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Posted on 01-19-12 11:17 PM, in January KCS Rankings (1/31 - Month's over.) Link | ID: 3471
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9 posts?


I thought I was doing pretty good, because gee, it sure is boring around here.

Posted on 01-19-12 11:23 PM, in Colors for new "Developer" powerlevel mistakable for staff Link | ID: 3473
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In particular, female Developer is basically exactly female Global Moderator's color, and unspecified Developer can be mistaken for male Global Moderator.

Then again, we could really use a color reworking anyway.

Posted on 01-20-12 12:42 AM, in How about an Official Speed run competition? (Tentative See thread) Link | ID: 3485
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Posted by Ailure
Posted by Emuz
Ailure: Hmm.. 47min~ and 10min~ eh? Has anyone tried Allstars? (I mean yeah.. that's just own bias showing.)
I think people prefer TAS runs with the orginal version, however I can imagine Allstars either being slower (cause the time from when you start the game to when you get into the action counts), or faster (less lag when a lot of things is happening?).

NES SMB3 lagged?

Whoa. News to me.

Posted on 01-21-12 08:38 PM, in your dreams Link | ID: 3624
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I think...

...last night, I was trying to blow something up?

...and then there was this one point where I was selling a furry manga I'd written.

I think I made a guy a fursuit out of colored plastic wrap.

And then there was this weird end part where I was doing some Zelda-style boss fight and I got ran over by a boulder and was running around for ten seconds with no hearts left. And fell dead onto a heart pickup and won the fight.

Posted on 01-21-12 08:48 PM, in your dreams Link | ID: 3626
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I seem to recall LordTrevor telling me the exact same thing, Haz.

I recall responding with "I'm not in third grade any more". >_>

I usually can't remember much the moment I wake up anyway. <_<

Posted on 01-21-12 09:38 PM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 3630
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<13:36.22> <~GreyMaria> ...All the icons in my systray are either orange, green, or blue.
<13:36.24> <~GreyMaria> What the fuck.
<13:36.50> <~GreyMaria> Can we get some fucking purple or brown or red in here? Fuck, guys.

I've noticed this repeatedly over the past few weeks.

Posted on 01-22-12 05:52 AM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 3661
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I currently have:

- Notepad (hidden to tray via external program) - blue
- Java update notification - orange
- Wireless Network Connection - blue and green
- Dropbox - blue and green
- WireKeys (that program that I use to hide things to tray) - blue and green
- Logitech wireless mouse monitor - blue and gray
- Sound icon - gray
- Safely Remove Hardware - gray and green
- Linksys wireless monitor - green
- Hamachi - blue

fuck that's a lot. and it's only ten.

Posted on 01-22-12 05:54 AM, in random trivia Link | ID: 3662
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The fuck, Japan.

Posted on 01-22-12 05:57 AM, in Posting in a thread, but not viewing that thread afterwards. Link | ID: 3663
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Doing this will cause the thread to be registered as "read", so it won't display a 'new' marker in the thread listing.


Even if you've marked all the other threads in that forum as read, there will still be a 'new' marker in the forum index.

This is only solvable by viewing the offending thread (which is already marked as 'read') or marking the forum read.

Posted on 01-23-12 03:00 AM, in The Answers~ (rev. 2 of 04-05-12 07:20 AM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 3741
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1. What's your favorite season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) and why?
Fall. Not too hot, not TOO cold, and a little bit of precipitation.
EDIT: Spring is sort of okay, but... yeah.

2. What's your favorite genre of video games?
Boing. Platformers. Also the occasional quality RPG.
EDIT: Wide-open sandboxes are also pretty damn nice.

3. Retro or modern games?
Retro, motherfuckers. I like pixels.
EDIT: Voxels are cool, too.

4. Are you on a laptop or desktop?
I operate from a desktop computer with two monitors.
EDIT: Remind me to buy a laptop later.

5. What OS do you run?
Windows XP Professional, SP3.
EDIT: My boyfriend wants me to switch to a Linux distro of my choice.

6. What's your favorite movie genre?
I don't watch many movies.
EDIT: Anything that's not a vampire, werewolf, or werewolf-versus-vampire movie.

7. What brought you to Kafuka?
board2 died.
EDIT: Also this place is fun.

8. Do you have any siblings? If so, how do you like them?
Char-broiled. In all seriousness, though, I have no siblings.
EDIT: I wish I had a sister.

9. Are you right handed or left handed?
Right-handed... except when it comes to (censored).
EDIT: To clarify, I'm ambidextrous in that particular field.

10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Rocky Road. Chooocolate and marshmallows and HEY GET THESE NUTS OUT OF MY ICE CREAM
EDIT: I miss ice cream.

11. What was your first Acmlmboard experience?
Lurked since Acmlm's incarnation 2 and registered on board2.
EDIT: This space intentionally left blank.

12. What was the last book your read?
I honestly can't remember.
EDIT: Pride and Prejudice. And man, FUCK that book.

13. What's your favorite webcomic? (links please)
Sinfest is worth a read, folks.
EDIT: Don't mind furry? You Say It First hooked me after ten strips a couple of days ago... and I had to read it all the way through.

14. What's your favorite midnight snack?
Meat. This could be anything from a slice of summer sausage to a slice of lunch meat to a quarter of a cooked ham.
EDIT: This hasn't changed at all, except we don't have meat in the house nearly as often as I'd like. ;_;

15. Do you sleep on your front, side or back?
I'm an equal opportunity sleeper. Except I won't sleep on my back.
EDIT: I tend to sleep on my side as of late.

16. How do you deal with headaches?
Soda, pretzels, and lots of Minecraft.
EDIT: Make that Terraria.

17. What's your favorite food?
Gimme a bowl of pretzels any day. But homemade burritos make a good proper meal.
EDIT: When I move out, the first thing I'm going to try to do is make pretzel burritos.

18. Are you a day person, or night person?
EDIT: Although nobody's ever up at night. Sigh.

19. Do prefer hot drinks or cold drinks?
Cold. Even in the dead of winter it's not a glass of water unless it's full of ice.
EDIT: ...Or if it's a bottle of tap water left in the back of the fridge where the milk and Kool-Aid always wind up freezing. So refreshing!

20. What is your occupation?
Scourge of the internet, part-time.
EDIT: Sweeper for a machine shop, part-time.

21. Do you travel? If so, what other countries/states have you been to?
Fuck traveling.
EDIT: Canada would be a nice place to go live.

Posted on 01-23-12 04:04 AM, in standby and hibernate Link | ID: 3742
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I would use hibernate


My computer doesn't take forever to start up

So I don't need to use something that'll just clog my computer further.

Posted on 01-25-12 02:04 AM, in Jackass Genie Link | ID: 3859
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Let's, uh, not.

This goes in Gaming Arcade, incidentally.

ACTUAL CONTENT: You become a monkey. A gorilla soon happens along and makes fun of you for being a tailed freak.

I wish people could put these things in the right place.

Posted on 01-25-12 02:19 AM, in Jackass Genie Link | ID: 3862
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Are you nuts? The Craziness Domain doesn't want this crap. They'd throw us out quicker than monkeys and shit.

...Fuck, I just violated your wish, didn't I. Whoops. Granting now. GreyMaria will no longer pretentiously assume things.

GreyMaria will now pretentiously claim things.

Also, if we have one/three/five-word/letter/sentence story threads in Gaming Arcade, this crap can sit in right along that crap.



I wish I were a demigod of variably questionable sex.

Posted on 01-25-12 02:53 AM, in January KCS Rankings (1/31 - Month's over.) (rev. 2 of 01-25-12 02:54 AM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 3864
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Emuz seems to be hiding.

And by hiding, I mean he's gone and removed himself from online views.

I don't understand why we have that feature. .-.

Also, whoops, hit "quote" instead of "edit". Fuck .-.

Posted on 01-25-12 02:57 AM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 3867
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I've got my computer set to auto-login.

Since I'm too lazy to delete the corrupt user profile that it decided to make out of my usual login.

Posted on 01-25-12 03:01 AM, in Random Phrases for CDII Link | ID: 3868
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Whatever happened to this anyway

Posted on 01-25-12 03:07 AM, in January KCS Rankings (1/31 - Month's over.) Link | ID: 3872
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Sheesh. How hard is it to have a look at one file and remove a single check for staff powerlevels? >_>

Unless, of course, knuck and Shroomy need time to get used to PHP in general.
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