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Posted on 07-31-19 10:19 PM, in Link | ID: 150274
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Just started playing Dragon Quest XI today, pretty cool so far. I love the clearly Toriyama-styled designs of the characters, it's very pleasant having grown up with DBZ.

Apart from that I've been playing Blazblue Centralfiction a bit lately. I normally prefer Guilty Gear and I didn't actually like the previous games in the series that I played, but I like this one. But good god, why the fuck is this shit the biggest thing in my hard drive. LEARN TO COMPRESS YOUR STUPID ASSETS YOU FUCKS WHY IS THIS SHIT 50 GIGABYTES FUCK YOU ARCSYS GAH! I'll prolly get the PS4 version sometime, since it seems to be better than the PC port from what I've heard, and also has a more active playerbase.

Also I've been playing Gravity Rush remastered and Yakuza 0 on and off for a while. Both are very enjoyable.

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Posted on 08-02-19 07:03 PM, in Link | ID: 150298
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Been playing some Tales of Zestiria to pass time.

It's all fun until the game pulls out the bullshit card and infinity-combos your party to death before you're even allowed to act in battle.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 08-03-19 07:47 AM, in Link | ID: 150309
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Been bouncing between a private server for Cabal Online and Mario Maker 2.

On Cabal, I'm playing a Force Shielder. Got him to level 163 so far. Kinda playing noncommittally. I was feeling nostalgic, and wanted to play it again. Playng the private server because the official server through Steam is absolute unplayable horse shit.

In Mario Maker, I've made two levels, and have started a third. Haven't done much in Course World, aside from bank up a streak of 250 in Endless (Easy). Aiming for #1 or 500 streak, whichever comes first.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 08-12-19 05:35 PM, in Link | ID: 150479
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Playing a lot of Street Fighter V since they added E. Honda and Poison.

Honda seems like a perfect progression of the character. Poison is considerably different, but has a lot of fun tools. I just might play them at Evo next year.

Posted on 08-12-19 07:44 PM, in Link | ID: 150489
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darkwitchclaire post

That reminds me, I tried out UNIST during its free weekend and enjoyed it.

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Posted on 08-14-19 03:30 AM, in Link | ID: 150514
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Continuing to play on the Olympus Cabal server, I got my Shielder to 200, joined their GM team, and recently finished my mythril armor set (+15 enchantment, three slots with optimal skills applied to them). Now I'm at a loss for things to do because attempting to increase my armor further will hurt my offensive capability, or would be prohibitively expensive to maintain it.

Haven't been playing Mario Maker. I want to; but I don't want to deal with asinine bullshit on Endless Mode, the curated levels are kinda boring, and the fact that the levels I've made aren't getting any traction is killing my desire to create.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 08-16-19 01:17 AM, in Link | ID: 150549
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Borderlands 2. The hype for BL3 is real, and I'm reliving some Axton adventures.

Posted on 08-16-19 06:07 PM, in Link | ID: 150566
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a little bit of baba in my life


a little bit of Baba Is You. it's a great puzzle game that will force you to think outside the box. you constantly need to rewrite the rules of what makes each object themselves, so what object do you control, what you can push, what is the win condition, etc, all of these change as you're playing the level.

the tricky part is controlling these changes and getting the game to do exactly what you want it to do.

it's kinda like programming in a way.

"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." --Ram Dass

Robbie Rage
Posted on 08-16-19 07:21 PM, in Link | ID: 150572
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Played some Teppen today.

In case you don't know what it is, it's a F2P mobile card game with popular Capcom characters. It's like a fast paced version of Magic: The Gathering and it's a ton of fun.

Posted on 08-18-19 07:43 PM, in Link | ID: 150622
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Back on my Neo Geo kick with Blue's Journey and Metal Slug 2.

Both of these games seem to get a bit of a bad reputation but I think they're both really fun, personally.

Posted on 08-19-19 08:17 PM, in Link | ID: 150627
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darkwitchclaire post

there's a hack of Metal Slug 2 which fixes most of the slowdown. personally i like 2 better than X in terms of stage design and some of the aesthetics that were changed

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 09-16-19 01:59 PM, in Link | ID: 151330
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Borderlands 3.

Zane is every bit as fun as I'd hoped, and I'm about to head to a jungle planet to fight dinosaurs with my favorite gun manufacturer.

I love this game.

Posted on 09-16-19 09:28 PM, in Link | ID: 151339
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Posted by Robbie Rage
my favorite gun manufacturer.


There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 09-19-19 11:51 PM, in (rev. 2 of 09-19-19 11:51 PM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 151408
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Posted by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト




Posted on 09-21-19 02:01 AM, in Link | ID: 151440
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Been playing Super Kirby Clash for some ungodly reason. It's another the same shitty game from the 3DS that they ripped out of Planet Robobot's side modes. Part of me likes it because it's Kirby, but another part of me hates it because it's pay-to-advance-at-a-pace-faster-than-a-dead-snail and the absolute shit-for-brains the AI allies have.

Couple that with the Switch online being absolute dog shit as well. Over two thirds of the game is closed off to me because my connection out in the boonies isn't stable enough for Nintendo's piss-poor paid peer to peer.

An example of the shit AI comes from I get shoved into shit by my mage, who is up my ass and in the enemy's face, then the fucker has the gall to run away from me. The healer is also nearby, runs like hell as I spin the stick to call for help. My hammerlord comes from THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE SCREEN (and by extension, the boss). Losing half his HP because he just crash modes through the boss's hurt box to get me up. Costing me 10-20 seconds when I'm trying to get a platinum medal. Yet, the Hammerlord is the only AI on my team that isn't head-in-ass (quite the feat for whatever the fuck Kirby is) retarded, because he actually goes in for consistent damage.

The medals that call for "Clear as [role] in [gear]" are ridiculous because if you're playing on freebies, you have no constant flow of gem apples, and buying gear is expensive. Even if I had money, I refuse to spend it on games like this that are transparently cheating the player out of money. I would sooner buy ANY other game with the money they demand for a microtransaction. You can pay 40USD and turn the game into something that amounts to nothing more than the original side game with slightly expanded "gameplay" because it gives 5000 gem apples up front and grows your tree to give 2000 every harvest. You will never use that many apples, but buying anything less is a scam too.

Maybe I'm biased, but this kind of game doesn't fly for me.

Next Jen
Posted on 09-25-19 10:37 PM, in Link | ID: 151505
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Final Fantasy VIII.

I don't remember hating the junction system back then...but it annoys me now. Especially when the game equips the characters. In a way, it takes away the individuality of the characters when fighting.


Posted on 09-26-19 06:16 PM, in Link | ID: 151513
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darkwitchclaire post

been playing the original prince of persia (dos version) recently and i finally made it to level 3

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Posted on 09-28-19 11:38 PM, in Link | ID: 151546
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Just beat the Switch remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening; seen some criticism of the remake online but to me it hit all the emotional and gameplay beats I loved about the original, highly recommend.

Posted on 09-28-19 11:55 PM, in (rev. 2 of 09-28-19 11:58 PM by Trelior) Link | ID: 151548
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Got back into Smash Ultimate for shits and giggles. Been training Amiibo for shit and giggles.

I've trained: Bowser, Ganondorf, Kirby, Lucas, Luigi, Mega Man, Ness, Peach, Toon Link, Wii Fit Trainer, (Yarn) Yoshi, Zelda.

Posted on 10-03-19 12:15 AM, in Link | ID: 151615
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Untitled Goose Game. Honk.

It's pretty fun, I just wish it was a bit longer for the price.

The world could always use more heroes!
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