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Posted on 02-26-20 03:34 AM, in Link | ID: 154978
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"Don't even know where to begin..." Cai says, "Like I just said, I have nothing going on right now because I don't need to focus on the world below us, and I have nowhere to be or anything to do."

Getting up to grab a teapot and cup, she returns and sits next to Bel.

Perking a brow, and asks, "Did you have something in mind?"

Posted on 02-27-20 07:17 PM, in (rev. 2 of 02-27-20 07:18 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 154996
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Bel sits quiet for a few moments, thinking of what Caionna said aswell as her quesion.

Bel: No. I wish I did but I haven't been able to think of anything else than what I mentioned earlier. And given how that problem is impossible to solve at the moment it's probably best if we concentrated on Neris for now.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 02-28-20 02:36 AM, in Link | ID: 155003
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"Concern for Neristhana is all well and good." Zissou chimes in, "However, I worry for Zarik. He appeared so thoroughly heartbroken when he emerged from his chamber today after the ordeal happened."

"What do you mean?" Cai inquires, "I mean, he was upset when Bel and I come out, but He seemed normal enough to me."

"He was far from normal, and you know it. He was still clearly distraught." The old man grunts, "I'm sure he would have been fine if his self-defense had been the end of it. From what I understand of the situation, the show of fear and submissiveness from Neristhana made him question himself. Unsure if how he was handling their private time in a healthy manner, and not merely perpetuating the mindset brought on by what she was rescued from."

After a moment of pause, he continues, "I am frankly disappointed that you failed to pick up on distress so obvious. Was your empathy merely a side effect of the seal placed on you by the headmastery?"

Cai winces at the truth of her mentor's words. "I guess I just thought it was just him being him." She responds quietly.

"Come now." Zissou responds, taking a tone of a disappointed father, "You know Zarik the best of the three of us present. I admit he is rather animated, but he is not the kind of man for melodrama. That is more likely to be the modus operandi of Arendal. Your brother was feeling genuine guilt."

Taking a sip of his drink, he cracks his book open once more, then says, "However, I am now done speaking on the topic. Surely the two of you shall find something to occupy yourselves with."

Posted on 02-28-20 04:41 PM, in Link | ID: 155005
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Can't really say I blame him for feeling that guilt. Bel says and takes a sip from his glass.

Bel: The quesion is if your or I should convince him it...wasn't really his fault. Or was it? He did slap her. But he didn't mean to. Hmm. I'd say it's best if we could have Neris say she forgive him. Not because we'd ask her to but on her own accord. Hearing it from her would have the biggest impact on him.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 02-29-20 06:34 AM, in Link | ID: 155011
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"I don't know if he'll even accept condolences from us." Cai says, "Neris said she forgave him, but, like I said, she tried to force herself onto him after he told her he wasn't comfortable continuing that kind of contact. He had my help to hold her off of him as he left their joint room to his private room. Before coming back here, I instructed Zarik how to manipulate entry permissions to his chambers. I fear he may be inconsolable, or will have built up a proverbial wall to feign indifference."

Sipping her tea, she says, "I just hope his solution won't be excessive. I know it won't be cruel, but I know he intends to test her. What he decides is yet to be seen."

Posted on 03-03-20 06:43 PM, in Link | ID: 155118
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Hm. Way to be lying to yourself there, Zar. That's never a good idea.

Bel also takes a sip from his drink before continuing.

Bel: Do you want to go outside? Maybe we could talk about how you'd like to design things around here. As of now, it kinda looks a bit empty out there.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 03-03-20 11:56 PM, in Link | ID: 155131
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"Maybe he's been lying to himself up until now." Cai replies, shaking her head, "He had been saying from just about the very beginning that he wasn't exactly comfortable with that kind of intimacy with her. Maybe this was what made him finally stand his ground and back away. I know he has her best interests in mind, but now it's crossed to the point where he's neglecting his own best interests. Being likened to the ilk of a bitter enemy wouldn't sit well on your conscience, would it?"

Sitting in silence a moment, she says, "Changing topics... What did you have in mind? I actually kinda like the End of Time vibe I made this place to have."

Posted on 03-04-20 01:13 AM, in Link | ID: 155133
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: You got a point there. Bel says in respons to Caionna's thoughts of Zarik's condition.

Bel: He needs to snap out of it, however. I do hope all he needs is some time. As for what I had in mind, I don't really know. Guess I was just trying to come up with something to do to remedy this boredom. Do you have any plans for when that world is more developed?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 03-07-20 06:04 AM, in Link | ID: 155275
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"Not really." Cai responds, "I figured it'd be a good idea to just let the world and its eventual inhabitants do their own thing."

Getting up to walk out to the pavilion area, she sees Zarik sitting at one of the tables, forehead resting in his hand.

Walking over to her brother, she says, "You're out awful quick. What's up?"

Massaging his temples, he says in a tone of voice that is better off on the scale of intoxication, "Just trying to think of what needs to be done between me and Neris. And something I noticed that couldn't have been a coincidence."

"Oh? What's that, and what do you mean?" She inquires.

"I think I need to take some time alone from Neris, so I'm going to send her on an adventure. An adventure that will double as a learning experience for her, as well as a proof of concept of 'if you love them, let them go, if they love you, they'll return on their own' type of thing. As for what I noticed... Her abridged named is Neris. N-E-R-I-S, right?"

"I guess? I don't think we ever solidified how it was spelled, but that makes a lot of sense." Cai says, bewildered, "What's your point?"

"Spell it backward. S-I-R-E-N. Siren. What are sirens? A very similar race to harpies. Also infamous for causing misfortune, primarily to sailors, but whatever. Also consider where her homeland is, a rocky beach. Probably just a coincidence, or conspiracy theory on my part, but this whole recent clusterfuck has felt like my proverbial ship being dragged across the fucking rocks." Zarik blurts out breathlessly.

Cai narrows her eyes and furrows her brow, "While I can't argue your logic insofar as sirens and their infamy, I think it's a bit uncharitable to attribute it to her because of a coincidence with her name, And a coincidence is all it is, I thought the name sounded cute. As for how you're feeling, I can understand, but attributing it to a sirensong of a vessel in rocky water, that makes it sound like you think she's deliberately trying to make you feel horrible. You've made strides in helping her recover, but you've inadvertently unveiled something tied to her abuse. Something that should have been obvious, frankly. But is sending her off like that a good idea?"

"Hey! You're making it sound like I'm just dumping her off!" Zarik protests, "I just want to take time away and think about what I'm doing. I'm going to send her off on a trip where it's damn near a guarantee she'll be safe, but it will also have a few temptations that will put her to the test."

Posted on 03-09-20 12:08 AM, in Link | ID: 155389
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel remains at the table for a short bit and finishes his glass before following Caionna outside. He catches the part where Zarik spells out Neris's name aswell as the explanation of what it is backwards on his way to the pavilion.

Bel: I could think of a lot of things that'd describe you, Zarik. Paranoid isn't one of them. Cai has a point. She was the one who came up with the name. And you say you want some time away but you send her off on a trip?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 03-09-20 06:28 PM, in Link | ID: 155462
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"Well," Zarik snarks, "Last I checked, she wasn't the head of a conglomerate fabrication company launching a world into its industrial age. I can't exactly go very far."

Waving a hand, he says, "And before you say 'but you've been here for several days already!' Part of what Aren's doing is being my eyes and ears for what's going on and reporting if they need me to be around."

"That still doesn't explain why Neris has to not be around." Cai says flatly.

"Because I need space to think." Zarik snips back, "Bel can tell you that she was practically up my ass damn near every waking moment."

"Then what did you have in mind? Are you sure she'll be alright on her own?" Cai asks.

"I'm gonna send her to Galar to participate in their league." He responds, "It's a pretty safe place. It'll give her a chance to learn how to be independent. Maybe teach her a thing or two along other lines. Maybe some battle strategy. I've already made arrangements. When she gets up, I'll help her get ready, then introduce her to planar travel and get her nudged on her way."

"How can you be so sure she'll be safe?" Cai exclaims, "Every time we've gone to that world, we've ended up stopping a never ending deluge of the apocalypse!"

"C'mon, Cai." Zarik rolls his eyes, "What do you think's gonna happen? A demon popping out of the sky itself to rend everything to shred because of a moron with a power fantasy? Unlikely."

"Consider how we're still somehow involved. It's going to happen." Cai grunts, "You want to talk about Neris making your life weird, yet ignore that I have literally stopped the avatar of unbeing from tearing their reality to shreds."

"Yeah. So?" Zarik replies flippantly, "Did they die though?"

Posted on 03-09-20 08:45 PM, in Link | ID: 155464
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Galar? Hmm. I suppose it's pretty safe. At least up until a certain point. *cough*Chairman*cough*.

Stopping apocalypses can be fun, though. would you go about hiding her....less than human attributes then? They'd try and catch her. As for temptations, you're not gonna find any in that world.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 03-09-20 08:58 PM, in Link | ID: 155465
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"Rose? Nah. He's harmless. A bit of an idiot, really." Zarik says, "Sure, he'd be the idiot that would be causing catastrophe, but that would require him to be digging through the region's history and lore. He seems like the type with his head so far up his own ass that shit like thta would be 'beneath' him."

"As far as hiding her non-human traits." Cai interjects, "Do you remember when you guys left for Idyllshire? Zarik and Zissou changed their forms to fit in. The same would happen for Neris. Her wings would disappear, and her taloned feet would change shape."

"Sounds about right to me." Zarik says, "Hopefully she grows to the height she should be, and assume the visage of an appropriately aged girl. It's a grey area for her since she's the weird hybrid race, and in a weird 'age' due to her recent rebirth. The whole thing's a mess."

Posted on 03-09-20 10:52 PM, in (rev. 2 of 03-10-20 07:31 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 155469
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Hmm, yes...about hiding Neris's traits....yeah, I do remember that now that you mention it. I also remember I didn't need to change for that particular mission.

The question is what we'd occupy ourselves with while she's off trying to catch 'em all.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 03-14-20 12:53 AM, in Link | ID: 155669
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"You also didn't have to change much." Zarik quips, "You're already a lanky elf, so you likely wouldn't have noticed anything change, but you were visibly more Elezen-esque."

"As for what we'd do in the interim..." Cai ponders, index finger on her chin, "I don't know why Neris' presence is that important for the things we'd do. Unless she was such a big part of your time up until I invited you guys here. Looked like nothing special was going on when I broiught you all here, unless I was that delirious."

"Trust me, Cai." Zarik says, shaking his head, "She made it a point to be everyone's focus. A particular someone more than others." motioning to himself.

Posted on 03-25-20 05:50 PM, in Link | ID: 156135
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Well...both of you got a point. Her presence isn't that important for what we'd do. Or shouldn't be.

But the question is still what we'd occupy ourselves with. The world out there does its own thing and there's not a whole lot to do in here.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood
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