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Posted on 12-19-13 01:03 AM, in Link | ID: 39316
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Red Birdo
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Super Mario Land 2.

An underrated classic. Yes, it's in black and white. But one of my cats is black and white, and she's still cute ^_^

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 12-19-13 01:42 AM, in (rev. 2 of 12-19-13 02:09 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 39319
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I spent all of yesterday playing Super Mario 3D World.

I played from the very beginning to the start of World 8. What I don't understand is why Nintendo decided to number the worlds 1-6, then go World [castle] for 7 and World [Bowser head] for 8. I could maybe understand symbols forWorlds 10-12, but starting the symbols at 7 just seems really fucking stupid to me.

I have every stage perfect cleared so far with a definite favoritism for Luigi and Peach. I also have nearly maximum lives thanks to an exploit in 1-2 that carried over from SM3DL. I'm not at max due to having difficulty on one of the stages in World 7.

Special thanks to my new Hauppauge HD PVR Rocket for this gem.

Posted on 12-19-13 01:46 AM, in Link | ID: 39321
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Roy Koopa
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Pokémon Y.

Working on completing the Kalos pokédex so I can get that damn Oval Charm. Got a loooong way to go.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-19-13 09:55 AM, in Link | ID: 39327
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More Super Mario 3D World. I finished the main game and moved onto Worlds 9 and 10.

All I have to say is: Fuck 9-2 I wasn't much of a fan of Galaxy, and this stage did nothing to alleviate this. Fucking Octoombas and auto-flip panels, so fucking frustrating.

Posted on 12-25-13 12:16 AM, in Link | ID: 39539
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Run The Shadow on my phone, addicting game... ^_^



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Posted on 12-28-13 01:44 AM, in Link | ID: 39674
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Been playing more Chrono Trigger DS, and beat Lavos twice and that new bonus boss :) Trying for all 14 endings... then after that, don't know what I'll play next :(

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 12-28-13 09:48 PM, in Link | ID: 39706
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Been playing LoZ:ALBW here since receiving it for Christmas. I was quite shocked to have used the Fire Rod for the last hit against the final boss rather than finishing it with the Master Sword. :o

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 12-29-13 08:52 AM, in Link | ID: 39761
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Red Birdo
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I'm playing what Gywall's been playing ^_~

Also some Oracle of Ages on the side. I got the Green Ring for the first time in my life (and I've played the Oracles maybe 20 times by now).

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 12-29-13 09:32 AM, in Link | ID: 39763
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I started Hero Mode of Link Between Worlds. I am thoroughly convinced that I am taking more than the toted double damage. The green chuchus are dealing TWO FULL CUNTING HEARTS OF DAMAGE! There's no way that's right!

Seriously, the only way I've taken less than two hearts of damage from a hit is when I fall off of an edge. The damage is unchanged in that respect, because I'm still only losing a half heart.

As far as completion goes, I've gotten two of the pendant and am making my way to the Tower of Hera.

Posted on 12-30-13 06:09 AM, in Link | ID: 39794
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Giant Koopa
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Since: 08-07-12
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I've been playin' GTA 5 all weekend, I'm up to the part where Franklin moved to his new house in Vine Wood.


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Posted on 12-30-13 09:53 AM, in Link | ID: 39795
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I just powered through the storyline of Saints Row IV with my friend.

Since I only have the base game, my completion is sitting at 95% with only collectables and the little gameplay snippets the Zinyak Text Adventures provide left to finish.

I just looked through the DLC on PSN and contemplated getting the expansion packs. Seeing as both expansions (Enter the Dominatrix and How the Saints Saved Christmas) are seven dollars each, but are included in the Season Pass (which is ten dollars) and has one of the weapon packs tossed in to sweeten the deal... I'm torn on the fact that Season Passes are bullshit and are, in all honesty, unethical as fuck, and the fact that I'll be spending an extra four dollars on just the expansions themselves.

As for the game itself, I can't knock it too much because it's fun as all get out. It's campy like Saints Row has built itself up to be, but there are enough serious bits in it to give the levity some contrast.

However! The game is a broken mess in some respects. After a few hours of playing in a single sitting, it would randomly crash on either me or my friend, causing us to stop what we're doing and restart the session. This is particularly annoying when it forced me to play two, rather tedious, story missions in their entirety because his side of the session decided to shit the bed.

Having all of the references to the first two games in the series lampshaded, because I wouldn't have noticed anyway, kinda bothers me because they had to be pointed out... The original Saints Row references being the most grating due to the fact that I will never play Saints Row I on the principle that it's an Xbox exclusive, and I hate everything Microsoft and the Xbox brand have been doing lately and will never own an Xbox 360.

Posted on 12-31-13 06:16 AM, in Link | ID: 39866
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Giant Koopa
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Since: 08-07-12
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I'm playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, I'm taking a break from GTA 5... The game is okay but the checkpoint is supposed to save so you can go back later in case you stop, maybe I'm not loading it right so I gotta start from the beginning of the first level, and I was halfway through the first level too... x_x


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Posted on 01-02-14 03:23 PM, in Link | ID: 40073
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I'm thirty hours into Tales Of Graces F and I have to say it has taken the top spot in the series for me. I love all the characters to death though I wanna kill Cheria's AI. I've also come to love the battle system though sometimes getting stunned for as long as you do seems a bit cheap. As far as Asbel(MC) goes he is my favorite protagonist of any game I've ever played. Just because of how similar we are in a lot of ways. I also want his coat >.< After this I plan to move to Xillia and get prepared for Xillia 2. I've also been playing some FF14 on the side but not to much and I'm thinking of picking Skyrim up again and modding the hell out of it like I've done before.

Posted on 01-03-14 02:32 PM, in Link | ID: 40181
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Since: 01-01-12
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Been playing the StreetPass games on the 3DS. I'm getting close to the end of the StreetPass Quest II.

Then there's the StreetPass Mansion which is kinda fun too. Just faced the first boss on it too.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 01-04-14 12:03 AM, in Link | ID: 40262
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I'm playing Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, I'm playing Streets of Rage 3 & I unlocked the Kangaroo... ^_^


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Posted on 01-05-14 11:04 PM, in Link | ID: 40436
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Been playing some more of the StreetPass games on the 3DS. The StreetPass Mansion is proving the most fun, the fact you can rely on pure luck to get through it on random pieces alone.. or you can find someone else and exclusively use StreetPass with them to tactically fill out the mansion with one colour.

It's kinda fun, and for reference.. I do a mixture of both.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 01-06-14 05:13 AM, in Link | ID: 40498
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Giant Koopa
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I'm playing a game called Hydrophobia, got it for three dollars on XBLA. It's decent but it's way better than that Beowulf game lol! ^_^


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Posted on 01-06-14 06:51 PM, in Link | ID: 40569
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Miracles Happen
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Catherine just came in for PS3, so I'll be playing it tomorrow night probably :D Heard good things about this, but for now I'm playing RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 ;) (I've always wanted to make a purposefully-bad park in it called "Adventureland", heh)

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 01-11-14 11:35 AM, in Link | ID: 40954
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The Sorceress.

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Since: 01-01-12
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Been playing some Fire Emblem Awakening at times. Tried some of the bonus missions, and some of them have been kicking my units hard.

I realise I need to level up a few of them. Various weaker streetpass team battles are helping for that. Also managed to buy a better weapons through that too.

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 01-12-14 01:18 AM, in Link | ID: 40993
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I finally rounded out the last of the DLC trophies in Saints Row IV, kinda irked by the fact that in order to get the minigun, flamethrower, and grenade launcher kill trophies, you need to be in a mission. I'm not sure if you specifically need to be in an Enter the Dominatrix mission or not, but the fact still stands that it's annoying that you can't get them in free mode.

I also decided to switch back over to the Wuu to play some more Wonderful 101. The game is fun, but holy fuck does it have a steep learning curve. I wound up using four of my five allotted continues for the first operation. Why? The game kept throwing enemies I had no idea how to deal with in large quantities, let alone the fact that I can barely read the bigger enemies when they're alone. Maybe I'm missing something. I think this will be a game I play just to play, because I doubt I'll get good enough to strive for all Pure-Platinum rankings.
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