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Posted on 01-30-20 08:19 AM, in Link | ID: 154230
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Yeah, I know. Still, it's a frightening thought. And maybe next time, we shouldn't be so rough, yes? Less memory blanks. Bel says and laughs.

He finishes up his plateful of steak and gulps down the rest of the coffee, letting out a sigh of satisfaction and a small, accidental burp at the end which makes him cover his mouth pretty fast.

Bel: Sorry about that. He says, slightly embarrassed. Signaling to Caionna that he'll go to the bathroom area for a quick clean-up after eating, he does so and comes back after a minute.

Bel: Thanks for the food, Roff. It was great.

Nodding at Caionna, he follows her outside.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-30-20 09:15 AM, in Link | ID: 154231
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Heading outside, Cai makes a direct beeline to the clustering of crystals Bel and the others swarmed around the lean-to. She closes her eyes to assess the power amassed within the enormous cylinders of pure magic.

Before she is able to make much sense of what she sensed, Zarik and Neris rush up from wherever they were hiding.

"Hang on Cai!" Zarik shouts, "I have a request!"

Waiting for her brother to be within speaking distance, she asks, "And that is?"

"I know this is probably a lot to ask, but," Zarik says, trying to catch his breath, "Could you take Neris with you?"

"What?" Cai asks, "I don't know what you think I'm going to be doing, but I likely won't have time for whatever you have planned!"

"I'm not gonna pretend I know what you mean." He says, "So why not?"

"My plan is to totally reduce the world the dragons gave me to its constituent aether, then allow it to reform with the aether I reclaimed with your help." Cai replies tersely, "For all I know, I could just end up floating in a void for an immeasurable amount of time. I won't be able to babysit, or whatever! Why can't you keep her and help her by teaching her what you feel she needs to know?"

"Because I feel like that's secondary to, y'know, girl stuff." He replies, "I can't do that, and I don't trust any other women I know to do it because they'll sabotage her just to interfere." Getting in close where Neris can't hear, he adds, "This whole situation is already a smoldering mess because, whether I like it or not, there are at least a dozen other women that want me, and if they find out I've been arranged with Neris, I'm a dead man!"

"Well, it's a good thing that phoenix feathers can revive the dead, because that's not my problem!" Cai hisses back, "Besides, why do you need her to not be with you?"

"Because I'm planning something for her and if she finds out any of it, it'll ruin the surprise!" He counters. "Besides, she really wants to spend time with you. Not to mention that if I'm expected to be her mate, I don't want to also be her surrogate father!"

"Isn't that a thing guys are into?" She growls, then pushes him away and says, "I'm sorry, Zarik. I just can't. Ask Mister Zissou. They seemed to be close from what I could tell."

He gives her a 'not me!' look, and concedes, "Fine. I'll ask him. Just be safe, alright?" Then he runs off, scooping Neris up with a squawk of protest from her.

She shakes her head as she watches her brother run off, then focuses her energy again. She opens a portal above the crystals that exudes a familiar energy signal, but it is pitch black instead of having the familiar field in view. With an elegant flick of her wrists, the crystals make an upheaval into the void above.

Turning to Bel, she briefly embraces him, saying, "Say my farewell to Zissou, please. If I don't go now, then I'm afraid I won't have the courage to go at all." She gives him a deep, loving kiss as a farewell, and says, "I love you Bel. Don't forget about me while I'm away!"

Releasing her grip on him and spreading her wings, she levitates toward the portal and disappears into it. As the portal closes behind her, there is a palpable absence in the air of the village.

Posted on 01-31-20 05:26 PM, in Link | ID: 154291
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel follows Caionna to the area where the lean-to and prepares himself to see Caionna off when Zarik and Neris burts out of nowhere. Hearing that Zarik has a request he walks over to one of the walls and leans against it, crossing his arms.

(This might take a while.)

When Zarik gets to the part about being arranged and the event of other women finding out about it, Bel lets out a sound snicker. His reaction to Caionna's comment regarding what guys are into, is entirely different, though. Raising an eyebrow to be precise.

Once Zarik runs off he walks over to Caionna and watches as she opens the portal. Since the portal is black, he stares at it for a few moments.

Putting his hands on Caionna's shoulders once she embraces him, he nods to confirm he'll forward her request. He reciprocates her kiss and watches her levitate towwards the portal and disappear through it.

(How could I forget about you? You're the best thing that ever happened to my life. I'll be waiting for when you return.)

He stands and looks toward the sky were the portal was previously floating.

(Hmm. Now what? I'll probably need to keep myself busy with something while she's gone. I suppose I could try and help Neris with her powers.)

He turns around and walks back towards the inn where he assumes the others will be.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-01-20 03:40 AM, in Link | ID: 154303
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Inside; Neris, Zarik, and Zissou are sitting n their usual spot. The inn is still oddly vacant.

The room is uncannily warm as it appears that Zissou has already begun working with Neris to control her fire. She is visibly upset, but is oddly quiet about it.

Zarik and Roff are discussing something between them until Zarik notices Bel and becons him over.

"Listen, Roff," Zarik says as he comes into hearing range, "I don't care what you say. I refuse to accept that you're just going to have up and boarded us for the better part of a month without payment."

"C'mon lad." Roff replies, "It be payment 'nuff tha' I got tae see ye after so man' 'ears. Jes accept mah hospi'ali'y 'n' leave it a' tha'!"

"I can't do that..." stopping when he notices Bel standing next to him, turning to face him, he cuts his conversation with Roff off, "So. Now that things have fallen off. What's your plan since Cai's not gonna be around?"

Not waiting for a response, he continues, "I need to get back to Ada and work on a project. Zissou's gonna be coming with me, and he agreed to mentor Neris for me. I don't imagine you want to stay here, but I dunno how you enjoy... Uh... Urbia."

Turning his attention back to Roff, he drops a small pouch of coins loudly onto the table and says, "You're accepting this as payment. I'm not taking 'no' for an answer. We took more than would be considered acceptable anywhere else."

"Och, fine." Roff says, with feigned genuineness, "Lemme jus' put et in mah till o'er a't tha bar." Picking up the pouch and tapping Zarik on the shoulder and turning to walk away. Perceptive eyes would notice the pouch tied to Zarik's belt before Roff stepped away from the table. "Enjoy yer trip 'home, lads 'n' lass. Stay safe."

Posted on 02-01-20 04:28 AM, in Link | ID: 154304
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Entering the inn, Bel immediately notices the increased warmth with said warmth being quite a bit above what he'd consider comfortable.

Bel: Who decided to turn this place into a sauna?

Looking around, he spots Zissou helping Neris with her flame.

Bel: Oh. Hm. Is this place insured? He asks half-seriously while apporaching Zarik. Hearing the conversation, he just shakes his head not really wanting to get involved.

Bel: I have no idea. Might aswell tag along since I got nothing better to do. If anything I could assist in helping Neris with her abilities as a...striking dummy? And I don't mind cities. Speaking of Caionna, she asked me to give you, farewell, Zissou. Temporary, I mean. Kind of an odd phrasing from her.

Bel spots the pouch but doesn't say anything. He positions himself a fair distance from Zissou and Neris while wiping some sweat off his forehead.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-01-20 05:15 AM, in Link | ID: 154306
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"Alright, then." Zarik says, "That settles that. I think we need to get our shit gathered and head out."

Tapping Neris on the shoulder, he says, "Time to cool it. Literally. Let's go."

Neris finally breaks her silence and shrieks, "Easier said than done!" while on the verge of angry tears.

Perking a brow at Zissou, then to Neris, back to Zissou, he says, "Oooookay. Am I missing something?"

Zissou merely responds with, "Perhaps it is a bit cruel, but I used magic to manipulate her emotional state and instructed her to fluctuate her temperature to that which fit her mood. Judging from Belgarion's reaction, I suppose she may have overdone it slightly. I heatproofed everything before setting her off, except for him. Naturally, due to his absence."

"What did you do?" Zarik questions.

"I instilled more context as to the urgency of your saving her and forced her to relive latent memories." the old man replies, "As for gathering of our belongings, While you were out doing whatever it was you were doing. Likely chewing Arendal a new seat in his breeches. I took the liberty of gathering mine and Neristhana's belongings. Leaving only yourself and Belagarion to tidy up."

Neris bursts into tears and sobs, "How did I not realize all of that was so wrong at the time? I'm sorry that I did what I did, and I regret how I behaved even more now!" The heat having broken and beginning to abate as she cries, having rushed to Zarik and hugging him tightly, using him as an oversize handkerchief.

"A lot of things that I can't blame you for is how." Zarik says, placing a hand on her head, ignoring the tears and snot soaking into his shirt. Turning his attention to Zissou, he says, "I still think it's scary how you and Cai just kinda injected knowledge into her." Wrenching himself free of the tiny woman's grasp, he peels his shirt off and tosses it onto her head, causing her to wad it up and bury her face into it. "I'm going to clear out my room now. You probably oughta do that too, Bel. We'll hit the road for the city when you're ready, unless you can teleport us there like how you brought us back here yesterday." Then he turns to leave.

"It is a highly debated as unethical in practice." Zissou states as Zarik turns to leave, "But it tends to only work on feeble minds. I am sure you find it questionable as well, but given her age and how under-educated she is, I feel for her growth to happen in a timely manner... Shortcuts must be taken. Forgive us."

Zarik waves a hand as he reaches the stairs, and calls back, "I can forgive it as long as you're not teaching her more than should be known. Just make sure she knows to keep mum on her 'hyper tutelage'."

"Naturally." Zissou laughs.

Neris pulls herself out of Zarik's shirt and gives a look of utter befuddlement.

"Come, child." Zissou says, tugging on Neris' arm, "We shall await them outside."

She follows he old man out, clumsily due to having buried her face into Zarik's shirt again.

Posted on 02-02-20 02:31 AM, in Link | ID: 154310
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel stands by and listens to Zissous explanation, surprised at what he hears. When the old man is done speaking, Bel decides to share his thoughts.

Bel: You're right. That is cruel. Didn't think you had it in you. Also, speaking of magically injecting and Cai may have done that with Neris but it didn't really teach her how to apply it. I assume you corrected that now, though.

The wizard hears Zarik's suggestion of clearing out his room and heads towards the stairs.

Bel: I don't recall leaving anything up there but I may aswell go check. He says as he heads up the stairs and into his room. Looking around, he doesn't find anything and comes back down again. He makes straight for the door and heads outside.

Bel: Speaking of method of travel, I could teleport us but I need to have been there before. Which means either directly into the workshop or to the stables. Bel says as he comes out.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-02-20 03:15 AM, in Link | ID: 154313
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Zarik comes out of the inn in a new white shirt and a bag over his shoulder, just in ime to heard Zissou respond to Bel.

"Well, from what I can tell, we have nothing of any pressing import that we cannot focus our efforts on teaching Neristhana the proper way to connect the proverbial dots." the old man says, "I know Zarik has a new pet project that will be keeping him preoccupied, but I know I do not have anything to do. Except to, perhaps, pay the guild a visit."

Neris looks at Zissou quizzically, but remains silent.

"That's all well and good, but what are we doing to get home, guys?" Zarik asks.

"Belgarion says he remembers the stables and your office as potential teleportation targets." Zissou responds. "Where would you suggest?"

"Eh, probably the office. If we're in luck, we might even be the only ones in there!" Zarik says with a mildly irritated tone.

"What do you mean by 'might', Zarik." Neris asks, wiping her nose on the shirt.

"Let's just leave it at people using my office that shouldn't be." Zarik responds flatly.

"As for 'having it in me', even the lawful err to chaos when the good to be brought requires it." Zissou says, "the cruelty and questionable ethics come into play when used for nefarious purposes."

Posted on 02-02-20 05:38 AM, in Link | ID: 154315
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Right. Bel says in response to Zissou while grabbing his staff from its hanger on his back. He focuses his magic and the blue orb begins to glow as he does a circular motion to open an interdimensional portal.

The portal's wave-like surface begins displaying a view of what looks like a typical office but with some obscure objects on what furniture that can be seen as an a dismantled device on the desk.

Bel: Let's go, then. Bel says and signals the others to pass through it.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-02-20 08:05 AM, in Link | ID: 154316
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The party steps through the portal and into the office. There is a pungent odor to the air caused by the various chemicals and components used in the manufacturing and fabrication practices the foundry processes on a daily basis.

Zarik takes a deep breath through his nose and releases a sigh, "Never thought I'd see the day I would feel nostalgic for this place's stench, but here we are!"

"And to think you may have jested at the scent of consumable magic components was difficult to stomach." Zissou says in a jovially mocking tone, "I am uncertain how I did not notice this smell when we were first here those, what? Two to three weeks ago?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Zarik hand waves, "Both of our professions smell bad. Taking the time away kinda detoxed me a bit from it, but that's beside the point."

Neris pulls a grimace of mild disgust due to the sudden assault on her olfactory reception. "This place stinks..." She says.

"You'll get used to it." Zarik replies. "At least it's better than where we found you. Better the smell of cleaning agents and lubricants than moss, fungus, and whatever the dragons were doing."

"If you say so..." Neris says, clamping her nose shut.

The next several months pass quickly, but never did a day pass where the absence of Caionna wasn't felt. Nevertheless, the group did what needed to be done to distract themselves from the anxiety of missing their friend.

Zarik kept himself busy with running his business by advising his managers on how things should be run. He also committed his demands to the dragons of Twilight Reach and further negotiated his intention with them, putting them in their place where the original exchange had been conveyed incorrectly. In the downtime of being taskmaster, he would see to Neris' martial training and support her when she needed it. Eventually leading to him teaching her to fly.

Zissou followed through on his obligation to Neris by teaching her how to focus on the magical side of her skill set, as well as teaching her the gaps in her knowledge and how to function in situations requiring regality. When not mentoring her, he would use his free time to visit the magician's guild to visit former colleagues as well as regale any who would listen on the adventures he had been on since going his separate way with the establishment.

Aren tried to keep a low profile when it came to things pertaining to Neris. Instead, he would help Zarik on side projects, as well as pay penance for his indiscretion during the recent adventure. He was threatened with demeaning work, and it was delivered unto him.

All the while, Belgarion had assisted in any place he could when it came to educating the phoenix. From assisting Zissou in magical tutelage to assisting Zarik in various combat scenarios. Occasionally laughing at Aren's expense.

As for Neris' progress, she made leaps and bounds toward being a normal, productive person. She gained the ability to control her natural fire, as well as use a wider arrangement of fire-based magic; fight with her natural weapons, as well as simple tools like knives. While working on her sonic-based skill set, she also taught herself to sing with actual melody. She met Zarik's requirements with brilliance, as well as come to the understanding of what his intentions were. As a result, he reluctantly relents and accepts her as his partner.

One day, out of the blue; a portal appears in the rec room of the foundry, where the group had started to gather for downtime. Out steps an utterly disheveled Caionna. Her hair is once again its floor-length, but is unkempt and frizzy. She has distinct sleep deprivation bags under her eyes, and her very plain outfit is notably wrinkled and uncharacteristically untidy.

Looking as if she's ready to collapse from exhaustion, she mumbles, "Hey guys. I was getting lonely, so I tossed something together to make it safe to bring you guys to keep me company."

Aren and Zarik are finishing up a game of pool, so Zarik is lining up a shot as he notices Cai appear, "Eight ball, corner pocket." but miscues and ends up scratching in surprise, giving Aren the game. "Holy shit, Cai... You look like hell. You alright?"

Aren laughs at Zarik losing the game, and says, "Thanks, man. It's about time you ease up!" Looking at Cai, he says, "Damn... And I thought Zarik was tired today."

Zissou sees Cai and smiles broadly, "I am glad to see that you have returned to us safely. Exhausted, but safe. And tired to exertion rather than being sapped, if your appearance is anything to go by."

Cai merely grunts in acknowledgement, not having anything to say.

Neris would comment, but she is soundly asleep on one of the couches near the pool table Zarik was playing on.

Posted on 02-03-20 02:42 AM, in Link | ID: 154353
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel is relaxing in a sofa near the pool table, his arms stretech out on each side supported by the backrest. He turns his head quizzically towards the portal when it appears.


Once Caionna steps through, he smiles. He gets up from the sofa, walks over to Caionna and gives her a quiet, lengthy hug.

Bel: It's nice to finally see you again. I've missed you. did it go? No accidents, I hope. Given that you look exhausted more than anything else, it can't have been that bad.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 02-03-20 09:27 AM, in (rev. 2 of 02-04-20 05:30 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 154354
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Cai almost instantly nods off in Bel's grasp. Snapping herself awake, she wraps her arms around him and says, "I missed you too, more than you know. There were a few accidents, I'll admit... Which is why I'm so tired. If it wasn't for the other gods investigating the sudden shift on my plane and investigating, I probably wouldn't have been able to return right now." As she speaks, her words slur as she fights drifting off into slumber.

"That probably isn't good." Zarik says in response to Cai's sluggish speech, "Do you want to rest before actually talking to us?"

"No..." She responds with a lazy hand wave, leaning heavily into Bel's chest. "I want you guys to see what I've done, and try to help me make it more homely."

"Are you certain it is stable?" Zissou questions, "It seems unwise to introduce others to an unstable dimension."

"It's fine." Cai replies, "I promise. If you're worried about floating off into nothing, don't be. I made a habitable area that can serve as our hub world. Complete with totally isolated rooms for people to stay in."

"Eh, I'm looking for something to do anyway." Zarik says after a pause. He walks over to Neris on the couch and tries to shake her awake, "Hey. Cai's back. And she wants us to see what she's been working on. Get up. Let's go."

He gets nothing in response but a petulant snort.

Walking back to the pool table, he picks up his cue stick and turns back toward his dead-to-the-world girlfriend. He takes sloppy aim and jabs the cue tip at Neris' breasts. The stick makes purchase briefly in the soft flesh, then bounces back out and skids across her shirt, leaving a distinct blue streak from the chalk on her colorful shirt.

The sudden jab awakens her, as intended. She squawks in protest, "Alright! 'm up! Was that necessary?"

"Yes." Zarik says with the biggest shit-eating grin. "Besides, who told you you could sleep if I had to be here and be social."

She looks down at her shirt and sees the chalk mark. Her piercing blue eyes flare into a red as she shrieks, "WHAT THE FUCK ZARIK!? This better not leave a stain!"

"And if it does?" He taunts.

"No sex for a week!" she blurts out.

"Whatever will I DO?" He snarks, "Maybe actually get some fucking sleep!"

Neris gasps, taken aback.

"What?" Zarik scoffs in return, "Everything we've done has been your idea!"

Cai's reaction to the shriek is one of complete alert. "I see things have gone the way you dictated to her, given her protest. And you seem to be rubbing off on her."

"I would certainly fucking hope so!" Zarik exclaims, "The little cunt breeds like a fucking rabbit!" realizing he completely misconstrued what Cai meant, he quickly backpedals, "I mean, when you spend enough time around a person, their mannerisms kinda blend into your own."

Neris continues to act shocked and appalled by Zarik airing their dirty laundry, but Zarik merely gives her a don't even get me started glare, which shuts her up.

"Are you two done bickering?" Aren asks, "I kinda want to see what Cai has come up with. Assuming she's not still mad at me."

Cai merely gives a glare of apathy, too tired to do anything more. She then lets go of Bel and beckons the group through the portal.

Thus ends this chapter. Continues at >>154355
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