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Posted on 09-04-17 04:33 AM, in Liberalism vs. Conservatism Link | ID: 101451
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Considering how a flag is nothing more than a piece of cloth, who's to say that the "flag carrying Nazis" aren't plants?

Posted on 09-11-17 11:28 AM, in Screenshots Link | ID: 101790
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Got bored of how my plain crafting clothes looked, so I figured I'd turn my crafters into Mario.

Before (didn't snap a shot of my character in it, so I hit Google):


I even went out of my way to get my hands on that minion for the sake of completion.

Then, I got bored of my Dark Knight wearing the bog standard Ironworks set with the impossible-to-take-seriously goblin hood, so I went back to my Link costume, redyed to Ocarina of Time-appropriate color.

I needed a sword to get as close to the Biggoron Sword as I could, I think I did alright.

Funny note: The sword is useless outside of being a weapon skin, but this happened.

If only I could do that on items I want to have high quality.

Posted on 09-11-17 11:57 PM, in YouTube to MP3/4 Converter Link | ID: 101824
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Posted by Danika
Posted by Universe256
I don't know. :no:

Uh, if you don't know what would be a good site, then why are you even posting here in the first place? :P
There's a high possibility this "user" is a spam bot.

Most of its posts are quotes of page 1 in threads that are scores of pages long.

Posted on 09-13-17 12:25 PM, in My computer feels pretty (The Desktop Thread) Link | ID: 101845
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Linked because lolWide

Posted on 09-13-17 12:28 PM, in I'm still here and wondering why. Ask Me Anything! Link | ID: 101846
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Are you old enough to remember 9/11/01?
I was in sixth grade, third period Reading class when the first tower got hit.

To say I remember is a touch of an understatement.

Not my thread, but the question was posed.

Posted on 09-17-17 10:40 AM, in Sonic Mania (rev. 2 of 09-17-17 10:41 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 101934
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I watched Phyresis play it on his stream. It looked great, and I was looking forward to the PC version.

Being thta it's Sega with their only good Sonic game in decades, of course they had to shoot themselves in the dick with the third-party DRM.

I won't even conisder pirating it now since Sega Sega'd themselves over it. Damn shame, because I really enjoyed what I saw of the PS4 version.

Posted on 09-17-17 10:42 AM, in . Link | ID: 101935
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* Trelior listens to the crickets chirping.

Fuck me, I guess.

Posted on 09-17-17 10:58 AM, in I.... Don't Know What to Think Anymore Link | ID: 101936
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My dad picked me up from work tonight and we sat in the parking spot outside of my apartment and talked for several hours.

We talked our normal shit: politics (how I used to identify with the left, and see the error of my ways), religion (my non-belief against his staunch Christianity), then a huge bombshell: His side of the narritive my mother spun all of my life, especially the shit she made up while I was growing up.

To say the least, I was floored about how he decribed their relationship as they were growing up, how she went off the deep end before they divorced, and what actuall was going on while she swore up and down that he wanted nothing to do with me or my siblings.

Needless to say, a lot of things started making a lot of sense. Too much sense. The mental abuse, the living in absolute squalor, just... Everything.

I want to maintian the good terms I have with my mother; but knowing more of the truth, I don't know what I want to do going forward.

I've lived my life these past few years feeling like an absolute failure. Feeling like everything I ever did was disappointing to both of my parents. Only to have him say directly to me that he never actually felt let down by me, even with all of the butting heads we've done over the years. Come to find out he's actually proud of me.

I've recently been trying to get on disability due to my neurological problems and chronic leg pain. Come to find out that he would have mentioned it to me about trying years ago, but he didn't out of my bullish pride and to try to not be defeatist about my predicament. Granted, in hindsight, it's foolish: on both of our parts. Yet, I can't be mad at him.

Lately, I've struggled with some inner demons, a lot of anger from pent-up feelings. Potentially depression. I now understand and can place some of my anger.

I admit, I don't post here a lot, and when I do, it's usually novellas like this; or short, angry outbursts all over the place.

I don't know what to think right now, my mind is whizzing and it's all so conflicting.

I don't even know if this post made any sense, but I'm posting it any.

* Trelior braces for the worst.

Posted on 09-17-17 01:19 PM, in . (rev. 2 of 09-17-17 01:19 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 101942
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Can you enable passthrough for me?
Nope. 'Fraid not.

Tired of these high school kids bothering you?
Nah, most of the kids I work with are fine. Except one moron in particular. We ask him to do his job and he whines about it. Constantly.

Posted on 09-17-17 02:23 PM, in Sonic Mania Link | ID: 101954
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Posted by AtomicAstro
Posted by Trelior
I watched Phyresis play it on his stream. It looked great, and I was looking forward to the PC version.

Being thta it's Sega with their only good Sonic game in decades, of course they had to shoot themselves in the dick with the third-party DRM.

I won't even conisder pirating it now since Sega Sega'd themselves over it. Damn shame, because I really enjoyed what I saw of the PS4 version.

I heard a lot about that, on Steam there were a lot of negative reviews over that alone, and because of that I avoided buying it. I probably wouldn't even have it in my Steam library if it weren't for a friend of mine buying it for me. In all honesty the DRM thing didn't even bother me though, the only thing about it that really irks me is that of all things, that was what they decided to delay the PC version for 2 weeks for.

I haven't finished it yet since I haven't been spending much time on video games lately but it's really damn good so far, it reminds me a lot of Sonic CD in some ways, especially with the soundtrack.
The Sonic CD aspects are what I liked the most about it. It's the only game in the series I have any nostalgia for. I was a Nintendo kid, so I opnly played the PC version of Sonic CD. If it wasn't for the opical media, I'd have burned that game out faster than the family copies of Aladdin and Toy Story.

Shit was bomb.

Posted on 09-18-17 12:21 AM, in . Link | ID: 101997
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When was the last time you made smores?
It's been a couple years, minimum. Can't remember the last time I even really had a campfire.

Posted on 09-18-17 04:49 AM, in . Link | ID: 102018
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What's more annoying, smoking or alcohol?
Depends on what's being smoked, though I would have to say alcohol by a long shot.

Get we gather round the campfire and sing a song?
No. That's alright.

What should I dress as for Halloween this year?
Dress in your normal clothes and say you're in costume as someone dressing as you on a normal day.

Posted on 09-20-17 05:50 AM, in Nintendo Switch (NX) Link | ID: 102080
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I'm still not sold on it. Gonna take quite a bit to convince me to buy one.

The only game on it that piqued my interest was Breath of the Wild, and I played the Wuu version.

Good enough for me.

Posted on 09-28-17 07:50 AM, in . Link | ID: 102303
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Favorite horror movie villain?
Not a big fan of the genre. Can't say I have a favorite.

Posted on 10-01-17 11:04 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 102370
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Took a short break from tanking to raise my Astrologian tonight.

Started at level 32, ended at 36. Had a rough patch at 34 because I began regretting the decision. Three tanks in a row basically forced me to quit the dungeon and sit in time out for a half hour because they weren't wearing appropriate gear.

If this trend continues, I'm a say "Fuck healing" and go back to leveling Dark Knight and Warrior like a the good tank that I hope I am. 66 and 52, respectively. So close to having my new main. I can taste it.

Posted on 10-07-17 11:31 AM, in I totally forgot I... Link | ID: 102648
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Posted by Robbie Rage
Heh, I totally forgot post radar was a thing. Does anyone else even use that?

Yes. You, ゼンガー・ゾンボルト and Phyresis are on mine.

Why? easy stalking when the RP was active.

Posted on 10-10-17 02:27 PM, in Screenshots Link | ID: 102741
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Shirogane opened to players to buy the lots with the advent of patch 4.1!

My patience paid off! Got exactly the plot I wanted, and my estimate that no one would think to be n the lower wards was dead on.

Say hello to Hoir Homestead. Shirogane Ward 12, Plot 8.

That's me front and center. The Miqo'te to my character's right is R'Sarohm, one of my botanist retainers.

Posted on 10-11-17 05:05 AM, in . Link | ID: 102750
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Can I have some, Trelior Mix, for the road?
Get out.

Ever been high up in high school?

Feel old realizing you graduated high school 10 years ago?
Thanks for reminding me that I've wasted my life.

Posted on 10-15-17 06:44 AM, in . Link | ID: 102901
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Tired of Swingball's bad puns?
Does the lack of my response to him answer your question?

What are your opinions on kobolds?
Some are dumb. Some are jerks. I find it weird how it's not consistent what kind of creature they are from universe to universe.

One universe they're lizards, one universe they're moles. S'weird.

Posted on 10-15-17 10:37 PM, in . Link | ID: 103037
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Who wins?
What universe's kobolds? How much time? How angry is Godzilla?

Favorite anime to watch while drunk/stoned?
Couldn't tell you. I'm sober/clean.

Favorite store to stop in when you’re bored?
Conisdering how standing around doing nothing is painful, I'd rather keep doing what I normally do: Sit at home.
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