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Posted on 07-11-12 09:44 PM, in Time to ask you a question: Why does no one want to ask Marzen questions? ): Link | ID: 20325
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Since: 02-17-12
From: North Carolina

Last post: 3803 days
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But seriously, we talked about anime that are being made into movies the other day. It has been announced that the game Deus Ex is also getting a movie, any thoughts?

Posted on 07-12-12 05:33 PM, in League of Legends Link | ID: 20364
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Since: 02-17-12
From: North Carolina

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I've called Janna op before Marzen :p

With this Eve rework on the way I'm worried about how many people will cry and complain just like in the old days. Haven't really looked at Twitch's rework but I probably will after he comes out, a team with Eve, Shaco, and Twitch would probably still scare the other team even before the reworks. That would be amazing to see again.

I'm sitting on the edge of my seat for Zyra to come out, the way she has been explained by Morello is very interesting to me. Something tells me she will take awhile to get used to though.

Posted on 07-12-12 06:16 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 20367
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Since: 02-17-12
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Currently trying to figure out what to do about my situation, then again there isn't a moment where that isn't on my mind. Went to physical therapy yesterday and my therapist wasn't there. The therapist that works with mine took over most of the patients so that they wouldn't have to reschedule them all. After the therapist reviewed my chart and then seen me she was completely shocked because of how young I am and how young I look. She couldn't understand why someone of my age had such a bad back. This just adds to my annoyance that they wont talk to me about disability.

To make everything worse, I over heard my father and grandmother talking after my therapy session yesterday. It's obvious that they are fed up with the whole situation, though it's understandable. But knowing they feel that way, even though they will still help, just makes it hurt worse to be a burden. I'm not even able to look them in the eyes anymore because I know how they really feel beneath that smile.

I've tried talking to disability lawyers but they either wont help me until I try for disability through my doctor or I get my doctor to agree to help the lawyer. They tell me with my back and my depression I have a good chance, though my age may ruin it. Hell I couldn't even finish my physical therapy session yesterday, I had to leave early because of pain. I go back to my neurosurgeon next week so hopefully I will get some good news from him. Though I'm getting tired of waiting, even if it's the only thing I can do.

Posted on 07-14-12 06:24 AM, in Kafuka Pokémon League - Dead before one tournament could happen. Link | ID: 20444
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Since: 02-17-12
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Someones cheap

Anyway I agree with the evasion clause and I do think we should ban legendaries. Also Togekiss *looks at Trel*

Posted on 07-14-12 07:42 AM, in Kafuka Pokémon League - Dead before one tournament could happen. Link | ID: 20447
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Since: 02-17-12
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Aw but you know you love it ;o

So how is everyone's team coming?

Posted on 07-14-12 07:47 AM, in Screenshots Link | ID: 20448
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Since: 02-17-12
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My back is killing me after carrying these asshats I'm sure Marzen's is to. I carried half and he carried half (We cut Mundo in two). That Janna was fucking throwing the game that me and Marz practically sealed in the deal by screwing us over in team fights and feeding the enemy Vayne. In fact I think that Janna was TRYING to make us loose, but Marzen and me are to OP!

Posted on 07-30-12 06:39 PM, in Pokémon! Link | ID: 22102
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Since: 02-17-12
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It's not wise to make a statement like that when you don't know the reasons for why.

Posted on 08-03-12 04:23 AM, in your dreams Link | ID: 22450
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Since: 02-17-12
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Most of my dreams end up as nightmares, on rare chances I have a dream about some girl I don't know and me being in a relationship with her . It's always the same girl every time. Though The nightmares I have start as normal nightmares I've heard about like someone chasing me to kill me, people I know turning on me, flashbacks to stuff in my life I didn't like, ect. Though the same thing happens every time, in the middle of the dream I stop whatever it is I'm doing and say "knock it off" under my breath. This triggers a figure to appear and smile at me, I can never remember what the figure looks like but I get a really bad feeling when they show up. We start to talk about what I just went through in the dream and what they think about the events, it then starts to make fun of me and tries to hurt me emotionally by bring up my past or stuff I want to happen. When this doesn't work it snaps it's fingers and whatever it talks about plays out behind it. At this point it turns into a nightmare for me, it attacks me with my past first making me relive my worst moments while mocking me as it goes on. Next it attacks my wants, either my goals or by making me see stuff about a girl I like or the girl who always shows up in my dream. Once I'm brought to my knees by depression and anger everything turns black, it's as if I'm staring into nothingness. I'm just floating there with nothing in sight, and then it ends the same way that it always does. I can hear it's voice mocking me and laughing at me, I hear someone say "Take it!" At that moment a gun appears in front of me and I close my eyes as I wake up from the dream.

Posted on 08-10-12 12:21 PM, in Screenshots Link | ID: 23211
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Since: 02-17-12
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Not exactly a screenshot of the game but it is a screenshot showing that I used to be the best geard pvp mage on my server :D

Posted on 07-29-13 05:41 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? (rev. 2 of 07-29-13 06:04 AM by Aesur) Link | ID: 34944
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Since: 02-17-12
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Been mostly playing WoW and Super Meat Boy. Though currently my WoW situation is an odd one. I lost my raid spot because of fuckifIknowreason. So now I have people on the raid team telling me they want me back on the team, these same people try to talk the raid leader into bringing me back but he has yet to budge on the topic. What sucks is I'm the best raider we have so some people are getting pretty annoyed that I'm not in there. SMB I've been blasting through. Not normally good at platformers but I've made a lot of progress for the amount of time I've actually played.

Posted on 07-29-13 01:25 PM, in Time to ask you a question: Why does no one want to ask Marzen questions? ): Link | ID: 34950
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Since: 02-17-12
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Was that sex change really worth it?

When are we going to get into more shenanigans?

Posted on 07-29-13 08:11 PM, in Screenshots Link | ID: 34964
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Since: 02-17-12
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Friend and I were going around and farming rare mobs, one such mob spawned beside me right after I took this screenshot. Problem is we are on the most populated server for our faction.... Also I may have sold some stuff, not sure on that though. As a side note I hate destruction, affliction all the way

Posted on 07-30-13 04:49 PM, in Aesur's signictures Link | ID: 34999
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Since: 02-17-12
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I would have bumped this eventually X3 But sadly I stopped making them due to my health, writing, raiding, and Trel..... Yeah I blame Trel cause fuck it why not :V Though I have been planning on getting back into this. I just need to get my barrings and figure out a way to not hate everything I make.

Posted on 07-31-13 05:44 AM, in The Field of Dreams (Pushing up Daisies) (rev. 3 of 07-31-13 05:53 AM by Aesur) Link | ID: 35012
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Since: 02-17-12
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Leo was locked into a fierce battle with a hooded assailant. The two had been fighting for several minutes and both were showing how drained they were. During the clash Leo's teleportation device was misfired sending the two falling through the sky and landing in the field in front of the cabin. It took no time at all for the two warriors to quickly jump to their feet. Leo sent off a blast of holy energy at the man but he simply held up his hand blocking the attack. He then responded with his own attack, this one looking as if it was solidified blood. Leo was not quick enough to doge and took the hit. Jumping back in pain Leo readied his sword.

"What's the matter Leo? Why don't you show me what you can really do?" The hooded man crackled as he finished his sentence and brushed himself off. "Are you still worried because of what happened to that filthy little village!" Leo froze and his face twisted with a pain only few know.

"I... I..." Leo couldn't even utter a word, he was to ashamed. Slaughter... Leo's eye dilated and he stood motionless

((This colored text is the voice that only Leo can hear that I mentioned. As I also said if it speaks so others can hear it I will say so in the post or down here.))

Posted on 07-31-13 06:11 AM, in The Field of Dreams (Pushing up Daisies) Link | ID: 35014
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Since: 02-17-12
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A thread of black energy came from Leo's back and was slowly extending to his face. "No matter.... No matter what happens... I can't allow you to continue your experiments on innocent lives!" The black thread of energy reaches Leo's face. He holds his mouth open and audibly sighs.

The hooded man acts on this and lunges at Leo plunging his sword into Leo's shoulder. "You really shouldn't be so righteous. You speak of saving innocents but more have died by your hand then mine." The man growled in a low tone as he twisted the blade. Leo moaned in pain and griped the hooded figures sword with his hand.

Leo fell onto his knee and looked at the man in pain. "You know... For someone who is supposed to have absorbed him.... You are pathetic.." The man dug his sword deeper into Leo. You... Will... Die "Damn it!" Leo screamed in pain.

Posted on 07-31-13 06:31 AM, in The Field of Dreams (Pushing up Daisies) Link | ID: 35016
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Since: 02-17-12
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The hooded figure shot his gaze quickly at the man approaching. He processed what could happen and removed his sword from Leo's shoulder, smashing Leo's device during the act. Leo quickly rose and did his best to lung at the man but it ended in failure. The man used his own means of transport and quickly left the scene back to Leo's home universe. With the parting message of "You should think before you act Rune, just because something seems righteous..." His message was cut off.

Leo fell to both knees and bent over panting heavily. Raising his good hand towards his shoulder he began to heal it with a holy light. He glanced over at the new man and uttered "I mean.." He coughed from how tired he was and the pain he was in "I mean you no harm." He will kill you Leo shook his head and continued to watch this stranger

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