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Main - Posts by Trelior |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2301/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I haven't been doing a whole lot lately. Been focusing on Pokemon Colosseum.
I just finished The Under after overgrinding to 42 at Mt Battle. I was originally going to take a team of six (Entei, Espeon, Umbreon, Meditite, Jumpluff, and Quilfish) to 40, but upon startng to use Quilfish, I found it a bit weak... Heavy physical attack doesn't help when your only physical move is poison sting. It's okay, though, I got Suicune from Venus when I stomped her face into the dirt. I had to reload my save and rematch her, though, to get it... Flufflepuf got excited and got a critical with Mega Drain, knocking it out. :/ Other than that, I recorded and uploaded the second session of MySims. The video quality is better this time around thanks to a filter I used in editing, but the commentary is a bit lackluster since it was harder to bounce jokes and referencial humor off of Jay. EDIT: Since I bought the Humble Bundle again this time around, I figured I would activate my shit and use up my codes before the guys at the Humble Bundle wiped the download links. I grabbed my DRM copies and the soundtracks from the site, as well as activated them all on Steam. I ran into a problem with Gratuitous Space Battles in that the game wouldn't launch from the Steam browser or the desktop shortcut. Doing some digging, and asking on the Steam forum turned up that I had to run it from its installation folder first, so that it would actually fire the error that prevented the shortcuts from working. It told me that d3dx9_41.dll was missing from my System32, despite the fact that my fruitless searches made me download it and put it into place first. Doing some further digging, I found that Borderlands also requires that library, so I figured I would fire it up and see if it threw the error as well. Much to my surprise, it didn't, and played beautifully. I made it to Fyrestone, then used the New-U to port to the DLC areas and activate my keys for them. Having finished that, I erased that character since it forced me to accept a General Knox quest that I didn't want clogging up my queue. I'll start up a new character soon enough and finally play through it fully on my own. Maybe I'll actually fucking finish it this time, instead of getting bored by the Armory DLC's monotony or the ball-wrenching difficulty of the Underdome. Back on topic, though, having finished fucking around in Borderlands, I tried GSB again. Lo and behold! It ran! I activated my online account for it using the key Steam provided me with (which leaves my Humble Bundle key still available), I wonder what I'm gonna do with the useless key... |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2302/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I'm better with faces, by far. My mind is too busy with having other things occupy it than remember something stupid, like a name.
In person, unless I know you fairly well, I will probably just say "Hey! You! With the face!" to get your attention. Here online, it's the opposite. I remember names fairly well, but I have a tendency to forget details of things that you do or say. This is most notable when I'm trying to make a reference to something solely from memory. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2303/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I bought a new headset today since my old one was starting to shit the bed... Right speaker was broken off of the frame, the left speaker was shorting out, although the mic was fine, oddly enough.
The new headset is a Logitech Clearchat. The speaker quality is really nice, and the mic is powerful... To a fault. I find it ironic that it's a noise cancelling mic, yet it's powerful enough to be susceptible to pick up ground loop interference. When I want to use the mic, I either have to unplug the laptop (lolNo) or manually ground it. Which brings me to my point: I spent the day rigging a ground loop isolator from a few things I had laying around. I used my auxiliary cable to plug into my onboard mic plug (to avoid damaging my machine), shoving a copper wire into the other end of the cable to make the connection stable, then taped the other end of the wire to a galvanized washer and duct taped the washer to a wristband. Yes, I'm using my body to ground my laptop... Because I don't have anything else that would easily work as a ground that is within range. Posted by RyudoTry removing the power supply, drop it from about waist height against the floor (that's drop, not throw), and plugging it back in. Sometimes the power supply binds up and needs to be jarred to work again. It's what happened to mine a few months ago. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2304/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I don't smoke, and I hate cigarette smoke, which is kinda bad since a lot of my friends and family smoke. On the other hand, I like the fragrance of cigars, I don't know what it is, but I like the smell of a good cigar.
As for drinking, I do occasionally. I usually prefer things like vodka coolers and the like, though I do drink beer and whiskey from time to time. When I'm drunk, I usually don't do anything I wouldn't normally do, except maybe open up and talk to people. The closest to "obnoxious drunk" I've been was back in March, when @Aesur, @Marzen64, and I played Brawl and put it on our group channel. Although, I didn't particularly act any different than I normally do when talking to those two. It was that day that I discovered I'm still a competent gamer when drunk. As for medication, I've only ever used prescription drugs I had a script for... Most of the time, I would even not take my meds, mainly because I would forget about them. Being that I'm a fairly husky guy, I'm pretty resilient against getting sick in the first place, but when I do get sick, it's usually pretty bad. Other than that, I take over-the-counter pain relievers for stuff like headaches or when my back, knee, or ankle start hurting unbearably. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2305/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
Posted by RyudoI was at wits' end trying to figure out what was wrong with my Wii. I had tested my friend's adapter on my system to see if the system itself still worked. Finding that it did, I called the guy that owns the X-Change in Dubois, and asked him if he had any in stock. He told me about that trick to save me not only about $20 on a new adapter, but also a trip to see him. Last I knew... you can't do that. Even though your Wiiware/Virtual Console/etc are bound to your Club Nintendo account, the actual right to download them is restricted to the system you downloaded them to. Now, I do know that they're planning to implement a transfer for that stuff for the Wuu (that's what I'm calling the Wii U, thanks to Tatsudoshi), kinda like the transfer stuff for DSi to 3DS, but I don't think it works from one Wii to another. Unless, of course, you're talking about running a backup through BootMii from the Homebrew channel to do a flash memory backup, then restore it to the new system. I'm pretty sure you're able to do that. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2306/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
How did I score 15 points while actively trying to avoid ranking? |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2307/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
Posted by KPAll you need is a screen capture program, like Debut or CamStudio, a sound driver that can be used for Stereo Mix (allows you to use your sound card as its own mic, use it as your screen capture's mic), and Audacity for commentary. For splicing them together, if video quality isn't much of a concern, Windows Movie Maker will suffice. I honestly suggest using Camtasia since it has a screen recorder buillt in that can capture a mic and the system audio (without Stereo Mix, and doesn't require using your onboard sound) at the same time, not to mention editing is relatively easy and it renders in good quality. The only problem is that it isn't free... Under normal circumstances. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2309/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
Posted by LilianaMMC > Disk Management > Floppy Dive > Change Drive Letter.Posted by Danika |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2310/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
Is Red Marzen a Spy? |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2311/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I'mma have to say Amethyst, like @Anya, purple is <3. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2312/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I'm nearing the end of Pokemon Colosseum's main game. In fact, I just fought the final boss... And got the shit royally kicked out of me.
Not hard to understand when you consider how I'm underleveled. His team is level 60+, my team is level 47-48. I did manage to take down the fucker's Salamence by spamming it with Aurora Beam, but didn't get much farther than that. I nearly took down Slowking, but motherfucking full restore anyway. I would've taken down his Scizor, had Fire Blast not fucking missed. Welp, back to Mt Battle to grind again! Ugh... |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2313/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
EDIT: Ninja'd at the last second, apparently.
EDIT2: Nope... The last post from yesterday was edited. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2316/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
Like my current Skype status says, I have every desire to record videos, but I have no motivation to do so.
I think part of my problem is that I'm almost afraid of backlash from the quality. I've been running tests left and right to make sure everything is in place, but I'm worried that something bad will happen. Not sure why I'm worried about it, because it's not like anyone watches my shit anyway. Another thing on my mind is the stupidity of my customers. One guy came in, asked where the restroom was, heard me tell him where it was, then the retard walked to my store room and asked me if it was back there, to which I reiterated that it was outside around the corner... Lo and behold, he gets pissed and storms out. I think he pulled out without using the restroom, too. Fucking morons. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2317/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I have a Gmail I use for my Youtube, forum registrations, etc. I also have a Hotmail account for my professional stuff, which I may switch to Gmail because Hotmail is a steaming pile of shit half the time.
I also have an old Hotmail account I used to use before making my Gmail, but the only thing that ever hits it is my Club Nintendo newsletters that I mostly ignore. I should probably switch that over to my main Gmail for convenience, but I can't be assed to do it. As for unread messages, I try to check my mail immediately, because unread messages bother me. I ignore about 90% of them that aren't from Youtube, since I love reading comments and replies to my comments. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2318/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
Here's a compilation of my current and past few tones for everything.
My ringtone is a snippet of Waterflame's GameGrumps remix "Pause Balls," before that, it was the Zero Punctuation theme song, and before even that, it was Brodyquest. My text tone right now is Egoraptor's victory screech from Lighasaber Fightsaber, it never fails to get my attention. Before that, it was JonTron's voice clip of what he thinks the Mirror Split attack from Kirby Suoerstar sounds like. Before that, it was the boss intro from The Binding of Isaac, which always kinda scared me when I wasn't expecting it. (By the way, @Trapster, a text tone is the sound your phone makes when you get a text message) My email tone is Egoraptor yelling "RIDIN' ON CARS!" with the guitar riff from Sequelitis: Megaman. Before that, it was the Golden Sun "Item Get!" jingle, and before that, it was the "Key Item Get!" from Pokemon. My alarm tone has been the same for a really long time. It's Corn'n'Bourbon's... Uh... Song? Yeah... From the Spam Play of Castle Crashers intro. Tatsu made it into a ringtone, which I downloaded, and started using to wake up to. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2319/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
I've learned to live with clutter. I've had to deal with living in it alll of my life. Both of my parents are packrats that think it's a good idea to cram all of their shit into the kids' bedrooms when their shit takes up too much room in their own space.
The last time I had a full-sized bedroom that wasn't full of someone else's shit was when I was six, and being a little kid, I always had shit strewn everywhere. When we moved back to Brookville when I was eight, I was given the closet at the top of the stairs for a bedroom, and I had a fair amount of stuff that just wouldn't fit. When my sister got pissed at our mom and moved out, I finally got her room, but we didn't live in that apartment much longer after that. We moved to Penfield with my now-stepdad, and I had to share a bedroom with my two stepbrothers. When my brother finally was able to get his own place, I got his old room, and it was nice to have space again... Until flood warnings from Hurricane Ivan came through, and everything that wasn't nailed down got shoved into my room. When we moved to the house my mom lives in now, I still got stuck with her shit in my room. It was a fairly large room... That I got a small corner thereof to myself. Shit sucks. On the times I was at my dad's growing up, I stayed in the living room of the apartment for several years. When my brother and sister was there, we'd each get a corner of the room we'd sleep on pads and cushions. When my sister moved in there, she had dad's hobby closet converted into a tiny bedroom, that I used when she moved out to college. In college, I had to share a room with a guy that took up a lot of space up until he got moved to another apartment, and even then, I didn't use much of the room. When my friend and I moved to the other dorm, we both got our own bedrooms, but they were still pretty small. When I originally moved in with my dad after graduation, I got put in my stepmom's "library" and I slept on an air mattress on the floor. After I moved back in back in April of last year, I opted for the basement because it was marginally more spacious (though still chock full of dad's shit), but it had the futon I used from his old apartment in it. When the water main broke in November last year, we moved his shit into the area of the basement I was in, and moved me down to where his shit used to be after everything dried out. I ultimately have more room now, but my big, yellow comfy chair of theirs I claimed as mine eats up about half of my floor space, especially with the entertainment center. As for how cluttered things are in my work area... I have a folding card table I use as a desk. It's a fair sized table that I only use half of since the other half is covered in a mess of wires and miscelaneous devices I've either forgotten are there or just threw there because I'm too lazy to put shit away. tl:dr my life story and my clusterfuck of a bedroom. If you read all of that, congratulations, you now know more about me than I'm normally comfortable telling anyone. |
Trelior |
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Normal User
Level: 128 Posts: 2320/4986 EXP: 24332713 Next: 48987 Since: 01-02-12 Last post: 1541 days Last view: 1541 days |
What are your thoughts on someone doing a one-off video of a game they plan on doing a let's play of as a way to test things? |
Main - Posts by Trelior |
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