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Posted on 12-29-16 01:28 PM, in Link | ID: 95614
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel hops on Bettergreg as it arrives and lies down for an easier mounting.

Bel: I guess that little skirmish with the malboros will suffice as a warmup then. Let's just hope that Alexander over there don't start stepping about while we're here.

OoC: Please edit your post so that Zarik calls Bettergreg or some other bird for Bel because I'm going to assume he did.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 12-29-16 11:34 PM, in Link | ID: 95622
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"Yeah. A warm-up." Zarik says, shaking his head. "As for Alexander over there, we don't have anything to worry about. It's frozen in time under that bubble. He's not going anywhere."

OoC: I never said that the bird left, so it's safe to assume that he'll be there until dismissed.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-29-16 11:51 PM, in Link | ID: 95625
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"Suits me fine," Moxley says, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "I still enjoy a good fight, I just prefer them non-stinky, if I can help it."

"Say, what exactly is a Hropken, anyway? And threats or weaknesses one should be aware of?"

Posted on 12-31-16 03:58 AM, in Link | ID: 95667
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As the group rounds the road and comes up to a broken ramp that would have lead onto the cliff Zarik motioned to before, Zarik explans, "You know how owlbears are big, feathery fuckers that look like, well, bears with owl pats grafted to them?" moving his arms in an exaggerated manner, "Just imagine a fishbear or something fucked up like that. They're big, scaly, and they have glow-y bits on their bellies and faces."

"An odd, yet accurate summation." Zissou quips.

"Yeah, yeah. You know I'm not the best at describing things." Zarik retorts, the tone of his voice dripping with eye-rolling sass.

"Naturally. If it is not one of your gizmos, you'd sooner ignore its existence." The old man laughs. Pointing at the path off to the side of the ramp as they approach it, he mentions, "We will want to take the underpass here. Be mindful of the wetlands for they are home to Okeanis serpents."

"Didn't think you knew the Hinterlands, Zissou." Zarik mentions.

Chuckling, Zissou responds, "Naturally. It would have been remiss of me to not know of the land of the Sharlayan archons. I'll have you know that wrinkly old witch, Matoya, and I have worked together. As I am sure you know, much like your sister is a protege of mine, your friend Y'shtola is her underling."

"Speaking of Matoya... Isn't her hovel nearby?" Zarik posits.

"Aye. But as you have been harping, we lack the time to dally." Zissou snips back.

By this point, the group will have come into the cavern-esque wetlands, crossing a few short broken plank bridges. The pools of water all around are now populated by bipedal frogs carrying wooden canes. In the distance, there is lush vegitation and moss growing on the walls. Looking up, there is a large opening in the shelf above which lets a significant amount of sunlight through, and the plant life is thriving in the fertile soil due to the bountiful light.

Posted on 01-02-17 01:13 PM, in (rev. 2 of 01-02-17 04:55 PM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95704
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: These Okeanis serpents...are they bigger annoyances than those malboros? And what's a sharlayan archon? Maybe I should try and get more familiar with the history of this place. Interesting stuff, by the sounds of it.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-02-17 01:53 PM, in Link | ID: 95705
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"I'll say. This place seems rather nice!" Moxley says, taking in the tranquil sights of the wetlands, and even pausing curiously for a moment at the bipedal frogs.

"Is anyone else noticing the frogs with canes? Does nobody else consider that a bit...unusual?"

Posted on 01-02-17 08:10 PM, in Link | ID: 95706
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"The Archons of Sharlayan are a long-lost group of scholars," Zissou begins, "They lived here in the Dravanian hinterlands for centuries during Eorzea's sixth Astral Era. That ended not long ago when the Garlean empire invaded Eorzea starting approximately twenty years ago, when the imperials drove them all away to their new homes scattered throughout the realm." The old man begins to trail off and begins to mutter, still on topic, but mostly inaudible.

Zarik picks up with what history he knows, "In fact, Idyllshire used to be their capital. The city sat vacant long enough after the exodus that the good natured goblins began to settle in it. In fact, the city is in the shape it's in today due to the alliance forged between the gobbies and, as they call us, the uplanders."

Taking a rest in the sunlit spot, the duo continues to tell the tale.

Zissou realizes that he had trailed off as he did and said, "The sixth Umbral Era began approximately seven years ago when the Garleans attempted to forcefully wrest Eorzea out of the hands of her people by unleashing the dread primal Bahamut from his Allagan prison in the red moon Dalamud. There was a great battle in the far south from here in an area called the Cartenau Flats to the southeast of the nations of Thanalan and the Black Shroud. The destruction of that day caused untold ruin to the nations of the land, and it wasn't until the return of the fabled Warrior of Light some two years ago that the land began to recover in earnest."

"To get back onto the topic of the Sharlayans," Zarik interrupts, "The sage Matoya is the only one who remained here in the ruins of her city." Motioning to the planked path that leads to a dead end, he says, "She's actually fairly close by to here." Which allows him to segue into an answer to Moxley's question, "Which is why it's not particularly strange to Zissou and I that the Porogoes are hopping around here." Turning his attention to Bel, he answers, "As for the okeanis... They're the serpents we passed right before coming under the cliff here. They're mean, but they'll leave you alone if you keep your distance."

OoC: Yes, I did just give a general plot dump of FFXIV

Posted on 01-02-17 11:27 PM, in Link | ID: 95713
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: I didn't think the frogs looked that strange considering that at least two of us aren't from this realm. For all we know, water could've rained upwards at some places. I'm not saying it does, but you get my point.

Bel pauses and uses his arcane sense to scan the area to see if he can pick up some unusually large magical energies. (Now...let's see if we can find this Matoya. Not going to waste any time going there, though.)

Bel: Btw, is Bahamut under a stasis bubble too or does it require more elaborate means to be kept in check?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-02-17 11:57 PM, in Link | ID: 95714
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Bel can sense a staggering force of energy from behind the seemingly innocuous cliff face at the dead end with the plank pavers.

"To wit," Zissou begins, "Bahamut was re-bound in the binding coils of Dalamud, now scattered across Eorzea's southern nations by Archon Louisoix Leveilleur of the Circle of Knowing. It was not until about a year ago that Bahamut had roused from his slumber and was promptly silenced by the granddaughter of Lousioix, accompanied by the Warrior of Light."

"Can't say it's all that surprising that Bahamut was stopped by the warrior either." Zarik interjects, "Although it's kinda funny that no sooner did the Dragoon of Light come up from Ishgard and chase Archbishop Thordan to Azys Lla, that Alexander started to rumble." indication of the messenger of the crystal's vocation change is noticeable in the tone of his voice. "Go figure now that he's made headway on sorting the Illuminati out, do we start to hear rumblings coming from Cartenau again."

Mounting the bird once more and hitting the road, Zissou speaks up, "Oh? What of Cartenau?"

"Now this is just buzz I'm hearing over my linkpearl, but I heard that Ul'dah's monetarists are following through on Teledji Adeledji's plans to claim the ruins in search of Omega weapon." Zarik responds somberly, "Things aren't looking good down there. But, with the Dragoon surely being on his way, the folks of Ala Mhigo might even get their homeland back from the empire." With a shrug, he says, "Only time will tell, I guess."

Realising that they've been divulging a lot of the realm's troubles over the course of the past few hours, Zissou says, "Perhaps we should keep mum on the plights of the realm from here. We have neither the time nor the resources to assist at this juncture."

Posted on 01-03-17 03:39 AM, in Link | ID: 95730
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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(Holy mother of...! If that's not the sage, then I'm a monkey's uncle.) The wizard thought to himself while a noticable amount of sweat appeared on his forehead and his face took on a slightly pale nuance for a brief moment.

Bel: Hrrm. Yes, that's quite a lot of information to take in. How much further is the library, anyway?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-03-17 05:01 AM, in Link | ID: 95741
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Noting Bel's paleness, Zissou remarks, "Fear not, Belgarion, not all of that which you sensed was Matoya. Her cave houses the warded entry to that of the Antitower, the physical bridge to the aether sea." With a hand wave, he says, "But that is of no concern of ours this day."

"No kidding." Zarik says, "Though the Dragoon of Light needed to go there not so long ago in search of a friend of his." Shaking his head, he continues, "To answer your question, Bel," As the party reemerges from under the crag shelf, near a sloping bridge, "It's right on the other side of this bridge."

In the grasses surrounding the party, there are droves of pudgy bluish-grey birds with piercing red eyes and menacing beaks. Noticeably avoiding eye contact with them, he says, "Beware the cockatrices. Don't look at them, and don't let them breathe on you. Either way, you'll feel like a stone, and not in the good way."

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-03-17 02:29 PM, in Link | ID: 95742
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"Oh joy," Moxley says, clearly reacting to the name of the bird creatures. "Another creature that can poison, turn us to stone, or whatever. I can't wait until we get to a straight fight. Let's make a bit more haste, shall we?"

Posted on 01-03-17 05:11 PM, in Link | ID: 95745
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: Wonderful. Does everything here have some form of means to put bad ailments on you? And yes, let's hurry. I don't fancy being petrified. I'd rather it be some form of crystal. -Bel says while his face returns to normal and he's shaken off the immense power he sensed.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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Posted on 01-03-17 10:22 PM, in Link | ID: 95747
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"Well, consider where we are. This is end-gamey territory." Zarik says, clearly leaning on the fourth wall, "The only thing here that doesn't do that is stuff that'll rip out your throat with a cross glance."

Coming up onto the top of the bridge, Zarik mentions, "Take a look down at the waterr in the bubble." A quick glance would reveal that it is as he said earlier, in complete stasis.

Pointing dead ahead, he says, "There's where we're going. Not far now."

Posted on 01-03-17 11:19 PM, in Link | ID: 95748
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel takes a look and makes one of those whistles you do when something is immense or impressive.

Bel: That's one mighty big golem-castle. I want one. Can I take it with me? -Bel says jokingly.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

My youtube channel
FFRK Brotherhood

Robbie Rage
Posted on 01-04-17 12:35 PM, in Link | ID: 95749
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"Golem castle...wait a second..."

Moxley does a double-take at the sight and it's implication., then looks back at Zarik.

"Maybe I missed something. Are you telling me that thing is THE Alexander?" he says, a slight grin beginning to form on his face.

Posted on 01-04-17 11:07 PM, in Link | ID: 95763
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"Precisely" Zissou responds, "The very primal associated with time itself."

"The fact the goblins are using it for their twisted ends isn't exactly great." Zarik interjects, "I don't know a whole lot about it, but there's something about some kind of gem that has ties to one of the not-insane goblin girls and some au'ri treasure hunter." Making their way down the road toward the library, he continues, "Apparently, Alexander appeared somewhere between four and five years ago and shit got hairy. Not too sure on the details."

Posted on 01-05-17 02:36 AM, in Link | ID: 95767
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: They're messing with time? Bel asks while keeping his eyes fixed on Alexander.

Bel: Makes me wanna crash their little party.

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood

Posted on 01-05-17 03:25 AM, in Link | ID: 95775
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"From what I have heard," Zissou begins, "They have been warping time for quite some time of late." Placing a hand on his chin thoughtfully, "However, with them affecting history as they are, it's amazing that we're aware that they are even doing it."

"Well, with the Dragoon of Light, Cid and his employees, and that treasure hunter watching things, it's no wonder." Zarik remarks, "Hell, the only reason we know is because of our affiliation with the Scions. It'd be best to keep quiet around the people who aren't supposed to be in the know."

"Aye." The old man murmurs, "Assuming the rumblings are ture, Belgarion, we may get an invitation to do just what you desire."

Coming up to the grand library and getting off his chocobo, Zarik calls attention, "But first things first, guys." With a stretch, he continues, "We have a job to do."

With a nod, Zissou adds, "Shall we take a rest first? Surely Belgarion will need to recover the spell charges he unleashed upon the malboro. That may have been hours ago by now, but we hadn't had a proper rest since before we arrived in Eorzea."

Zarik looks at Bel, then to Moxley. "I'd rather go now, but I can see your point. What'll it be, guys?"

Posted on 01-05-17 03:50 AM, in (rev. 2 of 01-05-17 03:52 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 95778
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Roy Koopa
My name is Sanger Zonvolt. I am the Sword that cleaves evil!
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Since: 01-04-12
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Bel: While I could go now, it wouldn't hurt setting some spells up for quick casting. I should probably set some of my more powerful ones up for that. Bel looks around but being unfamiliar with this world, he knows neither here nor there regarding finding a safe place to rest.

Bel: Are there any safe spots around here, anyway? And regarding this whole time-warping not affecting us, it couldn't be because we'd been in that nexus reality and thus not in the timeline of this realm, could it?

There is nothing that can stand against my Zankantou!

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FFRK Brotherhood
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