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Posted on 01-06-12 04:25 AM, in Anyone else play World of Tanks? (rev. 5 of 01-06-12 05:00 AM by KP) Link | ID: 1024

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Alt-tabbed back into the game a little late in the battle, saw another tank I knew I could damage, so I took aim, forgetting I left my flank exposed:


alt was already dead. That's who took these screenshots.

(Click images for full size versions)


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Posted on 01-06-12 04:56 AM, in Anyone else play World of Tanks? (rev. 3 of 01-06-12 05:04 AM by KP) Link | ID: 1027

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Alt trying to ram smaller tanks and getting KSed by teammates:

As a consequence, Alt for Team MVP:


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:09 PM, in Anyone else play World of Tanks? Link | ID: 1202

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I can see I'm going to have to update this thread alone for the next week. Damn.


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:13 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 1204

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Uh. There are a lot of people from the old boards who aren't here now (and probably never will be). Instead of collecting a bunch of old people who will just post a bunch for a month and then leave (this has happened before), why not look to attract an entirely new community rather than trying to turn into a circlejerk of nostalgia (For some) or some pseudonostalgia of people who arrived well after the community was tanking?


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:18 PM, in Your Day Job (or Major if you are in school) (rev. 2 of 01-06-12 10:18 PM by Nick) Link | ID: 1207

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Two courses away from an ecology, evolution and organismal biology degree (and then onto a Master's or PhD), but I left the university I was studying at due to several issues I was having with faculty there plus running way the fuck out of money. Now I'm just crashing with family for a year til my in-state residency clears and I can take the last classes I need at a CC and send back to complete my degree.

Right now, I'm not doing anything for pay, but I have a stack of unfinished research papers and projects that need finished ASAP, so that's what occupies most of my time when I'm not looking for a job or goofing around.

p.s. hire me


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:19 PM, in How's the weather today? Link | ID: 1208

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It was supposed to be nice out today, but I missed it due to sleeping in really late.


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:23 PM, in Autism and other mental disorders (rev. 2 of 01-06-12 10:23 PM by Nick) Link | ID: 1210

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Do you think there's a higher rate of mental disorders in the developed world because of conditions in the developed world which lead to them or because there's a higher quality of medical care available that could actually ID people with these problems?

Have you ever had to take any kind of medications for your condition to handle any symptoms you face? Like, do you suffer from social anxiety?


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:25 PM, in Say something nice about the person who post before you! Link | ID: 1214

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@Marzen is very perceptive of Jet's abilities. This is commendable unto itself.


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:27 PM, in Autism and other mental disorders Link | ID: 1216

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Posted by GreyMaria
I personally believe that a large portion of "diagnosed" mental disorders are in fact faked.

And honestly, how hard WOULD it be to fake any number of mental disorders? I have a relative who's done just that.

Get out now.


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:29 PM, in VOID RAYS VOID RAYS VOID RAYS VOID RAYS (Starcraft II General Chat) Link | ID: 1218

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Posted by Jet
If people want to give the game a shot beyond what the Starter Edition allows, I have two guest passes. They basically let you play the full game for 14 days or 7 hours of Game Time (which is pretty shit).

Could probably get a few more off of Teamliquid too. :P

We need to play 2gether again. :(


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:34 PM, in Autism and other mental disorders Link | ID: 1222

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Posted by KP9000
I believe those with (or without) medical orders would be better off if the doctors who diagnose them knew what they were talking about. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, put on all kinds of drugs, then I made the decision to stop taking them secretly. My mother, immediately noticing the change, believed it was the drugs. When it came up in the doctor's office I told them both what was going on and my mom immediately ended the exchange and sought a second opinion. Turns out I didn't have ADHD at all, despite having similar behavioral tendencies.

Fucking exactly. Most medications for mental disorder have such terrible side effects and shit you'd have to endure through or problems that could happen for someone who doesn't have an issue, that you'd have to pretty much be a gigantic sadomaschist/sociopath to do it. A lot of early treatments for depression especially if you're poor are designed around giving different generics and seeing which ones make your symptoms worse, better, or different in order to determine the type of depression you have.


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:42 PM, in ACS Link | ID: 1228

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No. This is a terrible idea. Do you want to know why?

It encourages lower quality posts, but some will go under the radar due to being done by friends of admins or admins themselves. Individuals who don't have that benefit will be accused of spamming for acs. It's basically:

01/06>04:26:08> Legion> "POST A LOT........BUT DON'T SPAM......but seriously, post your fucking hearts out"

P.S. I'd totally win this.


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Posted on 01-06-12 10:49 PM, in ACS Link | ID: 1235

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Posted by Nicole
Posted by Nick
No. This is a terrible idea. Do you want to know why?

It encourages lower quality posts, but some will go under the radar due to being done by friends of admins or admins themselves. Individuals who don't have that benefit will be accused of spamming for acs. It's basically:

01/06>04:26:08> Legion> "POST A LOT........BUT DON'T SPAM......but seriously, post your fucking hearts out"

P.S. I'd totally win this.

I remember this argument generally gets brought out when an ACS is proposed, but I don't know if it ever really happened to such a degree? After all, it'll probably lose most of its novelty pretty quickly. (Of course, there is the question whether the "badge" system proposed for this site will lend enough importance to the ACS, assuming badges are given to winners... as usually in my experience monthly wins are otherwise quickly forgotten)

As for the Legion quote, I guess the point is to sound ridiculous, but it sounds reasonable enough to me. :P

It happened all the time.


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Posted on 01-06-12 11:14 PM, in Autism and other mental disorders Link | ID: 1246

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Posted by Liliana
The legal status of a disability is a bit... complicated to explain, but basically, it can be for both physical, and mental disabilities.

And yeah, I've been diagnosed with autism like pretty much everyone around here.

I'm sure there's plenty of non-autistic people around here.


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Posted on 01-07-12 12:49 AM, in VOID RAYS VOID RAYS VOID RAYS VOID RAYS (Starcraft II General Chat) Link | ID: 1270

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Posted by CyclopsCaveman
I don't play, but my brother does. I share a few jokes with him about videos he's shown me.


cool. it is a fun game, you should buy it.


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Posted on 01-07-12 12:51 AM, in Autism and other mental disorders Link | ID: 1272

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Posted by Marzen64

But also, I'm against extensive reliance on drugs. I got over my suicidal depression completely by myself, and now I'm so fucking happy it drives people nuts.

Good for you, but not everyone can do that and some people do need drugs to handle issues like that. Depression can be caused by different factors, both issues in ones life or in some cases purely biological factors.


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Posted on 01-07-12 01:28 PM, in So my Grandpa's in the hospital... Link | ID: 1319

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Ferdal, I went through something like you did with my grandmother too. It's really the worst.

Marzen, never feel afraid to share or get things off your chest with us. I hope everything can go well with your family through this trying time. Best wishes.


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Posted on 01-07-12 01:34 PM, in What does Kafuka mean? Link | ID: 1320

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Posted by Jet
I just called him Ace cause of RO. :(



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Posted on 01-07-12 02:47 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 1330

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we had a mrjs booty butt problem earlier.


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