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Posted on 10-25-18 01:23 AM, in (rev. 2 of 10-25-18 01:24 AM by Hālian) Link | ID: 142930
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Since: 01-04-12
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Maple Post-o-Matic 9.2
Standard-issue anime:
Neon Genesis Evangelion
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Cowboy Bebop
Space Battleship Yamato 2199

Seikon no Qwaser
...I haven't watched very many ecchi/hentai series start to finish. <_<

Layout by Maple.
Hoennese Realm Safir Alliance

Posted on 10-27-18 12:27 PM, in Link | ID: 143376
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Posted by Hālian
...I haven't watched very many ecchi/hentai series start to finish. <_<
I don't think I've ever watched a ecchi/hentai series, unless you count crappy fanservicey crap. I guess one of my exes made me watch Kanokon, but I didn't like it very much at all. I dropped it after 2 episodes cuz I couldn't stand it.

It's not that I'm prudish or squeamish about sex (guess what my favorite anime features a lot of!), I just find depictions of Horny Sex in anime not that appealing. If anime's gonna have sex as a subject at all I'd rather it treat it as a funny thing or a subject of fascination, and a Normal Thing That Adults Do, and not stereotypical blushy moé girls with jiggly tits squirming or whatever. In general I think if an anime doesn't need to use sex to accomplish its narrative goals, it probably shouldn't. (guess what my second favorite anime features absolutely none of!)

Posted on 10-21-19 08:36 AM, in Link | ID: 151970
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Necrobumping this to say that I've recently gotten into the crack addiction that is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

I've watched the first four parts in English, then watched Golden Wind in Japanese because I didn't want to wait for the dub to drop, and I heard that the Stand name censorship was absolutely horrendous. I can excuse Dianmond is Unbreakable for some of its name changes: Shining Diamond from Crazy Diamond isn't too bad, and Deadly Queen from Killer Queen is about as lame as it gets. But Zipper Man in for Sticky Fingers is so bad, it ISN'T funny.

I've slowly been trying to watch Parts 1-4 with subtitles, but I find Battle Tendency to be something of a slog to sit through. I mean Phantom Blood isn't much of a treat t sit through either, but I just like Dio as a villain enough to stomach how slot that nine episode stretch is. Don't get me wrong, I like Young Joseph and Caesar as characters, but I just don't like the Pillar Men as villains, as funny as it was to see Esidisi crying his eyes out at Joseph ripping his arm off.

I can't wait to get back to Stardust Crusaders because I like that cast a lot more. I'm also wanting to get back up to Diamond is Unbreakable because that's a great arc too. Polnareff and Koichi are my favorite non-Joestar protagonists from those parts, and that's probably only because Kakyoin and Avdol are absent for so fucking much of SC.

As for the Morioh group, the other ally Stand users aren't as interesting to me. Rohan's a bit of a cunt, Yukako is a psycho, and Okuyasu just pales to Koichi in my eyes. Hayato ranks pretty high, but he doesn't have a Stand, so he's an outlier, kinda.

I may as well give my opinion on Golden Wind. As a storyline, it's fantastic. Araki finally hit all the notes well with it. The heroes are compelling, the villains are dispicable enough to still be somewhat likeable, and Polnareff is back. I can't decide on which of Giorno's crew is my favorite, mainly because in a cast like this, favoritism doesn't help (plus, I'm horrible at taking favorites in general), but Buccellati and Mista are up there. Abbacchio and Narancia have their moments, but I find them more annoying. Fugo just felt "meh" to me, and Trish just kinda felt like she was just there.

I downloaded the manga for Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run, but haven't gotten to them yet. I've heard SO isn't as good as GW, but SRO is fucking fantastic. We'll see when I get to them.

Posted on 01-21-20 12:20 AM, in Link | ID: 153794
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i finished season 1 of re:zero and cant wait for season 2 to come out in april

stan rem

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-21-20 03:24 AM, in Link | ID: 153809
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Here's a question: Whatever happened to the Tenchi series (Muyo / Universe / In love / whatever)? Seemed like it was all over the place during the Toonami years, then it just vaporized.

Wut happen?

Posted on 01-21-20 03:45 AM, in Link | ID: 153814
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Oh man. I remember Tenchi Muyo. I liked it, even though I never really ever paid attention when it was on. I should look it up and rewatch it for nostalgia sake.

Posted on 02-18-20 05:37 AM, in Link | ID: 154753
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im watching lucky star rn and konata is reminding me of myself except for the part where she has confidence and actually succeeds by cramming for tests

Posted on 02-25-20 08:00 AM, in Link | ID: 154952
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chuunibyou is shockingly good, watching that rn. i expected ecchi garbage for some reason (idk why) but it's frequently hilarious, heartening, and endearingly sweet

speaking of kyoani moé garbage also tried rewatching k-on! recently (lol). it's... not that bad? it's fluffy and silly and dumb but also it's really really really good at that... helps shut my brain off when my brain is going bad places. which it likes to do.

also forgot to mention i watched princess arete at some point, pretty good

Posted on 03-03-20 04:50 AM, in Link | ID: 155101
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lucky star is genuinely funny. please help

Posted on 03-04-20 11:04 PM, in Link | ID: 155162
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Posted by shan
lucky star is genuinely funny. please help

I feel you man. It is a very fun, charming show.

Also, I can't believe I haven't contributed to this given how much of a piece of weeb trash I am soooo:

-Yu Yu Hakusho (extremely basic pick, but I love it)
-Hunter x Hunter (2011 series, though I have been watching the 99 series too and I like certain aspects of it)
-Azumanga Daioh
-Mad Bull 34 (I'd recommend the dub. It's one of those super corny 90's anime dubs with constant unnecessary swearing and makes it way better.)
-JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (the David Productions one, though the 90's Stardust Crusaders OVA is enjoyable even if not that great)
-Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z
-Ranma 1/2 (specifically the first 3 seasons or so. Afterward it's not as good imo.)
-Paranoia Agent
-Cowboy Bebop

Also I've never seen the anime for it but I really like the manga for Fullmetal Alchemist. Fav manga for sure, I own the whole thing physically, probably just above the JoJo or the Azumanga Daioh manga.

As with any list of my own favorites I am probably forgetting some super obvious shit that will come to me later and I'll think "Fuck! Why didn't I put that?" but that's what I got off the top of my head.

Giant Paratroopa
Affected by 'Wooster Syndrome' ++++!!
Handsome Gentleman

Posted on 03-09-20 01:51 PM, in (rev. 2 of 03-09-20 01:51 PM by Rambly) Link | ID: 155423
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trigun is good, i forgot to mention that i think. i don't know if i mentioned welcome to the NHK! either but that's a good one lol

also fuck i still need to see paranoia agent and ranma 1/2. especially the latter every late 80s/early 90s kid has seen that but me. i still remember seeing an ad for it in the back of some pokemon manga as a kid and being interested in it but thinking my parents would kill me if i tried to read it lol

Posted on 03-09-20 04:45 PM, in Link | ID: 155456
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Posted by Rambly
trigun is good, i forgot to mention that i think. i don't know if i mentioned welcome to the NHK! either but that's a good one lol

also fuck i still need to see paranoia agent and ranma 1/2. especially the latter every late 80s/early 90s kid has seen that but me. i still remember seeing an ad for it in the back of some pokemon manga as a kid and being interested in it but thinking my parents would kill me if i tried to read it lol

I think I would've probably been afraid to watch Ranma as a kid too but for different reasons. It has a certain "girliness" that all of Rumiko Takahashi's works tend to have, with love being a generally prevalent theme and all. I would've probably felt guilty about enjoying something like that as a kid since I had a lot of other more "boyish" interests, such as being very into metal as well as more action heavy stuff like DBZ.

Now I like a lot of girly shit though, like magical girl anime. I don't care what anyone says, magical girls are cool to me. I feel like I sound pedophilic saying that as an adult male but it's not even a pedo thing, I just think the outfits and colors and stuff look cute and cool I dunno.

Posted on 03-12-20 03:12 PM, in Link | ID: 155578
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re:zero postponed

im gonna cry ;_;

Posted on 05-03-20 11:57 PM, in Link | ID: 157204
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i fucking love k-on its so great

Posted on 05-18-20 04:31 PM, in Link | ID: 158231
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Watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya rn, gets better with every episode

Posted on 08-17-20 01:34 AM, in Link | ID: 161829
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My favorite anime character is Nate from Yo-kai Watch


Posted on 11-11-21 12:46 AM, in Link | ID: 166063
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Posted by shan
Watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya rn, gets better with every episode

hey i actually still love this one!

my favorite animes are haruhi suzumiya. madoka magica, and angel beats. all excellent shows. best girl from each is yuki nagato, yui, and honestly every girl in madoka is equally amazing

still love lucky star like i posted in here earlier! probably the only pure SoL i still enjoy

Posted on 12-23-21 09:25 PM, in Link | ID: 166622
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Demon Slayer! :D


Posted on 11-13-22 06:50 AM, in Link | ID: 169236
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the last 2 animes i've watched are death note and code geass and i absolutely adore both to a level where i've just had difficulty watching anything since? idk imight be stupid

Bill Cipher fan
Posted on 11-14-22 03:37 AM, in Link | ID: 169239
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Kaptain K. Rool is COOL!
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Kirby: Right Back at Ya:D


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