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Main - General Forum - What's on your mind? (6)
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Decoy Blimp
Posted on 06-20-18 01:20 AM, in Link | ID: 134062
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Since: 06-26-17
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Kinda conflicted at the moment. With news of XXXTentacion passing I can't help but feel awful, but my feelings about him are quite mixed. On the one hand, I respected him as an artist because of the way he fused hip hop and rock/metal and I appreciated his authenticity (Even when some of his stuff came across as fake deep at times). I also feel bad for him because I know his life was really fucked up and it seemed like he was starting to get his shit together before he got killed. However, on the other hand I didn't want to support him after the claims of domestic violence came out. Given how legitimate the claims seem I took all his music off my Spotify library and stopped listening to him for awhile because I didn't want to support him. That's not even mentioning all the other fucked up things he did in his past. I can understand why he did it, but that doesn't make it okay.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of him though, he didn't deserve to be killed. Its kind of fucked up to think that he spent a large portion of his life in pain and wanting to die, and when he finally started getting his life together someone else took his life for him.

I dunno.


Robbie Rage
Posted on 06-21-18 12:17 AM, in (rev. 2 of 06-21-18 12:18 AM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 134109
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Posted by Decoy Blimp
Musings about XXXTentacion.

Makes perfect sense. People are complicated, and those thoughts are very normal in hindsight.

My dad passed away last month, and I've been having similar thoughts about him. He was very isolated, an alcoholic, mistreated my mother, and was one of the biggest bigots I've ever known. However, I also knew that he never disparaged my mother after their divorce, paid for my education, provided anything I needed, and loved me unconditionally...even when he didn't love himself.

Death seems to have a way of putting these things into perspective. It doesn't excuse the bad, but it also elevates the beauty of the good in a person too. I just hope he was able to see that good in himself sooner.

EDIT: Wow, that got heavy. Leaving this as it is.

Posted on 06-21-18 12:24 AM, in Link | ID: 134111
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August 2009 was especially a rough time for me, losing my Aunt Joyce and my dad in the same month :( My cousin ended up quitting selling cars as a result but is looking to get back into it though

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 06-21-18 01:48 AM, in (rev. 2 of 06-21-18 01:48 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 134119
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Roy Koopa
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How to overclock my future i7 8700k to 5Ghz. It's a matter of pride.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 06-22-18 01:21 AM, in Link | ID: 134201
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Looking ahead to picking up my new laptop around memorial day, wondering if a low end gaming laptop is in the cards...

Posted on 06-22-18 01:26 AM, in Link | ID: 134204
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Heh, already have an idea in mind for my 15K post but you'll have to wait and find out what it is ^_^

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 06-22-18 09:49 AM, in Link | ID: 134214
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I wonder if you'll just zoom by.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-23-18 03:34 AM, in Link | ID: 134263
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Blarrr I wish my neck and head would stop hurting! >:[

Check out some of my websites!

Posted on 06-23-18 10:02 PM, in Link | ID: 134291
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Still testing these laptop hard drives (mainly PATA but also a few SATA ones)... probably not worth saving the 3600 or 4200 RPM drives (unless they're 10GB or less, since those can be hard to find nowadays :P)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 06-28-18 11:14 PM, in Link | ID: 134486
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I gotta pee.

Posted on 06-28-18 11:39 PM, in Link | ID: 134497
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Got some amazing deals on BASF cassettes recently... an unopened case of 80 blank BASF Ferro Extra I cassettes (normal-bias/type I) and an unopened package of 10 blank BASF Chrome Extra II 120 tapes (one of the best cassettes ever), the latter one was only $9.99 plus shipping on eBay (you can still find good deals if you look hard enough)

Been trying to collect one of every BASF tape ever made for a display/framing ;)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 06-29-18 10:14 AM, in Link | ID: 134506
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Posted by Robbie Rage
I gotta pee.
That is one very informative post/

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 06-29-18 07:09 PM, in Link | ID: 134530
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Man I've just been thinking right, since most of the people I've met online are pretty normal people in real life, I wonder how many people I've met in my real life that are secretly really active in obscure corners of the web like this.

Especially since Robbie Rage is in education, I kinda find it funny the idea that one of my teachers or principals is secretly actively using forums like these, or are active 4chan users or some shit.

Giant Paratroopa
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Posted on 06-29-18 09:54 PM, in Link | ID: 134536
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What the fuck yesterday a yellow jacket stung me in the ass.

yes I was wearing pants.

i couldn't sleep without an icepack

seems to be better now, at least

Posted on 06-30-18 03:06 PM, in (rev. 2 of 06-30-18 03:06 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 134563
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Roy Koopa
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Changing the desktop resolution to 1920x1200 makes the GUIs of software too fucking small. The text in Steam is hard to read, for example.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 07-01-18 10:53 PM, in Link | ID: 134617
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Kinda feels weird being on a Twitter hiatus, but OTOH it's probably better for my health as I'm not constantly getting angry at politics on Twitter :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 07-03-18 01:29 AM, in Link | ID: 134729
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Posted by AtomicAstro
Especially since Robbie Rage is in education, I kinda find it funny the idea that one of my teachers or principals is secretly actively using forums like these, or are active 4chan users or some shit.

I'm actually spitting my time between working at a school and working as a therapist, but point taken.

I am a regular on 4chan as well. Bonus points if you guess what boards.

Posted on 07-03-18 01:30 AM, in Link | ID: 134730
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Posted by Robbie Rage
Posted by AtomicAstro
Especially since Robbie Rage is in education, I kinda find it funny the idea that one of my teachers or principals is secretly actively using forums like these, or are active 4chan users or some shit.

I'm actually spitting my time between working at a school and working as a therapist, but point taken.

I am a regular on 4chan as well. Bonus points if you guess what boards.

Something about WWE/wrestling, and Overwatch? ;)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 07-03-18 04:07 AM, in Link | ID: 134742
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Posted by Danika
Posted by Robbie Rage
Posted by AtomicAstro
Especially since Robbie Rage is in education, I kinda find it funny the idea that one of my teachers or principals is secretly actively using forums like these, or are active 4chan users or some shit.

I'm actually spitting my time between working at a school and working as a therapist, but point taken.

I am a regular on 4chan as well. Bonus points if you guess what boards.

Something about WWE/wrestling, and Overwatch? ;)

Soooo /v/ and /asp/?

Giant Paratroopa
Affected by 'Wooster Syndrome' ++++!!
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Next Jen
Posted on 07-03-18 05:21 AM, in Link | ID: 134745
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I randomly thought of this place while working on my D&D campaign.

Thankfully cookies remembered my log in.


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