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Posted on 09-03-14 10:10 AM, in Link | ID: 75353
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Dodging a swing by the robot towards him, Sapphyre unsheathes his sword and starts running electricity through it. "Could you not have warned us to the extent of his defense system? I wasn't expecting a freaking killer robot of all things."

He then blocks a swing from the sword arm and takes a swing at the treads that it uses to move.
(OoC: I'm assuming that's what you mean by "tread" golem. I've never come across the term. Go ahead and correct me if neccessary.)


Posted on 09-03-14 10:19 AM, in Link | ID: 75354
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Zissou doesn't respond. His focus does not even allow him to invoke talking as a free action. An indescribable aura is beginning to emanate from him as his spell charges.

(OoC: Yeah, just imagine it's a giant humanoid with giant tank treads instead of legs. Gotta wait for Trap before I can do the outcome of actions and end-of-turn stuff.)

Posted on 09-03-14 12:53 PM, in Link | ID: 75361
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Roy Koopa
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Due to Bel having low-light vision, he could distinguish the shape of the Golem before it moved out of the dark room. He perked an eyebrow as a result.

Bel: Oh. Fun.

He summons a powerful shield (takes 4-5 hits from any form of attack, at any powerlevel, before dissipating) around each party member while listening to the intro.

Bel: Remind me to rub the polite introduction into his face when we find him. And how easy it was to thrash this hunk of metal.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-04-14 05:34 AM, in Link | ID: 75456
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Zissou's spell finishes charging as the aura seems to be absorbing the light from the surrounding area. "Inscript the dark gods into a rotting body! Flare!" He cries out as an immense pulse of energy flies forth from his staff. Instead of a flashy light show of explosions and bursts of light as is the propensity of the spell, it instead gets absorbed by the golem. In turn, the monstrosity amplifies the spell and hurls it right back at its caster and his allies.

When the smoke clears, the old man clears his throat and says, "You were saying, Belgarion?"

Sapphyre's sword harmlessly bounces off of the tread and a force field pushes him back.

The golem winds up and unleashes a whirlwind attack by swinging its arms wildly around its freely rotating torso.

Posted on 09-04-14 06:09 PM, in Link | ID: 75464
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Sapphyre dodges backwards and goes into a steady stance. He then points his sword at the robot's "head" and discharges a large amount of electricity from it hoping too overload the robot's CPU.


Posted on 09-04-14 07:39 PM, in Link | ID: 75469
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Thinking there may be a reasonably major scuffle outside, Adel digs into his bag and pulls out two items -- a blue pistol and a handheld blade of some manner or another. He makes his way outside to see what exactly is going on and where.

He gets his answer pretty quickly, running up to the workshop.

"Aw, crap," he says, grumbling a little as he stows his small arms. "I should have brought heavier ordinance. This will have to do." He withdraws his wire launcher -- a tripod-mounted device of some sort or another, which is a bit difficult to identify at the moment, especially with the projectile covered as it is. "Might take me a second to get this up."

Posted on 09-05-14 02:45 PM, in Link | ID: 75580
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Roy Koopa
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Bel ducks and dodges the whirlwind attack rather easily.

Bel: So it lets magic through, absorbs it and sends it back at the caster. And has a force-field to deflect physical attacks. You don't suppose it can fly aswell?

At least my force-field can take a few more blows like that. Of course, that doesn't account for Mr. Adel here. I could summon another for him but I wanna do more than just tossing up force-fields. No offense.

Moving around to avoid getting him by other attacks by the Golem and to save hits for his force-field, Bel gets an idea. Well, hopefully.

Bel: Let's see just how much weight those treads can support. Bel raises his rod into the air.

Bel: Gravity Crash! A slight reverb effect occurs as the rod lights up and a slight pressure can be felt from the area of the golem. Hopefully, the metallic beast should now be 500 times heavier than normal.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-06-14 07:38 AM, in (rev. 2 of 09-06-14 07:39 AM by Trelior) Link | ID: 75640
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The golem takes the shock from Sapphyre as if it were nothing at all and counterattacks with a discharge of electricity of its own, targeting the group much like the returned Flare.

The machine groans slightly from the perceived increase in weight, and only sinks on its suspension. The increased gravity only seems to increase the energy in the momentum of its swinging attacks, which are slowed significantly, but seem to have afterimages following them.

Knowing that most of the actions he can take against the mechanical behemoth before them, Zissou decides to take up the support role for the battle. Applying some quickening metamagic on his spell, he calls out, "Shining light! Protect us from all directions! Protera!"

The four men become surrounded by a faceted bubble of protective magic. Working in conjunction with what energy is left in Belgarion's shield for himself, its caster, and Sapphyre, it should help dampen the increased might of the golem's physical attacks. Unfortunately, this is the only protection being provided for Adel at the moment, so he is more vulnerable than the others.

The foe's sensors detect the change in the environment surrounding it, as well as the bolstered defenses of its adversaries, and changes tactics slightly. The monitor flickers back to life with a large black "3" on a red background. While beginning this countdown, it winds up for yet another swing with the aforementioned momentum boost.

Posted on 09-06-14 07:59 AM, in Link | ID: 75642
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Roy Koopa
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Bel shrugs.

Bel: Let me goes boom when it reaches zero? That, or it charges up a powerful attack. I might still have a couple of ideas left, though.

One involves someone going inside the workshop to fetch a small device and/or some blueprints for this golem, if possible, while the rest of us keep it busy. There are risks with that too, though, since there might be traps inside aswell.

OoC: I assume you meant a large red 3 on a black background?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-06-14 05:37 PM, in (rev. 2 of 09-06-14 05:45 PM by SapphireBlaze) Link | ID: 75650
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Since: 10-09-12
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Sapphyre posits "I might be able to reprogram the thing, or at least turn it off if it's distracted enough for me to get my hack tool plugged into it." He continues "the blueprints would be extremely helpful for that, so I volunteer to get them if no one else wants to".

"In the mean time, we should back the hell away from that thing in case it does actually explode at the end of that countdown."


Posted on 09-07-14 01:17 AM, in Link | ID: 75691
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"I can probably get it done, too," Adel notes. "If you all can keep that thing busy while I'm off getting those, that's great. I guess just leave this thing here." At this he indicates the object which he has just finished setting up, which appears to be a miniaturized harpoon launcher. "Just tell me what to grab and I'll go get it."

Posted on 09-07-14 04:22 PM, in Link | ID: 75699
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Roy Koopa
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Bel: It doesn't matter what you get. I just need something of his to put an invisible magic rune on it. That, in turn will make a rune appear on Zarik aswell, acting as some sort of homing beacon.

And I have a better idea than just backing away from this thing as it'd just follow us if we did. I think.

While the party dances with the golem, Bel takes out his rod and utlilizes the space gem to create a entry portal beneath the golem and an exit portal approximately 100 meters in the opposite direction of the party and and 150 meters into the air. Next, after/if the golem falls through, he moves the entry portal to just a few meters below the exit portal, creating an endless free-fall.

OoC: As for if the golem falls into the portal without issues, you'll have to write what happens next, Trel.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 09-07-14 04:53 PM, in Link | ID: 75706
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Sapphyre laughs "Ha. Now you're thinking with Portals"


Posted on 09-08-14 04:48 AM, in Link | ID: 75750
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(OoC: Just as a quick gripe... During battles like this, I would prefer if the characters involved would only post once between round updates. I'll let it go this time since it was mostly chatter, but keep it mum from here please. And I meant the color scheme the way I said it. Zarik doesn't follow those kinds of conventions and does whatever he wants.)

The golem sinks through the portal and begins its free fall. The timer on its screen reduces by one and the colors invert. A warning siren begins blaring from it, though it's uncertain if it's a warning of imminent self-destruction or approaching terminal velocity. Either way, it doesn't look good.

Zissou shakes his head and says, "Why did you not try this sooner?" With a sigh, he says, "Let us just enter the workshop and find something inside. However, I suggest doing so with caution. There is no telling if there are more security measures aside from this behemoth."

Posted on 09-08-14 03:49 PM, in Link | ID: 75753
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Eh, just wanted to see how well we'd do against his hobby project. And I doubt Zarik would want to risk any fighting in his workshop. I'd probably guess on some sort of stasis bubbles or force-fields as defenses. Something that wouldn't make a mess.

Bel is the first to stick his head into the workshop. He looks around the area from the right to the left, looking for any sort of surveillance cameras and technical devices that might serve as traps.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-10-14 01:21 AM, in Link | ID: 75942
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"Yeah, I can't... really see myself doing a whole lot against most security systems in a place like this, unless they aren't nearly so magic-absorbing as that other thing was. Most of them probably can take shots from a pistol well enough. I guess some of my heavier weaponry can get the job done, maybe, but if I'm gonna be stealing something, I need at least one hand free."

Despite this, he took out his Luger pistol and leaned his head into the workshop, looking for a target. "Thankfully, I'm really good at making a swift escape."

Posted on 09-13-14 05:04 AM, in Link | ID: 76165
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Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary in the workshop to the cursory gaze.

Stepping through the doorway and tapping his staff against the floor to illuminate the crystal, Zissou warns, "Things may seem calm within these walls, but if I know Zarik... He probably has something hidden that may pop out at us. Be on your guard." With that, he steps into the main room of the building and waits.

Meanwhile, inside the tavern, Caionna finally comes out of the back room. A new set of runes imbued on her body. They are illuminated and noticeable on her face and hands, as they aren't concealed by her robes. Noticing the distinct absence of Zissou, Adel, Bel, and Sapphyre, she questions, "Did I miss something?"

Posted on 09-14-14 07:39 PM, in Link | ID: 76314
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Roy Koopa
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel follows Zissou inside and starts to look around for something small enough to carry with him.

Bel: Yeah, I'd like to keep my hands. And regarding your comment earlier, Adel, we're not stealing anything. We're just gonna borrow it.

OoC: Alright, Ludger, what does Bel see?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 09-16-14 08:35 PM, in Link | ID: 76425
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Becoming the third of the quartet to go into the shed, whilst pulling one of his sidearms out of it's holster, Sapphyre jokes "Lets hope he sees it that way when we find him".


Posted on 09-19-14 11:37 PM, in Link | ID: 76652
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"Same basic set of skills," Adel states as he becomes the fourth into the shed. He is also the first to make his way any deeper. "Let's see what we can get out of this place. Thankfully, if we can only get something large and heavy, we have a pretty good-sized group to haul it out." He was expecting something he could, at the most, carry out on his back. If all the equipment was too large, though...
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