Posted by Kawa
Can we maybe agree that that'd be a pretty bad waste of a perfectly good hat?
I don't know, can we maybe agree that so much of something constantly following people everywhere could get very annoying to those who aren't fans of it? The constant pony in your face, the constant "JOIN THE HERD" mentality, and ESPECIALLY the constant "We're here, we're bronies, you'd better deal the fuck with it or get out" mentality, like you don't give two shits about how I feel, you're gonna continue to go against my asking to NOT have every god damn layout be about fucking ponies. It's THAT mentality that's really making me hate ponies, and don't you dare tell me you're not spreading that, cause you were in the post above me. "Well gosh Marzen, that'd be stupid, you should just deal with us and not eat your hat." Well trust me, I've dealt with you all. I've dealt with you EVERYWHERE, and when I come here, I'd rather NOT be assaulted by fucking over sexualized, over inflated PONY ASS. It is getting VERY old, VERY annoying, and I will eat THREE HATS if it will stop. And trust me, I got three hats. They're all fedoras.
And with that, I will not de-rail this thread anymore. Continue on.