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Posted on 09-13-12 06:55 AM, in How often do you eat and where? Link | ID: 26362
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I usually eat at my computer, watching a video. Like @Scrydan.

As for how often or how much... Depends on when I'm hungry, how hungry I am, how much food I have, and how much I need to ration until I can go shopping again.

I hate being broke...

Posted on 09-13-12 06:57 AM, in Your ideal weather Link | ID: 26365
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I like the mid-to-upper sixties with cloud cover. It's not too hot or cold, and not overly bright.

Posted on 09-13-12 07:24 AM, in What is your favorite class subjects? Link | ID: 26378
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In school, I loved math and science. They were my thing.

I did great in Math until I took Trig my junior year of high school... I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I was only in Honors for Calculus because it was either Honors or AP, since being in Calc at my high school was considered an awesome thing... Or something.

In science, I was also in Honors, only I deserved it. I blew my Chemistry class out of the water as a Junior, and did really well in Physics my Senior year. I would have probably taken AP Physics if I could get it separate from AP Calc, but apparently that was impossible. :/

History never really caught my attention, and always bored the hell out of me.

I never had much appreciation for English Literature (Because they stopped actually talking about gramatical syntax and whatnot of a language class in elementary school, no wonder 90% of Americans online can't grammar to save their lives) in school, because the literature we read and discussed was all boring and unengaging. Nowadays, I have a greater appreciation for it, since I try to think of myself as something of a writer.

I was in Concert Band all through high school (up until Springtime of my Senior year, because I couldn't stand the dipshit director) and I was in the Marching Band from Sophomore to Senior years, despite having my leg problems and all of that... I wanted to prove that I could do it, mainly to myself....

I tried to do the Choir when I got pissed and quit the band, buut that's when I realized that, despite being a decent singer, I couldn't do it in a structured setup like a choir.

I was part of Drama, because I figured I could do some acting... Apparently not, since during the play and musical, I only had small roles. I was praised for the two lines of voice work I did for the play, though.

I took an editing class in eighth grade, and loved it. I also took a graphic design class my Junior year, but that didn't go well.

Looking back now... I don't think I should have went to school for programming, because as I told @Marzen64 during the recording of the Mario Kart video we did last week, I don't use it at all, and am a better writer than a programmer.

Oh well.

Posted on 09-13-12 12:59 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 26385
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Check this shit out!

I'mma eat it sometime soon, too.

Posted on 09-14-12 04:33 AM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 26535
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More often than not, when Firefox crashes, it promises that it will restore my tabs on restart... Only to have it open a window with a tab I closed six hours, and three browser windows ago.

Way to fail, Firefox.

Posted on 09-14-12 09:44 AM, in Browser and Internet annoyances Link | ID: 26545
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My phone is finicky. Some days it outright refuses data connections.

As for the browser itself, sometimes it freezes up while loading a page, and even crash from time to time. If an alert message, like an unsigned certificate for shifty ads or someone messages me on Skype, if I'm holding a direction to scroll the page, it'll continue to read that the button is held and scroll uncontrollably.

Also, more often than not, when a page finishes loading, it'll rearrange the page, making me lose where I was. An even worse example is when I'm on TVTropes, it'll kick me up to the upper left corner and force me to scroll back to where I was, only for it to do it again!

Combine these issues, and you have one very pissed off Trel.

Posted on 09-14-12 12:10 PM, in September KCS Rankings (9/30 - Still surprising how many people believe there is a September 31...) Link | ID: 26558
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Posted by Rydia
Yes there was. I was. Did you not see that I was implying something.
That's not how it works.


>Implying blah blah blah.

Is a response where you're pointing out that someone else is making an implication. It's wrong to use it self-referentially, in the same post. Let's not forget that there still was nothing implied at all.

Posted on 09-15-12 05:10 AM, in Driver Search Link | ID: 26633
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Now that I have rhe new laptop, and I changed its OS over to Pro from Home Premium, I'm having trouble finding device drivers.

I called into Toshiba to get help getting started, since I couldn't find any of my network drivers on my own, since apparently 64-bit is pickier about generic drivers.

Having installed the proper LAN driver, I began searching for the rest of my missing files. All Device Manager did was grab the first driver it could find to get the devices working, but not anything that properly worked.

It grabbed a driver for video that outright says it's generic, and it thinks it's the best driver to use... Even though the monitor is capable of 1600x900, the driver only allows me to select 1024x768 or 800x600.

It also can't even seem to find one of my chipset controllers, called the SM Controller (I think that's what it is, I'm going from memory since I'm at work and exhausted from getting practically no sleep because I stayed up to try to fix it myself). It's under Network Devices in Device Manager, in case that helps.

tl;dr Is there a freeware app out there that will find my proper drivers? Device Manager is a retarded piece of shit.

Posted on 09-15-12 05:32 AM, in What'd you do today? Link | ID: 26634
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I got stuck at work an extra two and a half hours yesterday, which was already a long shift to begin with (12-9). I didn't get home until just shy of 1PM, and I went to getting the new computer up.

I fought with the bastard for three hours, all for naught since I'm no further ahead than when I started. I didn't get to sleep until about 6:30, and had to be up by 10 to come to work.

I'm tired and kinda cranky right now.

Posted on 09-16-12 04:11 PM, in Your computer specs Link | ID: 26716
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Here's mine

Linked for potentially NSFW wallpaper.

Posted on 09-16-12 05:40 PM, in Your computer specs Link | ID: 26718
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Posted by Kawa
If that's NSFW, I'm a Roman Catholic.
Some people have weird standards for what's suitable at work.

Posted on 09-18-12 01:20 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 26793
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I started out with Secret of Evermore today... I must say, for everything Square improved on with the engine from Secret of Mana, they fucked something else up in the gameplay. It's bad enough that I don't want to sit through it!

Moved onto Shining Force and played it for an hour or so. I made it through the first two or three battles, and did really well. I'm noticing that Hans (the default archer) is actually performing well for me, in stark comparison to how he totally sucks for Doc Sigma in his let's play.

Then I finished out with Pokemon Colosseum, played it for about four hours. Made it from where I stopped the night I bought the game (just got to Phenac City, yeah, didn't play much), now I'm chasing after Miror B in the Pyrite City mine.

I've caught everything so far with relative ease, and I'm exploiting the infinite Pokeball glitch (issue the capture command with the first Pokemon's turn, go into the bag with the second Pokemon, switch the ball you chose with any other in the pocket, and it won't deduct from either stack. Hugely useful when you find the Master Ball) to keep from needing to buy so many.

I already have nine Pokemon ready to purify, but I can't get to Agate Town until I beat the piss out of Faggy McDancer (Miror B). My team right now, despite my preference, is Furret, Yanma, Remoraid, Mantine, Espeon (level 28), and Umbreon (Level 30). Let me say this... Once a Shadow Pokemon decides it wants to go into Hyper Mode, it will do it every MOTHERFUCKING TIME you order it to do Shadow Rush if you call to it immediately. Granted, it helps purify it quickly, but if the Pokemon has a nature that dampens the effectiveness of snapping it from Hyper Mode, you'll have nothing but a total lock-down. I almost lost the battle right before I quit, because Yanma got the great idea to say, "Fuck you, I'm going into Hyper Mode until something kills me!" which only wound up killing everyone else on the team. Yanma and Umbreon were the only survivors; Yanma with 7 HP left, and Umbreon with 10. That doesn't bode well at all.

Posted on 09-18-12 06:24 PM, in Post preview applies layout to the reply log below Link | ID: 26854
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I don't seem to have this problem. I even went to a thread I knew I had a bunch of recent posts in, and none of the logged posts had my layout inserted.

Posted on 09-18-12 06:28 PM, in Super Mario Bros. X Link | ID: 26858
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I've watched two of Raocow's let's plays of SMBX games.

As an outsider looking in, I am not a fan of the engine at all... Or any of the other knockoff engines, at that.

Posted on 09-18-12 07:00 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 26861
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I burned my hand on some soup I warmed up... Fuck, it hurts.

Posted on 09-18-12 10:45 PM, in Computers fail in mysterious ways. Link | ID: 26880
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Marzen and I were trying to set up my Dazzle to record a couple videos, and my laptop fucking blue screened. :/

Posted on 09-19-12 01:51 AM, in Computers fail in mysterious ways. Link | ID: 26899
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Posted by Trapster
Posted by Trelior
Marzen and I were trying to set up my Dazzle to record a couple videos, and my laptop fucking blue screened. :/

I wonder what was the cause of that. The Dazzle or something in the computer.
Considering how it happened on unplugging my headset on an audio glitch, I would blame something in the drivers.

During the memory dump, I saw the IRQ setup as part of the error, so I would say it was something in my peripherals.
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