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Lili~ ♥
Posted on 01-10-12 05:16 AM, in Link | ID: 2051
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Since: 01-06-12

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Post whatever dreams you had in the night if they're interesting or cool or whatever.

My last dream was about people being able to jump really high, so I triple jumped Mario-style. Too bad I bumped my head at the tree above me, it hurt. >_>

Posted on 01-10-12 10:33 AM, in Link | ID: 2071
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Mine go into the bizarre.. Last one I had involved pushing airplanes.. notably, passenger jets.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 01-10-12 05:29 PM, in Link | ID: 2171
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I had a dream I was allowed to visit Bam Margera's house. I believed it was his house until I got there. I knew he wasn't going to be there, but when I got there it didn't look like a house he would have. Nevertheless, it was massive. I first met the "father", who did not look like his actual father. He was just along for the ride; he loved to race. Eventually I met some of the children. No girls, just boys. Then I met his mother, who turned out to be some weird pompous lady who loved to show off her art, which was building luminous foliage displays for museums. After she brought me to the garden area in the back yard, she showed me what looked like grassy areas whose blade tips glowed different colors within patches. There were stations throughout the garden where you could whip up yourself some Hot Cocoa and/or Coffee. After I went back inside, I explored the rest of the 25 or so rooms and areas of the house. I actually didn't see them all, because there were corridors and areas I didn't visit and explore.

I woke up soon thereafter.

Posted on 01-10-12 07:58 PM, in Link | ID: 2184
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You people still dream?

I am so fucking jealous. :(

Posted on 01-10-12 07:59 PM, in Link | ID: 2185
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Posted by GreyMaria
You people still dream?

I am so fucking jealous. :(

I only get about 12 a year if lucky. They're all under the "WTF" genre anyway.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 01-10-12 08:33 PM, in Link | ID: 2188
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I have a dream that I find out that I'm not who I think I am. It starts with me looking at a screen a man's face is there. I hear a voice whisper "It's you..." in my head. Then a name shows up that is familiar to me. The words "DECEASED" appear on the screen. I also notice an address so I decide to go to it.

I drive to the house, get out, go to the front door, and open it. The television is on and it's playing a commercial. I casually ignore it and move on. The house looks like it has been abandoned. There are white sheets draped over the couch. My vision gets a bit of static for a moment but returns to normal.

I walk to the next room to find that the house isn't abandoned at all. There is a child sitting there watching television. He's watching some gunslinger on tv and says "Wow! Can you do that, dad?".

Then the house is back to being in its abandoned state again. It was just a vision in my head. I walk to the kitchen, past the TV that's still on, and there's a shattered coffee cup on the counter that says "World Class Husband".

I notice a pile of burnt junk on the other counter and retrieve a photograph from it. It's a picture of a married couple with a child. My vision goes to static again and it's the woman and child from the picture. The child says "Dad!" It must be Halloween for he is dressed up like a devil, complete with pitchfork. I walk over to him and turn around to face a camera on auto-timer. It flashes and the vision ends again and I'm looking at the photograph, it's the one that was taken in the vision. I crumble it up in my hand.

I'm in a hurry walk down the hallway when I enter a room. The woman approaches me and says "I really have to tell you something.............I love you."

She disappears and it's an empty room. I approach the still on television and in a fit, I smash my fist through it.

End of dream.

Posted on 01-10-12 09:19 PM, in Link | ID: 2200
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Roy Koopa
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Posted by Gywall

I only get about 12 a year if lucky. They're all under the "WTF" genre anyway.

That's wrong. You dream every night. You just don't remember them each time. I won't have to explain what dreaming is, do I?

Anyway, I remember my dreams a lot of times. Some I remember to every last detail. They're pretty WTF-esque too since they're inspired by games, anime, movies and whatnot. I'll copy-pasta one dream I had some time ago.

In this dream, me and a couple of others was guarding a high-security vault of criminals/bad guys. All of a sudden, a HUGE, fiery energyball comes flying towards us and we have no choice but to throw ourselves out of the way. For some reason I see this explosion from outside the vault.

The guy who did it didn't have this kind of power when he was locked up in there, but had somehow gained frightening new abilities.

What happens next is that he attacks us from the air outside, with a similar energy ball. One of us (a girl with purple hair, obviously inspired by something I've recently played or watched) attempts to hit it back. The energy ball takes on a blueish tone and looks like it'll fly straight back but bends and hits her anyway. I, who liked her a lot, could only watch as she gradually turned into some kind of cloth-like doll. I was devastated and furious, something I felt very clearly in the dream. I attacked the villain in a blind rage despite the others trying to call me back. But I couldn't hear them. I listened only to my own fury and an act that cried out for vengeance. I fly up to him (he's animé-influenced too, with a red tone to his hair) and make some diagonal slashes with my sword, one of which seems to separate his head and part of his shoulders from the rest of his body, and finish it with some quick thrusts.

It had no effect at all, whatsoever. The separated parts floated back and instantly healed. I returned to the ground and just looked at him, this time with pure horror being reflected in my eyes. That's when I realized that none of us had even the slightest chance against him. I don't remember much after that. I think he flew somewhere else and I decided that I needed to become stronger so I could defeat him. His death would probably restore the condition of the girl.

I remember something about a meditative state and some monk saying "Let my spiritual powers soften your mental wounds".

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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aiolils booty rocking
Posted on 01-10-12 10:16 PM, in Link | ID: 2235
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I had a dream the other night where I was watching a dance show put on in an old gym.

Tons of burly men wearing hoodies with dog ears, doing funky dances to practice and warm up.

Then some girl came out and they all took out one arcade stick each and started practicing hadoken motions.

Everyone thought the performance was shit and left, including the burly men actually doing it.

Shit was weird.

Lili~ ♥
Posted on 01-11-12 07:03 AM, in Link | ID: 2408
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This one was weird.

I was somehow stuck in a school, and desperately trying to get out.

I remember riding the school's train line a few stations up, and then back down. There was supposed to be some kind of graduation party but since it was delayed we had 15 minutes of free time, and I wanted to use the free time to make my getaway, so I tried to sneak back in my dorm to grab all my stuff and get out... and that's kinda where my dream ended.

Oh, and the school had a built-in drugstore where some girl made my hair for me. :3

Posted on 01-11-12 10:50 PM, in Link | ID: 2554
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Had another weird dream.

I found myself back in 7th grade for some dumb reason. I had learned that somehow I missed something that year and that they had to make me retake it. So, here I am, in 7th grade, sitting at the back of the classroom. I'm 26 years old and all the rest of these kids are preteens. Fucking embarrassing. At lunch though, I can't even tell you what they had, except it wasn't set up like a normal cafeteria. it was almost like a bar. If you can picture a bar, but the size of the room like a cafeteria, with nothing but white walls, that's how it looked. After one bite of my spanish rice, I woke up. :/

Posted on 01-13-12 04:42 PM, in Link | ID: 2758
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Another dream... this one's a nightmare...

Don't remember some of it, but I somehow ended up with a really fast car. White, looked like a lamborghini. I got like three blocks down the open downtown road when I got pulled over by the cops. I stop in a parking lot, turn the car off, and open my door. There were two individuals that walked up to my car and instead of being cops they were murderers! They wore tattered clothing. "Nah, just kidding, we're not cops." I couldn't really fight back, because y'know, I'm dreaming, you can never actually do shit in a dream without failing horribly. So the guy ends up putting my wrist inside a makeshift induction heater (which fucking SUCKED) at which point I tried to start up the vehicle again and get away. I couldn't because the other guy disabled it...

Then I woke up.

Posted on 01-15-12 04:20 PM, in Link | ID: 2980


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I had the strangest dream.
Where flan, Omi, and myself were roommates.
I think it was a good thing.



Posted on 01-15-12 05:38 PM, in Link | ID: 2986
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Posted by Haz
I had the strangest dream.
Where flan, Omi, and myself were roommates.
I think it was a good thing.

Sorry, wet dreams are a bit inappropriate for this thread.

Lili~ ♥
Posted on 01-17-12 06:30 AM, in Link | ID: 3132
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I had a dream where I went around the city by jumping on the back of random motorcycles. Needless to say, it was pretty weird.

Posted on 01-18-12 10:45 PM, in Link | ID: 3369
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I had a peculiar dream last night, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was about now!

Fuck. I hate dream memory.

Posted on 01-21-12 06:49 AM, in Link | ID: 3604
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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I just dreamt that my computer's fan (it was one big fan in the dream) made weird noises when I shut the computer off. When I started it the next time, the whole computer blew up with fan parts, heat sinks and stuff all over the room. And both my RAM sticks were split in two.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Lili~ ♥
Posted on 01-21-12 08:27 AM, in Link | ID: 3607
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I dreamed that my old teachers were all over the village, and that my elementary teacher was visiting my grandma as I walked in.

Posted on 01-21-12 05:24 PM, in Link | ID: 3618
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I had a dream where I was a kid again, hanging out with the neighborhood kids, when the neighborhood retard, who rides a horse to get around, came by. The kid wasn't fully retarded, but holy /shit/, a HORSE, man! I LOVE horses! Except this one, which seemed to be infatuated with causing physical pain to me and only me. It kept biting me, and pushing me into the nearby electric fence. Strangely, I figured out I could hold its snout shut and it wouldn't move. It was at that moment I solemnly wished that the retard kid could understand me when I was telling him to get the horse the hell out of here. At that point, I woke up.

Posted on 01-21-12 08:38 PM, in Link | ID: 3624
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I think...

...last night, I was trying to blow something up?

...and then there was this one point where I was selling a furry manga I'd written.

I think I made a guy a fursuit out of colored plastic wrap.

And then there was this weird end part where I was doing some Zelda-style boss fight and I got ran over by a boulder and was running around for ten seconds with no hearts left. And fell dead onto a heart pickup and won the fight.

Posted on 01-21-12 08:44 PM, in Link | ID: 3625


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If you really want to remember your dreams, GM, try keeping a notebook and writing utensil beside your bed, and write down as much as you can remember as soon as you wake up.


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