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Posted on 09-23-18 04:02 AM, in Link | ID: 140687
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Cuz why not.

I've actually never done an ask thread on a forum, but I really like answering silly questions, so I figured I'd give it a shot ~

Posted on 09-23-18 04:10 AM, in Link | ID: 140689
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How did you discover this place/decide to join/etc?

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-23-18 09:04 AM, in Link | ID: 140693
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I actually originally joined allllll the way back in 2012 when this place was relatively new because Raspberry, a close friend of mine, brought it up to me -- you'll notice I joined about an hour and a half after her and my user ID is 1 higher.

I actually was an active user on Jul starting in like 2009, though, at the behest of Bloodstar, my closest and longest Internet friend. And even before that I used to post sporadically on several Acmlm's incarnations, and board2 later, and even Jul a little bit before I became super active there... I was initially drawn into Acmlm's at all in 2004 because I was really super interested in both SMW ROM hacking, which was starting to blossom at the time, and ALTTP hacking, which showed a lot of potential. I'd already been in a community for a Zelda fangame engine for a long time at that point, but my real long-term dream was to hack ALTTP. Fast forward 15 years and I've still never done an ALTTP hack x_x

As for why I came back and started posting again, Jamie actually reminded me of this place's existence again by mentioning it in the Jul Discord/IRC. There were several points over the years at which I lurked Kafuka on and off, and I've always liked it and thought it was neat and thought the overall atmosphere seemed nice, but I forgot my password at some point and I was too shy to pester the admins. Not to mention I worried that a big mean jerk like me wouldn't have fit in, or something.

I've made efforts to overcome my own dumb social anxiety over minor things over the past year or so, though, and I guess the most recent instance of me being reminded of this place's existence was finally at the point where I figured asking for a password reset wouldn't end in me literally dying <_<

Posted on 09-23-18 11:19 AM, in Link | ID: 140699
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The Sorceress.

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Are you ready?

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-23-18 11:41 AM, in Link | ID: 140708
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Are kitties better than bunnies? ^_~

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-23-18 11:47 AM, in Link | ID: 140716
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Posted by Epele
Are you ready?
Aye aye, captain!

Oh, wait.

Ready Freddy!

Posted by Danika
Are kitties better than bunnies? ^_~
I've only ever had kitties so I'm a little biased here, but I'm inclined to say yes. 'Sides, cats take care of themselves, and bunnies are kind of a handful. THEY ARE REALLY FUZZY AND CUTE THOUGH

However, if I had to pick between catgirls and bunny girls, that's probably a different story...

Posted on 09-23-18 11:49 AM, in Link | ID: 140718
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The Sorceress.

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Since: 01-01-12
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What time is it now?

How's your day been so far?

Do you have any regrets?

Is your bed spring or foam based?

Desktop or Laptop?

Favourite season of the year?

Coca-cola or Pepsi?

Favourite weather conditions?

Would you rather live by the beach, or in a rural area?

Trains or Buses?

Cats or Bunnies?

What's the best rainbow?

What's in the news right now?

Do you prefer the day or the night?

Rock or Pop?

Most embarassing fail?

Did you skip any questions?

Would you rather travel by air or by sea?

Would you prefer to live on the Moon or Mars?

How's the weather right now?

How do you feel about censored words?

Do you like animal puns?

Aren't bear puns just grizzly?

What fantasy animal would you like as a pet?

Are you on a roll with answering these?

If you're on a roll, does that make you a ball?

What was the answer to question three?

Most expensive purchase you made?

How many would an email-spam to real-spam converter feed?

Oldest video game you've played?

Most recent video game you've played?

What was your first computer experience?

Ever used dial-up?

Isn't this a classic?

Did you watch the video in the previous question?

What time is it now?

What meal would you go for right now?

Alarm Clock, or Phone Alarm?

Would you rather have a pet bear or lion?

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Would you rather be a bird or a fish?

Do you have any regrets?

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-23-18 12:25 PM, in Link | ID: 140725
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5:51 AM. This is going to delay me going to bed, isn't it.

It's been decent. My head's felt kind of weird and pressurey — I think my hypertension might be bothering me.

Not transitioning earlier. Being mopey as a teenager. Being mean as a teenager. Like 4 billion school related things. Not seeing certain bands live when I had the chance. Seeing certain bands live when I had the chance. Not watching better anime when I was a teenager and declaring that anime sucks instead of getting into good anime. Staying up until 6AM. All the other times I've stayed up until 6AM in my life. Not coming out as trans earlier. Drinking soda, ever, growing up. Not watching my weight much in the past couple of years. All the times I got drunk. All the times I didn't get drunk when I should have. Speedrunning. Getting involved with the speedrun community at all. Getting a couple of genuinely good times in a couple of speedrun games (this is a regret).

Um... spring? Maybe? I dunno.

Desktop right now, but I use both sometimes.

Spring. Then autumn, then winter, then summer, in that order.

Coke. What can I say, I'm still a southern girl at heart.

A light thunderstorm, like 60F and cozily snuggled up in front of my laptop or a book. Second favorite: fog.

Beach. Rural areas are depressing for me because I have a history with them.

Trains are cuter, so trains.

I've only ever had cats so I'm a little biased here, but I'm inclined to say cats. 'Sides, cats take care of themselves, and bunnies are kind of a handful. THEY ARE REALLY FUZZY AND CUTE THOUGH. However, if I had to pick between catgirls and bunny girls, that's probably a different stgdfgshuo4yjgiolaedhkdl;jibgkhplre,khla;d

Radiohead - In Rainbows

Um... probably some horribly depressing political stuff, lemme check. *checks* Yeah.

Night, by far. Nighttime is comfy the moon is so pretty you get these pretty deep blue skies and it's just, aaaahhh...

Um. Both? Depends on my mood. I listen to a lot of music that's both pretty hooky and rocky, so maybe even pop rock. But not Pop Rocks. I don't like those.

starting an ask thread Doing speedruns, at all, ever. Also one time my parents bought me a brand new pair of headphones and in my haste and excitement to open the terrible thick plastic packaging I ended up cutting... the cord to the headphones with the pair of scissors I was using. Brilliant! (also not transitioning sooner)

No. I'm not a coward. I'm seeing this through, god damn it.

Air. The sea is beautiful, but the sky is even more beautiful. I have a mild fear of airplanes which I think I could get over, but I also probably would be very prone to seasickness. If I could choose road trips, though, I'd choose those. I love road trips. And the idea of traveling by train, but I've never gotten to do it...

I don't see the point in censoring words... esp*cially l*ke th*s. If you have a choice between using a word censored or not using it at all, you should probably just skip using it. Plus, I fuckin' love cussing and I think it's tits-ass muthafuckin' fun to come up with ridiculous chains of swear words, so there is that.

They get me howling. >_____<

I used to like a few songs by the band Grizzly Bear when I was like 20

Stocking Anarchy Probably a Pokémon of some sort. Meowth or Psyduck, maybe??? Or a big majestic Lugia oh my god it'd be so wonderful to soar on a beautiful silvery Lugia aaaaah

Hang on, my roommate has a 20-sided D&D die I can use to determine this

I sure don't feel like I'm having a ball. Also ball is like the cutest powerup in Kirby's Adventure

Not transitioning earlier. Being mopey as a teenager. Being mean as a teenager. Like 4 billion school related things. Not seeing certain bands live when I had the chance. Seeing certain bands live when I had the chance. Not watching better anime when I was a teenager and declaring that anime sucks instead of getting into good anime. Staying up until 6AM. All the other times I've stayed up until 6AM in my life. Not coming out as trans earlier. Drinking soda, ever, growing up. Not watching my weight much in the past couple of years. All the times I got drunk. All the times I didn't get drunk when I should have. Speedrunning. Getting involved with the speedrun community at all. Getting a couple of genuinely good times in a couple of speedrun games (this is a regret).

I haven't made too many expensive purchases in my life -- there's a couple of super expensive things I'd really like to buy, like a copy of Bomberman 64: The Second Attack, a Stocking Anarchy Nendoroid, and a couple other silly dumbass Rambly nerd things. Maybe a Super Game Boy 2, too... ^^;;;

I think we'd solve world hunger several times over with my main email address's spam folder alone, tbh

Does Pong count? I guess I haven't played a legit Pong cabinet in my life, though... other than that, the oldest I've played on a real life cartridge is probably Combat on the Atari 2600.

Recent as in most recently I've played? No More Heroes for the Wii. Most recently released? I think that was Super Mario Odyssey... I don't think I've played a 2018-released game yet, actually >_>

Using a DOS prompt (and later, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups) when I was 3 or 4 years old. Seriously. I taught myself how to change directories and drive letters and run programs. I primarily used this skill so I could play Word Rescue, Commander Keen, and Jill of the Jungle. Later when we actually got Windows 3.11 I would legit play around with the Accessories because I... just liked playing with the Windows Accessories. I think that's the nerdiest thing anyone under 5 has ever done.

Oh yeah. But not in a long time -- I got my first cable connection in January of 2001 and never looked back. Well, except the few times I had to use dial-up at my grandparents' house... I missed out on DSL, I've barely used it at all and never at home


No. I'll admit I briefly considered leaving it open in the background to listen to, though...

6:20 AM. Yikes.

None. If I ate a meal right now I'm pretty sure it'd keep me awake for a lot longer x_x Plus I'm not that hungry anyway.

I have an alarm clock that my parents had left over from the 80s that I inherited and still use from time-to-time. Believe it or not, waking up to music kind of... creeps me out in an uncanny way? And I've never liked the phone alarm jingles. I'd rather just a pure beepy alarm.

Lion. Rawr.

Actually, in spite of everything, I think I'm more of a dog person. They're just so SWEET AND GOOD ;_____; Also dogs tend to like me and I tend to get along with them for some reason. I mean, yeah, they like everybody, but even the more stuffy dogs I know tend to warm up to me in particular really fast. I still love cats though!!!!! I had two back home and I live with one right now!!!!!!

I WISH I WAS A BIRD No seriously flying and being able to be totally free to soar in the skies and explore the world? That sounds a lot better than being stuck in the ocean, to be honest

None whatsoever.

Posted on 09-24-18 03:48 AM, in Link | ID: 140862
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Favourite video game? Movie? Song? Show? Book? Species of fish?

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-24-18 06:12 AM, in (rev. 2 of 09-24-18 10:41 AM by Rambly) Link | ID: 140863
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Posted by K.T.B.
Favourite video game?

It used to be Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Before that it was A Link to the Past. These days, I dunno. Maybe Skyward Sword? Maybe Yoshi's Island?

Posted by K.T.B.

Probably Spirited Away. Discounting that, probably Network or The Truman Show.

Posted by K.T.B.

I don't know if I could ever have a single favorite song, but here's some I've liked lately:
Sweet Trip - Misfortunes Are Cruel and Pro : Lov : Ad
The Fall - Spoilt Victorian Child
of Montreal - Penelope and City Bird
Talk Talk - Ascension Day
Unwound - Envelope and One Lick Less
Arianne - Komm, süsser Tod
Caravan - Winter Wine
The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa - Pistaccio Places

Okay, that's, uh, probably enough for now. Although I could keep going — I have over 500 loved tracks on @_@

Posted by K.T.B.

Uhhh... Twin Peaks? Maybe? Maybe The Simpsons, as boring as that is, and assuming we're only talking about the first 10 seasons or so. I don't watch a lot of TV...

Posted by K.T.B.

I don't read nearly as often as I should. I think the last thing that I seriously read and loved was A Peoples' History of the United States by Howard Zinn, and that was years ago <_< No idea if it's aged well in our current era of discourse, but it definitely primed for wanting to learn about history from perspectives that wasn't bad elementary school stuff from years ago...

My reading list is pretty massive, I just never get around to reading because it's hard for me to start with the 5 billion other distractions that exist, and reading requires the most concentration out of all of my hobbies, so :x

Posted by K.T.B.
Species of fish?

I like guppies.

Posted on 09-24-18 10:33 AM, in Link | ID: 140864
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Most annoying Mario character ever? :P

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-24-18 10:45 AM, in Link | ID: 140865
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I actually can't name any Mario characters I find particularly annoying off of the top of my head. Maybe Toad? I feel like I'm in a minority for liking the cutesy voice he had in the N64 era more than his screechy post-N64 voice...

Posted on 09-24-18 11:51 AM, in Link | ID: 140871
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I am the Delphox *makes Delphox noises*
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How may shrimps do you have to eat before you make your skin turn pink?

owo Delp!
Mah Discord :3 (if u want to join)

Posted on 09-24-18 12:01 PM, in Link | ID: 140877
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Are we talking popcorn shrimps or the shrimps with the little tails still on them. Cocktail sauce or tartar sauce

Either way, probably at least 20, I dunno. I'll let you know if I find the threshold. Lord knows I've tried.

Posted on 09-24-18 03:19 PM, in Link | ID: 140892
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Miracles Happen
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Since: 07-16-12
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Need your Macrovision removed with a grey market decryption box? 😂

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 09-24-18 07:21 PM, in Link | ID: 140899
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you seem to have exactly 20 avatars, but.. oddly, your 20th is the same as your default avatar?

there's a link here.

Posted on 09-24-18 09:07 PM, in Link | ID: 140911
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Posted by Rambly
A Peoples' History of the United States by Howard Zinn

Oh hey, I read that last year while I was taking APUSH (Advanced Placement United States History). Have you taken any high school AP classes? If so, which ones?

"No, he doesn't row."


Posted on 09-24-18 10:35 PM, in Link | ID: 140916
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Posted by Danika
Need your Macrovision removed with a grey market decryption box? 😂
I dunno what this means, I think I'm either too young or too normie ;;

Posted by Thieppy
you seem to have exactly 20 avatars, but.. oddly, your 20th is the same as your default avatar?
It being exactly 20 is a coincidence. As for why my 20th is the same as the default, I added it just in case I change my default avatar at some point but still occasionally wanna use the Honekoneko cuddly avatar.

Posted by K.T.B.
Have you taken any high school AP classes? If so, which ones?
I've, uh, technically never taken any high school classes — I was illegally and haphazardly homeschooled by my parents with no real long-term plan. x_x I've had to fill the gaps in what I wasn't taught with lots and lots of reading (bless the internet, bless libraries).

That said, I've always been interested in history, particularly U.S. history, and I actually chose to read A People's History of the United States just 'cause I wanted to >_>

Posted on 09-25-18 01:22 AM, in Link | ID: 140924
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The Sorceress.

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Keeping an avatar theme?

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 09-25-18 01:50 AM, in Link | ID: 140936
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Yes. I kinda love Stocking and I think she represents me well. Plus the show she's from has a lot of cute/funny expressions, given the nature of the show it is, which are perfect for mood avatars~
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