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Posted on 07-26-12 05:21 AM (rev. 2 of 07-26-12 05:22 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 21666
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Posted by Trelior

Well, aside from you and me, the only person who seems to care about this is currently banned.

Not to mention that I don't even know where I want to take my story. I was hoping for someone else to take some initiative to give me a chance to think while we did something. BUT THAT AIN'T HAPPENIN'! IS IT?

OoC: Well, I had the last post in here, though. Think I'm gonna push some new member in the direction of this forum.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-26-12 02:01 PM Link | ID: 21697
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Scryforce - A place that still exists. Neat.
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(OoC: Funny you should PM me as I already had my gaze here. Now let's have some fun. I have a thread to post later too. Huge one at that.)

Scrydan has traveled to this tavern in hopes of finding where his current location is. After that certain accident, he would need to find Sara before too long.
"Hmm, I suppose I should rest here for awhile. Not sure how I ended up here but I need to figure it out soon. I better not be too out of place by standing out. Don't want another panic if anything.
I'll simply ask some questions later to figure it out."

Next Jen
Posted on 08-04-12 11:06 PM Link | ID: 22606
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((I've been writing so much in first person that I might just do that here. RP character is Anya))

I teleport into the tavern, something that I haven't done in a very long time. Most of my drinking and hanging out takes place either in the castle or at the pub in Dorter. However when a letter showed up, with only a location name, I knew I had to look into it. It could end up being nothing, a prank, or something more.

My location is near the back of the tavern. I eye the place as I press my back against the wall.


Posted on 08-05-12 08:09 AM Link | ID: 22699
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Someone gently taps Anya on the shoulder from behind, despite her back being against the wall. A faint snickering echoes through.

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Posted on 08-05-12 01:56 PM Link | ID: 22714
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I quickly turn around, startled by what I felt on my shoulder. Did the wall just tap me? I gently poke the wall, checking to see if it's indeed a solid surface.


Posted on 08-05-12 02:03 PM Link | ID: 22715
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A familiar-looking hand grabs Anya by the wrist, sudden but not too roughly. Just besides her, Kawa walks in through the wall as if it's not there.

"'ello poppet", he quips. "Remember me?"

Next Jen
Posted on 08-05-12 03:38 PM Link | ID: 22721
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I jump a little as the hand grabs me, unsure at first if its a hand from a friend or foe.

"Oh, hello, there," I slowly say, trying to put the name to the face that just emerged from the wall.


Posted on 08-05-12 03:42 PM Link | ID: 22723
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"Oh come on, you don't remember?" Kawa asks. "Crystaltina? Demon attack? Took you clubbing afterwards, remember?"

"Ofcourse, that must've been at least 200 years ago for me, but I wouldn't think you'd have much of an excuse."

Next Jen
Posted on 08-05-12 04:07 PM Link | ID: 22728
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"..." I had to take a few minutes to think before it finally clicked. "Hey wait, did you send me this note?"

I pull out the note that I had gotten, sending me to this place.


Posted on 08-05-12 04:16 PM Link | ID: 22730
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"No," Caionna asserts, "That was me that sent that."

Stepping toward Anya, she bows politely and continues, "I sent out a message for my friends to come and be together again. I just wasn't expecting anyone I didn't know to respond." She smiles sweetly and continues, "I see you seem to know Mister Kawa. Any friend of his is a friend of mine."

Extending her hand in greeting, she finishes, "My name is Caionna. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Next Jen
Posted on 08-06-12 01:41 AM Link | ID: 22763
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"Oh," I say, half disappointed that the message wasn't one of distressed. I shake Caionna's hand. "Nice to meet you. So, what's there to do around here?"


Posted on 08-06-12 11:20 AM Link | ID: 22820
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: Well, there's another familiar face. I can barely remember the last time we met, though. Bel gets up from his seat and walks over to the small crowd.

Bel: Anya, was it?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 08-06-12 03:48 PM Link | ID: 22836
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Caionna shrugs in response to Anya's question, and responds, "Just about anything you can think of, really." She motions to the rest of the room, which is filled with just about anything imaginable for entertainment.

Upon noticing Anya's disappointment, she says, "Well... Actually, I am in need of some help..." Not knowing where to begin, she doesn't continue her statement.

This is actually where my writer's block hits... I don't know how to flesh this out, since I have so many options, but don't know where to take it.

Next Jen
Posted on 08-06-12 04:23 PM Link | ID: 22840
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I'm glad to see so many familiar faces, even if it has been awhile.

"Bel? How have you been?"

I notice Caionna starting to trail off something about needing help. "I'm up for it, whatever it is."


Posted on 08-06-12 06:48 PM Link | ID: 22852
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: I'm fine, thank you. What have you been up to, then?

Posted by Trelior

This is actually where my writer's block hits... I don't know how to flesh this out, since I have so many options, but don't know where to take it.

OoC: List the different ideas in a randomizer?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-06-12 08:59 PM Link | ID: 22854
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I threw a few of my ideas into a randomizer and pulled the scenario for the rescue mission. As for what was decided on, I'll keep it secret until we get there.

"Well..." Caionna begins, "You see, My home got attacked by a power hungry nation... I don't know if they originated on the same plane, or were extraplanar invaders, but they used a dark and consuming magic. They started destroying things, killing and capturing my people, and making for a hostile and bloody takeover.

"My brother and mentor were among those captured by the invaders, and I want to go and save them... I know they're still alive and waiting for me, but I can't do it alone. I was hoping that if I got away and gathered a group of friends, that I would have the strength to return and at least save them."

Posted on 08-06-12 10:43 PM Link | ID: 22865
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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OoC: Didn't expect that one to pop up so soon, though. Since we were still, strong enough to combat that threat. Not that I'm complaining (much) but I'd have prefered us (the characters) to look for a way to get stronger first. And I'm still looking for the right moment to initiate the plans I have for Bel. I spoke of those before, I believe.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 08-08-12 11:59 PM Link | ID: 23083
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Outta here.
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"Hey, didn't you shoot down that idea once already? I thought we had decided for sure we needed to regroup and make sure we're up for a real fight before we went to go do that," Natalie points out. "And on that front, why don't we just go out and find something that's an appropriate encounter level and kick its ass?"

Next Jen
Posted on 08-09-12 04:23 AM Link | ID: 23125
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"I'm game," I happily say. "Always up for the challenge. If you want, I can summon my partner in crime and my healer. I assume you want to head out right away."

Training isn't something on my mind right now. I've been there and done that. Heck, I still run simulations every now and then just for the exercise.


Posted on 08-09-12 05:39 AM Link | ID: 23127
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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*The wizard sighs*

Bel: This isn't just any adversary. As much as I'd like to head out now, we're not strong enough. Yet. I prefer to stay alive.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood
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