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Posted on 09-22-18 08:30 AM, in Say something about the above user! Link | ID: 140615
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Above user has a horse in their avatar but is, presumably, not meant to be represented by the horse

Posted on 09-22-18 11:43 AM, in what did you catch so far? Link | ID: 140628
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Hey, I already caught a couple ones since last time!

Koopa Troopa,
and Roda Frog! (from Ragnarok Online! I actually recognize him!)

Posted on 09-22-18 11:55 AM, in Say something about the above user! Link | ID: 140629
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Yeah, I have. I'm guessing the little symbols on my layout were a dead giveaway :P It's still my go-to pixel-by-pixel editor of choice, even though I'm aware of stuff like GraphicsGale and ASEPRITE existing...

Above user's From: field is "". Not blank, "". We can assume that they exist on some weird ethereal plane between existence and non-existence, between life and death, as an abstraction. Their presence is not observed, but it is felt.

Posted on 09-22-18 11:57 AM, in 1-Letter Swap Link | ID: 140630
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I have no idea if I should start an ask thread or not -- the very idea causes my heart to REND.

Posted on 09-22-18 12:04 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 140631
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The whole series? I kind of love Gooper Blooper from Super Mario Sunshine. It's cute and has a really cute name.

I'm also really partial to Raphael the Raven and a couple other Yoshi's Island bosses. Salvo the Slime, I think it was? They're adorable and Raphael the Raven's arena is really pretty and a neat as heck concept!!! ^^;;;

If we're talkin' SMB3, I think I like Morton Koopa. I like the little star over his eye and a giant magic hammer is a cool ass idea for a weapon. Granted, he doesn't have one in SMB3, but... still! It's so cool!

I'm gonna answer regular SMB3 enemies, too, since I didn't get a chance to: I'm actually really fond of Bloopers in general, especially the ones with the little ones circling them.

They're so cute! And they're goofy and I like squids and apparently they're playable in Mario Tennis Aces, whose release I've totally missed... I love the fact that it's dripping with water, like they fished a random squid out of the ocean to play tennis for them <_<

I'm also really fond of Hammer Bros. They're also pretty fun and goofy looking and I like their designs, but they're also kinda challenging in a way I really like -- you have to develop a really good sense of when to act with them instead of just jumping in. Plus, I like all the little variations that show up in SMB3, like Boomerang Bros...

Posted on 09-22-18 12:06 PM, in you fools! this is neither released by nor under license from sega enterprises! Link | ID: 140632
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Should I start my own ask thread, or am I too new around here?



Posted on 09-22-18 12:25 PM, in Ask KTB Link | ID: 140637
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Posted by K.T.B.
It should be called the "KTB AND RAMBLY ARE AWESOME, SHOWER THEM WITH FAME AND MONEY" club. And yes, it would be composed of the coolest people.
Damn right. We can get mel in too if she wants.

(Also for the record I totally agree about SNN; I haven't checked SMWC much lately but he was probably the last person there with a really good sense of leadership, especially judging by some of the stuff I hear about coming outta there lately >_> I've actually been watching my own non-Acmlm's childhood Internet home devolve lately for literally pretty much exactly the same reasons -- the lead admins left and there's been a total lack of initiative from the moderators there and the spirit just feels gone.)

Oh, right, question. Uh uhhh uhhhhhhh. Crap I don't have any good ones. If you were going to ask yourself a question, what would you ask yourself?

Maybe a more serious one -- what was it like growing up with Acmlm-related communities, especially being mostly an observer at a young age? Do you think it's been easier for you to have an unbiased perspective on things? I guess that's a little open-ended, but it's legit actually hard for me to imagine; I didn't really become super active on an Acmlm's adjacent community until I was 18, and even the very youngest I was on a forum was like almost 13.

Posted on 09-22-18 12:31 PM, in Say something about the above user! Link | ID: 140641
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Hmm... I mean, yeah, who doesn't? :P I tend to be drawn towards kitties I actually have as pets, though -- there's something really nice about getting to spend time learning about an animal's particular personality and quirkiness. We have a little cat named Izzy in our apartment who's really dopey and anxious all the time but she can be really sweet sometimes. She's extremely cute. And fuzzy.

I've never had a bunny as a pet though! I've considered it, but I think just having a (wonderful and adorable, by the way!) cat around that I occasionally take care of is enough. Plus my girlfriend wants a dog and if that pans out that's also gonna be a handful.

I'm terrible at not going on really long-winded tangents. Hi.

Above user likes cute catgirls and bunnygirls :P

Posted on 09-22-18 12:41 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 140642
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Posted by Nicolyn
When I was a kid and played SMB1, Hammer Bros. were like the most evil enemy ever, 8-3 was the hardest level in the damn game because of it... didn't help that my first playthrough of SMB1 was on the GBC version though; that tiny, poorly lit screen makes things much worse.

I was just talking about this earlier with a friend of mine -- 8-3 in general feels like a weird difficulty spike. I feel like SMB1 is actually not really very hard until you get to 8-2 and 8-3, then the rest of the game is just kinda w/e. I feel like it's not just the Hammer Bros. by themselves, it's the relentlessness of them, and the fact that there's parts where you have to jump down into them while they're really close so you have to time going through their arc perfectly or riskily jump over them and just run run run -- also, that part where they put an invisible block right towards the end is meeeeeaan.

Does SMBDX have less horizontal screen space, too? I've actually never played it.

Posted by Danika
Hopefully in Super Mario Bros. 4 they at least have more minibosses because I kinda get sick of Boom Boom...

Yeah, Boom Boom gets pretty boring. There's something really fun about a really well-optimized Boom Boom fight, just timing it to go straight for his head with every jump, but even that gets pretty old. I actually don't mind most of the bosses in SMW, but Reznor's kinda the same way. It's cute the first time (and the idea of Bowser just stuffing his forgotten fortresses with... just... uh, rhinos, is pretty goofy), but having it be every fortress boss was a little silly, I think. Granted I'm guessing they didn't have the space to spare for more boss routines, so <_<

Posted on 09-22-18 11:08 PM, in The <^> game Link | ID: 140675
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^ I wish :(
< Really likes the Bomberman 64: The Second Attack soundtrack
v Favorite game soundtrack is from the 2000s, maybe?

Posted on 09-22-18 11:13 PM, in Say something about the above user! Link | ID: 140676
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Above user knows something about the above above user that I don't.

Posted by K.T.B.
I'm gonna say that the above user is not a terribly huge fan of "cute catgirls and bunnygirls".
Not especially, but I don't dislike them or anything, either. I'm pretty neutral.

Posted on 09-23-18 03:34 AM, in Useful Freeware Link | ID: 140686
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Here's some stuff I use (or at least know about).

Cmder • A terminal emulator for Windows that's not cmd.exe, based on ConEmu and clink. Has support for cmd.exe and PowerShell as well as bash on Unix PTY, so you can use git, ssh, grep, scp, ls, etc. without Cygwin.

ColorVeil • A screen color overlay for Windows — essentially, a more powerful f.lux. You can overlay any translucent color over the screen with any level of opacity, which means you can dim it without the orangeish incandescent hue that f.lux and Windows 10 Night Light use.

FileZilla • It's already been pointed out in the thread, but there's something worth mentioning: FileZilla now comes with bundled ad offers by default. If you don't want these, be sure to click "Show additional download options" on the Downloads page. The link also links directly to the bundleless, plain FileZilla installers, so you can use that too. Anyway, it's still probably one of the best FTP clients and definitely worth checking out.

JDownloader • A program that lets you download embedded files on a bunch of webpages, including YouTube videos. It looks skeevy as hell, but it seems okay to me???

KeePass • A password manager for Windows. Lets you store all of the 500 passwords that you're probably using on 500 different websites in one database, which you can encrypt with a combination password+keyfile.

MusicBee • If you like music programs with advanced Media Library and automatic playlist features similar to iTunes, this is a good one. I'm way more fond of the more minimalist foobar2000 and Winamp so this isn't my thing, but I know people that really swear by it.

Pixeur • Lets you select any colored pixel on your screen, see the RGB or hex values for them, and store them in a list if you need. I can't find the official site anymore, so I'm just linking to my own mirror. If you'd like to download it from a different source, there's also CNET...

PuTTY • A good, lightweight remote terminal and SSH program. Very minimalist, but very fast and gets the job done.

WinSCP • A good alternative to FileZilla. A little more complex, but a little more feature-rich. Windows only, though.

Posted on 09-23-18 04:02 AM, in i don't know what to title this thread: updated semi-yearly Link | ID: 140687
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Cuz why not.

I've actually never done an ask thread on a forum, but I really like answering silly questions, so I figured I'd give it a shot ~

Posted on 09-23-18 09:04 AM, in i don't know what to title this thread: updated semi-yearly Link | ID: 140693
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I actually originally joined allllll the way back in 2012 when this place was relatively new because Raspberry, a close friend of mine, brought it up to me -- you'll notice I joined about an hour and a half after her and my user ID is 1 higher.

I actually was an active user on Jul starting in like 2009, though, at the behest of Bloodstar, my closest and longest Internet friend. And even before that I used to post sporadically on several Acmlm's incarnations, and board2 later, and even Jul a little bit before I became super active there... I was initially drawn into Acmlm's at all in 2004 because I was really super interested in both SMW ROM hacking, which was starting to blossom at the time, and ALTTP hacking, which showed a lot of potential. I'd already been in a community for a Zelda fangame engine for a long time at that point, but my real long-term dream was to hack ALTTP. Fast forward 15 years and I've still never done an ALTTP hack x_x

As for why I came back and started posting again, Jamie actually reminded me of this place's existence again by mentioning it in the Jul Discord/IRC. There were several points over the years at which I lurked Kafuka on and off, and I've always liked it and thought it was neat and thought the overall atmosphere seemed nice, but I forgot my password at some point and I was too shy to pester the admins. Not to mention I worried that a big mean jerk like me wouldn't have fit in, or something.

I've made efforts to overcome my own dumb social anxiety over minor things over the past year or so, though, and I guess the most recent instance of me being reminded of this place's existence was finally at the point where I figured asking for a password reset wouldn't end in me literally dying <_<

Posted on 09-23-18 09:05 AM, in 1-Letter Swap Link | ID: 140694
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I did it. Hell yeah. We're gettin' the BAND back together.

Posted on 09-23-18 10:51 AM, in It's time for the New Wheel of Fortune! (Season 2, Episode 1) Link | ID: 140695
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Danielle: Any interest in continuing this if we get our 3 people? Cuz I'd like to join if so.

Posted on 09-23-18 10:51 AM, in what did you catch so far? Link | ID: 140696
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I've caught like five billion things since the last time I posted already, but probably the neatest one is Dunk from Wario Land 2. Yay, that game is underrated!

Also Clefable, who's adorable.

Posted on 09-23-18 11:11 AM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 140697
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I haven't played SMB2j since I was 13; I wonder what I'd think of it today? I barely even remember it. I don't really have a way to play it without emulation right now, unfortunately... and I'm so spoiled after playing SMB1 on an actual NES and CRT that I dunno if I could play it with input lag x_x I should prolly just suck it up. Or at least get Mario AllStars. That might be the reasonable thing to do.

Posted on 09-23-18 11:15 AM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 140698
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I've had the godawful habit of leaning in really close to the computer monitor lately. I don't really know why I'm doing it now, but I think it's causing me eye strain.

Someone yell at me if they catch me doing it again. And by "catch me doing it again" I mean I know you can't tell but just assume I'm doing it and poke me or something okay
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