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Posted on 03-08-20 02:38 PM, in Link | ID: 155329
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darkwitchclaire post

whenever i go back home i always forget how much bigger my monitor are compared to my laptop screen

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Posted on 03-08-20 02:44 PM, in (rev. 2 of 03-08-20 02:45 PM by Kak) Link | ID: 155331
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Bullet Bill
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Post #5470
Well, at least here... what monitor? :P

Work setup: 2 1080p monitors + the internal one from the laptop (which is also 1080p)
Here at home: laptop resolution of 1366x768. that's it

It's not really a problem though -- I've been used to this resolution for almost 10 years now. >_>


Posted on 03-08-20 02:47 PM, in Link | ID: 155332
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Single Dell U3011 here... 2560x1600 ^_^ Love this monitor, has a ton of ports too

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 03-08-20 02:48 PM, in Link | ID: 155334
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darkwitchclaire post

1 1920x1200, 1 1920x1080, and 1 1280x1024

my laptop is 1080p but only 14 inches

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Posted on 03-08-20 02:53 PM, in Link | ID: 155340
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Post #5471
Sometimes a VGA port is all you need*

*a VGA port on a desktop computer, that is; when the HDMI ports gives trouble.
and of course the perfectly logical thing to do is to hook up a Syncmaster CRT and get a screen resolution of 1024x768 / 85hz.
that said, this was a temporary setup that became kind of permanent...


Posted on 03-08-20 02:57 PM, in Link | ID: 155343
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2x 1440x900 dell monitors, both hooked up on VGA

because when all you can afford is crappy monitors, just chain them together

Posted on 03-09-20 12:22 AM, in Link | ID: 155392
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my monitor is 1600x900 and VGA only. this resolution is a bit awkward for recording stuff in. also, i need to use a clumsy VGA to DVI adapter in order for it to work with my graphics card.

i need to buy a new monitor later on. probably one that's not much bigger than this one (20" LCD screen) otherwise there will be no room for it on the stand, but I'd love for it to be at least 1080p with DVI or DisplayPort or HDMI support

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Posted on 03-09-20 01:21 PM, in Link | ID: 155417
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bought family guy seasons 1 and 2 from goodwill for a crisp 3 dollars


Posted on 03-09-20 01:55 PM, in Link | ID: 155425
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Posted by Rambly
v likes tiny scaly things that lack tails (uh... frogs?)
posted this in another thread and got a fucked up thought: do snakes have tails. like can you have a tail if it's attached to your whole body instead of sticking out of your butt. if you're a snake is your entire body a tail? what the fuck. someone help please

Posted on 03-09-20 02:19 PM, in Link | ID: 155434
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darkwitchclaire post

you can look at a snake skeleton and see where the vertebrae stops

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Robbie Rage
Posted on 03-11-20 12:23 AM, in (rev. 2 of 03-11-20 12:24 AM by Robbie Rage) Link | ID: 155501
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The amount of panic over the coronavirus is the most absurd thing I've seen in quite some time.

Posted on 03-11-20 02:20 PM, in Link | ID: 155515
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Posted by Robbie Rage
The amount of panic over the coronavirus is the most absurd thing I've seen in quite some time.

I'm cancelling my trip this weekend to NYC-- but I'm not afraid over catching the coronavirus, I'm afraid of being trapped on the wrong side of a quarantine line (or even worse, being stuck on a quarantined train)

Robbie Rage
Posted on 03-11-20 02:23 PM, in Link | ID: 155516
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Posted by Nicolyn
Posted by Robbie Rage
The amount of panic over the coronavirus is the most absurd thing I've seen in quite some time.

I'm cancelling my trip this weekend to NYC-- but I'm not afraid over catching the coronavirus, I'm afraid of being trapped on the wrong side of a quarantine line (or even worse, being stuck on a quarantined train)

I just got word that my wife may need to be quarantined from work for 14 days if she travels by plane anytime soon. Considering we were planning a trip to Florida, we may need to cancel that one too. :(

Posted on 03-11-20 02:52 PM, in Link | ID: 155531
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darkwitchclaire post

Posted by AtomicAstro
Granted, but everyone else buys them all up before you have a chance.

this is already happening right now with x68000s on yahoo auctions, sometimes a seller will get rid of old units and sell them for under $100 since they can only test the power and i'm worried all of those will be gone by the time i can buy one

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Posted on 03-11-20 02:56 PM, in Link | ID: 155532
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Posted by DarkWitchClaire
Posted by AtomicAstro
Granted, but everyone else buys them all up before you have a chance.

this is already happening right now with x68000s on yahoo auctions, sometimes a seller will get rid of old units and sell them for under $100 since they can only test the power and i'm worried all of those will be gone by the time i can buy one

hit me up with those $100 x68ks, I've never used yahoo auctions but I'll figure it out for that O_O

Posted on 03-11-20 03:13 PM, in Link | ID: 155534
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darkwitchclaire post

Posted by Nicolyn
Posted by DarkWitchClaire
Posted by AtomicAstro
Granted, but everyone else buys them all up before you have a chance.

this is already happening right now with x68000s on yahoo auctions, sometimes a seller will get rid of old units and sell them for under $100 since they can only test the power and i'm worried all of those will be gone by the time i can buy one

hit me up with those $100 x68ks, I've never used yahoo auctions but I'll figure it out for that O_O

never used yahoo auctions (or any related service myself) but here you go:

first, an ace hd model for exactly 10,000 yen but with 9 bidders:

and an expert hd model going for less that is confirmed to boot:

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Posted on 03-12-20 09:18 AM, in (rev. 2 of 03-13-20 12:37 AM by Rambly) Link | ID: 155561
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Posted by Robbie Rage
The amount of panic over the coronavirus is the most absurd thing I've seen in quite some time.
was lying in bed earlier and realized the most frustrating thing is that, for some reason, people seem incapable of operating in between the two extremes of "utterly unconcerned" or "full-blown panic mode". either "oh, this can't affect me, i'm invincible!" or "oh my god i'm going to die".

people are being advised to wash their hands more, to avoid touching their face, and to keep a reasonable amount of distance from strangers... but that should already be the case. it's early march, it's still flu season, and even if it was the middle of july and there was nothing going around you should still be doing those things because it's just good to do.

also the panicking and buying months' worth of hand sanitizer is fucking ridiculous. if you're planning on self-isolating, what use is the hand sanitizer going to serve??? moreover if you can buy hand soap, why take the sanitizer from people who might need it? handwashing with good technique is just about as effective as hand sanitizer. edit: i lied, it's more effective by far.

also all the dumb rich racist boomers hearing about coronavirus in china then going on cruise ships because it's like "oh it's a chinese virus it'll never affect us clean, hygienic americans" "oh you just gotta live a little, can't let a global pandemic slow you down". bitch, you got on a fucking cruise ship isolated from the rest of humanity and in contact with the same handful of people for days at a time, what the FUCK did you think was gonna happen?

Posted on 03-13-20 12:48 AM, in Link | ID: 155593
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Posted by Rambly
Posted by Robbie Rage
The amount of panic over the coronavirus is the most absurd thing I've seen in quite some time.
was lying in bed earlier and realized the most frustrating thing is that, for some reason, people seem incapable of operating in between the two extremes of "utterly unconcerned" or "full-blown panic mode". either "oh, this can't affect me, i'm invincible!" or "oh my god i'm going to die".

people are being advised to wash their hands more, to avoid touching their face, and to keep a reasonable amount of distance from strangers... but that should already be the case. it's early march, it's still flu season, and even if it was the middle of july and there was nothing going around you should still be doing those things because it's just good to do.

also the panicking and buying months' worth of hand sanitizer is fucking ridiculous. if you're planning on self-isolating, what use is the hand sanitizer going to serve??? moreover if you can buy hand soap, why take the sanitizer from people who might need it? handwashing with good technique is just about as effective as hand sanitizer. edit: i lied, it's more effective by far.

also all the dumb rich racist boomers hearing about coronavirus in china then going on cruise ships because it's like "oh it's a chinese virus it'll never affect us clean, hygienic americans" "oh you just gotta live a little, can't let a global pandemic slow you down". bitch, you got on a fucking cruise ship isolated from the rest of humanity and in contact with the same handful of people for days at a time, what the FUCK did you think was gonna happen?

Definitely agreed on all of that. Hand sanitizer is something to be used for when nothing else is available, it's not a replacement for hand washing. To me excessive hand sanitizer use is like a middle schooler who thinks deodorant is a replacement for showering. And honestly, people should not have to be told to wash their hands no matter what really. It always kinda struck me as one of those things you shouldn't really ever need to be told to do, like showering or brushing your teeth or something.

Also on a semi-unrelated note, the idea of a cruise ship never really appealed to me, virus or not. I don't wanna be stuck on some boat with a bunch of people. I'd rather just stay home or something.

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Posted on 03-13-20 01:22 AM, in Link | ID: 155602
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Recently I have been looking into suing my ex Katelyn in court for mental/emotional anguish and distress... however I am not really certain into how I should proceed?

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 03-13-20 02:14 PM, in Link | ID: 155612
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Posted by Danika
Recently I have been looking into suing my ex Katelyn in court for mental/emotional anguish and distress... however I am not really certain into how I should proceed?

Ah, so there it is.

I'm no lawyer, but I imagine it would come down to her pattern of behavior. If you can prove there was some degree of financial loss because of the action's she's taken, maybe there could be a case you could pursue. If you feel physically threatened, stalked, or harassed by her, looking into a temporary restraining order may be the best option. If it's neither, blocking her phone number and all social media may be the best.

If you're still considering some legal action, however, definitely consult with a lawyer first before taking the opinion of some online rando at face value, cause I don't know jack. Be safe.
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