broke up. had noone butt in, this relationship may have lasted longer. who knows.

overall, it's more of an 'salty ex' problem than anything else.

there's a link here.

Posted on 06-19-18 11:42 AM Link | ID: 133975
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Since: 05-07-16
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Yup, that was pretty, pretty dumb of me. My intentions were much better than my actions, but that was a pretty stupid thing of me to do, and I already apologized for that a few times. Though, Jamie did know the truth, so... idk. Also, I broke up because I couldn't deal with Jamie anymore. Nobody else influenced my decision there, from what I can tell (and recall).
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