Posted by Trelior
I saw this Kickstarter this morning, and the very thought of asking for money to do this just seems fucking awful to me.
They're going to go into the code for Cheetahmen II and fix it so that the levels play and load properly... Something that should have been done before the shit heap of a game was ever fucking released in the first place! The kicker? They want $65,000 to do it. Yes, SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS is what they want to raise. Complete. Utter. Bullshit.
This! Is why I hate Kickstarter. It's a bunch of fucking fraud.
I personally would like a working copy of Cheetahmen II. But if this ever gets made I'm boycotting it just because of the way their selling it. Have you looked at their FAQ? They're not even hiding that they don't give two fucks about you, they just want your money!