1. What's your favorite season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) and why?
- Autumn. It's not too hot, not too cold, I was born then, the colors are beautiful, and it's just so calming.
2. What's your favorite genre of video games?
- Platformer
3. Retro or modern games?
- Retro
4. Are you on a laptop or desktop?
- Laptop, I don't own a desktop
5. What OS do you run?
- Windows 7
6. What's your favorite movie genre?
- Comedy
7. What brought you to Kafuka?
- Trelior invited me, so I came. I used to be on Board 2 and other previous ABs, so I thought "eh, why not, blast from the past"
8. Do you have any siblings? If so, how do you like them?
- I have three older brothers. They're all nice, now that we're all adults, so I like them quite a bit.
9. Are you right handed or left handed?
- Right handed
10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
- Cookies and Cream
11. What was your first Acmlmboard experience?
- TEK Boards, back in... like, 2003? I was looking up ROM Hacking stuff and I found it. I was, like, ten so I got banned for being a dumbass. I shaped up relatively quickly.
12. What was the last book your read?
- Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.
13. What's your favorite webcomic? (links please)
http://somethingpositive.net/ Something Positive.
14. What's your favorite midnight snack?
- Just a random chip bag, usually Cheetos.
15. Do you sleep on your front, side or back?
- I sleep any old way, it doesn't matter to me. Usually side, though.
16. How do you deal with headaches?
- Close my eyes, drink water, and put something cool on my head.
17. What's your favorite food?
- I seriously dunno so I'm just gonna say French Onion Soup.
18. Are you a day person, or night person?
- Day person.
19. Do prefer hot drinks or cold drinks?
- Cold drinks.
20. What is your occupation?
- Student
21. Do you travel? If so, what other countries/states have you been to?
- I've been all up and down the east coast of America, as well as to California, but the only country I've been to other than the USA is Canada, and that's only a few miles in, into Niagara Falls.