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Posted on 09-13-12 04:58 AM, in What is your favorite class subjects? Link | ID: 26311
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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You missed Science, nyah nyah.

Language Arts, Science, and History. When I was younger, Science was by FAR my favorite, Language Arts just barely above Math. These days? LOVE English. I love to write, and it's the one thing I'm actually GOOD with, words, so I enjoy it. Science and History are great too, but mostly as a hobby "Hey that's neat" kinda thing.

Hate math, always have. My parents are both math teachers so it's kinda funny. I'm thinkin' of being an English teacher, myself.

Posted on 09-13-12 05:09 AM, in Dogs or cats? (rev. 2 of 09-13-12 05:09 AM by Marzen64) Link | ID: 26316
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Since: 01-02-12
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I'm more of a cat person but I love dogs too :D. I've had more cats than dogs in my life (four to one), but I want one cat and one dog when I move out. A tabby and a Corgy, specifically.


I also wanted a Siberian Huskie, and they're still awesome. Still prefer cats though. Cats are awesome, especially the friendly cuddly lapcats.

Posted on 09-13-12 12:38 PM, in What's on your mind? Link | ID: 26383
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Since: 01-02-12
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Posted by Taryn
Actually I heard somewhere that the emotional effects of a "period" exist for everyone, even if there's no uterus for the physical aspects of the period. Not sure how accurate that is though.

Yeah, men get those too. I wasn't kiddin'.

Welp, mIRC has locked me out completely. Now it just says exit as opposed to letting me in. ANYONE KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS?

Cause the Java IRC doesn't ever work for me.

Posted on 09-13-12 03:08 PM, in Jeopardy! Link | ID: 26394
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Since: 01-02-12
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THAT IS CORRECT! Nightkev is FINALLY on the board!

Please choose another category, Kev.

-ologiesThe Real Middle EarthYou're Such an AnimalAt the MoviesHmmm, I WonderReligion

Nicole: 1100
TKB: 400
Nightkev: 600

Posted on 09-13-12 08:39 PM, in Pet Names Link | ID: 26462
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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I've had a LOT of pets over the years. First let's go with the "main pets".

Sasha was around before I was born (she was 20 when I was 17). She was a white siamese mix, and my parents named her and brought her down to Georgia when they moved here from Maryland. She died of old age and cancer a few years ago. Then, when I was about 5, we got Spot. He was a tabby who was born from a white cat and a black cat. He was the only orange cat in the entire litter, so Chris took a liking to him and we bought him from our neighbors (he was my favorite cat ever). Chris named him after Spot from Startrek. He disappeared about four years ago, and we have no idea where he went.

Then Chris adopted a very wild cat from his friend, and named her Livingston (again, from Startrek). She was a very wild and unfriendly cat who would rarely come near us. She's bolt when we tried to go near her. We eventually gave her to the pound, though none of us really wanted to. She was just getting worse and worse, peeing everywhere and attacking us sometimes. Years later, after Sasha died, Jeff rescued a cat who was abandoned by his owners (they moved out of their old house and left the dog and cat inside the house). He named him Picasso, and since he moved into some dorms, he left Picasso with us. Picasso is a friendly and awesome cat, but unfortunately not a lapcat like Spot or Sasha were. I love lapcats.

We also got a dog when I was about 3. She was an Aussie Shepard mix, and we named her Duchess. She was a very calm and friendly, loyal dog. She got along with the cats wonderfully (sometimes I think she thought she WAS a cat, since she rarely saw other dogs). She'd only bark at other dogs when they walked by as she went to the bathroom, and she was wonderful. She passed away last year, around summertime. It was a terrible death that haunts me. She was so old and I think she had cancer or something, something that was making her anemic and not able to eat. I thought she'd last on a bit longer but she didn't, and I should have stayed with her through the night like I had with Sasha. Instead, I went to sleep as normal and Duchess tried to get up in the middle of the night and walk to her water bowl. Her legs gave out under her, and she lay splayed out on the floor, where she died alone. I wish I had been there.


I've had four hamsters in my life. Two were bought at Petsmart and they QUICKLY died from what is known as Ringworm. As in, #2 died in two days. They were both named Calvin because I am uncreative sometimes. After that, we went to a mom and pop pet shop, and got a longhaired hamster we named Rodney, after the hamster from that Dr. Doolittle movie. He lived for four years, which is pretty awesome for hamster standards, until he suddenly came down with every single disease under the sun. I then adopted a hamster that my friend's hamster gave birth to, and named her Mollie. She was the same type of hamster as Rodney and she lived and died much the same way.

I also had a hermit crab but for the life of me I don't remember his name. Other than that, we've had lots of bearded dragons. And I mean a LOT. As in, most of them didn't have names, because when bearded dragons mate, they make hundreds of kids. Dad sold em off. The ones that did have names were Merlin and Lizzie. Merlin was my lizard, and he passed away a year ago.


Posted on 09-13-12 08:46 PM, in Something I noticed about a lot of Anya's threads... Link | ID: 26463
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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I had to check all the threads I've made to make sure, but yeah, I don't use any either. I'm sure I HAVE in the past, but it's really rare. I just don't see a point.

Pretty sure it's become a running gag for Anya by now :3

Posted on 09-13-12 08:51 PM, in Best Vidya Game Music Contest 2012 ~ Round 1 Link | ID: 26465
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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Curse of Iron Pipe, definitely.

Before even listening to them, I knew which I'd choose. I LOVE this song. But I decided to give Megaman the benefit of the doubt, and I listened to em both equally and fairly... And whaddaya know, I really enjoyed the Megaman song. There's just one problem: It's up against CURSE OF THE IRON PIPE. That song is like earsex, very few can beat it. If it makes me want to dance, it's a good song. This song makes me wanna dance.

The other one makes me tap my foot, and is by far the best losing song I've heard so far in this contest.

Posted on 09-14-12 01:11 AM, in Music and Musical Genres Link | ID: 26493
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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I thought this'd be a nice thread to make. :D

So, what are your favorite musical genres? Surprisingly, this thread has yet to be made. Discuss your favorite musical genres, and your favorite music from within those genres.

Honestly, my favorite is Jazz. I don't really have any favorite songs off the top of my head, but whenever I listen to Jazz, I'm just happy....

Although I'll pretty much listen to ANY genre (except screamo music). Even rap and hip-hop, which are USUALLY full of crap. Hip-hop songs are usually guilty pleasures, and I only listen to rap with good lyrics (none currently come to mind but you know). No "I FUCKED HER AND RAPED HER KID THEN DID A LINE OF CRACK" songs, thank you.

Though my favorite BAND would be.... The Barenaked Ladies. They're falling out of favor these days, but they're going through a rough time. Their old stuff is amazing though. One Week amg~

Posted on 09-14-12 01:15 AM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 26494
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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Huh, I wonder how many tabs I have.


54. That's kind a lot, isn't it?

Posted on 09-15-12 12:22 AM, in Jeopardy! Link | ID: 26615
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Since: 01-02-12
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Meaning "far movement", it's the strange power of moving things without touching them.

Posted on 09-15-12 01:32 AM, in Jeopardy! Link | ID: 26619
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Since: 01-02-12
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Wow, quite cocky, AREN'T WE?

...But yeah, you did. NEXT.


Appropriately, Champ is the name of this lake's version of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster

Nicole: 1100
TKB: 400
Nightkev: 1400

Posted on 09-15-12 03:17 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 26644
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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Are they giving a reason why it costs so much more? That's completely ridiculous!

Posted on 09-15-12 03:18 PM, in Time to ask you a question: Why does no one want to ask Marzen questions? ): Link | ID: 26645
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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Would you like to truly spree for realz tomorrow? @Tayrn and I are going to do that thing we did on the IRC but with more content and a lot more fun with more people involved. ;)

Obviously, I wasn't here for the spree.

Or is a different day better?

A different day woulda been better, yeah. Like, not in the middle of the week when I'm busy at school.

Do you think there should be another Windwaker type engine for another Zelda game? (Toon link, .etc)

Honestly? Nah, not really. At least, not for a while. The past two Toon Link games have been dreadfully meh in my opinion.

Posted on 09-16-12 02:22 AM, in What'd you do today? Link | ID: 26688
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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I just came home from playin' Magic the Gathering with some friends. I met a dude there who's really friendly and nice, and we fast became friends so yay :D.

It was fun, we played three games. I won one, new guy won two, my old friend lost all three (also both their names are Will so I just have to call em old friend and new friend). He also offered to trade a few cards, so next time I'll bring some of the trade stuff I got :D.

Other than that, went to my weekend class and texted frands.

Posted on 09-16-12 02:29 AM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 26691
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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"Yeah, I'm here for my free healthcare. Give me some pot."

I dunno what to think of the Healthcare plan, honestly. I think that Insurance companies are bullshit ("You have Cancer? We can't have you on our plan anymore" "But that's the reason I've been paying you for the past twenty years!" "Have a nice day, sir!"), so in some ways I think it's a good idea if we move over to a government funded health care. That'll raise taxes yes.... but that'll also save lives.

I have healthcare, paid for by my parents. I've needed it because lots of stupid shit is wrong with my body, mostly my immune system.

Posted on 09-16-12 02:30 AM, in Kafuka Mosts ~ Summer 2012 RESULTS KITAAAAAAAA! Link | ID: 26692
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Since: 01-02-12
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I'm inclined to agree with Dirbaio here, Kawa, your comments are... pretty mean spirited. I dunno why I haven't noticed it before >_>

You obviously have strong bias in some areas and it's really kinda douchey.

Posted on 09-16-12 02:32 AM, in September KCS Rankings (9/30 - Still surprising how many people believe there is a September 31...) Link | ID: 26693
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Since: 01-02-12
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I haven't posted much at all in the past three days, how the hell did I rank? I'm fine with being #4, so I'm not pushin' to rank these days. Beating Taryn would be nice though :3

Posted on 09-16-12 02:48 AM, in Time to ask you a question: Why does no one want to ask Marzen questions? ): Link | ID: 26697
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Since: 01-02-12
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have you ever beaten Master Quest OoT with just the 3 starting containers? (hearts)

I've actually never beaten Master Quest OoT, only the original, many times. I just recently GOT the Master Quest version.

What other devices have you used to type posts besides your computer?

Just a phone once, to make one of those "POSTING FROM PHONE" threads back ages ago. I pretty much only use my phone.

What is the furthest place you've visited from home?

Hmm.... I think California. Might be Canada though, specifically Niagra Falls. I dunno, is California farther than Ontario to Georgia? Eh I'll just say both.

Posted on 09-16-12 05:54 AM, in New member introduction thread! Link | ID: 26703
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Since: 01-02-12
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Howdy imamelia! Nice to meetcha, welcome to Kafuka! :D Have fun and post a lot.

Always nice to find another Let's Player. What kinda LPs do you do? Any particular kind, or just, whatever you want?

Posted on 09-16-12 03:33 PM, in Time to ask you a question: Why does no one want to ask Marzen questions? ): Link | ID: 26711
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T̨̞͎͓͉̮͓̠o͚͎o ̴̘̼̳͔̥̺͓m̤̤a̸̳̫̜̠̬͉̗ny͕̳ ̥͈̘̞͟c͚̦̳̘̠̟ͅo҉̗͎̮̣͉o̷͍̤̥̞͔͎̹k҉͙̲̩͍̮̮s͈̼͎
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Since: 01-02-12
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What would you say is the greatest sin that isn't illegal in most of the world?

Hmm, tough one. I guess I'll say forced marriage of those younger than 13. Drugs was a close second, but I don't consider that a SIN. I just consider that retarded.

If you had to write the first law that came into your mind, what would it be?

Thou shalt not be hypocritical and conceited in your actions and thoughts.

What the hell happened to your avatar, and why does it look so fucking cool.

Taillow evolved into a Dwarf.

Urist McCatbeard, amirite?

Marzen cancels answer question, getting a drink.

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