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Main - AcmlmBoard II Software/Bug Report Forum - Public Acmlmboard 2.6 testing - Coming early 2013 sometime eventually! (1)
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Posted on 10-26-12 09:59 PM (rev. 3 of 11-29-12 06:06 AM by Scrydan) Link | ID: 28424
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Since: 07-18-12
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That's right, it is coming soon. More details later but expect something coming on November 14th or so.
Delayed until next month now. I want to make sure it is a bit more ready before public testing.

Revision 3: Added a date and a proposition for those who want it sooner. If I get a good solid week or two of testing, it may be released for Kafuka.

Posted on 10-29-12 07:20 PM Link | ID: 28480
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Nice. Can't wait to test it out!

Posted on 10-29-12 08:00 PM Link | ID: 28482
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Oh and let me also include it is just testing as in you register on the board and test.

I wanted to clear that up before people make plans to even use the board. However, around when Kafuka updates to use 2.6, it might see a release soon as well.
The plans I have are sometime near December. Maybe a Christmas gift to the world. I want to make for certain that this is as good as it can get.
There may be some initial things cut that I'd like to get in but that's for another version I suppose.

Many things have changed in 2.6. The RPG is getting its first real update in a long long time. You could just call this the Acmlmboard RPG Update.
Of course, there's more. All the code has been cleaned up and is much more readable. It now appears to use one unified stylization instead of like 5+ people.
Perhaps some people liked that but it is gone now. The user login system now uses DB user login sessions that expire in X days. User cookies are completely useless to steal now.
They don't contain any information to identify the user as the DB now does that instead and only they can use them. As time passes I'll make this more flexible while keeping it as secure as possible.
There might be some different strictness options to mess with so you don't get logged off as often.

Then there's a lot of optimization done. You might notice quite a few queries being used on this board now.
At this time, the pages use 1/10th or even less queries than most pages do now and the count is static and there's no queries ran on each row.

More comments, more optimization, more admin/staff panels, more flexibility while secure, and more Acmlmboard goodness!

I should pitch a commercial. Haha.

Posted on 10-31-12 12:41 PM Link | ID: 28516
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The user login system now uses DB user login sessions that expire in X days.


I hope I can set the duration to a very high value to stay logged in for long.

Also, I hope this isn't too much bound to user IPs. 'cause I have a dynamic IP, and I'm sure many people also have dynamic IPs...

Aside from this, all that sounds awesome, really.

I'll also glad to see the query count lowered. It is said that Acmlmboards are lightweight, that must stay true!

Kuribo64 - melonDS

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Posted on 10-31-12 03:43 PM Link | ID: 28531
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Indeed they are lightweight and this one is that and quite flexible.

Speaking of such, you can set your expire time to 999 days. I had thoughts that 0 would set it to infinite but I think nearly 3 years is long enough.
You can change the strictness of the IP. Pretty much how you can with lcookie.php except it doesn't explode in your face and is more user friendly than that script.

I originally had that system on my board and you couldn't change the expire time. The default was 7 days and I had thoughts to bump it up to 14 days.
My reason was so that it could clean those sessions out somewhat regularly. Even though you can set your time to 999 days, I WILL have it remove the session after 2 weeks of inactivity.
My reason is it is possible to lose the session. Once lost, it will just sit there taking space. The board will also do some auto maintenance from time to time.
It is just a one time query trigger that cleans what needs cleaned and possibly makes sure everything is synced.

Posted on 11-12-12 10:34 AM (rev. 2 of 11-12-12 10:36 AM by Scrydan) Link | ID: 28773
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Things are coming together for the 14th release haha, no. I mean public testing. No need to give anyone a heart attack yet. I would like to delay it for another week but honestly that is only because of the RPG and how I want to tweak it further and get the OW finished.

But with that said, expect the most Alpha build ever. Except for the fact it contains more changes than you can shake a finger at.
Pretty much every page has been affected and it took a month or so of cleaning just to get it prepared for my very painful makeover.

Might I even say the biggest Acmlmboard update officially? Yep.

Edit: Derp, slipped up there.

Posted on 11-15-12 03:25 AM Link | ID: 28817
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I decided to push it a bit later. I'd actually rather it be a bit more ready as the RPG received a revamp in code, and you can't test too much in that regard.

Posted on 11-17-12 08:18 PM Link | ID: 28867
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On the matter of delays, the only real reason now is waiting so Emuz can check it out more himself personally. I wanted to get it more tested before public testing but all my testers (glares at them) haven't done anything in over a month.

So I would like some real testers before December to actually do what they are supposed to. I need ACTIVE testers so don't think about it unless you can reassure me you will be checking and testing with the test board every day or close enough. If this interests you, please post here or PM me. I'll PM you with details and it should be fairly simple.

If you are lucky enough, perhaps you will see some new shiny tools.

Posted on 11-29-12 06:02 AM Link | ID: 29106
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Alright, that's it. I've decided to either do testing on December 14th or as soon as 6 people post that they would like public testing to begin. There's a few criteria I want done beforehand but most of it is done anyways. Besides, I can always close it down with my amazing on/off switch should something need it.

There's been too much feature creep and way too much wanting to be implemented. I'll probably end up doing a lot more of my later plans in 2.6.1. Sorry about that but there's a lot to add and so little time.

Posted on 12-07-12 08:58 PM Link | ID: 29227
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If public testing begins and the RPG is not as ready as I would like it, I may just make that part of the board hidden until it is more ready for testing.
I have to admit some revamps have prevented me from working on it as much as I would like.

But I do want this testing to go through so you should at least be able to test many of the other new things.

Posted on 12-08-12 11:28 AM Link | ID: 29234
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Since: 01-05-12
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Speaking about the RPG, I think this should be made optional, kinda like a plugin. Not every board owner will want to have a whole RPG game with their board, not to mention setting it up with items and all must take time.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 12-08-12 11:31 AM Link | ID: 29235
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Most items and such will just come with. Although some may want to modify it.

There is a switch to turn it off. And actually this switch can go to the point of removing all traces or simply offline.

Posted on 12-08-12 12:23 PM Link | ID: 29237
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Oh, this doesn't have much to do with Public Testing but just an FYI: please be on the look out for broken embeds and some HTML.

The filter had a bit of a overhaul. While I rework the blacklist, the board now runs a whitelist that prevents any tag leakage. It will whine at you should you forget to close tags.

Should you want to use youtube embeds, you MUST use the youtube bbcode.
I could allow objects...but this allows for more control so it isn't on the list.

Posted on 12-11-12 04:46 PM Link | ID: 29303
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Okay, I've mentioned this to @Emuz and it looks something like this.

Kafuka is going to be updated to 2.6 around 21st or 25th of December. Just enough time to test things for around a week. More time if I find it necessarily.

Again, the 14th is when testing begins for the public so when the day comes, get active and enjoy the experience. :D

Posted on 12-14-12 09:58 PM Link | ID: 29373
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It is going to be delayed until Monday. Emuz and I need to discuss some things first.

Posted on 01-01-13 12:33 AM Link | ID: 29831
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There's a few reasons for delays. First of all, I had some family related matters that needed taken care of and I wanted the code and board ready.

This is something that will not be rushed. So I apologize for giving a date too early and I'll let you know when code is officially frozen for new features so it can stay ready. It will be worth the wait I hope.

-Scrydan and the rest of the Developers

(post deleted) ID: 103674

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Posted on 02-18-18 08:38 PM Link | ID: 127631
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I know that Scrydan is gone, but is there, like, a build of 2.6? I'd like to test it.

Mario Making Mods
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Main - AcmlmBoard II Software/Bug Report Forum - Public Acmlmboard 2.6 testing - Coming early 2013 sometime eventually! (1)

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