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ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7076/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4555/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Zerilisk stands in the shade overhanging his side of the arena, and calls out, "Since you insisted on an arena befitting your skills, I wish to throw my demand into the ring by blotting dimming the stage. Can't very well give you the advantage of not suffering passive damage from the infernal fireball."
"I will only agree to these terms on the grounds you only reduce the light enough to negate your fear of a little bit of a sunburn." Zarik calls back. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, traitor!" Zerilisk sneers venomously. "Just remember, I'll fight fair only as long as you do. You already have me in 'fighting left-handed' under your asinine terms of engagement as it is!" Zarik shoots back. "Just shut up and get ready to fight!" Zarilisk snaps as he snaps his fingers. As if on command, the entire arena becomes engulfed in an inky darkness. Meanwhile... Up in the observatory platform, the harpy has sauntered clumsily over to Arendal during his argument with Zissou and starts to playfully nudge the baubles on his belt, teasing, "I have an idea of how you can feed me, at least." She giggles seductively, or at least she tries to. "Wait... Huh?" Aren stops arguing to address the sudden prodding near his waist. "I mean, I'm a little short, but there's a nice convenient opening to get in." she says, sliding her stump of a hand under the parting of his robe, licking her lips. Aren jumps back and yells, "Whoa! No!" and puts an arm out, putting his hand on her forehead to force her to remain at a distance. "I think Zarik may have already said this to you, but you're a little too gross for my tastes right now. This isn't even an appropriate time or place for that..." The harpy tilts her head in a way that lets an eye peek out from behind his hand quizzically, "Why are you guys always harping on why tending to the heat of a willing female isn't... Uh... Eh-pro-pree-uht" it's unclear if she just doesn't understand the word, or if she's mocking him. "Master Zerilisk and his men always did what they wanted to me, when they wanted it, or if I said I was ready even when they weren't. Just dropped what they were doing and lined up. They loved it, I loved it. It was great!" "That's not normal..." Aren says, becoming flustered, "They really fucked with your head, didn't they, kid?" "In ways that would blow your mind!" she cackles, again, unclear if she's deliberately making a double entendre or clearly doesn't understand. Zissou catches Bel's question as Aren's attention is diverted, and responds, "Unfortunately, it appears we are too far away to harness any of the power." sensing the desire to transfer energy to Caionna, he cautions "I would not advise such a foolish action. It is abundantly clear that they are able to sense her available power and siphon it away as it begins to return to normal. "We can ill afford to have two of our allies out of commission because you sacrificed yourself to aid her. I understand and empathize with your plight, but I cannot, in good conscience, allow you to do that. "Why have I come to this conclusion? I caught a glimpse of Zerilisk using a device that seemed to be controlling what I can only assume to be the selfsame siphon I alluded to." By this point: While the party was distracted with their conversations to listen to the ground-level bickering. The darkness has set in and the observatory becomes an outward beacon of light for the battlefield, allowing visibility below while not obstructing view from inside. As the darkness settles, Zerilisk's form fades and is replaced by the immense presence of a large dragon not unlike that of a Komodo with black and gray scales. In vertical height, he stands just shy of two meters. In length, the stands ten meters from nose to tail. Truly a frightful sight to behold. Zarik steels himself against the intimidating visage of his foe.He throws his arms to the side and his gear, aside from his axe, vanish into their cases in his inventory hammerspace, leaving him in naught but his smallclothes. He pulls his axe off of his back with a wide swing and begins to twirl it with an uncanny deftness for its size. He spins and flips the weapon with an ease that isn't too unlike a rifleman in a colorguard. This goes on for several minutes before Zerilisk hisses, "Just get on with it, you fucking dickhead!" and hawks a caustic Luger of saliva at Zarik to motivate him to hold his end of the engagement. Without missing a beat, Zarik intercepts the acidic saliva volley with his weapon causing it to splash away ineffectively, then throws the weapon vertically in the air with showman precision. As it reaches the peak of what the throw momentum allows, roughly on equal elevation to the rest of the party, it disappears in a flash of light that pierces the darkness just enough to maintain Zerilisk's true minimum for his sunlight filtration. "I told you not to cheat, you prick!" Zarik cries out, then begins to channel his energy with a Dragon Ball-esque powering up shout. After a moment, Zarik becomes engulfed int a light that obscures his small, but muscular, frame. Another moment or so later, the shout begins to transition into a fierce roar while the light intensifies. When the light fades, a large, majestic bipedal, winged dragon stands in Human!Zarik's place. He stands four meters in height from nose to tail, and three meters from talon to horn with a wingspan to match. His pristine pearly silver scales glisten despite the low light of the arena, giving him a sparkling effect, his underbelly is a gorgeous comet-blue from chin to belly, as well as the underside of his wings. His silvery horns protrude back slightly, then sharply forward. He rears his head and spews forth a prismatic breath, then he jumps into the air, taking flight. From the platform, the harpy rushes to the edge and screams excitedly as she watches Zarik's display. Nearly hyperventilating, she chirps excitedly, "Ohmigosh! He was hot before! Now he's absolutely gorgeous!" She is loud enough to be heard through the barrier. Zerilisk is visibly nonplussed by hearing his slave cheer his enemy. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7077/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4556/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
The girl isn't even listening to Bel, she's too enthralled by Zarik to notice.
Aren walks up behind, her, taps her shoulder, and says, "Hey. Bel's talking to you." "Huh? What?" she exclaims, as if snapped out of a hypnotism. Aren rephrases Bel's questions to her in so many words, then she glances around in absolute bewilderment. "I seriously have no idea what you guys are talking about." "Are you serious?" Aren asks, incredulously, to which the girl nods emphatically. "I grew up in that cave. I don't even know where we are! I'm actually glad that it's darker here now. Wherever that big torch was, it was way too bright." She obliviously states with a sense of wonder. "This may be worse than we thought." Aren states, "I think she may have been born in his captivity, and he impressed upon her that the abuse she's lived through is not only acceptable, but normal." "Now that you mention it, the nice tired lady was saying something like that. She was the only one of the other ladies I ever got to talk to. The other ones always seemed to disappear as quickly as they would arrive." The girl says, seemingly forgetting the previous topic. "Anything seem weird about this kid's mannerisms to you?" Aren fields to the other men, "Like, in some aspects she seems like a child, but in others, she seems like an adult?" Zissou nods and says, "Yes. It appears as if she grasps carnal instinctual things with much detail while being blissfully ignorant of anything unrelated to violation of her body." "Which means that she wasn't abducted as a child, she was like born... Hatched? already in Zerilisk's grasp." Aren states, "He raised her to know nothing but sex and likely abused her from the outset, if the noticeable lack of key, related, anatomy is anything to go by." "Uh, hello!" the girl squawks, "What does any of this mean?" Zissou heaves a sigh, "It is a difficult series of subjects to speak of. In ways you are wise beyond you age, in others you are pitifully naive. You have taught us much about what needs to be done to help you. We cannot begin to explain the intricacies to you. Not for the desire to teach you, but the situation at hand does not allow for such an explanation." Walking over to her, he adjusts the blanket to cover her once again. tightly, but not restrictively, tucking it in a way she can't easily undo it, saying, "Now please, show some modesty. I know it is against what you've been taught to know, but I promise we mean you well." Aren's calling attention to her removed clitoris sparked quiet alarm in him, and he wished to not be reminded of it. "Alright. Fine! But I'm not going to like it!" She protests, "And nothing you just said makes any sense!" Moments later makes the connection between the blanket and the warmth she felt from Zarik earlier. Slowly, the wheels begin turning in her young mind and she tries to understand the whirlwind of emotions she's suddenly experiencing. It doesn't take long for the warmth to start catching up to her, and she begins to smack her licks thirstily. Zissou notices and goes over to where the harpy abandoned Zarik's canteen. Noticing Cai on the floor, he says, "Gentlemen... It appears we may have forgotten about the other woman we should be caring for." Checking her for breath, he nods when he feels her exhale. "Please tend to her, Arendal. Belgarion seems all too ready for the fight and must be prepared should the moment arise." "Oh shit! On it!" Aren says and rushes to adjust Caionna's positioning to be more comfortable, then resumes the hitherto abandoned task of healing her. "Hither, child." Zissou says to the harpy, "Let us take our minds off of the heavy topic of your predicament, and focus on the more pressing topic at hand." Shaking the canteen, he adds. "You are likely very thirsty, allow me to help you quench that." She rushes to the best of her ability to him and sits beside him, looking back out over the battlefield. She looks him in the eye and blurts out, "I don't understand a word you say, but I feel like I can trust you." Removing the cap from the canteen, he holds it for her as Zarik did, but in a way that allowed her to watch the spectacle. Aren sighs, and says as if talking to Caionna, "How are we gonna explain to the kid that they aren't playing, and that one of them is gonna die... Given the comment she made about the other women before you coming and going quickly, she likely doesn't have a concept for it... This whole situation is messed up." Diverting his attention to Bel, he finally responds simply, "I know nothing of the device, and I feel that there is too much happening at the moment to make heads or tails as of yet." Below, Zarik and Zerilisk are beginning to get into their battle. Zerilisk darts from his starting position and uses the darkness in tandem with his natural camouflage to attempt to hide from Zarik. Zarik hovers in the air above where he thinks his foe is, and spits an array of breath attacks down in a scattershot, in an attempt to bunker the terrain. "Come out from hiding, you coward!" Upon hearing Bel's taunt, he gives away his position by jerking his head toward the tower. Zarik is quick to notice the discrepancy and coughs out a large hailstone that lands a glancing blow to his hind leg. "What do you know, elf!?" He roars, "Your kind doesn't understand the concept of singular, hand to hand, combat! what with your propensity for using your beloved magic and stinging arrows!" Zarik is beginning to feel the fatigue of being airborne and begins to make a descent directly toward Zerilisk. He winds up a claw raking and follow up with a tail slam. Missing both and barreling off-kilter due to being unaccustomed to his cumbersome new form. He crosses his arms to defend himself. The harpy follows Zarik intently between sips of water that she spits everywhere when she cheers anything that anything either fighter does. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7078/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4557/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Zarik looks up to the platform and thinks to himself, 'You clever son of a bitch!' knowing full well what the plan is.
"What is his deal?" Zerilisk hisses, "He dares slander the name of the Great Zerilisk the Black!" and gets up as if to try to attack the lookout. "Ah, ah, AH!" Zarik tuts, "You sure you wanna do that?" "What do you mean?" Zerilisk seethes, attempting a tail slap of his own. "What do you mean, 'what do you mean?' you slimy sack of shit!" Zarik retorts with a sidestep, "You know exactly what I mean you mealymouthed motherfucker! You've cheated twice in this farce of a battle from the moment you arrived and crashed our reunion! Want me to name them, or is your memory not as bad as your smell?" "Humor me!" Zerilisk rumbles, eyes squinted. "First! You told me I had to fight in this form! I fucking hate this form, but I agreed because it was the HONORABLE THING TO DO!" Zarik begins and flashes one taloned digit inches from his foe's face. Zerilisk snaps his jaw with blazing speed at the finger facsimile. The harpy gasps in shock when she hears Zarik decry his dragon form, she bemoans, "He hates his dragon self? But he's so sexy being all silver and shiny!" visibly crestfallen. Zarik pulls his hand back and winds up for a strong-arm haymaker straight to Zerilisk's eye, which elicits a pained hiss, then he continues is tirade, "SECONDLY! You tried to make the arena too dark to give yourself an edge in your contingency on fighting here!" "You're picking nits, half breed!" Zerilisk roars, "Besides, you immediately redressed the issue! Foul overruled!" "Who died and made you referee? Last I checked, you're the one who made these rules! You don't get to selectively enforce! Foul sustained!" Zarik belts out, "I shouldn't have fucking needed to do that! You had every intention to use the low light to hide like the cowardly turd nugget you are!" Aren groans and rolls his eyes, "Are they fighting to the death or trading dis tracks?" The harpy laughs and answers, "Yes." "Yes what?" Aren exclaims. "Both options." Zissou interjects. "This is ridiculous..." Aren grumbles. "Zarik has this one in the bag, full stop." Zerilisk growls and says, "Then what's the point of this delay? I only count two!" "You're clearly contemplating attacking the neutral ground with my friends in it!" Zarik yells and heaves a chunk of the destroyed boulder. "You mean your friends, my trophy, and my slave!" Zerilisk roars, narrowly avoiding the debris. Harpy visibly experiences an emotional rollercoaster from Zarik calling her a friend to the master she had been forced into thinking loved her laying bare his contempt for her. She begins wailing in sadness. "You know what? Make that three, cocksucker! I was gonna cite you attacking Bel while simultaneously telling him this isn't his place to get involved!" Zarik grins triumphantly, "Now the truth that you only kept the girl around be be a fuckable blood bag has shattered her illusions of you caring about her, and her rupturing of our ears in turn... Make that four!" As if on command, the light from earlier returns and drops a polearm on a direct bearing into Zerilisk's tail, rendering it useless. The resulting flash coincides with Zarik reverting to his human form, in ornate armor fashioned to look much like his dragon form. Matching colors, but sans wings. He stands with his back turned toward his foe, sneering over his shoulder. His right hand fanned out in front of his face, palm facing outward. His left arm pulled around his from with his hand folded around to the outside of the other arm, fingertips resting on his vambrace near the shoulder. Standing on his tip toes, his knees bent, right leg rotated to match the arm. He appears poised to jump at any moment. Calling up, he yells, "Let 'er rip, Bel! He doesn't want to play fair, so why should we?" Hopping up onto Zerilisk's haunch, he retrieves his spear with a pained hiss coming from his victim. Before he can be snipped at, he launches skyward with blinding speed. Harpy jumps up suddenly and throws up her arms as if she wasn't just crying uncontrollably, tossing the blanket off, and cheers happily for Zarik while Zissou struggles to get her to stop and wrap her back up. The sweat-dampened layer of filth on her body making her hard to hold still. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7079/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4558/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Zerilisk nervously chuckles, the gravity of the situation finally dawning on him. These two are no. Fucking. Around. He stammers, "I... Uh... Dunno what you're talking about. I think we got off on the wrong foot... Tru-- ARGH!" his call for ceasefire is abruptly, and painfully, cut short by Zarik landing spear-first in his left shoulder at near terminal velocity.
Zarik roughly rips the spear out of the wound with a hop to land next to Bel, "Excuse me?" He puts a hand up to his ear, blatantly ignoring that his helmet is technically in the way, "You want a what?" "TRUCE!" Zerilisk cries. "Nuh-uh." Zarik vetoes flatly, "What in the FUCK make you think you deserve mercy from us?" tapping his foot impatiently, "I'm waiting!" "I didn't mean it!" the large dragon bawls. "What in the fuck do you mean by 'you didn't mean it'? Do you think we're stupid or something? Exactly what in all of this did you not mean? Funny how you talk all kinds of shit until you're called on it and cornered." Zarik shouts. "I don't want to die!" Zerilisk continues to cry. "I didn't think things would go this way!" "OH!" Zarik exclaims, rounding back to Zerilisk's rear and thrusts his spear into his leg, "So I guess that just fucking excuses all of your sins! 'I didn't mean it daddy!' ain't gonna fucking save you here! You have a lot to answer for!" The behemoth shrieks in pain, and begs, "I'm sorry, okay! Let me go!" "Not before you answer for what you've done to us!" Zarik snarls as he rips the weapon out with a twist, "Where do I begin? OH! How about we rewind the clock a year or two when you summon Caionna to 'give her the gift of her own world'? Sound good? Or how about when you used that farce to steal her magical power, hmm? Or when you discovered that we were onto you and kidnapped her and started stealing her power at an accelerated rate when you discovered we were onto you?" Each point would be another violent stab, spraying black-as-tar blood with every withdrawal. "Stop!" Zerilisk pleas. "Those aren't even my fault! That was all Aesalth!" "You were still her lap dog!" Zarik roars, continuing his onslaught, "If those don't count, how about we change the subject to something that is unequivocally your doing, shall we? "That poor harpy you gleefully call your slave? Don't think your injustices have gone unnoticed! Where do I even fucking BEGIN? I guess the best place would be her physical condition! There is no way that you expect her to survive much longer with how little she appears cared for! She's thin as a rail, unnaturally dull in coloration, covered in filth and wounds, not to mention unmentionable fluids that don't belong to her. Add to that that you've completely crippled her. I'm not even going to go into detail! "How old is she? No more than three or four years, by my guess; which is barely into adulthood, and yet she shows so many signs of prolonged mental abuse and psychological torture! Her instinct upon meeting someone new shouldn't be to force herself onto them! How long has she been subjected to this shit? If I had to guess, I'd say damn near her whole life given how it sees to have shaped her very personality, if you would even call what she has a personality! "Give me one good godsdamned reason why I shouldn't do every last... Little...Thing... You did to her to you, or by the Author! I will do exactly... Fucking... That!" The whole speech is punctuated with a thrust into Zerilisk's body at different points, as he walks around the helpless foe. "What I do with her is none of your business!" Zerilisk snarls, his bravado returned. Zarik imitates a buzzer and picks up intensity on his blows, "Where do I even begin with the laundry list of things you just did wrong, Fucko!?" Driving his spear into Zerilisk's side, "FIRST! You asked to make the punishment 'relevant'! SECOND! You broke character and the crocodile tears suddenly ended! THIRD! We're taking that girl and rehabilitating her to the best of our abilities whether you like it or not! She doesn't deserve this kind of life. Even if we fail, I want her to have at least experienced what it felt like to actually be loved in her final - fleeting - moments!" As he gives his reasons, he pulls his spear back through the length f his victim's body. Harpy looks at Zissou and asks, fighting back tears, "What did he mean? Especially toward the end?" Having gotten her back wrapped up, Zissou solemnly responds, "As we have tried to tell you, you have been living a life undeserved. Shortly; you have been mistreated and we fear you may not have much time. It is our sworn duty to see to it that you see the true good in the world." Aren shakes his head and says, "Dammit, Zarik, you knew she could hear you..." Zerilisk roars in agony and tries to wrestle his way free, somehow not having noticed that Zarik was strategically stabbing mobility centers of his body in otherwise non-lethal ways until this recent strike, "You think you've won? This is far from over! I will be avenged!" "Yeah, I doubt that." Zarik says as he opens another grievous wound, "Because you and mommy dearest will be a warning: Do. Not. Fuck. With. Us!" Each word toward the end punctuating wide slashes. "I intended to beat you within an inch of your life and let you fade into oblivion, but I think that's too good for you. I've had enough." Pulling his spear out, the spear head showing severe corrosive damage from repeated, prolonged, exposure to the black dragon's caustic fluids. He drives it back in and leaves it. "Bel, do what you want to him. I'm fucking done." He removes his helm and starts walking away, in the direction of the wall the platform is on. On the ground near Zerilisk's dying body, near his tail, a small remote-like device lays in a puddle of his blood. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7082/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4559/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Zarik stands in silence for several minutes before saying, "Head back to the others. I'll scout a path Aesalth. Tell Zissou and Aren to do what they can to help Cai." walking back over to Zerilisk, he grabs hold of a few loose scales and rends them ruthlessly from his flesh.
Handing a few scales to the elf, he continues, "By taking these up to the platform, that should dispel the barrier and give you guys a path out of here. I'm trusting you to find answers. If I find anything, I'll contact Aren." Turning away, he makes another mighty leap and quickly disappears from sight. -Elsewhere on the mountain- A small green dragon scurries up to a dais wreathed in fire, in the center sits an immense red dragoness. She is rather elegant and regal appearing. From snout to tail, she stretches a phenomenal thirty meters in length. She is sleek and slender, the epitome of beauty by dragon standards. She notices the minion of the complementary color and speaks, "What news do you bring?" The comparatively puny dragon nervously stammers, "Lady Aesalth... I-I-I regret to inform you that Zarikonis has dispatched of Zerilisk. With alarming aplomb, if I may add..." "I see." the Great Wyrm muses, "What of Caionora or the bird?" "Under the control of the enemy! They liberated them before engaging in combat." says the green. "Good. The plan is coming together." Nods the Wyrm. A similarly sized blue dragon darts in and unceremoniously cries out, "We have a situation! Zarikonis has decided to mobilize toward us!" "Excellent!" Aesalth says wil a level tone, "Let him come. In fact, facilitate his journey. Allow him to bring me what I desire." "Understood!" exclaims the blue and departs as quickly as he arrived. "It is merely a matter of time. I shall soon have that which I desire. And to think that fool wants to deliver it to me on a silver platter." She laughs, "How deliciously appropriate." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7084/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4562/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
Caionna stirs slightly and begins to come to. Looking around she notices the difference in scenery due to the artificial darkness starting to cede. Seeing Aren staring down at her, she groggily asks, "Where are we?"
"I don't completely know..." Aren replies, "But it's some kind of viewing platform above an arena." "What do you mean?" She questions. "Well, Zerilisk wanted to fight under asinine rules, and Zarik wanted to even the field." He responds, "If you're worried about how long you've been out... I'd wager about ten minutes. Our buddy made quick work of the lizard. All I can say is that cheaters never prosper." "I hope you're right." she says and closes her eyes again. Moments later, Bel arrives and the remote device in his pocket begins to glow and react. Seemingly in proximity to Caionna. At some point during the exchange, the harpy has gone quiet. Looking over to where she and Zissou were sitting; he is sitting there, gently rocking her back and forth by swaying his stance as she leans against his shoulder. Placing a finger to his lips, he says, "It appears the combination of the emotional turmoil and her physical condition has caught up to her. Fret not, she is merely asleep." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7085/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4564/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"Yeah," Aren says, "But Zarik did the majority of the work from what I could hear."
Caionna seems to be reacting to the device in Bel's hand. She grabs her head and begins to reel slightly. She doesn't speak, but she merely lets out a droning tone not unlike a TV unable to receive a signal. Zissou stands slowly, as to not disturb the sleeping girl . Upon reaching his feet, he gently hoists her over his left shoulder to be able to use his staff as a cane. Walking over to Bel, he states, "That appears to be a device that controls whatever it is that is sapping her strength." Motioning to Aren, he says, "Some assistance, please." Aren nods and lifts the harpy off of his father's shoulder and sets her on his own. His eyes begin to water from her pungent odor permeates through the blanket now. With a cough, he says, "Alright, this has to be done. I can't take this." Running the index of his free hand down the length of her body, he cants, "Aroma of death give way to a less offensive odor! Prestidigitation!!" In an instant, the putrid fragrance gives way to a delightful amalgam of lavender and vanilla. "There!" He breathes a sigh of relief, "That should help diffuse some of the tension too!" Zissou rolls his eyes and says flatly, "I forgot that you do not know what it means to do more than mundanities. Step outside of your office every so often, and discover that not everything in the world must be pleasant." Turning his attention to the device, he takes it from Bel's hand and begins to examine it. "This is a magical item, far be it from Zarik to be able to figure it out. So he may be better used for scouting, as you said." He takes a moment to perform an identification spell. At some point during the process, a bright, reddish light begins emitting from under that robe Caionna was given for modesty. He then pulls the robe down from he shoulders far enough to expose the source of the light. A bright rune in the shape of a dragon had shown itself on her chest. Covering her again, he looks at the device in his hand and a look of deep concentration crosses the old man's face. Placing a hand over the device, Zissou begins to channel aether into it to see what will happen. The device glows a distinct blue and a similar stream to the purple light from earlier heads toward the towering crystals on the horizon. "Just as I had suspected..." he murmurs, then begins to examine the device itself. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7086/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4567/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"Dunno if you know this, but..." Aren snaps back, "I was brought on as the healer for this little shindig, and I had my own work to do. As far as little miss knocking on Death's door is concerned, you don't have her ass pressed up against your nose, now do you? Front row seats to smellovision isn't exactly what I call a good time."
"Would you two kindly shut up!?" Zissou barks, "I am trying to discern the facilities of the device Belgarion retrieved from the source of this whole mess! I have gathered thus far that it is a controller for the rune on Caionna's chest that is siphoning her power. I should be able to make it do other functions if I could concentrate on what it is capable of doing." Staring intently at both of the other men for an uncomfortable amount of time, in awkward silence, he returns to his study after stating, "I am glad we are quite finished." "Wow..." Aren says to break the silence. On his search, Zarik searches for the fastest route to get to the crystals from the ground. Having shifted his shape to allow his wings for gliding, he surveys the the area. The blue dragon from earlier appears and intercepts him. Gliding next to him, the blue squeaks, "Master Zarikonis--" Zarik's eyes flash angrily and he says, "Wanna try that again? I won't talk to you if you insist on calling me that." "Forgive me, Master Zarik!" the nameless blue dragon backpedals, "Mistress Aesalth wishes to extend an invitation to her dais to you and yours!" "And what makes you think we're so stupid to just blindly follow you - or any of the other bastard here - into that bitch's grubby claws? I want PROOF this isn't a ruse. You all seem to think we're stupid, and I refuse to perpetuate that." Zarik snaps, his mouth throwing sparks to add the threat of a sparking breath attack. "Of course!" The dragon stammers, putting some distance between them if things turn hostile, "How may I go about earning your trust?" Zarik glides to the ground and makes another mighty leap to continue surveying the terrain. Pointing at the crystals, he says, "Tell me how to get my friends to the crystals to reclaim the power you've stolen. I won't accept anything less." "I'm afraid I can't do that!" The blue exclaims. "The I guess I'll just have to find my own way, then won't I? I'm gonna blast you out of the fucking sky if you don't change your mind or fuck off!" he shouts back and opens his mouth. "Alright! Fine!" the cowardly dragon surrenders, "There is a path from where they are that goes through yonder canyon that will take you and yours to the crystal yard! Now follow me the mistress awaits!" Zarik deliberately fires a warning shot and yells, "Did I stutter? I said RECLAIM THE POWER, shit stain!" "I regret to inform that I truly cannot help on that front!" The blue cowers. "Then get the fuck away from me!" Zarik roars, "I'm still not stupid enough to fall for your cheap tricks! Get out of my sight before I end you like I did to your big, black buddy!" The blue yips and backs off from Zarik, then goes out of sight as commanded. Zarik then banks his way back around and makes his way back toward the party. Some time having passed, Zissou seems to have made a modicum of progress on the device, Caionna has since calmed and quieted down. She still appears to be in anguish from proximity to the device. |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7088/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4569/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"My nose isn't literally in her ass, genius!" Aren snips, "Ever hear of a figure of speech?'
"Hey!" Zarik shouts from a distance, "Quit your bickering! I could hear you loud and clear from over by the fucking crystal farm!" Landing gracefully, he points at Aren and says, "Shut the fuck up about who did hat in that fight. Sure, I did the damage, but Bel pinned him down. It was a pretty clear DPS-Support effort." Aren opens his mouth to protest, but realizes he's pretty inexcusably in the wrong, so he shuts up. Looking at Zissou, Zarik notices the device. "What is that?" He asks. "It is a device Belgarion and I saw Zerilisk use on Caionna to sap her power before we were transported here. He found it and brought it up with him when you left." Zissou explains, "I am trying to reverse engineer the properties of siphoning to channel her power back to her." "Would it help if we took her closer to the source?" Zarik posits. "Perhaps, but how do we get there?" Zarik waggles a finger and says, "That's what I was looking for. Had a bit of an exchange with one of Aesalth's dragonet lackeys. He said there's a path to the north that'll take us right there, and I think I saw the path as I was flying over." Going over to Cai, he picks her up and continues, "Let's not waste any time. From the way he made it sound, she ordered them to be at bay and wants to parley. I say we don't go without everyone in fighting shape." |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト |
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Normal User
![]() Roy Koopa My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil! Level: 155 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 7090/7703 EXP: 47013956 Next: 403264 Since: 01-04-12 From: Sweden Last post: 1398 days Last view: 1362 days |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 129 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 4572/4986 EXP: 24486672 Next: 562982 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1601 days Last view: 1601 days |
"Considering how skittish the whelp I was relaying with was," Zarik responds, "I don't think we have any credible threat from them. I wanna say that taking out one of their biggest bluster sacks shook them up a bit."
Slinging Caionna over his shoulder, he continues, "Taking her straight to the source of where her power is stored can only be a good thing. She knows how to channel aether from a crystal." Caionna protests being tossed on her brother's shoulder by yelling as he tries to speak, "Hey! I'm not a sack of potatoes, you know! Be more gentle if you must carry me!" "It is not a case of whether she can or not," Zissou chimes in, "it is a matter of whether or not doing so is a wise decision." "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it!" Zarik exclaims, "You said 'take her closer', so that's what I plan to do! I refuse to go into a parley with the object of our ire without letting the one she thinks is a pawn speak her piece." "Hang on, what?" Cai asks flatly, "You want to talk to her before getting the hell out of here? And carry the little girl into danger?" "Do you have a better idea?" Zarik blurts out, "I don't exactly want to take a second trip, and if we don't settle this now, we'll just be back to square one whether you like it or not!" As if in response to her being referenced, the harpy stirs slightly and starts to squirm in Aren's grasp. She begins fussing as if the adornments on his shoulder are starting to bother her, so he switches arms and holds her so her body is leaning against his. Feling more at ease with the new carrying arrangement, she begins to nuzzle against his neck. Aren bounces his shoulder slightly and says, "Don't be doing that!" Zissou shakes his head and scolds, "She is asleep. Let her be." |
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